User:TidB/Operation Cleanup/hu
Nyelv: | English · العربية · čeština · dansk · Deutsch · español · suomi · français · magyar · italiano · 日本語 · 한국어 · Nederlands · norsk · polski · português · português do Brasil · română · русский · svenska · Türkçe · 中文(简体) · 中文(繁體) |
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Australium', 'SpaceChem' are leading to the wrong language.
119th Update/hu
Warning 7 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Primeval Warrior', 'Hidden pages', 'Grizzled Veteran' are leading to the wrong language.
A Fate Worse Than Chess/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
[[Mann vs. Machine/hu]]
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'comic', 'Blood Brothers' are leading to the wrong language.
A Rather Festive Tree/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Oh Christmas Tree' are leading to the English page.
Error Wikipedia links 'Christmas tree/hu' don't exist.
AWPer Hand/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Achievement items/hu
Error Links 'Weapons', 'Tools', 'Action items', 'Promotional items', 'Pyromania', 'Eye-chievements', 'Miscellaneous items', 'Hats', 'Achievements', 'Replay achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 9 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Very Scary Halloween Special', 'Mann vs. Machine Update', 'Pyromania Update', 'Australian Christmas 2011', 'Spectral Halloween Special' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Air Strike/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Alien Cranium/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Alien (creature in Alien franchise)' are leading to the English page.
Alien Swarm/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Alien: Isolation/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'The Creative Assembly', 'Sega' are leading to the English page.
Alliance of Valiant Arms/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Spy strategy#Ambassador' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Error Links 'Weapons', 'Resupply lockers', 'Sentry Gun#Combat Mini-Sentry Gun', 'Sentry Gun', 'Flamethrower', 'Dispenser', 'Carts', 'Invisibility Watch', 'Dead Ringer', 'Building', 'Spy', 'Cloak', 'stickybomb', 'Engineer', 'Sniper Rifle', 'Teleporter' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Links 'Brink' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Mann vs. Machievements', 'What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?', 'Spy', 'Sapper', 'Wheatley responses' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Stephen Merchant' are leading to the English page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Fists' are leading to the wrong language.
April 24, 2013 Patch/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Argyle Ace/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Scout' are leading to the wrong language.
Assassin's Creed: Revelations/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Community Asteroid strategy', 'Environmental death#Lasers' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Scout strategy#Atomizer' are leading to the wrong language.
August 24, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
August 3, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Automatic Pilot/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Aviator Assassin/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
B.A.S.E. Jumper/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Baby Face's Blaster/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
Error Links 'Pyromania Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Back Scatter/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Flame Thrower', 'A Heavy Update', '119th Update', 'Pyro', 'Pyromania Update', 'Hatless Update', 'The Pyro Update', 'achievements', 'The Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Backpack (weapon)/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Gold Rush Update', 'tool', 'item levels', 'Ze Goggles', 'Noise Makers', 'Eyelander', 'Backpack Expander', 'Account types', 'Über Update', 'Upgrade to Premium Gift', 'Australian Christmas', 'loadout', 'Scout Update ', 'Sniper vs Spy Update', 'Item quality', 'Valve', 'Hatless Update', 'Items', 'Steam Users' Forums', 'Item drop system', 'paint', 'Mann-Conomy Update', 'Manniversary Update & Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Badlands (Arena)/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning Wrong category/categories
Category:Needs Template Translation
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Ravine', 'Community Badlands (Arena) strategy', 'A Heavy Update', 'Badlands (Control Point)', 'Well (Arena)', 'Granary (Arena)', 'Lumberyard' are leading to the wrong language.
Baseball Bill's Sports Shine/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Bat Outta Hell/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'stock' are leading to the wrong language.
Battalion's Backup/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
Batter's Helmet/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Battery Canteens/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Battin' a Thousand/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Bear Trap/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Beer Stein/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Beggar's Bazooka/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Pyromania Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher/hu
Error Links 'Weapons#soldierprimary' are leading to the wrong language.
Big Kill/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse' are leading to the wrong language.
Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
BioShock Infinite Season Pass/hu
Error 4 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
BioShock Infinite/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Irrational Games' are leading to the English page.
Bird-Man of Aberdeen/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Links 'Teddy Roosebelt', 'Mann Co. Store', 'Pyroland', 'Balloonicorn', 'Pyromania Update', 'Name Tag', 'miscellaneous item', 'styles', 'Steam Workshop', 'Demoman' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Robert Stroud' are leading to the English page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Black Box/hu
Error Links 'Orange Box' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'M202 FLASH', 'The Orange Box#The Black Box' are leading to the English page.
