Glossary of player terms
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“ | 호!호!호! 호!호!호! 털렸구나!
클릭하시면 들을 수 있습니다
— 스카웃이 적절한 언어를 사용하며.
” |
많은 비공식적인 용어가 게임에서 사용됩니다. 여기서 많은 플레이어들이 사용하는 플레이어 용어를 보실 수 있습니다
일반 용어
- Achievement server / Achievement map
- Any server/map dedicated to facilitating players completing achievements without occupying and interfering with maps where other players are playing to map objectives. Such servers allow players to practice skills or simply socialize without interfering with earnest game play (see griefing). Common features of achievement servers include:
- Short respawn times and Spawns located close to each other to encourage continuous fighting.
- Securable rooms for cooperating without interference.
- Mechanisms for automatically serving up Bots or idling players as targets.
- Puzzles, mazes, hidden doors, and secret rooms for the entertainment of players.
- Specialized areas for specific recreational activities such as boxing and Pyro tennis.
- 잠수나 어떤 이유로 컴퓨터에서 손을 뗀 사람을 나타내는데 사용되는 "away from keyboard"의 약자.
- Airblast
- 압축 공기 분사의 속어.
- Amby
- 외교대사의 속어.
- Aussie
- 오스트레일륨 무기의 축약형
- Autobalance
- 한 팀과 다른 팀의 플레이어 수를 맞추기 위해 팀이 전환되는 것을 의미합니다. 플레이어가 확률로 패배 중인 팀으로 바뀌었을때 표현할 수 있습니다.
- Axtinguish
- 적군이 소화도끼의 치명타로 죽었을때 사용하는 구어체.
- Backcapping
- Capturing a control point behind the enemy team, often while that team is attempting to capture a point whose possession changes more slowly. For example, sneaking in to take the final capture point, which on many maps changes possession very quickly, while the opposing team is attempting to retake their second point.
- Battle Engie
- 전방에서 전투를 벌이는 엔지니어가 센트리 건을 예상치 못한 위치에 배치하고 주무기를 주로 사용합니다. 대부분 전투 엔지니어는 센트리 건을 신속하게 배치 할 수있는 능력을 가진 총잡이를 사용합니다.
- Battle Med
- 팀원을 치료하는 거 보다 상대방을 죽이는 데 더 집중을 합니다. 전투 메딕은 팀 지원과 치료를 하지 않거나 팀에 도움이 되지 않는 행동을 하는 것을 팀원들에게 자주 걸립니다.support 병과임에도 말이죠.
- Beam
- May refer to:
- 메디 건에서 방출되는 치료 광선.
- Watergate맵에 UFO 빔. The Announcer states, "We are in the beam" when a friendly teammate enters the UFO's tracker beam to complete the map objective. The phrase is synonymous with this map and used as a exclamation of excitement within the community.
- Bhopping / Bunny hopping
- 플레이어의 시야에서 자세를 바꿀 수 있지만 이동 속도에 영향을 미치지 않는 것을 말합니다.
- 폭발 점프를 높게하려고 사용할 때가 많습니다.
- Bind
- 채팅 스팸을 하기 위해 binds 명령어로 채팅 키를 설정하는 것을 말합니다.
- Bird
- May refer to:
- Any cosmetic that adds a bird to the player model, such as the Bird-Man of Aberdeen, Red Army Robin, Archimedes, Compatriot or Ein.
- A class wearing one of the several Halloween-restricted bird heads, such as the Mann-Bird of Aberdeen, Chicken Kiev, Medimedes or Freedom Feathers.
- Bird Scout
- 많은 무기에서 제공되는 추가적 점프 기능을 이용하는 스카웃.
- Bodyshotter
- May refer to:
- Bodysnatched
- Refers to being killed with Your Eternal Reward. Players may announce their death in either text or voice chat. The term is a reference to the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
- Bomb
- May refer to:
- 수레밀기 맵의 수레랑 동의어입니다.
- 점착 폭탄과 [[Rocket Launcher|로켓] 같은] 폭발적인 발사체를 뜻합니다.
- The act of rocket jumping or sticky jumping over a group of players while bombarding them with as many explosives as possible.
- Mann vs Machine에서 로봇이 폭탄을 운반하는 것을 뜻합니다.
- 보미노미콘에 의해 사용된 폭탄을 뜻합니다.
- Bonk
- May refer to:
- 봉크! 원자맛 음료의 줄임말.
- 샌드맨으로 기절 시켰을때 사용하는 용어.
- Bonus Ducks
- An infamous voiceline spoken by Merasmus whenever the player picks up a rare "Bonus Duck" pickup during the End of the Line Update. It is used as an exclamation for shock or excitement, especially during any Merasmus-related events such as the Carnival of Carnage.
- Box Spy / Solid Spy / Box Crab
- A Spy who uses the Box Trot to move around the battlefield or blend in among environmental objects. It is possible for an undetected Box Spy to block the capture of certain objectives. The taunt is a reference to Solid Snake.
- Boxing)
- 상대를 근접 무기만 사용해 처치하는 헤비.
- Buff
- May refer to:
- 사기 증진 깃발, 부대 지원, 또는 전복자의 분노가 가득 찬 솔저를 뜻합니다.
- 아군 메딕으로 과치료를 받은 아군을 뜻합니다.
- 게임 아이템이나 시스템이 개선되거나 강해졌음을 뜻합니다.
