Glossary of player terms

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Hohoho, hohoho! You got owned!
The Scout

A number of unofficial terms find regular usage in the game. This glossary lists some of the more common ones players may see:


Acronym for "Away from keyboard".
Aerial / Air shot / Airshot
The hitting or killing of an opponent in midair, usually following a juggle.
Slang for Pyro's compression blast ability.
Backcapping / Back-capturing / Backcapture
See back-capping.
Bodyshot / Bodyshotting
An attack where a Sniper deliberately disregards attempting a headshot and instead aims for an enemy's body.
A Sniper that repeatedly bodyshots to intentionally irritate the enemy.
Acronym for "Be right back".
Term meaning a change in a player's status, which can include:
  1. A Medic's Overhealing ability, or the state of a player being overhealed (player has been "buffed");
  2. Slang for a weapon or item's game mechanics being improved or made stronger (antonym: nerf);
  3. A charged Buff Banner ready for deployment,
Bunny hopping / bhopping
See Exploits#List of Patched Exploits.
Camping / Spawn Camping
See article.
Cap, Capping, Capped
A control point capture, or the act of capturing a control point.
Carpets / Sticky Carpets
Large groups of sticky bombs that render certain areas impassable until dealt with.
Bomb, the / Kart
Synonyms for the Payload Cart.
An adjective applied to a tactic that is effective but requires little skill or effort. Frequent use of these tactics is commonly known as "spamming".
See also: Spamming
Circle strafe
See article
Abbreviation of Critical hit
Portmanteau of a critical-boosted Rocket
Crit ÜberCharge / Kritcharge / Kritz
Slang for a Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge, or in its verb form being subjected to one.
DC / D/C
Antonym for "disconnected" or "disconnect".
May refer to
  1. A Demoman;
  2. A demo recording (see Help:Recording demos).
A Demoman that wields the Chargin' Targe in conjunction with the Eyelander or Scotsman's Skullcutter.
Acronym for the Soldier's Direct Hit unlock.
May refer to:
A player or class's "DeathMatch", meaning their combat prowess.
The Arena game mode.
Acronym for the Spy's Dead Ringer unlock. In some contexts, the acronym may also be used to indicate that a Spy is using the Dead Ringer in their loadout.
Engie / Engy
Abbreviation for the Engineer.
A Spy's knife attack that registers as a backstab despite appearing to hit their opponent's front.
See also: Backstab: Issues.
A knife attack that registers as a normal hit, despite being aimed at an opponent's back.
Acronym for the Scout's Force-A-Nature unlock.
The act of obtaining something more rapidly over time than was originally intended. Could refer to
  1. obtaining achievements in mass
  2. using idling or other methods to obtain hats or weapons via the item drop system
Acronym for Gloves of Running Urgently.
See article.
Huntspam / Lucksman / Arrow Spam
Terms for the Huntsman, its 'lucky' qualities being attributed to its large hitboxes (it uses the same hitboxes as flame particles).
May refer to
  1. someone who is present on the server but is deliberately AFK for a long period of time to earn items via the item drop system;
  2. someone who uses external idling programs or uses idling servers for the same purpose.
A kill which is inflicted in a single hit, such as out-of-bounds fall damage, being hit by a train or being caught in the Payload explosion.
Intel / Flag
Abbreviation for for the Intelligence "flag" in Capture the Flag maps.
See article.
Acronym for "Kill-death ratio". May be expressed as a ratio ("27 Kills:7 Deaths") or a decimal number ("1.75 KDR".) Medics will often present their KDR as a ratio of Assists to Deaths, as kills are not usually accumulated in conventional play.

Acronym for Killing Gloves of Boxing.

Knock back
See article.
The effect experienced by players who display erratic movement due to poor framerates or server connection.
A disguised Spy gaining health from an enemy Medic, Dispenser or Payload cart.
A microphone, used for communication over voice chat.
The act of repeatedly playing sounds, music, or generally abusing the game's voice chat feature. This may involve:
  1. using external software to stream sound files
  2. creating noise by singing, blowing into the mic, or simply talking incessantly in order to disrupt others.
  3. Some servers promote micspam, and are sometimes referred to as "micspam servers". Players are encouraged to take turns playing music and use soundclips to entertain the server population.