Black Rose/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Alliance of Valiant Arms' are leading to the wrong language.
Bloke's Bucket Hat/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Blood Brothers/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'ARG', 'TF2 Official Website' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Sam & Max', 'Poker Night 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Guitar Hero' are leading to the English page.
Error Wikipedia links 'Anthropomorphism/hu', 'Bloodhound/hu' don't exist.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Bolted Bushman/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Bomber's Bucket Hat/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Bombing Run/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Bonk Boy/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Flash (Barry Allen)', 'DC Comics' are leading to the English page.
Bonk Helm/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Bonk! Atomic Punch/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Nuclear fission' are leading to the English page.
Boston Boom-Bringer/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
Warning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Scripting#Console Commands', 'Hatless Update', 'Electro Sapper', 'BLU', 'Mac Update', 'Replay Update', 'WAR! Update', 'RED', 'Manniversary Update & Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Boxcar Bomber/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Equip region' are leading to the wrong language.
Brass Beast/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Weapons#heavyprimary', 'Mann Co. Store', 'Australian Christmas', 'Collector's', 'Kill Icons', 'Heavy strategy#Brass Beast', 'Strange', 'item drop system', 'Steam Workshop', 'Hitscan' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Wikipedia links 'File:Gatling gun 1865.jpg' don't exist.
Bread Box/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Classes' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Brigade Helm/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth', 'Promotional Items', 'Steam', 'A Whiff of the Old Brimstone', 'Cosmetic items', 'Classes', 'Demoman' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 4 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Brooklyn Booties/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Brütal Legend/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Buckaroos Hat/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Buff Banner/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Hammer unit' are leading to the wrong language.
Bullseye's Head/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Burned Banana Peel/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
Bushman's Boonie/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Jagged Alliance - Back in Action' are leading to the wrong language.
Buy A Life/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Cactus Canyon/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Well', 'Freight', 'Train ', 'Train', 'Pitfall', 'Community Cactus Canyon strategy' are leading to the wrong language.
Camera Beard/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Arriflex 435ES' are leading to the English page.
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Catcher's Mitt/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Champ Stamp/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
Cheater's Lament/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Sniper Rifle (Classic)', 'Sniper strategy#Classic', 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Classified Coif/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Clinical Trial/hu
Error Links 'Medic' are leading to the wrong language.
Coal Town/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Non-player characters#Saxton Hale' are leading to the wrong language.
Cold Killer/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning Wikipedia links 'G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero', 'Snow Job (G.I. Joe)' are leading to the English page.
Cold Snap Coat/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Coldfront Curbstompers/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Curb stomp' are leading to the English page.
Coldsnap Cap/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Company of Heroes 2/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 5 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Total War: SHOGUN 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Condor Cap/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'End of the Line Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Conscientious Objector/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'John Lennon', 'Give Peace a Chance', 'conscientious objector' are leading to the English page.
Conspiracy Cap/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Control Point (game mode)/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Error Links 'Classless Update', 'Gold Rush Update', 'DeGroot Keep', 'Heavy Update', 'Sudden Death', 'Dustbowl', 'Team Fortress 2', 'Pain Train', 'Overtime', 'Mann Manor', 'Control Point (objective)', 'Community Control Point strategy', 'Australian Christmas', 'Process', 'Tournament Mode', 'Scout Update', 'Granary', 'Badlands', 'Gravel Pit', 'Scream Fortress Update', 'Match outcomes#Stalemate', 'Gorge', 'Soldier', 'Junction', 'Australian Christmas 2011', 'Egypt', 'Bonk! Atomic Punch', 'Mountain Lab', 'Pyro Update', 'BLU', 'List of game modes', 'Capping (competitive)', 'Scout', 'Standin', 'WAR! Update', 'Demoman', 'Engineer Update', 'Steel', 'RED', 'Manniversary Update & Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Cosmetic items/hu
Warning 13 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'List of Soldier cosmetics', 'List of Pyro cosmetics', 'List of Scout cosmetics', 'List of Spy cosmetics', 'List of All class cosmetics', 'List of Engineer cosmetics', 'List of Heavy cosmetics', 'List of Medic cosmetics', 'List of Sniper cosmetics', 'List of Demoman cosmetics', 'Meet the Spy' are leading to the wrong language.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Valve' are leading to the wrong language.
Cow Mangler 5000/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Very Scary Halloween Special', 'Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack', 'Crafting' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Account types', 'Golden Wrench' are leading to the wrong language.
Crafty Hair/hu
Error Links 'XCOM: Enemy Unknown' are leading to the wrong language.