- 그 외: Buff
- Bushwhack
- 부시와카를 사용해 병수도 효과를 받고있는 적을 처치함의 용어.
- Caber
- 울라풀 막대의 줄임말.
- Cannon
- 통제불능 대포의 줄임말.
- 대포 점프 (Cannon Jumping)
- 통제불능 대포 포탄의 도화선을 다 태워 자가 피해를 사용하서 먼 거리를 이동하는 행위.
- Carrying
- When a player or group of players contribute a significantly higher portion towards winning the game objective than their teammates.
- Chaincap
- 이전 점령 지점이 점령된 후 바로 다음 점령 지점을 점령하는 행위.
- Chainstab
- 스파이의 근접 무기의 백스탭 기능을 이용해 수많은 적을 빠르게 연속해서 죽이는 행위.
- Chievements / Chieves / Cheevos
- 도전과제의 속어.
- Chokepoint
- An area that is relatively narrow, forcing players to group up to pass through. This makes it easier to defend by using weapons that damage a wide area.
- Circle strafe
- 크로스헤어를 적에게 고정하고 공격하면서 원을 그리면서 도는 행위.
- Civilian
- May refer to:
- 버그랑 오류를 이용해 플레이어를 민간인으로 만드는 행위.
- 사용되지 않았지만 팀포2에 남아있는 팀 포트리스 클래식의 민간인.
- Clutch
- May refer to:
- 승패를 결정지을 수 있는 중요한 순간을 뜻합니다.
- The ability to perform under pressure.
- Not to be confused with Crutch.
- Collateral
- 마키나의 완전 충전된 사격으로 2명 이상의 적을 처치했을 때 사용되는 용어.
- Collector
- May refer to:
- 하나의 아이템을 많이 모은 사람을 뜻합니.
- 아이템 등급인 수집가의 등급을 뜻합니다.
- Combat Class
- 체력과 화력이 이동 속도에 비례하여 더 큰 병과를 뜻합니다. 병과에는 솔저, 데모맨 및 헤비가 포함됩니다.
- Combo
- May refer to:
- A general term for a Medic and his Medic buddy. Can be used in specific context; i.e. a "Heavy Combo" is used to indicate a Medic healing a Heavy.
- A series of attacks that take advantage of the fast weapon switch capability of either the Degreaser or Reserve Shooter. A Pyro may use the Degreaser to ignite an enemy, then quickly switch to the Flare Gun to finish him with a Critical Hit.
- Comp
- 경쟁 모드의 줄임말.
- CP
- 점령 지점의 줄임말.
- Cratering
- Dying from fall damage by either falling a great distance or being accelerated into the ground by an explosive.
- Crit
- 치명타 공격의 축약형.
- Crutch
- A derogatory term for a weapon that compensates for a player's lack of skill.
- Not to be confused with Clutch.
- Custom Map
- 공식적으로 추가되지 않은 팀포2 커뮤니티가 만든 맵.
- Deathmatch/DM
- May refer to:
- Democrab
- A Demoman that imitates the movement of a crab by crouch-walking with the Conscientious Objector or other Saxxy reskins. The term derives from the community fad Spycrab, which also requires the user to crouch walk while holding a specific weapon.
- Demoknight
- May refer to:
- Demonstration Man
- Slang for the Demoman, used in a silly fashion. Derives from the word "demonstration", which becomes "demo" when shortened.
- Demopan
- 프라이팬, 상금 모자, 돌격 방패와 나쁘고 강하지, 그렇지?를 착용한 데모맨을 뜻합니다. 인기 커뮤니티 유행에 대해 언급을 합니다.
- Derping
- Silly behavior that could include repeated taunting or antics for their own sake; potentially a form of griefing if performed during combat.
- DH
- 직격포의 약자.
- Direct Miss
- May refer to:
- Fan name for the Direct Hit, which lacks a large splash radius and requires precise aim.
- DR
- 데드링어의 약자. 이 용어는 데드링어를 착용한 적 스파이가 근처에 있다는 신호로 사용될 수 있다.
- Dr. Enforcicle
- A label for a Spy who uses the Dead Ringer, Enforcer, and the Spy-cicle together. The term is a portmanteau of the latter two weapons, with the Dead Ringer's common abbreviation "DR" used at the beginning.
- Drop
- May refer to:
- 아이템 획득 시스템으로 아이템을 획득.
- 우버차지가 충전됬음에도 불구하고 죽기전에 우버를 사용하지 않음을 뜻합니다.
- Edging
- Fighting an immobile target by strafing out of cover, firing, then strafing back into cover, generally at a corner. This tactic is especially effective against Sentry Guns, as the Sentry Gun's slow turn rate makes it easy to shoot at before it can return fire.
- Engie / Engi
- 엔지니어의 줄임말.
- Engi"nearing"
- 구조대원의 구조물 주워오기 능력을 묘사하는 용어.
- End of the Line업데이트의 약자.
- F2P
- May refer to:
- 고급 계정을 소유하지 않은 새로운 플레이어를 가리키는 용어.
- 무료 플레이 업데이트의 약자.
- F2P유저가 쉽게 획득할 수 있는 것, 예: 귀신같은 오페라 모자.
- Facestab
- A Spy's knife attack that registers as a backstab despite appearing to hit their opponent's front due to lag compensation.
- See also: Backstab Issues
- 자연에 섭리의 줄임말.
