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Grundlæggende information
Ikon: Leaderboard class heavy.png
Type: Defensive
Helbred: 300 /Medic emblem RED.png450
350 /Medic emblem RED.png450 ved brug af Dalokohs Chokoladebar
Hastighed: 77%
37% med Rullegevær fremme
99.67% ved brug af G.R.U.
Mød Heavyen

En tårnhøj hulk rapporterer fra USSR, Heavyen, også kendet som Tunge-Våben-Fyren, er den højeste og måske den farligste klasse i Team Fortress 2; der praler med sin høje udholdenhed og hans store maskinsgevær, såvel som hans langsomme fart til fods. Hans ildkraft er højst imponerende, som lader ham lægge det andet holds babyer, kujoner, og teenage-mænd i graven på få sekunder. Udover det, når han hiver sit Rullegevær frem og begynder at skyde på sin fjende, falder hans allerede uimponerende fart ned til snegle-fart, som gør ham til et åbent (og meget stort) mål for en hvilken som helst fjende udenfor hans rækkevidde. Men selvom han er stor og imponerende, gør dette ham til et sårbart mål, men med en Feltlæge bag hans ryg og et godt koordineret hold der ledsager ham, gør det ham til en ustoppelig enhed af ødelæggelse. Heavyen kan også hjælpe hans hold ved at kaste tallerkener med Sandvicher, hvilket giver hans holdkammerater et lækkert og hjælpende livs-boost.

Heavyen er vel som sådan 'ansigtet' af Team Fortress 2, og optræder meget som reklamemateriale og andre sådanne ting, og udover det har Heavyen være med i den første Mød holdet video og alle de andre der senere hen er blevet lavet. Han er også med i Poker Poker Night at the Inventory som repræsentant for Team Fortress 2, hvor han fortæller mange historier og sjove fakta.

Heavyen er lagt stemme til af Gary Schwartz.



Hovedartikler: Heavy tips, Heavy strategy
  • Hold MOUSE2 to keep your Minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies.
  • You're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medigun on you.
  • Hit E to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need.
  • Your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.


Hovedartikel: Weapons

Note: Skadeomfanget er anslået og er nedskrevet ved basisværdi. Se våbenes individuelle sider for mere præcise tal.


Våben Drabsikon Ammunition
Skadesrækkevidde Noter / Specielle evner
Killicon minigun.png 200 Ugyldig Basis: 9

Krit: 27

[40 runder / sek.]

Pictogram info.png Alt-skyd: Drejer tromlen uden affyring.

Pictogram info.png Affyrer 4 projektiler per enhed ammunition brugt.

Iron Curtain
Killicon iron curtain.png
Killicon natascha.png 200 Ugyldig Basis: 6.75

Krit: 20.25

[40 runder / sek.]

Pictogram plus.png Nedsætter ramte modstanderes hastighed.

Pictogram minus.png Skadeomfang reduceret med 25%.
Pictogram info.png  Langsom-effekten bliver reduceret over distance.

Brass Beast
Killicon brass beast.png 200 Ugyldig Basis: 10.8

Krit: 32.4

[40 runder / sek.]

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire spins-up the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.
Pictogram plus.png +20% damage bonus.
Pictogram plus.png 20% damage resistance when spun up and health is less than 50% of max.
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower spin up time.
Pictogram minus.png 60% slower move speed when deployed.

Killicon tomislav.png 200 Ugyldig Basis: 9

Krit: 27

[33 runder / sek.]

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire deploys the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.
Pictogram plus.png 20% faster spin up time.
Pictogram plus.png 20% more accurate.
Pictogram plus.png Silent Killer: No spin-up sound.
Pictogram minus.png 20% slower firing speed.

Huo-Long Heater
Promovering / Smedearbejde
Huo-Long Heder
Killicon huo-long heater.png 200 Ugyldig Basis: 8.1

Krit: 24.3

[40 runder / sek.]
8 / sek. × 7.5 sek.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire deploys the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.
Pictogram plus.png Create a ring of flames while spun up.
Pictogram plus.png 25% more damage against burning players.
Pictogram minus.png Deals 10% less damage.
Pictogram minus.png Consumes an additional 4 ammo per second while spun up.


