A Cold Day in Hell/es

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A Cold Day in Hell
Información del cómic
Publicado el: 2 de Abril de 2014
Numero de páginas: 75
Artista: makani
Escritor: Eric Wolpaw
De todos los huesos en todos los disfraces de Perros Calientes en Siberia, tengo que hacer uno de cáscaras de huevos.
El Scout

A Cold Day in Hell (también conocido como Team Fortress Comics #3) es un cómic lanzado en el 2 de Abril de 2014. Es la terera parte de una serie de séis cómics bi-mensuales, iniciado donde terminó Unhappy Returns.


El cómic empieza con una mujer vieja, compartiendo o que sabe acerca del Heavy con el Soldier. Le advierte que no siga al Heavy debido al frío, sin embargo el Soldier se niega. Al darse cuenta que no puede parar al Soldier o a sus amigos por su búsqueda del Heavy, le ofrece chaquetas para su viaje, pero el Soldier cree que las chaquetas representan el Comunismo, así que le dice que no, y dice que su chaqueta Americana es mucho mejor. La chaqueta del Soldier rápidamente se rompe a ñicos, sin embargo el sigue sin aceptar las chaquetas, el con el Scout decepcionado (ya que todavía estaba usando su camiseta RED). El trio del Soldier, el Scout, y el Pyro empiezan su camino por las montañas de Siberia, en donde se conoce que está el Heavy.

La escena cambia al estado de Charles Darling, el némesis de Saxton Hale, en donde la vieja novia de Hale lo ha llevado. Hale está furiosio y se vuelve crecientemente explícito, anteriormente inocente de que Darling era empleado de Maggie. Ella intenta eplicar, pero Darling la interrumpe, diciendo que no 'podría ser más simple'. Darling le pregunta si Hale aprueba los montajes en las paredes, sin embargo, el último representa que Darling ha etado peleando contra animales. Darling, calmadamente le dice a Hale que 'quite su zapato del pedál de arranque', revela que los animales montados en su pared no están muertos, si no apenas parados en cajas y apuntando sus cabezas a través de la pared. El dice que los animales, incluyendo un ñu del Himalaya y un leopardo de nieve, son los últimos de su tipo, y revela que desea hacerlos inmortales mediante el uso de Australium. Darling ofrece ayudar a Hale a re-obtener Mann Co. si le da Australium. Hale admite que sería fácil, diciendo que tiene un fuerte lleno de Australium sin embargo Darling le explica que ya no está y que la Administradora tuvo algo que ver con eso. Hale revela que no sabe casi nada acerca de sus actividades, así que Darling le explica que ella ha estado apilando Australium por cientocincuenta, y le pregunta "¿Por qué?"

La escena cambia de vuelta a Siberia, en donde el Soldier (ahora usando una barba notable) está supuestamente hablando con "Christopher la Montaña Comunista", quien es no más que un figmento de la imaginación del Soldier. "Christopher" le dice al Soldier que no está cerca de llegar a la montaña. La montaña también dice que hay mucha comida cerca, diciendo que la vida salvaje (vista por el Soldier delirante como comida preparada), las propias manos del Soldier (vistas como sandwiches colosales), e incluso el Scout (visto como un perro caliente gigante) como comidas potenciales. El Soldier calmadamente le dice al Scout que lo comerá. Es revelado que el perro caliente no era imaginado, si no un disfráz de verdad, encontrado en un avión estrellado (supuestamente pilotado por Amelia Earhart). El Scout admite que se puso el disfraz para escapar del frío, y el Pyro continúa explorando el avión. El Soldier pregunta si hay más disfraces, los cuales no hay, y el Scout le dice al Soldier que probablemente morirán.

