曼恩 vs 機器人

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Alright, enough reading advice. It's man-to-man talk time. I am not going to lie to you: I am going to have to lie to you. You men are absolutely prepared to deal with this, and you are going to be just fine. Right. End of lie. Now get ready to absorb some bullets so they don’t hit my factories.
Saxton Hale; TF2 Official Website
Mvm logo.png

Mann vs. Machine is an upcoming update for Team Fortress 2, announced on August 13, 2012 and due to be released on August 15, 2012.






機器人 基礎兵種 裝備物品 特殊能力
小聯盟偵查兵 Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵 睡魔
  • 棒球短暫擊暈敵人。
爆破騎士 Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵 魔眼闊劍
  • 瘋狂揮舞手中的劍。
  • 藉由衝刺快速移動。
鋼鐵護鎧 Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵 鐵拳
  • 十分強壯。
  • 傷害減免。
  • 有著十分厲害的拳頭
重量級冠軍 殺人拳套
  • 不需要武器就可以把你打得滿地找牙。
  • Attacks in large groups
快速治療醫生 Leaderboard class medic.png 醫護兵 快速治療者
  • 快速治療。
  • 不能 über 。
Über/zh-hant 醫生 醫療槍
  • 和醫生一樣可以 ÜberCharges 。
弓箭手 Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙擊手 獵人長弓
  • 超級有準頭。
  • Quick on the draw
雪梨狙擊手 雪梨沉睡者
機器人 基礎兵種 特殊能力
火箭快槍手 Leaderboard class soldier.png 火箭兵 使用搭載火箭砲的機關槍;並不會長時間待在同一個地方。.
Deflector Heavy Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵 可以擊落火箭、榴彈等投射物。
超級偵查兵 Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵 和其他的大型機器人不同,超級偵查兵移動速度快如閃電。千萬不要讓他拿起炸彈!



機器人 基礎兵種 特殊能力
步哨毀滅者 Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵 偵測持續攻擊機器人兵團的步哨防禦槍,跑到它前方並在幾秒內進行引爆。


曼恩工廠, a new map designed for Mann vs. Machine, was also announced on Day 1.

Day 2: Mercs

Day 3: Bounty



  • Mann vs. Machine was heavily teased by the second ARG, which led to the Blood Brothers comic. Hints were also included in the maps Foundry and Doomsday.
  • A robot which looks like a Bowman or Sydney Sniper without a hat appears on the Engineer Update page, and a Demoknight head appears in the teaser trailer for the update.
  • What appears to be one of the pictures of the BLU Scout's mother from Meet The Spy is being used as ante in the BLU Soldier and Demoman's card game (most visible at 1:07).