See PUG.
Projectiles fired from the Demoman's Grenade Launcher.
Needle boosting
See article.
The collectivized area of an Engineer and his buildings.
N00b / Noob / Nub / Newb / Newbie
A derogatory term used to imply that a player is new to the game and/or unskilled.
Acronym for "overpowered", in reference to game balance.
Owned / Pwned
A term applied a player that has been defeated such that it is humiliating to them.
An alternate name for the projectiles of the Demoman's Grenade Launcher.
Slang Sniper's Jarate unlock.
Poof / Poofing
Slang for the Pyro's compression blast ability.
Term for the normal Flamethrower which has the compression blast ability (see above).
Poor and Irish
A description used for a player who does not own any hats, coined by the Gentle Manne of Leisure in a hidden update page.
Abbreviation for "public server".
A negative term for a player who frequents public servers.
Antonym for "Pick Up Game/Group", referring to a private game with team compositions determined by out-of-game communication (as opposed to a clan match or pub).
Term that refers to the "Rage" meter a Soldier builds up when using the Buff Banner or Battalion's Backup unlock.
Slang for a player disconnecting from a server, presumably out of frustration, anger, or humiliation associated with a losing streak.
Spinning up the Heavy's Minigun using the alternate-fire button.
RTD / Roll The Dice
A reference to the same command used to trigger a random effect, or "roll the dice", in servers running an RTD plug-in.
RTV / Rock The Vote
A reference to the same command used to trigger a map vote, or "rock the vote", in servers running an RTV plug-in[citation needed].
See article.
A focused multiplayer match, often between clans.
SG / Sentry / Gun / Turret
An Engineer's Sentry Gun
An alternate name for Spinstab.
Sol / Solly
A Soldier.
Spamming / Spam
Can refer to:
The act of deliberately concentrating firepower within particular area in an attempt to get kills;
An unwanted abundance of something such as chat messages, a specific class, or a certain tactic in the game;
See also: Micspam, Cheap

The area in which you initially spawn and/or any area in which you respawn.
Spawn Camping
A situation in which the enemy team is camping your spawn entrance, killing you as soon as you get out.
Abbreviation for Spectate.
Spy Cap
Using a Spy to secretly capture a control point by slipping behind enemy lines and uncloaking on the point.
The act of "checking" teammates and areas where teammates are for Spies.
Spy Crab
A Spy that imitates the movement of a crab by crouching and looking up while having the Disguise Kit equipped. Also refers to the same taunt associated with the Disguise Kit.
Portmanteau for a Spy disguised as a Pyro
Acronym for the Demoman's Scottish Resistance
Slang for a technique where a Spy backstabs an Engineer from behind, then immediately switches to the Electro Sapper and saps their Sentry Gun and other buildings before the enemy Engineer can respawn.
The act of jumping over another player's head from an elevated height as a Spy and backstabbing them before they can respond.
Figurative language describing a very fast completion of the the game's objective after it begins, often in relation to a "crushing defeat".
Slang for Sticky bombs.
Sword and Board
Slang for a Demoman that wields the Chargin' Targe and the Eyelander, to a lesser extent The Scotsman's Skullcutter.
See also: Demoknight
Tele / TP
Abbreviation for an Engineer's Teleporter.
Portmanteau for killing a opposite team player by standing on their teleporter exit.
See article
Über / Invuln
Abbreviation for ÜberCharge.
Someone who is being ÜberCharged.
Acronym for "underpowered", in reference to game balance.
Literally, "FORWARD and MOUSE1" - a derogatory term applied to a suicidally aggressive Pyro, often connotative of a lack of skill.
Literally, "FORWARD and MOUSE2" - derived from W+M1, the term is similarly used to refer to Pyros who only use the compression blast ability to reflect projectiles, but avoid using the Flamethrower's primary fire attack.
Tactical slang for a Sniper hiding behind walls and only revealing himself when attacking.
The act of repairing / upgrading a building with your Wrench.
May also be used to refer to the act of killing a Spy.
Acronym for "Want To Buy", indicating that a player is seeking a particular item.
Acronym for "Want To Sell", indicating that a player is selling a particular item.
Acronym for "Want To Trade", indicating that a player has a particular item trade in mind.

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