- Farming
- The act of obtaining something more rapidly over time than was originally intended. May refer to:
- Obtaining achievements through achievement servers or in ways outside of regular gameplay.
- Using idling or other methods to obtain hats or weapons via the item drop system.
- Rapidly ranking up a Strange weapon in specific servers or maps that are designed to do so, also referred to as Leveling.
- Field of View / FOV
- 한 번에 플레이어가 화면에서 볼 수있는 양을 나타내는 용어입니다.
- FoW
- 죽음의 부채의 줄임말.
- Frag
- Synonym for "kill", most often used when the player has been gibbed.
- Frag Video
- 플레이어의 사살이나 게임 플레이를 녹화한 비디오를 의미합니다.
- Friendly
- 싸우지 않는 것을 의미합니다. 평화 플레이어들은 지루함을 느낄 수도 있고, 패배한 팀에 속해 있기 때문에 불만을 느끼거나, 혹은 교착 상태에 빠질 수도 있습니다. 비정상적인 평화 행동이 합법적인 게임을 중단하는 방법을 상쇄하기 위해 일부 서버는 사용자에게 "Friendly Mode"라는 플러그인을 적용하여 사용자에게 해를 입히거나 해를 받지 않게 되는 유령으로 만듭니다. 평화 플레이어들의 특징:
- GG
- Good Game. 때로는 우승 / 패배보다는 도덕적 또는 스포츠맨 정신의 관점을 보여줄 때 사용됩니다.
- GJ
- Good Job, GG와 비슷한 방식으로 게임이 끝날 때 자주 사용되는 좋은 태도를 보여줄 때 사용됩니다.
- GR
- Good round. Used when the match is composed of more than one round (like Stopwatch matches on A\D and Payload maps, or "First to X" matches)
- Gibus
- 귀신같은 오페라 모자, 무시무시한 오페라 모자, 더 무시무시한 오페라 모자 또는 가장 무시무시한 오페라 모자의 줄임말입니다. 프리미엄 계정이없는 플레이어와 관련이 있습니다.
- Gibusvision
- 게임 중 쉽게 얻을 수 있는 장식아이템 (귀신같은 오페라 모자, 파이로 시야경)의 조합을 뜻합니다.
- Googly Eyes
- 따가운 눈총의 속어.
- Gottam
- 엔지니어 대사인, "Gotta move that gear up!"의 속어입니다.
- Gloves of Running Urgently의 줄임말입니다.
- Goomba Stomp
- May refer to:
- 인간딛개를 착용하고 적 머리 위로 착지해 처치하는 행위.
- 플레이어가 인간딛개를 사용하지 않고 머리 위로 점프하여 적을 죽일 수 있게하는 서버 모드.
- Griefing
- Deliberately causing annoyance to players on the server, either to your team or the enemy team. Oftentimes, griefing involves the use of map and/or weapon exploits.
- Gunshot Bride
- A highly exaggerated term for a well-aimed airshot. Originates from a video named 300% skilled airshot, where a Soldier lands a slow-motion airshot on a Demoman while Pendulum-Propane Nightmares plays in the background.
- Gunspy
- 자신의 근접 무기보다 주무기를 사용하는 스파이를 뜻합니다.
- G. [name of item]
- 진품 아이템.
- Hale
- May refer to:
- 색스턴 해일
- 색스턴 해일 모드에서 나오는 보스인 Christian Brutal Sniper, 말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병, Vagineer|버지니어 또는 색스턴 해일을 뜻합니다.
- Halo-caust
- A slang term used to reference the 2009년 9월 2일 패치 where Valve penalized players who had been using external programs to idle. As a result, some servers (primarily those run by people that didn't get Cheater's Laments) began opting "anti-halo" policies, even going so far as to use mods that changed the Cheater's Lament to form various insults targeting the wearer. The term is derived from the nickname for the Cheater's Lament that non-offending players received, placed in combination with a reference to the Holocaust.
- 말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병의 줄임말.
- HHH Axe / HHHH
- 말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병의 목따개의 약어; may sometimes be said as UHHHH, noting the Unusual quality of the item.
- Hoovy
- 바보스러운 패션을 한 헤비를 뜻합니다.
- Huddah
- 파이로의 중얼거림 중 하나의 단순한 번역본.
- Idler
- May refer to:
- Someone who is present on the server but is deliberately not playing the game for a long period of time to earn items via the item drop system.
- Someone who uses external idling programs or uses idling servers for the same purpose.
- See also: Idling.
- Jar
- 병수도의 속어.
- Juggling
- 공중의 적을 아무 무기로 사살하는 것을 뜻합니다.
- Jump map
- 솔저, 데모맨, 스카웃을 위한 점프 연습맵을 뜻합니다.
- Katana
- 반맹인검객의 다른 용어.
- K/D and K/A/D
- Acronym for "Kill-Death Ratio" and "Kill Assist Death Ratio". May be expressed as a ratio (27:7) or a decimal number (1.75 KDR). Medics will often present their KDR as a ratio of assists to deaths, as kills are not usually accumulated in conventional Medic play.
- Killing Gloves of Boxing의 줄임말.
- Lag
- 프레임 문제 또는 서버 연결로 인해 불규칙한 움직임을 보이는 플레이어에 의해 발생하는 효과를 뜻합니다.
- 지연 보상을 참조하세요.
- Last
- "마지막 점령 지점"의 약자입니다. 수레밀기 및 지점 점령 맵에서 모두 사용됩니다.