CrimeCraft GangWars/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Critical hits/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Heavy achievements', 'Shotgun' are leading to the wrong language.
Crocleather Slouch/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Crocodile Smile/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Croft's Crest/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Tomb Raider', 'Promotional items', 'Steam', 'Classes', 'Genuine' are leading to the wrong language.
Crossing Guard/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Crossing guard', 'Level crossing' are leading to the English page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Team Fortress 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Crusader's Crossbow/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Error No label on localized link(s)
[[Manniversary Update & Sale/hu]]
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Darwin's Danger Shield/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Sniper', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Deadliest Duckling/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.
Death of a Salesbot/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Death of a Salesman' are leading to the English page.
December 21, 2011 Patch/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
December 3, 2014 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Promotional items' are leading to the wrong language.
Deep Fried Desire/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Defiant Spartan/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error Links 'Shogun Pack', 'Pyro', 'Pyromania Update', 'achievements', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Demoman achievements/hu
Error Links 'WAR! Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Demoman's Fro/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Paint Can', 'Demoman' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Jimi Hendrix' are leading to the English page.
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning Wrong category/categories
Category:Pages requiring retranslation
Warning 15 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Monday Night Combat' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Ullapool' are leading to the English page.
Desert Marauder/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'keffiyeh' are leading to the English page.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Direct Hit/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Disciplinary Action/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'riding crop' are leading to the English page.
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Doctor's Sack/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Replay Update', 'Medic' are leading to the wrong language.
Don't Starve/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Dota 2/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Double Dynamite/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Alfred Nobel' are leading to the English page.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Dual-Core Devil Doll/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Egghead's Overalls/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Eliminating The Impossible/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
Employee of the Mmmph/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Enchantment Eternaween/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
End of the Line Update/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Engineer Update/hu
Warning 18 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Mac update trailer' are leading to the wrong language.
Engineer's Cap/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error 7 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 13 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Monday Night Combat' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Bee Cave, Texas' are leading to the English page.
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Rocket Jumper' are leading to the wrong language.
Escape Plan/hu
Error Links 'Pyromania Update', 'Beta Split Equalizer', 'Classes#Speed' are leading to the wrong language.
Essential Accessories/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Bullseye's Head' are leading to the wrong language.
Faerie Solitaire/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Fallout: New Vegas/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Family Business/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Weapons#heavysecondary', 'Über Update', 'Collector's', 'Heavy strategy#Family Business', 'Strange', 'Steam Workshop', 'Hitscan' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Benelli M3', 'Crime family' are leading to the English page.
Fan O'War/hu
Error 5 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Total War: SHOGUN 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Fancy Fedora/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Portal 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Fast Food Firestarter/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
Fast Learner/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Scout' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'dress shirt', 'Ivy League' are leading to the English page.
Federal Express/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Weapons#spytaunt' are leading to the wrong language.
Finder's Fee/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'baseball cap' are leading to the English page.
Flame Thrower/hu
Error Links 'Gold Rush Update', 'Health#Health kits', 'Spy-cicle', 'fire', 'Festive weapons', 'Dispenser', 'disguise', 'compression blast', 'Mann vs. Machine Update', 'Australian Christmas', 'Gift Wrap', 'Jarate', 'Sniper vs. Spy Update', 'Pyro', 'Dead Ringer', 'buildings', 'Pyromania Update', 'Minigun', 'Spy', 'knockback', 'Sniper', 'Huntsman', 'Mecha Update', 'Australian Christmas 2011', 'Pyro strategy#Flamethrower / Festive Flamethrower / Rainblower', 'Mad Milk', 'Strange', 'Medi Gun', 'Botkiller weapons', 'The Pyro Update', 'water', 'achievements', 'projectiles', 'Manmelter', 'Medic', 'Engineer Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Flamingo Kid/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Error Links 'Super Monday Night Combat' are leading to the wrong language.
Flare Gun/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links '119th Update', 'Achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Flashdance Footies/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Flipped Trilby/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Paint Can' are leading to the wrong language.
Flying Guillotine/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Flying guillotine' are leading to the English page.
Warning 32 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Football Helmet/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Sniper vs. Spy Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Football Manager 2012/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Football Manager 2012' are leading to the English page.
Fortune Hunter/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Tomb Raider', 'Promotional items', 'Steam', 'Classes', 'Jiggle bones', 'Genuine' are leading to the wrong language.
Foundry achievements/hu
Error Links 'Foundry' are leading to the wrong language.
Frag Grenade/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Soldier#Secondary', 'Saxxy' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Day of Defeat: Source' are leading to the English page.
