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< Heavy
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Ikoni: Leaderboard class heavy.png
Tyyppi: Defensive
Terveys: 300
(450 when buffed by a Medic)
(350 when buffed by the Dalokohs Bar)
Nopeus: 77%
(38% with Minigun revved)
Tapaa Heavy

A towering, ham-fisted hulk of a man hailing from the glorious USSR, the Heavy is, as his name suggests, the heaviest class in Team Fortress 2, boasting the highest stamina, the biggest gun, and the slowest footspeed. His firepower is highly impressive, allowing him to quickly mow down opposing babies, cowards and teeny-men in seconds. However, revving up and firing his Minigun brings his already-unimpressive speed to a snail's pace, making him an open (and very large) target for any enemy outside his range of fire. Though large and imposing, this makes the Heavy somewhat vulnerable on his own, but with his good friend the Medic at his back and a well coordinated team flanking him, he can become an unstoppable embodiment of destruction. The Heavy can even benefit his team in ways that don't involve bullets, Fists and bullets. By periodically dropping plates of Sandviches, he can give his teammates a delicious and much-appreciated health boost.

The Heavy is arguably the 'face' of Team Fortress 2, appearing the most prominently in box-art and promotional materials as well as starring in the very first Meet the Team video and all following ones to date.



Pääartikkelit: Heavy tips, Heavy strategy/fi
  • Pidä konekivääri pyörimässä lähestyvien vihollisten varalta pitämällä Mouse 2-näppäintä painettuna.
  • Olet mahtava kaveri Medicille. Voit pitää lääkintäaseen kohdistettuna sinuun pitämällä koko ajan näköyhteyden Mediciin.
  • Jos loukkaannut, voit kutsua Mediciä painamalla E-näppäintä. Lähellä olevat Medicit kuulevat kutsusi.
  • Konekiväärisi kuluttaa paljon ammuksia. Täytä ammusvarannot poimimalla maasta aseita.


Huomio: Asevahingot ovat likimääräisiä ja laskettu lähietäisyydeltä. Mene aseitten omille sivuille saadaksesi tarkemmat tiedot.


Paikka Ase Panoksia ladattu Panoksia kannettu Vahinko Erikoiskyky
Konekivääri 200 N/A 500/sec-540/sec
Krit.: 1080/sec
Natascha 200 N/A 320/sec-360/sec
Krit.: 720/sec
Hidastaa vihollisia osumasta. -25% vahinkoa aiheutettu.


Paikka Ase Panoksia ladattu Panoksia kannettu Vahinko Erikoiskyky
Haulikko 6 32 Base/Max: 60/90
Krit.: 180
Item icon Sandvich.png
Voileipä 1 N/A N/A Syöminen parantaa syöjän täysin. Toinen ampumanappi heittää Sandvichin toisten pelaajien syötäväksi ; parantaa 50% terveydestä.
Item icon Dalokohs Bar.png
Suklaalevy 1 N/A N/A Syöminen parantaa syöjän terveyttä 60 pistettä ja nostaa täysterveyden 350:een 30 sekunniksi.


Paikka Ase Panoksia ladattu Panoksia kannettu Vahinko Erikoiskyky
Item icon Fists.png
Nyrkit N/A N/A Base: 65
Krit.: 195
Item icon Killing Gloves of Boxing.png
K.G.B. N/A N/A Base: 65
Krit.: 195
Jokainen tappava osuma antaa käyttäjälle 5 sekuntia kriittisiä osumia. 20% hitaampi lyömään.

Tappava pilkka

Paikka Hyökkäys Ase Kesto Vahinko
Showdown Nyrkit 3 sekuntia 500 (Välitön tappo)


Pääartikkeli: Hatut

Viralliset luokkakuvakkeet

Viralliset hahmoluokka-avatarit
Alkuperäinen sarja 'Yliladattu' RED 'Yliladattu' BLU
Heavyava.jpg Buffed red heavy.jpg Buffed blu heavy.jpg
Selaa TF2-avatareja Steamissa: Alkuperäinen


Pääartikkeli: Heavy achievements

Heavy pack: 35 achievements, 3 milestones.


