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Gravel Pit
Variants: |
Coal Pit 以及 Lava Pit
開發者: |
所處地區: |
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Gravel Pit(直譯為碎石坑)是一張攻擊/防守控制點地圖。這是《絕地要塞 2》剛推出時就有的六張地圖之一。
跟其他的攻擊/防守控制點地圖一樣,紅隊總是擔任防守的一方,而藍隊擔任攻擊方,當藍隊成功占領一個控制點時,控制點就會鎖住,無法讓紅隊佔領回去。Gravel Pit 和其他攻擊/防守控制點地圖不一樣的是,這地圖可讓藍隊在向最終控制點進攻前,先以任意順序攻下 A、B 兩個控制點,再前往最後一個控制點。藍隊可由通道直接前往控制點 A 和 B,但他們必須要經過其中一個控制點,才能抵達控制點 C 的所在地。紅隊的主基地(重生室)就在控制點 C 的附近。
藍隊在 Gravel Pit 這張地圖的目標是成功佔領三個控制點,才能勝利。藍隊必須先成功占領控制點 A 和 B,才能去佔領控制點 C。至於紅隊的目標是抵抗敵方的攻擊,不能讓藍隊佔領最終控制點。回合時間會在藍隊佔領控制點 A 或 B 時延長,好讓藍隊有更多的時間向 C 點進攻。
Junction,一張社群創作的官方地圖,有著跟 Gravel Pit 幾乎一樣的地圖設計。
控制點 A-無線電塔
在玩家走出藍隊重生室後,控制點 A 會在他們的左手邊方向。控制點 A 位於山丘上的建築物裡面。藍隊的控制點 A 隧道有兩個出口,可讓藍隊走上兩個不同的斜坡小徑。控制點的下方空間有放置一個中型補血包,此外靠近控制點建築的地方,也有放置兩個中型彈藥盒,分別放在控制點建築的前方和後方。控制點 A 各有一條通往控制點 B 和 C 的隧道。
- 藍隊重生室:位置在地圖的一側。藍隊基地有兩個出口,一個通往控制點 A,另外一個通往控制點 B。
- 控制點 A 隧道:這是連接藍隊重生室和控制點 A 地區的隧道。紅隊隊員可藉由火箭跳、黏彈跳或二連跳進入這個隧道,此外他們也可以藉由在左側出口的突出物,以蹲跳的方式進入。
- 峽谷:峽谷是兩條斜坡小徑中間的地區,而斜坡則可以通往山丘上的控制點。這塊峽谷區域有許多的大石塊和小型建築物。
- 小徑:在這塊區域的兩側,有著可以通往山丘頂端、控制點建築的斜坡小徑。
- 無線電塔:架設無線電塔的屋子裡面擺設了一個控制點,位置在山丘的頂端、峽谷的另一側。這個無線電塔建築有兩層樓,分別是控制點正下方的空間,和控制點所在的樓層。建築的另一側則是可從峽谷地區立刻通往控制點所在位置的樓梯。使用火箭跳或是黏彈跳技巧,可以讓角色抵達這棟建築的屋頂,而建築物旁邊的多個突出物則可以讓玩家使用二連跳爬上屋頂。
控制點 B-雷達站
控制點 B 位於藍隊重生室的右手邊。這區域的控制點是在一棟大型建築物的內部。
- 控制點 B 隧道: There are two tunnels coming from the BLU base. The Short B is covered by a small house and a fence that partially obscures the BLU tunnel, and exits out next to the A/B connector. The Long B exits out on the far side of the B area. Both require players to rocket/grenade/double jump to access the tunnels from the Capture Point side. Two ramps along the back wall give access to capture point C.
- 雷達: The Radar is the building which houses the control point. It has two main entrances, the main entrance on the far side of the area atop a ramp, and the other on the C side atop two ramps. There are four windows, two on each side which are all accessible. The roof is a common spot for Soldiers or Demomen and contains a dropdown directly to the point.
- 陰影區: Next to the building, on the side opposite the B Tunnel exits is the Shadow Side, named for the building's shadow which is cast on it.
- 陽台: Directly outside the C entrances is the Balcony. It s a high point which serves as a vantage point for most of the B area. There are two ramps on both sides which lead down to ground level.
- 控制點 A-B 連接通道: Between the A and B areas is the A/B connector which is a tunnel which connects from BLU's A Tunnel exit to BLU's short B Tunnel exit.
控制點 C-大型雷射槍
Capture point C is past the first two points, and adjacent to the RED base. The tunnels leading to the other capture points are on a higher level than the ground in this area. The capture point is located at the top of the central structure.
- 紅隊重生室: Located directly adjacent to capture point C, on the opposite side of the area from the tunnels to capture points A and B.
- 雷射槍塔: In the center of the area is the giant tower, which atop sits a laser gun. There are three floors to the tower. The first is accessible from ground level by a ramp, and from two bridges connecting to the catwalks. The second floor is accessible by two sets of ramps of which lead along the outside of the tower and one through it. The third floor is the top which contains the capture point and a small room behind the point open on three of its sides.
- 走道: All along the outside edge of the area are the catwalks. These are the metal walkways which are accessible via four entrances, two from the A/C connector tunnels and two from the B/C connector tunnels, and also accessible from two ramps outside the RED spawn.
- 地面區域: Below the catwalks and surrounding the tower is the ground level. On the far side is an entrance which leads to the A/C connector tunnels.
Gravel Pit Cap Point C.jpg
- 改變地圖 Gravel Pit 的計分方式:現在每占領一個控制點隊伍就會得一分。
- 修正在地圖 Gravel Pit 中的所有漏洞。
- 修正了紅隊重生區裡面風扇的 3D 繪圖陰影效果問題(原陰影會產生稱作 z-fighting 的錯誤破碎陰影)。
- 修正了紅隊工程師的能在重生室建造建築物的問題。
- 如果藍隊工程師在只有藍隊可進入的地區建立傳送裝置出口,那麼紅隊偽裝的間諜可以透過傳送裝置,進入藍隊的重生室。
- 處於幻想世界時,Gravel Pit 的天空沒有產生任何變化。
- Gravel is #34 in the "Pits of America" stamp series.[1]
- Before their war, the RED Demoman and BLU Soldier went on the "Gravel Pits of America" scenic bus tour together.
- The comic The Insult That Made a "Jarate Master" Out of Sniper takes place in Gravel Pit.
- There are many Health kits and Ammo packs underneath displacements in Gravel Pit, which the player can access through noclip.
- According to the "Map of Badlands", Gravel Pit is westward of Badwater Basin and northeast of Well (called "The Well"). A sea of gravel (called "The Gravel Sea" on the map) lies to the west.
- Meet the Demoman takes place in Gravel Pit, though the teams' roles are reversed - RED attacks while BLU defends.
- Gravel Pit appears in Worms: Reloaded as one of the forts.
控制點模式 A
控制點模式 B
控制點模式 C