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“ | Oh, MAGIKEREN sagde at jeg ikke skulle. Wow, det må du undskylde, det ændrer alt. Jeg vidste ikke at en gammel idiot i en kjole fortalte dig at du ikke skulle læse noget.
— Bombinomicon om at stirre på gamle grave
” |
The Bombinomicon is a badge item wearable by all classes. It is a leatherbound and twisted-looking tome with glowing red eyes and a team-colored Demoman class icon on its "forehead". A large, bloodstained circle of jagged teeth in the center of the cover clutches a cartoonish bomb. A player that dies wearing this badge will be gibbed in a spectacular purple or gold explosion.
This badge is awarded to players who have earned the Dive Into a Good Book achievement by traveling to Loot Island through the portal that appears after MONOCULUS is defeated and collecting the Bombinomicon held within a cage there. The Bombinomicon can be awarded to multiple players who complete the listed specifications. Unlike many Halloween items, the Bombinomicon is not holiday-restricted. The explosion effect will appear regardless of time, however it will change based on the current day. During a full moon or Halloween, the explosion will be purple, while any other time during the year, the explosion will be gold.
Related achievements
Update history
27. oktober 2011-opdateringen (Very Scary Halloween Special)
- The Bombinomicon was added to the game.
- [Udokumenteret] Updated the distortion effect on the Bombinomicon.
22. november 2011-opdateringen
- [Udokumenteret] Updated the Bombinomicon effect to use golden particles outside of Halloween.
- The Bombinomicon no longer shakes the screen and has a delay before the explosion so that Snipers, Spies, and others can get better feedback on the actual cause of death
- The explosion effect still occurs when killed by an enemy wielding the Golden Wrench, Your Eternal Reward, Saxxy, Cow Mangler 5000, Righteous Bison, Short Circuit, Wanga Prick, Pomson 6000, Manmelter, Phlogistinator, and Spy-cicle.
- The Bombinomicon does not make you explode when you "die" and have The Dead Ringer activated.
- If a player who does not have the Bombinomicon equipped is killed and leaves behind a ragdoll, then equips the Bombinomicon before respawning, the ragdoll will explode when the player respawns.
- The name "Bombinomicon", a portmanteau of Bomb and Template:W, is a reference to the fictional grimoire from the Template:W films which also had a face, was bound in flesh, and inked in blood. The name of the book from the film series was taken, as a tip of the hat, from the works of Template:W, which feature a grimoire of the same name.
- The Bombinomicon in the Underworld of Eyeaduct has text written on the back, along with a discount price tag of $6.66, and the spine listing it as the 15th edition. The text on the back reads as follows:
“ | Inked in the blood, bound in the hide and written on the stolen paper of British kings! With over 400 pages of spells, enchantments, recipes and anecdotes about blowing things up, the Bombinomicon is a must-have for the practicing explosives aficionado and demolitions expert alike. Now in its fifteenth printing, every copy of the Bombinomicon is guaranteed to be possessed by an angry talking ghost.
” |
- There are hidden images inside the pages of the Bombinomicon in Eyeaduct showing a monster wearing the Demoman grenades Template:W and other assorted Demoman and bomb-making paraphernalia.