Freedom Staff/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Kofi Annan' are leading to the English page.
Fresh Brewed Victory/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Love & War Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Love & War Update' are leading to the wrong language.
From Dust/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Fruit Shoot/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Frying Pan/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Strange Bacon Grease', 'Saxxy' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Love & War Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Full Moon/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Lunar phase', 'Wikipedia', 'Full moon', 'NASA', 'Coordinated Universal Time' are leading to the English page.
Fur-lined Fighter/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Error No label on localized link(s)
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Gabe Glasses/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Gabe Newell' are leading to the English page.
Garlic Flank Stake/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Garry's Mod/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Team Fortress 2', 'Valve', 'Source Engine' are leading to the wrong language.
Geisha Boy/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Gentle Manne's Service Medal/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Gentleman's Gatsby/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Ascot Cap' are leading to the English page.
Error Links 'RIFT' are leading to the wrong language.
Ghastly Gibus/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Ghostly Gibus/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Error Links 'Scarechievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Gifting Man From Gifting Land/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Links 'Pile o' Gifts', 'Philateler', 'Secret Saxton', 'Classes', 'Dueler' are leading to the wrong language.
Gold Rush Update/hu
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Golden Frying Pan/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Golden Wrench/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error No label on localized link(s)
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 5 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Midas' are leading to the English page.
Grand Duchess/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Heavy responses#Grand Duchess' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Jiggle bones' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Grandmaster (chess)', 'Garry Kasparov', 'Deep Blue (chess computer)', 'Hard hat', 'IBM', 'chess board' are leading to the English page.
Grimm Hatte/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Grizzled Veteran/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Gun Mettle Update/hu
Error 28 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Tools', 'Cosmetic items' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Über Update', 'Shogun Pack', 'Hatless Update', 'Total War: Shogun 2', 'Total War: SHOGUN 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Muramasa', 'Zatoichi' are leading to the English page.
Halloween Costumes/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Halloween pumpkin/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Error Links 'Harvest Event', 'Critical hits#Crit boost', 'Critical_hits#Crit boost', 'Mann Manor', 'pickup', 'Eyeaduct' are leading to the wrong language.
Hardy Laurel/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Laurel and Hardy' are leading to the English page.
Head Warmer/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Heal Grenade/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Wikipedia links 'Gyalog_galopp' don't exist.
Heavy Duty Rag/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Heavy achievements/hu
Error Links 'A Heavy Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 16 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links , 'Heavy responses', 'Meet the Scout', 'HUD', 'Pyro', 'Heavy achievements#milestones', 'Soldier', 'Showdown', 'Sniper', 'Meet the Team', 'BLU', 'Mac update', 'Meet the Sandvich', 'Scout', 'Medic', 'Demoman' are leading to the wrong language.
Heraldic Targe/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Hero's Tail/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Holy Hunter/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Holy Mackerel/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Alliance of Valiant Arms' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish', 'The Salmon of Doubt', 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' are leading to the English page.
Home Run/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Scout' are leading to the wrong language.
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error No label on localized link(s)
Error Links 'Demoman strategy#Eyelander / Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker / Nessie's Nine Iron' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Huo-Long Heater/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Item schema', 'Fire', 'Valve', 'Steam Workshop' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Chinese dragon' are leading to the English page.
I See You/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Idiot Box/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Soldier', 'Bombinomicon (Comic)' are leading to the wrong language.
Item quality/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Über Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Item set/hu
Error Links 'Miscellaneous items' are leading to the wrong language.
Item timeline/hu
Error Links 'Miscellaneous items' are leading to the wrong language.
Itsy Bitsy Spyer/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning Wikipedia links 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' are leading to the English page.
January 16, 2013 Patch/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
[[Prize Plushy/hu]]
,[[Cold Killer/hu]]
,[[Last Straw/hu]]
January 3, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
January 8, 2013 Patch/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
[[Last Straw/hu]]
,[[Grizzled Growth/hu]]
,[[Prize Plushy/hu]]
,[[Digit Divulger/hu]]
,[[Cold Killer/hu]]
Error Links 'Kill assists' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Meet the Sniper' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'April Fools' Day' are leading to the English page.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Links 'Engineer' are leading to the wrong language.