Våben Drabsikon Ammunition
Skadesrækkevidde Noter / Specielle evner
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 Basis: 60

Krit: 180

[6 skade × 10 haglskud]

Ugyldig 1 Ugyldig Pictogram info.png Med primære klik eller hån knappen, heler 300 liv omkring 4 sekunder.

Pictogram info.png Med sekundær klik, kaster man den til andre spillere eller sig selv så man får 50% liv.
Pictogram info.png Hvis man er skadet, efter man har brugt den skal den genlade (tager omkring 25.7 sekunder eller med en af health pickup) for at blive brugt igen.

Dalokohs Bar
Dalokohs Bar
Ugyldig 1 Ugyldig Pictogram info.png Giver 100 liv efter omkring 4 sekunder.

Pictogram info.png Rejser maksimums liv til 350 point for 30 sekunder.

Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Ugyldig 1 Ugyldig Pictogram info.png While under effect:
Pictogram plus.png All damage dealt is Mini-Crits.
Pictogram plus.png  Grants 30% faster movement.
Pictogram minus.png  Player can only use melee weapons.
Pictogram minus.png  Damage taken is increased by 20%.

Pictogram info.png Effects last for 16 seconds.
Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 50% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png After use it must recharge (over about 25.7 seconds or with any health pickup when at full health) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.

Family Business
Killicon family business.png 8 32 Basis: 51

Krit: 153

[5.1 skade × 10 haglskud]

Pictogram plus.png +33% clip size.

Pictogram plus.png +15% increased attack speed.
Pictogram minus.png -15% damage done.

Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 Basis: 72

Krit: 216

[4.8 skade × 15 haglskud]

Pictogram plus.png +50% bullets per shot.

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster weapon deploy time.
Pictogram plus.png Fires a fixed shot pattern.
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png Successive shots become less accurate.

Second Banana
Anden Banan
Ugyldig 1 Ugyldig Pictogram info.png With primary fire or taunt key, restores 200 health over about 4 seconds

Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 20.5% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 10 seconds) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.


Våben Drabsikon Ammunition
Skadesrækkevidde Noter / Specielle evner
Killicon fists.png Ugyldig Ugyldig Basis: 65

Krit: 195

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).
Promovering / Smedearbejde
Killicon apoco-fists.png Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).

Pictogram info.png Killing an enemy with a Critical hit or Mini-crit will turn the victim into Gibs.

Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png
Conscientious Objector
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Freedom Staff
Promoverende / Smedearbejde
Killicon freedom staff.png
Bat Outta Hell
Bat Fra Helvedet
Killicon bat outta hell.png
Memory Maker
Killicon memory maker.png
Ham Shank
Killicon ham shank.png
Necro Smasher
Nekromantisk Nakker
Killicon necro smasher.png
Crossing Guard
Killicon crossing guard.png
Prinny Machete
Killicon prinny machete.png
Killicon saxxy.png Limited item from the Replay Update.

Pictogram info.png Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Golden Frying Pan
Gylden Stegepande
Killicon golden frying pan.png Limited item from the Two Cities Update.

Pictogram info.png Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Killing Gloves of Boxing
Kalinins Grusomme Boksehandsker
Killicon killing gloves of boxing.png Ugyldig Ugyldig Basis: 65

Krit: 195

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).

Pictogram plus.png På drab giver 5 sekunder af garanteret Critical hits. Pictogram minus.png Har 20% langsommere slag.

Gloves of Running Urgently
Gevaldigt Rapfodede Unionshandsker
Killicon gloves of running urgently.png Ugyldig Ugyldig Basis: 65

Krit: 195

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).

Pictogram plus.png Når aktiv giver den 30% hurtigere bevægelse.
Pictogram minus.png Når aktiv dræner den 6 liv per sekund.
Pictogram minus.png Gør 25% mindre skade.

Bread Bite
Killicon bread bite.png
Warrior's Spirit
Krigerens Ånd
Killicon warrior's spirit.png Ugyldig Ugyldig Basis: 85

Krit: 254

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).

Pictogram plus.png +30% damage bonus.
Pictogram plus.png +50 health on kill.
Pictogram minus.png +30% damage vulnerability while active.

