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Revision as of 13:11, 27 December 2014 by Dogman15 (talk | contribs) (Additional Screenshots (alpha): I plan on some beta screenshots, too.)
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Tc strata.jpg
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Archaeological dig/desert
Setting: Daytime, sunny

Strata is a custom Territorial Control map made by YM. The map takes place at an archeological dig, with each base being a fossil museum showcasing different kinds of prehistoric fossils. Electric generators can be found in various spots throughout the dig sites, powered by gasoline.


RED base: Dinosaur skeleton display

BLU base: Ocean fossils and Aquatic dinosaurs display

RED Control Point 1:

RED Control Point 2:

BLU Control Point 1:

BLU Control Point 2:

Additional Screenshots