July 1, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Buffalo Steak Sandvich', 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
July 18, 2011 Patch/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
Warning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Private Eye', 'Quick-Fix', 'Main_menu#Start_Playing_.2F_Resume_Game', 'Duel', '2Fort', 'Security Shades', 'Tam O' Shanter', 'Meet the Medic', 'stickybomb', 'Badwater Basin', 'Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun', 'Stately Steel Toe', 'Prairie Heel Biters', 'Rogue's Col Roule', 'Nessie's Nine Iron', 'A_Little_Heart_to_Heart_(Soundtrack)', 'Crafting ', 'Medic', 'Copper's Hard Top', 'Mann Co. Supply Crate#22', 'Demoman', 'Barnblitz' are leading to the wrong language.
July 20, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
July 22, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Half-Zatoichi', 'Righteous Bison', 'Your Eternal Reward', 'Tomislav', 'Cow Mangler 5000' are leading to the wrong language.
July 26, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Replay' are leading to the wrong language.
July 7, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Buffalo Steak Sandvich', 'ÜberCharge', 'Quick-Fix', 'Spy', 'Bonk! Atomic Punch', 'Scout', 'Medic', 'Barnblitz' are leading to the wrong language.
July 8, 2011 Patch/hu
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Valve', 'Steam Users' Forums', 'List of game modes' are leading to the wrong language.
June 2, 2015 Patch/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
June 27, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Splendid Screen', 'Quick-Fix', 'Mantreads', 'Planeswalker Goggles', 'Ali Baba's Wee Booties', 'Schadenfreude' are leading to the wrong language.
June 28, 2011 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Critical hits#Crit boost', 'Pocket Medic', 'Rocket Launcher', 'Uber Update', 'Arena', 'Voting', 'Item_Quality#Strange', 'Brass Beast', 'Tomislav', 'Reserve Shooter', 'Jumper's Jeepcap', 'Mann Co. Supply Crate#Series #22 - Refreshing Summer Cooler', 'Demoman' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Soldier achievements', 'Soldier strategy#Kamikaze', 'Bombinomicon', 'Bonk! Atomic Punch', 'Scout', 'Replay Update', 'rocket jump', 'WAR! Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Killer's Kabuto/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Knife (disambiguation)', 'Mann vs. Machine Update', 'Trailer 2', 'Sniper vs. Spy Update', 'Spy', 'Hatless Update', 'Mecha Update', 'Australian Christmas 2011', 'Spy strategy#Knife' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'butterfly knife' are leading to the English page.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Foundry achievements', 'Astro-chievements', 'projectiles' are leading to the wrong language.
Koala Compact/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Non-player characters#Gentle Manne of Leisure, his Companione, and Smelly Unfortunate' are leading to the wrong language.
Kong King/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Blitzkrieg' are leading to the English page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Larrikin Robin/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Last Breath/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Lead Pipe/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Lecture Valley/hu
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Letch's LED/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Level Three Chin/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Liberty Launcher/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 6 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Bazooka', 'Liberty Bell' are leading to the English page.
License to Maim/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Poker Night at the Inventory', 'November 19, 2010 Patch', 'Classes' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'James Bond' are leading to the English page.
Liquidator's Lid/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
List of All classes Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Community item owners/hu
Warning 173 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'User:Nightbox', 'Coldfront', 'Swamp Theme', 'Fastlane', 'User:Nineaxis', 'User:Icarus' are leading to the wrong language.
List of Demoman Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Engineer Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Heavy Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Medic Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Polycount Pin owners/hu
Warning 88 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
List of Pyro Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Scout Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Sniper Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Soldier Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of Spy Strange quality items/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
List of game modes/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Lakeside', 'Harvest Event', 'DeGroot Keep', 'Sawmill (King of the Hill)', 'Poopy Joe', 'Ghost Town', 'Ravine', 'Gold Rush', 'Viaduct', 'Freight', 'Dustbowl', 'Dispenser', 'Mann Manor', '5Gorge', 'Nucleus', 'Ghost Fort', 'Badlands (Control Point)', 'Well (Control Point)', 'Helltower', 'Process', 'Kong King', 'Offblast', '2Fort', 'TF2Ware', 'Coldfront', 'Sawmill', 'Thunder Mountain', 'Gravel Pit', 'Pyromania Update', 'Spy', 'Double Cross', 'Hightower', 'Fastlane', 'Mannhattan', 'Gorge', 'Soldier', 'Yukon', 'Turbine', 'Rottenburg', 'Granary (Control Point)', 'Well (Arena)', 'Nucleus (King of the Hill)', 'Junction', 'Coal Town', 'Egypt', 'Badwater Basin', 'Frontier', 'Hydro', 'Badlands (King of the Hill)', 'Granary (Arena)', 'Harvest', 'Lumberyard', 'Mountain Lab', 'Upward', 'Sawmill (Capture the Flag)', 'Well (Capture the Flag)', 'Badlands (Arena)', 'Decoy', 'Mannworks', 'Eyeaduct', 'Engineer', 'Standin', 'Pipeline', 'Hoodoo', 'Target', 'Dustbowl (Training)', 'Snakewater', 'Demoman', 'Steel', 'Gullywash', 'Watchtower', 'Nightfall', 'Foundry', 'Bigrock', 'Barnblitz' are leading to the wrong language.