- Leveling server
- 플레이어가 주로 이상한 아이템의 등급을 빠르게 증가시키는 서버.
- Lft
- "Looking for team"의 줄임말. 종종 경쟁 팀에 참가하는 데 관심이 있다는 것을 알리기 위해 플레이어 이름 뒤에 추가됩니다. (예 : RobinWalker lft)
- Mann Up
- Mann vs. Machine의 Mann Up Mode 줄임말.
- Marked
- 죽음의 부채로 적군을 때렸다는 신호를 알릴 때 사용.
- Market Garden
- Refers to the act of using the Market Gardener for its intended purpose. The term is significantly popular due to the difficulty of actually landing a melee attack while rocket jumping. The term sometimes refers to doing a similar airborne melee attack as another class.
- Meat
- 버팔로 스테이크 샌드비치 또는 햄 찌르개를 뜻합니다.
- Meatshot
- When all of the pellets fired from spread weapons such as the Shotgun or Scattergun hit the target, thereby doing massive damage. The term was made famous by Daniel "carnagejohnson" Sturdivant.
- Meem
- Slang for "MEDIC", often used in a silly fashion. It originated from the community fad that came from taking the Medic's "MEDIC!" voice line, cutting off the second half, playing the first half, and then immediately playing it backwards.
- Meta 6/Meta Team
- In the context of Mann vs. Machine, a team that is the same as the one shown in Mann vs. Machine (teaser) (Scout, Demo, Soldier, Heavy, Medic, Engie).
- Mic/Mike
- A microphone, used for communication over voice chat.
- Micspam
- Originally described as the act of repeatedly playing sounds, music, or generally abusing the game's voice chat feature. It has since grown to include all manner of sound playing. Third party software is often used to accomplish this, including HLDJ, Virtual Audio Cable, and Manycam. Micspam can be considered either entertaining or griefing, depending on the server.
- Positive aspects of micspam may include:
- Playing music for the server.
- Playing comedic soundbites from TV shows, movies, standup acts, and more.
- Playing appropriate sound files on specific occasions for humorous effect.
- Negative uses of micspam may include:
- Repeatedly playing the same audio file to intentionally cause annoyance.
- Playing sounds that are high in bass/volume and can potentially damage other people's speakers or headphones.
- Periodically playing an irritating noise during a fraction of a second, making it very difficult for others to see who broadcasted that sound.
- Creating noise by singing, blowing into the microphone, or simply talking incessantly in order to disrupt others.
- Using voice modification software to manipulate one's voice to sound either extremely high pitched or robotic in order to disrupt others.
- Mid
- Shorthand for the middle control point. Used most commonly on 5 point Control Point maps.
- Mmph
- May refer to:
- A simplified translation of one of the Pyro's muffles.
- The MMPH meter, a meter on the Phlogistinator that fills based on fire damage.
- MvM
- Short for Mann vs. Machine.
- Nerf
- A term used to describe a weapon or item that has been downgraded or had its capabilities reduced. Typically weapons are "nerfed" for gameplay balance reasons, i.e. the item is significantly overpowered or provides too great an advantage over other players.
- Ninja
- May refer to:
- A Spy wielding the Conniver's Kunai.
- Colloquial of stealing something; generally a capture point or a typed response.
- See also: Back-capping
- Ninjaneer
- May refer to:
- An Engineer who tries to get behind enemy lines, then secretly builds a nest of buildings to teleport teammates in and lock the enemy team inside their base.
- An Engineer who uses the Eureka Effect to escape from the front lines when in trouble. He may try to return to the enemy base via a hidden Teleporter Exit shortly afterwards.
- See also: Team strategy: The Ninjaneer
- Noscope
- Killing an enemy as a Sniper with the primary weapon (excluding bows) without zooming in. Commonly associated with the Classic.
- Noob
- General gaming slang for an inexperienced or new player. "Noob" and its homophones are generally considered to be more offensive, denoting someone with a lack of skill attributable to a deeper level than simple inexperience.
- A Pyro Achievement, where the Pyro must kill an enemy with the Hadouken taunt.
- OP
- General acronym for Overpowered, used both seriously and jokingly to describe a powerful weapon.
- P2P
- Short for "Pay to Play", used to describe a user with a Premium account. Used jokingly to suggest that Premium accounts may have an advantage over others.
- Peaceful
- See Friendly.
- Point
- Slang for Control Point.
- Phlog
- Slang for Phlogistinator.
- Pimp Hat
- Slang term for the Hustler's Hallmark cosmetic for the Demoman.
- Pipebomb / Pipes / Pills
- Alternate name for the projectiles fired by the Grenade Launcher.
- Piss
- Slang for Jarate.
- Pissrifle / Pissgun
- Slang for the Sydney Sleeper.
- May refer to:
- Pootis
- A slang term derived from the Heavy quote: "Put Dispenser here".
- PoV demo
- A recorded demo that has been recorded from the player's point of view.
- Pro
- May refer to:
- A term used when a skilled move has been executed.
- An accomplished player, often one who specializes in competitive play.
- Pub
- May refer to:
- A player who plays TF2 in the default manner.
- A default server usually run by Valve.
- Pub stomp
- A practice in which one or more experienced players join a public server with the intention of winning in a spectacular fashion.
- Puff
- Slang for compression blast.