De repente, el sonido de osos acercándose los interrumpe. El Soldier dice que los osos debieron ser atraídos por algo, acotando las atracciones potenicales como miel o mujeres menstruantes. Él culpa al Pyro al principio graciosamente implica que el Pyro es una mujer que esta menstruando, pero rápidamente explica que necesita al Pyro para detener el bloqueo de la puerta del avión. Se da cuenta de que hay varias cajas de miel en el avión, que deben tener interesados a los osos. Soldier crea un plan para comer toda la miel, para así los osos perdieran el interés, pero el plan sale mal y todos se enferman del estomago con una enorme cantidad de miel sobrando. They come up with a Plan B- fix the plane- but the bears arrive before they can attempt to do so. A bear swipes at the Scout, causing a shower of bones everywhere, but the Scout is revealed to be fine, claiming those were the bones of Earhart that were stuck in the costume. The bear attacks again and the Scout swings a legbone at it, making a pun by stating he was going to 'relish' this. The bear is defeated, but the bone snaps, and two more bears soon approach. Soldier decides to strip nude and cover himself in honey, planinng to grapple the bears. Soldier snaps the neck of the second bear. The third bear, seen by Pyro as a friendly camp guide who claims 'fire is nobody's friend', is viciously ripped to shreds with the Fire Axe. All the bears are now defeated, causing a celebration among the trio that soon catches Heavy's attention.

Heavy states the bears were babies. Scout expresses disbelief, claiming the Heavy calls everyone a baby, but Heavy reveals he was being serious and that they had angered the mother of the bears. Heavy prepares to fight the bear as the Scout begins bleeding out, and the Soldier and Pyro eagerly look on.

A voice states 'the bear killed every last one of them', and it is revealed to belong to the clueless mayor of Teufort, but it is revealed that he was not talking about the merc's predicament, but the origin of Teufort. According to him, the founder survived a bear mauling by hiding under his wife's corpse, and started a town called Hugginsville on top of where her body lay. Two rowdy teenage bullies forced him to rename it Two Farts, and out of fear, the founder never fully changed the name back, hence the name Teufort. The mayor concludes reading the story, asking the librarian if all the books are about Teufort. The librarian replies no, and the mayor tells him any books not about Teufort must now be burned. Gray Mann enters, asking the mayor for the genealogy records from the 1850's, but the mayor tells him they were all burned by a mysterious woman, and Gray becomes agitated, grasping the burnt tatters of Helen's genealogy certificate.

The comic returns to a close-up of the bear, who, upon a zoom-out, is revealed to be dead and on the dinner table of Heavy and his family. Soldier sits at the table, where the Heavy's mother stands polite and attentive and asks if he needs anything. Heavy is heard in the background, telling Soldier he needs to put some pants on. Soldier is then offered soup, and is suddenly greeted by the ghost of George Washington, ordering him to resist the soup's tempation. Another ghost, this one of Benedict Arnold, appears, telling Soldier that the greatest crime he had committed before dying was not eating soup, which Washington confirms. Arnold urges him to eat the soup, but Washington objects, leaving the Soldier torn at this moral decision. A ghost of the Scout's hot dog costume appears and interrupts the other ghosts, claiming that it was never eaten but that eating the soup could save its soul. The Heavy's mother turns to her son, incredulous, stating the Soldier had been screaming for five minutes over a simple bowl of soup. Scout's scream is heard then, revealing that he survived. Heavy's mother reveals that a woman named Zhanna (later revealed as one of Heavy's three younger sisters) is ministering to him, to which the Heavy expresses his objection.

Scout awakes from a nightmare, claiming that in the dream, the Spy was his dad. He panics, but soon realizes that it was merely a dream and relaxes, questioning where he is. He is greeted by Zhanna, who tells him she has not seen a man in twenty years. She expresses a desire for intercourse with Scout, which he promptly agrees to, but as he undresses, he hears the voice of Miss Pauling in his head, asking if Scout had forgotten about her. Scout objects, saying that in the six years that he knew her, they hadn't even gone on a date, but Pauling says that she would find it 'sexier than anything' if he waited patiently for her to change her mind. Scout agrees with her point, rejecting Zhanna much to her disappointment. She then picks up the Soldier, and it is implied that the pair make love.

Heavy's two other younger sisters, Yana and Bronislava, return from hunting, and Heavy greets them, saying they have company. The sisters begin picturing over-romanticized versions of Sniper and Spy, however they are let down when they find the Scout, who loudly procalims that he is "taken", and the Soldier, wearing a frilly pink dress and claiming he "has a girlfriend now". Scout begs for the Heavy to return, but he rejects, saying he must protect his family from danger, but Bronislava claims she's sick of the cabin and tells him the family can fend for itself now. Heavy doubts that, worried that the family would be taken to a gulag once more, but Yana tells him that an attempt was made to send them to one but they killed the men sent to do it. Heavy is shocked, realizing his sisters no longer need him and that they have grown up. Heavy turns back to Scout, asking if the mission was dangerous, if it paid well, and if they would get to destroy evil men. When Scout replies yes to all three, Heavy happily agrees to rejoin the mercs, with everyone present cheering.

