Team Fortress Wiki:IRC

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 04:26, 8 November 2010 by Lhavelund (talk | contribs)
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IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is used frequently by Team Fortress Wiki editors, moderators and administrators to co-ordinate their wiki efforts. The #tfwiki channel hosted on is the channel used most frequently.

Access to the channel is free for all users, and those who are not regularly active on the wiki are encouraged to join the channel to collaborate with others.

The channel

The channel bot has been configured to broadcast items on Special:RecentChanges to all users within the channel. Discussion in the channel is also publicly logged. Logs can be viewed here. Additionally, the #tfwikirc channel can be used to monitor RCs without chatter; this channel also includes bot edits. Logs are available here, bypassing the need to actually be in the channel in order to follow the Recent Changes.

Any decisions made or "agreed to" in the channel should not always be considered definitive. The number of users who contribute to the wiki but do not use the channel is high, and thus the discussion can exclude these contributors. Because of this, discussions that are of interest to everyone should take place on talk pages instead.

You can find a list of editors usually found on this channel here. Additionally, you can see statistics (maintained by Lhavelund) here.

Popular clients

See also: Comparison of IRC clients (Wikipedia)


Freenode provides access to their IRC servers through their webchat service. You can connect directly to the to the channel here.

Best of

A dedicated page has been setup to archive the best moments from the IRC channel.

External links