- Puff'n'Sting
- A technique whereby a Pyro lights an enemy on fire with the Degreaser, uses the compression blast to knock them into the air, and then takes advantage of the Degreaser's switch time to kill the opponent with his melee weapon. Switching to his secondary weapon to finish off opponent is instead known as a "Puff'n'Shoot".
- Acronym for "Pick Up Game" (also known as a lobby) in which players will organize to play a match following the competitive format of Highlander, 6v6, or 4v4 games.
- Push
- May refer to:
- The act of advancing the cart.
- An organized attack in which several players simultaneously move into enemy territory and attack in an attempt to overpower an enemy's defenses and complete an objective, such as capturing a control point or advancing the cart. Often accompanied by an ÜberCharge.
- The CTF map Push from Team Fortress Classic.
- Pybro
- A Pyro who helps friendly Engineers by checking for Spies, airblasting projectiles away from buildings, and removing Sappers with the Homewrecker or the Neon Annihilator.
- Pyro tennis
- A game played by Pyros on a tennis court (of sorts) where they air blast the "Happy Birthday Team Fortress" beach ball back and forth over the net.
- Pyrocar
- Synonym of W+M1. The term was created after a player decided to play Pyro with a steering wheel peripheral, literally becoming a "Pyro car" [1].
- Pyroshark
- A term used for Pyros who use the Neon Annihilator to attack enemies whilst underwater.
- General gaming slang originating from Warcraft 2 where 'alt'+'Q'+'Q' would quit the client, but is nowadays interpreted as an emoticon with a pair of crying eyes. Often used in a deriding manner, e.g. "QQ more".
- Quickscope
- Zooming in and instantaneously headshotting with any of the Sniper's primary weapons that are capable of doing so.
- Rage
- May refer to:
- The "Rage" meter a Soldier builds up when using the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror.
- The Knockback Rage ability the Heavy may buy as an upgrade in Mann vs. Machine.
- Rage Heavy
- A term used for a player who uses the Heavy as a last ditch effort after a losing streak or bout of frustration, hoping to use his large firepower to gain kills easily.
- Can also be used with other classes; i.e. a player might "Rage Pyro" after suffering a streak of backstab deaths.
- Random Crits
- Commonly used description to describe when a player receives critical hits that are not due to a weapon's bonus attributes. Can be used as an acknowledgement when a fight may be prematurely over between two players attempting to fight fairly.
- Reflect
- A term used when the compression blast is used to send enemy projectiles back towards the enemy team.
- Revving
- May refer to:
- Abbreviation for "Random Number Generation." Used to describe situations that are heavily dependent on luck such as random critical hits or Rock, Paper, Scissors.
- Roll The Dice
- An unofficial server plugin that allows players to "roll the dice" using a command. Upon rolling the dice, players are granted some form of benefit or handicap, such as unlimited crits or being frozen in place for a short period of time.
- Rock The Vote
- An unofficial server plugin that allows players to change the map if a certain percentage use the command.
- Rush
- The practice of attempting to complete an objective quickly with all the players of one team playing as the same class. A "Scout Rush" would make use of entirely Scouts.
- See Rush.
- Revengineer
- An Engineer who uses the Frontier Justice to fight after his Sentry Gun has been destroyed.
- Salt
- A term used to describe frustration or overreaction.
- Sap'n'Stab
- Slang for a technique wherein a Spy lures an Engineer to a building by sapping it, then killing him as returns to repair it, often with a backstab.
- Scoot
- Slang term for Scout, often used in a silly fashion.
- Scramble
- Refers to a random rearranging of teams in order to prevent team stacking.
- Scrub
- A generalized term for someone who is inexperienced at the game. May be spelled as "Skrub" to use as a casual insult.
- Second Scoping
- A Sniper dueling technique which consists of waiting until the opposing Sniper scopes before scoping in yourself to headshot them while they adjust to the view.
- SF
- Festive weapons of Strange quality (e.g. "SF Scattergun").
- Shield
- One of the three shield secondaries for Demoman, the Chargin' Targe, the Splendid Screen or the Tide Turner
- Sidestab
- An alternate name for a spinstab.
- Situational
- A weapon or technique viewed as specific.
- Snoipah
- Slang for the Sniper, often used in a silly fashion.
- Solly
- Slang for the Soldier.
- Spam / Spamming
- May refer to:
- The act of deliberately concentrating firepower within particular area in an attempt to get kills or deter enemy players from entering an area.
- Wanton firing of weapons such as the Grenade Launcher with little or no deliberate aim.
- An unwanted abundance of something such as chat messages, a specific class, or a certain tactic.
- See Spamming.
- Spawn
- The area in which the player initially spawns and any area where they respawn.
- Spawncamping
- A situation in which one team manages to secure the area around the other team's spawn point. This results in the latter team being killed upon leaving spawn without coordination or significant firepower.
- See Camping.
- Spec
- Abbreviation for spectate.
- Specs
- Refers to a weapon's attributes.
- Spah / Shpee
- Slang term for a Spy, often used in a silly fashion.
- Spycap
- A strategy where a Spy will lurk near a locked control point with the intention of capturing it as soon as it is unlocked, before the enemy team has time to retreat from defending the previous point. This is usually performed at the final point of a map due to the accelerated control point timing.
- See Chaincap.
- Spycheck / Spy checking
- The act of checking if "teammates" are disguised enemy Spies or checking an area for Cloaked enemy Spies. Because there is no friendly fire, Spy checking can be performed by firing upon a teammate or area with any weapon. The Pyro's Flamethrower excels at doing so.