Everyone decides to leave together, with Zhanna and Soldier agreeing to return to America after the job is finished. Bronislava wants to visit Paris, and Yana expressed desire to see New York. Heavy's mother wishes them good-bye, giving them a sack of bear meat for the trip, but Heavy decides his mother will come with them. Mother and son embrace each other happily.

The focus shifts once more, to Gray Mann and the under-renovation Mann Co. (being renamed Gray Mann Co.) Gray is talking to an unseen man, claiming that he had failed to deliver on his promise of finding the mercs. The man is then seen, revealed as the Heavy from Team Fortress Classic, and he asserts that he has already found the mercs and knows where they are going next. Gray questions why they haven't attacked, but is cut off as the TFC Heavy assembles his entire team, save for the TFC Medic. TFC Heavy questions where the 'new guy' is, and it is revealed that the Medic from Team Fortress 2 has replaced the TFC Medic. Medic questions their decision to leave so soon, saying he had yet to finish implanting baboon uteruses into the team. TFC Heavy grows angry and expresses fury at this experiment, and Medic simply points to the TFC Demoman, apparently named Greg, and says he implanted three into him and Greg hadn't complained. Greg panics, unaware that the Medic was doing anything but filling a cavity. Medic asks TFC Heavy where they are going, to which the reply is hunting Medic's team. Medic, rather than objecting, sees this as a chance to pit his new experiments against his old ones, and claims it 'won't be a problem at all'.

La trama se devuelve a Hale y Darling, con lo último mostrado confirmado que tenía un viaje preparado para Hale y Maggie. La acción cambia al Scout en el teléfono con Miss Pauling (viajando con el Demoman y el Spy), confirmando que ya tenían al Heavy. Pauling está complacida, dicíendole que se vayan del país y aborden el avión que tenía preparado en Kotzebue. El Scout pregunta que piensa si el Sniper esté en Australia, lo cual ella confirma como cierto. Ella expresa su esperanza de que el Sniper esté feliz de verlos. El cómic termina con la famosa mira del Sniper colocada directamente sobre Miss Pauling.



  • La página de título es una referencia a la página de la primera plana de los "Action Comics"
  • El oso en la página 32 es una referencia a Smokey Bear, una mascota contra los incendios conocida.
    • El nombre del oso, Smoulders, es mostrado en su sombrero de manera similar a como el Oso Smokey tiene Smokey en su sombrero, amplíando la referencia.
  • En la página 41, el alcalde lee acerca del fundador de Teufort, Claude Huggins. Claude Huggins es un personaje menor en las series de Left 4 Dead, como fue mencionado en un grafiti (Inglés) en una pared. La escritura que lo menciona lee "CLAUDE HUGGINS / YOU ARE A COWARD / AND YOU LET YOUR CHILDREN DIE" ("CLAUDE HUGGINS / SÓIS UN COBARDE / Y DEJAS QUE LOS NIÑOS MUERAN").
  • En la página 42, una mujer vieja en la librería está leyendo un diccionaro mostrando la letra P, con una mirada consternada. En el cómic previo, ella dijo que estaba buscando el significado de la palabra pedófilo.
  • En la página 53, el personaje en la camiseta del Scout bebé es una versión caricaturizada de Francis la Francia Parlante.
    • Hay un muñeco de Poopy Joe visible en la parte izquierda baja.
    • Esto también marca la primera aparición de la madre del Scout en los cómics.
  • La página 58 contiene un error; el Heavy dice "It was was not planned" (No fue fue planeado).
  • La historia del Heavy, referenciada de las páginas 60-62, fue primero tratada en la página 4 de Conoce al Director.
  • A través del cómic la barba del Soldier desaparece y reaparece otra vez.
  • Los mercenarios originales de Team Fortress Classic aparecen por primera vez en el universo de TF2, aunque mucho más viejos.
  • En el cómic, se revela que el primer nombre del Heavy es Misha.
    • También se revela que tiene 3 hermanas: Yana, Zhanna y Bronislava.

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