Zoom TF2-litho.heavy.jpg
  • Heavyn ääninäyttelijä on Gary Schwartz joka myös äänitti Demomanin.
  • Vaikka Heavy vitsailee muiden koosta, Sniper seisoo selvästi suorempana ja pidempänä. Heavy on ilmeisesti pidempi mutta seisoo kyyryssä.
  • Heavy omaa niin suuret kädet, että hän käyttää Voileivän ja Dalokohs Barin nauttimiseen, sekä haulikon lataamiseen vain peukaloaan ja etusormeaan.
  • Meet the Scout videolla hänen nähdään pitävän haulikkoa nimetön liipaisimella.
  • Excluding Meet the Sandvich, the BLU Heavy has been killed and/or horribly maimed in every Meet the Team video to date alongside the BLU Soldier.
  • Alunperin Heavylla piti olla takatukka.[1]
  • "Takatukka Heavyn" voi nähdä "Soviet Union" saavutuksen kuvassa. Hänen Hound Dog-hattunsa vaikuttaa samanlaiselta.
  • The Heavy's Minigun fires 4 shots per 1 ammo point and it takes him 20 seconds of non-stop firing to run out of ammo, meaning that "Sasha" only fires 2400 rounds per minute and not 10000 as the Heavy claims.
  • The Heavy claims that it costs 400,000 dollars to use the Minigun for twelve secounds (not counting windup time). That means it costs a entire 666,660 dollars to fire until he runs out of ammo.
  • The songs the Heavy may sing as part of his response rules include Mily Balakirev's 'Song of the Volga Boatmen', Chopin's 'Funeral March' and Khachaturian's 'Sabre Dance'.
  • The emblem on the Heavy's sleeve was originally a skull and crossbones.
  • In his HUD icon, the Heavy is not wearing his fingerless gloves, because it dates still from the TF2 Beta.
  • Heavy käyttää "Super Caliber" mallisia luoteja.
  • The Heavy with the Sniper are the only two classes wearing fingerless gloves. The Scout's handwraps are fingerless, but their classification as "gloves" is debatable.
  • Every class can insult the Heavy with "fat jokes" except for the Soldier, Medic, and possibly the Pyro.
  • In the Russian version of Meet the Heavy, the Heavy appears much more intelligent than he is in the other versions. This may suggest the Heavy is smarter than he seems, but doesn't doesn't speak English well. The Russian version also uses updated models for the Heavy, such as more defined ears.
  • Heavy kuvataan useasti rauhallisena, tosin taistelutilanteiden ulkopuolella.
  • Jos Heavy tapetaan kun hänellä on nyrkit, hän pudottaa Miniguninsa.
  • The Killing Gloves of Boxing if equipped still appear in helpless mode.
  • The Heavy treats his Minigun like a child, cradling it like a baby, and in the Russian version of "Meet the Heavy", calls it his "baby."
  • The Heavy's leaderboard icon is five bullets. However, the emblem on his sleeve and the Heavy token appear as a fist.
  • With the release of the Dalokohs Bar, the Heavy is the first and only class capable of directly overhealing himself (though the additional 50 max health does not decay like an overheal, instead disappearing after 30 seconds if it has not been depleted).
  • The Heavy is the mascot of "Heavy Gulp," a brand of drink sold in Left 4 Dead 2.
  • As of the (non-canon) Mac update the Heavy now has a (non-canon) blog, which is updated (in real-time) by his un-named replacement for his Minigun.
  • The Heavy, as well as the Demoman, are the only classes that wear any visible body armor.
  • The Heavy ties the Engineer, with the fastest Shotgun reload rate.
  • If the viewmodel field of view is 70 degrees, the Heavy's hand appears bent while holding the Shotgun.
  • Save for the Officer's Ushanka, the Heavy's class-specific hats are all refferences to "toughness."

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