List of maps/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
List of retired items/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Mann_Co._Store', 'Saxton Hale', 'Mann Co. Supply Crate' are leading to the wrong language.
Little Bear/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Localization files/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Help:Language_translation', 'Winger/de' are leading to the wrong language.
Lone Star/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Lonesome Loafers/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Long Fall Loafers/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Loose Cannon/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Love & War Update/hu
Error 38 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Weapons#Heavy' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 5 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Engineer strategy#Pistol / Lugermorph', 'Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse', 'Poker Night at the Inventory', 'Scout strategy#Pistol / Lugermorph', 'Engineer Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Lumbricus Lid/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Mad Milk/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Madame Dixie/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Made Man/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Über Update', 'Spy' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'paramour' are leading to the English page.
Magistrate's Mullet/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Magnificent Mongolian/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Mongolia' are leading to the English page.
Main Page/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Error Wrong template(s); translated strings in this template(s) may be moved to the correct one(s):
Error Links 'Help:Contents', 'Help:Style guide', 'Team Fortress Wiki:Policies', 'Team Fortress Wiki:Licensing images', 'Help:Language translation', 'Team Fortress', 'Team Fortress Wiki:Images', 'Help:Did you know', 'Help:Group rights', 'Team Fortress Wiki:Featured articles', 'Special:Statistics' are leading to the wrong language.
Man in Slacks/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Mann Co. Beta Maps/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Mann Co. Cap/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Mann Co. Painting Set/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Mann Co. Supply Crate Key/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Mann Co. Supply Crate/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Mann vs. Machine (update)/hu
Error 4 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Mann vs. Machine/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
March 1, 2012 Patch/hu
Error Links 'bot' are leading to the wrong language.
Market Gardener/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Master's Yellow Belt/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Portal 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Promotional items', 'Pyro', 'Buildings', 'Red Faction: Armageddon', 'quality#Genuine items', 'Homefront', 'Pyro strategy#Homewrecker / Maul', 'Homewrecker' are leading to the wrong language.
May 2, 2013 Patch/hu
Warning 5 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
May 20, 2013 Patch/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
May 21, 2013 Patch/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Mecha Update/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'List of maps' are leading to the wrong language.
Medi Gun/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Error Links 'Amputator' are leading to the wrong language.
Medicine Manpurse/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Love & War Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Medieval Mode/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Error Links 'DeGroot Keep' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Mining Light/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Miner's helmet' are leading to the English page.
Mistaken Movember/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Monday Night Combat/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 4 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 5 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Team Fortress 2 Beta', 'Comics', 'Jarate', 'Valve', 'Source Filmmaker', 'Replay', 'Steam Users' Forums', 'Steam Users' Forum', 'Source Engine', 'TF2 Official Website' are leading to the wrong language.
Mutated Milk/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Mutton Mann/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
Nail Gun/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Weapons#heavyprimary', 'Collector's', 'Ludmila', 'Strange' are leading to the wrong language.
Necro Smasher/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
North Polar Fleece/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Error No label on localized link(s)
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
November 21, 2012 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Chief Constable', 'Siberian Sophisticate', 'Hitt Mann Badge', 'Quackenbirdt', 'Deadliest Duckling', 'That '70s Chapeau' are leading to the wrong language.
November 29, 2012 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Faerie Solitaire Pin', 'Tuxxy' are leading to the wrong language.
November 30, 2012 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Siberian Sophisticate', 'Hitt Mann Badge', 'Quackenbirdt', 'Deadliest Duckling', 'Tuxxy' are leading to the wrong language.
October 1, 2015 Patch/hu
Error Links 'Mannpower#Powerups' are leading to the wrong language.
Officer's Ushanka/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Ol' Snaggletooth/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Dota 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Orange X/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Quake 4' are leading to the wrong language.
Otolaryngologist's Mirror/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Outback Intellectual/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Heavy', 'Manniversary Update & Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Weapons#medicsecondary', 'Medi Gun Beta 1' are leading to the wrong language.
Pain Train/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Paint Can/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Non-player characters#Zepheniah Mann and Company', 'Hatless Update', 'Mann' are leading to the wrong language.