Fists of Steel
Killicon fists of steel.png Ugyldig Ugyldig Basis: 65

Krit: 195

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).

Pictogram plus.png –40% damage from ranged sources while active.
Pictogram minus.png +100% slower switch-from speed.
Pictogram minus.png +100% damage vulnerability from melee sources while active.
Pictogram minus.png -40% maximum overheal on wearer.
Pictogram minus.png -40% health from healers on wearer.

Eviction Notice
Killicon eviction notice.png Ugyldig Ugyldig Basis: 26

Krit: 78

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).

Pictogram plus.png +40% faster firing speed.
Pictogram plus.png +15% faster move speed while active.
Pictogram plus.png Gain 3 second speed boost on hit.
Pictogram minus.png –60% damage done.
Pictogram minus.png Maximum health is drained while item is active at a rate of -5 per second, to a minimum of 100.
Pictogram info.png Maximum health is gradually recovered while this weapon is not active.

Holiday Punch
Killicon holiday punch.png Ugyldig Ugyldig Basis: 65

Krit: 0

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire will throw a right-handed punch (no difference from left-handed punch).

Pictogram plus.png  Critical hit forces victim to laugh.
Pictogram plus.png  Always critical hit from behind.
Pictogram plus.png  On Hit: Force enemies to laugh who are also wearing this item.
Pictogram minus.png  Critical hits do no damage.

Taunt attack

Heavytaunt3.PNG Relateret våben BeskrivelseKill Icon
Se også: High Noon

With a flick of the wrists, the Heavy mimics a quick-draw Pistol High Noon while shouting:

"Pow! Haha!"
  • Killicon high noon.png


Hovedartikel: Hats

Officiele klasse avatars

Officielle klasse-avatarer
Originale sæt RED ÜberLadet sæt BLU ÜberLadet sæt
Heavyava.jpg Buffed red heavy.jpg Buffed blu heavy.jpg
Få TF2-avatarer på Steam: Originale


Hovedartikel: Heavy achievements
  • Heavy pack: 35 præstationer, 3 milesten.


  • The Heavy's Minigun fires 4 shots per 1 ammo point (out of 200) and it takes him 20 seconds of non-stop firing to run out of ammo, meaning that "Sasha" only fires 2,400 rounds per minute rather than 10,000 rounds per minute, as the Heavy claims in the Meet the Heavy trailer.
  • The songs the Heavy may sing as part of his response rules include Mily Balakirev's 'Song of the Volga Boatmen', Chopin's 'Funeral March', Khachaturian's 'Sabre Dance'.
  • The emblem on the Heavy's sleeve was originally a skull and crossbones. This is still visible in Meet the Heavy.
  • The Heavy is the mascot of "Heavy Gulp," a brand of drink sold in Left 4 Dead 2.
  • The BLU Heavy has been killed and/or horribly maimed in every Meet the Team video to date, alongside an equally unlucky teammate, the BLU Soldier.
  • The Heavy's hands are so large, he grips the pump of his Shotgun with only his thumb and index finger, and can spin his Shotgun around his finger as a taunt. He also holds the Sandvich and Dalokohs Bar in this fashion.
    • Also, as seen in Meet the Scout, he fires his Shotgun with his ring finger.
  • John Henry was hired as the first BLU team Heavy.[4]
  • The voice actor for the Heavy, Gary Schwartz, also voices the Demoman.
  • The Heavy makes an appearance in Telltale Games' Poker Night at the Inventory; players can unlock the Iron Curtain by beating him in a special round. In addition to being one of the 4 main characters in Poker Night, the Heavy also makes appearances in 2 of the unlockable card decks. In the "TF2" card deck, he appears as the King card for both of the red suits (diamonds and hearts), and in the "Poker Night" card deck, he appears as the King of Diamonds only.

Relateret tilbehør

Se også


  1. "Team Fortress #3 - A Cold Day in Hell", 2. april 2014 (Engelsk)
  2. "From Hell" – TF2 Official Blog post, 3. februar 2011. (Engelsk)
  3. a b Team Fortress 2 Trailer 2, udgivet i september 2006.
  4. Team Fortress: Loose Canon, page 5. Retrieved 2010-11-06.

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