- See Spy checking.
- Spycrab / Spycrabbing
- May refer to:
- A Spy that imitates the movement of a crab by crouching and looking up while having the Disguise Kit equipped. It has then became a popular fad. The Spy has a corresponding taunt which rarely occurs when taunting with the Disguise Kit, a reference to the original movement.
- A form of gambling in which participants are Spies and continuously taunt with the Disguise Kit. The rules may differ between groups; one example marks players who perform the "Spycrab" taunt as losers, continuing until there is only one person left.
- Spygineer
- May refer to:
- Portmanteau for a Spy disguised as a Engineer.
- A short-lived bug in which the Spy was able to build Dispensers.
- See Ninjaneer.
- Spyper
- May refer to:
- Portmanteau for a Spy disguised as a Sniper.
- A Spy using the Ambassador.
- Spyro
- May refer to:
- Portmanteau for a Spy disguised as a Pyro.
- A Pyro who uses the Backburner.
- Squeaker
- Refers to a younger player who uses their microphone often, usually annoying others with a higher-pitched voice.
- SR / ScoRes
- Acronym for the Demoman's Scottish Resistance.
- Stab'n'Sap
- Slang for a technique whereby a Spy backstabs an Engineer from behind, then immediately switches to the Sapper and saps the Engineer's Sentry Gun before it kills him.
- Stacking
- Refers to one team being composed of players who work together or are more skilled than the other. The most common case is on a public server, having one team of skilled players against one that is less experienced or poorly organized.
- Stairstab
- The act of jumping over another player's head from an elevated height as a Spy and backstabbing them before they can respond. One method for doing so is for the Spy to bait the victim into following him up a flight of stairs.
- Stickies / Sticks
- Slang for Stickybombs.
- Sticky Spam
- The act of continuously firing Stickybombs into enemy lines and immediately detonating them, as opposed to setting up carpets or traps.
- Subclass
- A specific weapon combination that drastically changes the way the class is played. Examples are the Demoknight, the Battle Engie, and the Trolldier.
- Surfing
- Strafing into slanted walls (commonly referred to as "ramps"), causing the player to accelerate rapidly and reach an extremely high velocity.
- Survivability
- The likelihood of one's survival.
- S. [name of item]
- Strange items.
- Tank
- n. A character with sufficient firepower and health (Heavy or Soldier) to draw enemy attention and attacks toward themselves in order to protect other teammates.
- v. To absorb damage for the team.
- For other uses, see Tank.
- Tap the cart! / Tap
- When the BLU team has been driven off of the cart, one player rushes up to briefly touch or "tap" the cart to reset the timer to prevent or stop the cart from backing up. Scouts or briefly uncloaking Spies are practical for this task.
- Targe
- May refer to:
- Short for the Chargin' Targe.
- The charge ability offered by the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, or Tide Turner.
- TC
- An acronym for the Team Captain cosmetic.
- Tele
- Shorthand for the Teleporter.
- Telefrag
- Portmanteau of teleport and frag – killing an opponent by teleporting into them when they are standing on a teleporter exit. The term comes from id Software's seminal first-person shooter Doom.
- See Telefrag.
- Tickle fight
- Boxing done with the Holiday Punch only, with the objective of making the other player perform the Schadenfreude taunt.
- Tour
- May refer to:
- Tour of Duty missions, played on a Mann Up server in the Mann vs. Machine gamemode.
- The number of tours a player has played in Mann vs. Machine, which can be used to estimate their level of experience.
- Trickstab
- A term referring to when a Spy takes advantage of the terrain to outmaneuver and backstab an enemy who has discovered his true identity. There can be many variations of the term based on the context, including:
- Stairstab - Jumping down a flight of stairs to land behind and backstab a chasing enemy.
- Cornerstab - Waiting around a corner to backstab an enemy who runs by the Spy.
- Leapstab - Jumping from an elevated position and backstabbing an enemy upon or before landing on the ground.
- Matador - While in melee combat, backstabbing an enemy who charges past the Spy.
- See Backstabbing Techniques.
- Trolldier
- Portmanteau of "Soldier" and "troll." Commonly refers to a Soldier seeking to fight with primarily the Market Gardener. He may also wield the Rocket Jumper or Mantreads.
- Turtling
- "Digging in" and employing extremely defensive tactics. May also refer to Engineer setting up a Sentry Gun and Dispenser next to each other, and then remaining in close proximity for a substantial period of time while constantly repairing the buildings.
- Typefrag / Typekill
- Killing an opponent that is typing in chat.
- Tryhard
- Derogatory term for a player who puts significant effort towards winning regardless of the in-game situation.
- Über/Invuln/Charge
- Abbreviation for ÜberCharge.
- Übered
- Someone who is being ÜberCharged.
- Vanilla
- May refer to:
- A loadout consisting entirely of Stock weapons.
- A server without any mods installed, hence playing the game "the way it was designed".
- Volvo
- Slang for Valve, typically used in a silly fashion. Originates from the similar pronunciations of Volvo and Valve.
- Abbreviation of the Virtual Reality Headset.
- V. [name of item]
- Vintage items.