Paisley Pro/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Love & War Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Party Trick/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Pyro_taunts#Action' are leading to the wrong language.
Patches (Beta)/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Patches (Classic)/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Dueler', 'Gifting Man From Gifting Land' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Pyro', 'Pyromania Update', 'Australian Christmas 2011', 'Pyro strategy#Phlogistinator', 'Achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Physician's Procedure Mask/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Planeswalker Goggles/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 5 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Polycount Pack/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 11 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Hats' are leading to the wrong language.
Polycount Pin/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Polycount Pack' are leading to the wrong language.
Pomade Prince/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Pool Party/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Postal Pummeler/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Power Up Canteen/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Saxton Hale', 'Mann vs. Machievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Prairie Heel Biters/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Engineer', 'Summer Camp Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Primeval Warrior/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Prince Tavish's Crown/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Australian Christmas', 'Portal 2', 'Demoman' are leading to the wrong language.
Professional's Panama/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Professor Speks/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Mann Co. Store', 'Über Update', 'Summer Shades', 'miscellaneous item', 'Sniper', 'Engineer', 'Manniversary Update & Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Prussian Pickelhaube/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Pyro Update/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Pyro', 'Meet the Sniper', 'Fastlane', 'Turbine' are leading to the wrong language.
Pyro achievements/hu
Error Links 'Pyromania Update', 'Pyro Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Pyro taunts/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Error Links 'Balloonicorn' are leading to the wrong language.
Pyro's Beanie/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Left 4 Dead' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Pyrotechnics' are leading to the English page.
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Flame Thrower', 'Pyro', 'Pyromania Update', 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Meet the Spy' are leading to the wrong language.
Red-Tape Recorder/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Repair Node/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Reserve Shooter/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Respectless Rubber Glove/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Classless Update', 'WAR! Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Results Are In/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Retro Rebel/hu
Error Links 'Love & War Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Righteous Bison/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Robotic Boogaloo/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Rock, Paper, Scissors/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'General Achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Rocket Jumper/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Weapons#soldierprimary', 'Scream Fortress' are leading to the wrong language.
Rocket Launcher/hu
Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Item quality#Strange items' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Sandman', 'Hillerich & Bradsby Company' are leading to the English page.
Sandvich Safe/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Links 'Heavy' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Santa's Little Accomplice/hu
Warning Wikipedia links 'Santa's Little Helper' are leading to the English page.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Probed' are leading to the wrong language.
Sawmill (Capture the Flag)/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning Wrong category/categories
Category:Needs Template Translation
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Buff Banner' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Links 'Classes' are leading to the wrong language.
Scoper's Smoke/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Scout achievements/hu
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Error Links 'Scout Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Scout taunts/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
[[Home Run/hu]]
Error Links 'Square Dance', 'Conga', 'Battin' A Thousand', 'Flippin' Awesome', 'Deep Fried Desire', 'Scout responses#Weapon-related responses', 'Skullcracker', 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Babe Ruth's called shot' are leading to the English page.
Error 5 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 8 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Non-player characters#BLU team (Original)', 'Home Run' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Babe Ruth's called shot' are leading to the English page.
Scrap Pack/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Pyro', 'Medic' are leading to the wrong language.
Second Annual Saxxy Awards/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'TF2 Official Website' are leading to the wrong language.
Sergeant's Drill Hat/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Campaign hat', 'Full Metal Jacket' are leading to the English page.
Sharp Dresser/hu
Error Links 'Steam' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Sharp Dressed Man', 'ZZ Top', 'Assassin's Creed: Revelations' are leading to the English page.
Shooter's Sola Topi/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'sola topi' are leading to the English page.
Shooter's Tin Topi/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Error 4 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Bonk! Atomic Punch' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Ithaca M37' are leading to the English page.
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Sign of the Wolf's School/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Three Wolf Moon' are leading to the English page.
Silver Bullets/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Sir Hootsalot/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Caliginous Caper (mission)', 'Paint Can' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Lancelot' are leading to the English page.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Soldier', 'Team Fortress Classic', 'Steam Workshop' are leading to the wrong language.
Sky Captain/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Love & War Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Sleeveless in Siberia/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Sleepless in Seattle' are leading to the English page.
Smissmas 2014/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Snapped Pupil/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Sniper Rifle/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Sniper vs. Spy Update/hu
Warning 10 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'The Insult That Made a "Jarate Master" Out of Sniper' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'April Fools' Day' are leading to the English page.