- W+M1
- Literally, "Forward (Default key W) and MOUSE1" - a derogatory term applied to a suicidally aggressive Pyro, often connotative of a lack of skill. It refers to Pyros who rush mindlessly (W) and fire their primary weapon (M1) without trying to flank or strategize with teammates. It can apply to a Heavy that plays in the same manner, moving forward and continuously firing his Minigun without thinking about teammates.
- W+M2
- Literally, "Forward (Default key W) and MOUSE2" - derived from "W+M1", the term is similarly used to refer to Pyro players who only use the compression blast ability to reflect projectiles or shove enemies around without actually using the Flamethrower's primary fire attack.
- Warp/Warping
- An extreme form of Lag compensation in which a player seems to be teleporting from place to place due to extreme latency.
- Weapon heckling
- Using a class's repositioning abilities, such as the Scout's speed, to continuously force an opponent to use a disadvantageous weapon. For example, a Scout can maintain a safe distance from a Pyro, forcing the Pyro to equip the Shotgun, which is then outdamaged by the Scattergun at close range.
- Wep
- Abbreviation for weapon, used in trading discussion.
- Wrenching / Wrenched
- The act of repairing/upgrading a building with the Wrench.
- The act of killing a Spy with the Wrench.
- Acronym for the Spy's Your Eternal Reward.
Competitive terminology
- These are some of the terms which players use in competitive gameplay.
- 4s / 4v4 / 4vs4
- Shorthand for a competitive format where there are only 4 players per team. All classes can be used, but there can only be one of each class at a time. Additionally, the Heavy and Medic are banned from being used at the same time. The standard line up tends to consist of a a Scout, a Soldier, a Demoman, and a Medic. This format tends to promote more offclassing.
- 6s / 6v6 / 6vs6
- Shorthand for a standard competitive format where there are six players per team, commonly consisting of two Scouts, a Soldier who stays with the Medic (referred to as a "Pocket"), a second Soldier that focuses on utilizing alternate routes to attack the enemy (referred to as a "Roamer"), one Demoman, and one Medic.
- Bombing
- A term referring to when a Soldier or Demoman explosive jumps above the enemy and shoots at them from above.
- Comms
- Short for communication. This refers to players communicating to each other either by using the in-game text chat or through voice chat, or more commonly an outside voice over IP (VoIP) program such as Mumble or Ventrilo.
- Destroyed
- Similar to Lit, players use this term to describe that an enemy player has taken a bunch of damage and is low on health.
- Dry Push
- Term that describes when an attacking team rushes the defending team's last point without having an ÜberCharge ready. Usually attempted when the defending team also doesn't have an ÜberCharge and the attackers outnumber the defenders.
- Acronym for European Team Fortress 2 League. It is the central hub of the European competitive TF2 scene.
- See ETF2L.
- Acronym for E-Sports Entertainment Association, a paid 6's league in North America. Generally, the highest skill players are in this league.
- See ESEA.
- Force / Force pop
- To damage a Medic or his heal target enough to urge a Medic to deploy his Übercharge in self-defense, rather than using it to push. The alternate form incorporates the usage of "pop" to refer to the usage of an Übercharge.
- Have / Has
- Indicates that a team's Medic has a full Übercharge ready to deploy.
- Highlander / HL / 9s / 9v9 / 9vs9
- A competitive match type wherein the nine-player roster of each team consists of one of every class.
- Lit
- To be low on health. Commonly used to point out enemy players that can be easily finished off, although priority friendly classes such as the Demoman and pocket will use this term when calling for a Medic.
- Lobby
- A synonym for "pug" ("pick-up-game"), popularized by the website TF2Lobby. Since TF2Lobby is no longer active, lobbies are primarily organized and played on TF2Center.
- Offclassing
- A technique involving deviation from the standard competitive class roster, often to accomplish a specific objective or eliminate a specific enemy player.
- Maincalling
- Coordinating and giving directions to your team. Mostly used in matches before pushing.
- Pop
- A synonym for "Use an Über". The phrase "They popped" means "They used their Über". Can also be used in phrases such as "Pop the Über" or "Pop it!".
- Acronym for "pick up game/group", referring to a private game with team compositions determined by out-of-game communication (as opposed to a clan match or pub).
- Pick / Picking / Picked
- The act of focusing on and killing an enemy with minimal help.
- Roamer
- Refers to the Soldier that watches flank routes.
- Roll / Rolling / Rolled
- Figurative language describing a very fast completion of the game's objective after it begins, often in relation to a "crushing defeat".
- Rollout
- The specific path that a player takes on the way to the middle capture point. It is designed to get the player to that point as quickly as possible or to reach an advantageous position.
- Scrim
- Short for "scrimmage", referring to a practice match between two teams.
- Sticks
- Stickybombs.
- Acronym for United Gaming Clans. It is a league that hosts competitive TF2 tournaments.
Trading terminology
- These are some of the terms which players use when Trading.
- B/O
- Abbreviation of Buyout. Refers to the price a seller is aiming to sell their item for.
- Bills
- Shorthand name for the Bill's Hat.
- Bot
- Automated player accounts that complete trades by an order-type basis. Examples include bots from, which trade players for weapons and other items.
- BP
- Abbreviation for Backpack. Some servers have a !bp command that allow users to view inventories of others in-game.
- Buds
- Shorthand name for Earbuds, a previously strong currency in the trading community.
- C/O
- Abbreviation of Current Offers. Refers to a list of the current highest or "best" offers according to the seller.
- Clean
- Slang for items that are worth standard market price or higher due to certain factors that make them more appealing, such as
- An item that is craftable.
- An item with no previous owners or history of scammers.
- Dirty
- Slang for items that are worth lower than market price for certain reasons, such as
- An uncraftable item that can usually be obtainable through crafting. Such items may have been crafted from uncraftable materials (eg. an uncraftable Refined Metal), or bought from the Mann Co. Store before the 2012년 11월 29일 패치.
- Expensive items such as Unusuals that have been in the account of a scammer or duplicated by Steam Support. Users can check the histories of an item through certain trade websites, and the above mentioned will be considered a lower value.
- Dupe
- Shorthand for Duplicate. Duped hats or items were lost through scamming or glitches, but returned by Steam Support. They will have the same original ID as the original item, and will often be considered lower valued by traders.
- Effect
- Used to describe an Unusual hat's particle effect.
- Escrow
- Trade holds that prevent traders from obtaining their items on Steam until a few days later. Used in the trading community to describe whether they have activated Steam Mobile Authenticator, as trades can be held up to two weeks if either party is deactivated. Generally used in a distasteful tone by the community due to the complications that may arise.
- Gen
- Abbreviation of Generation. Used to describe Unusual effects found from standard Mann Co. Supply Crates in order of their release: first generation effects can be unboxed from Crates #1 to #25, second generation from Crates #26 to #57, and so on. Generally, early generation effects are often the most expensive and sought after, while later generations are worth less.
- Halloween
- Used to describe Halloween-only Unusual effects.
- Highball
- To propose a relatively higher-valued offer when trading items.
- History
- A term describing an item's previous owners. Can be inspected through backpack websites, and can determine whether scammers were formerly in possession of the item.
- Abbreviation for the Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect.
- ID (Item ID)
- A specific number generated for every item in TF2, used to keep track of items in the game. Changes every time an item leaves an inventory or is modified (through name/description tags, paint, killstreaks, etc).
- ID (Original ID)
- An ID given to an item when it is first created (eg. crafted, bought). Does not change unlike Item ID, which can be used to track the item's history such as whether it is duped.
- Key
- Shorthand for a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key, a currency in trading.
- KS / Spec KS / Pro KS
- Shorthand for the Killstreak quality of a special weapon, from the order of Killstreak, Specialized Killstreak, and Professional Killstreak.
- Lowball
- To propose a relatively lower-valued offer when trading items. The term "Lowballer" is often used to describe players who attempt to trade weapons for expensive items due to lack of knowledge of the trading economy.
- Max
- Abbreviation of Max's Severed Head.
- Overpay
- Paying an excess in addition to the offer made to meet the standards of the seller. Usually occurs when a buyer is offering items instead of purely currency such as keys. (i.e. If a seller is selling an item for 10 keys in pure, he would accept 10 keys in items assuming 10% [another key] is added in overpay to compensate for not paying in keys)
- Pure
- Paying in trade currency, such as Keys or Metal. Most sellers prefer selling their items for pure, as it is easier and less time-consuming to buy other items they want with pure keys or metal, as opposed to having to resell the items gained from a trade for pure. More expensive items such as Australium weapons or Max's Severed Head will suffice as pure for even larger buyouts, as they have a comparably balanced price compared to Unusual hats.
- Rec
- Shorthand for Reclaimed Metal.
- Ref
- Shorthand for Refined Metal.
- Robo-effect
- Unusual effects unboxed from a Robocrate.
- Scammer
- A player or bot that trades with others in the hopes of stealing a player's item free of charge or at a lower price than usual.
- Scrap
- Shorthand for Scrap Metal.
- Scrapbanking
- Refers to the practice of trading two unwanted, craftable weapons in exchange for one scrap, and vice-versa.
- Set
- A term to describe selling multiple items in a single, themed set. Each item may be named or have unusual effects that match the motif of the set (eg. a entirely white Scout cosmetic set with a Blizzardy Storm hat, to fit with a Snowboarder motif). Oftentimes, this is used to quickly sell off an entire valuable set instead of one at a time, although in most cases it takes significantly longer to sell due to buyers only wanting a single part of the set.
- Signed
- An item "autographed" by a player using Gift Wrap. These items are typically signed by an influential figure in the Team Fortress 2 community (eg. popular Youtuber, trader, or competitive player) in order to raise the price of it due to fan demand.
- Sparkle
- Used to describe rare items with the Community Sparkle effect, such as a "Sparkling Vintage Lugermorph".
- Sweets
- An item or set of items designed to either increase the value of one's offer or otherwise entice the seller to part with his goods more easily (eg. adding several keys along with an Unusual). May alternatively be known as "Adds".
- Theme
- Used to describe Unusual effects that supposedly "fit" with a hat, in order to increase appeal and improve its selling price. Such examples include a Stormy Storm Hard Counter (an umbrella hat with rain) or a Massed Flies Ol' Snaggletooth (a dead crocodile's head with flies).
- Tier
- An unofficial classification of rank when considering the pairing of Unusual hats with their effects. Sought-after hats with expensive effects are considered high tier and sell for very high prices, with some considered "God Tier" due to their rarity (eg. Burning Team Captain), while the opposite is true for unpopular hats or effects (eg. Nuts and Bolts Dread Knot).
- Trader
- Term used to describe a player who trades more often than playing the actual game, or is heavily involved in the trading community. Usually associated with players that wear Unusual hats.
- Trade Hold
- See Escrow.