Sniper's Snipin' Glass/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Dota 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Error Links 'Weapons', 'Birdman of Australiacatraz', 'Health', 'Wet Works', 'Trailer 2', 'Cobber Chameleon', 'Monday Night Combat', 'Falconer', 'Speed', 'Macho Mann', 'Overheal' are leading to the wrong language.
Snow Sleeves/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Snow Stompers/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'bodygroup', 'Equip region' are leading to the wrong language.
Soda Popper/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Hazard Symbol' are leading to the English page.
Soldered Sensei/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Soldier achievements/hu
Error Links 'WAR! Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Soldier of Fortune/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Soldier's Stash/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Full Metal Jacket' are leading to the English page.
Error 6 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 16 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Weapons', 'Speed' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Shock and Awe', 'Midwest' are leading to the English page.
Solemn Vow/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Something Special For Someone Special/hu
Error No label on localized link(s)
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Mann Co. Store', 'Gift Wrap', 'server', 'Name Tag', 'miscellaneous item', 'Steam Workshop' are leading to the wrong language.
Special Delivery (item set)/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Community Scout strategy#The Special Delivery' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' are leading to the English page.
Spectral Halloween Special/hu
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Patches#Content updates' are leading to the wrong language.
Spectre's Spectacles/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Spy', 'Manniversary Update & Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Spinal Tap/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'May 5, 2011 Patch', 'April 14, 2011 Patch', 'January 13, 2010 Patch' are leading to the wrong language.
Spook Specs/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Spy achievements/hu
Error Links 'Australian Christmas' are leading to the wrong language.
Spy taunts/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Error Links 'Love & War Update', 'High Five!', 'Über Update', 'Sniper vs. Spy Update', 'Fencing', 'Replay Update', 'community fads#Spycrab', 'Mann-Conomy Update', 'Manniversary Update & Sale' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'NPC#BLU team .28Original.29 ', 'Trailer 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'France', 'Fu Manchu' are leading to the English page.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Stainless Pot/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Stately Steel Toe/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Steam Community Market/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'tools', 'items', 'Dota 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Steam Wallet/hu
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Valve' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 6 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Main Page', 'Steam (software)' are leading to the English page.
Steel Songbird/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Stovepipe Sniper Shako/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Error Links 'Backburner' are leading to the wrong language.
Summer Claim Check/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Pallet of Crates', 'Loadout#Loadout' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Bag tag' are leading to the English page.
Summer Event 2013/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Links 'Heavy', 'Process', 'Pyro', 'Control Point (Game Mode)', 'Spy', 'Soldier', 'Sniper', 'Scout', 'Engineer', 'Standin', 'Classes', 'Medic', 'Demoman' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'RIFT' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Monday Night Combat' are leading to the wrong language.
Surgeon Simulator 2013/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Main Page', 'Surgeon Simulator 2013' are leading to the English page.
Swagman's Swatter/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning Wikipedia links 'swagman' are leading to the English page.
Sydney Straw Boat/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Syringe Gun/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
TF Industries/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'May 5, 2011 Patch', 'August 26, 2010 Patch', 'August 19, 2008 Patch', 'December 18, 2009 Patch', 'July 20, 2011 Patch', 'PDA ', 'July 8, 2010 Patch', 'February 24, 2009 Patch', 'October 13, 2011 Patch', 'June 3, 2011 Patch', 'April 14, 2011 Patch', 'July 1, 2011 Patch', 'September 30, 2010 Patch', 'April 29, 2008 Patch', 'Sniper vs. Spy Update', 'July 8, 2008 Patch', 'Apoco-Fists', 'December 17, 2009 Patch', 'February 25, 2009 Patch', 'June 23, 2011 Patch', 'June 19, 2008 Patch', 'March 15, 2011 Patch', 'December 7, 2009 Patch', 'January 13, 2010 Patch', 'August 23, 2011 Patch', 'September 15, 2009 Patch', 'June 25, 2009 Patch', 'October 14, 2009 Patch', 'October 29, 2009 Patch', 'November 19, 2010 Patch', 'Replay achievements', 'June 8, 2011 Patch', 'Shotgun', 'October 17, 2011 Patch', 'November 20, 2007 Patch', 'February 16, 2009 Patch', 'July 22, 2011 Patch', 'May 21, 2009 Patch', 'Fists' are leading to the wrong language.
Team Captain/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Guile (Street Fighter)', 'M. Bison', 'peaked cap' are leading to the English page.
Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack/hu
Warning 15 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Wikipedia links 'hu:Mike Morasky' don't exist.
Teddy Roosebelt/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Teufort Tooth Kicker/hu
Warning Wikipedia links 'T. Hawk', 'Super Street Fighter II' are leading to the English page.
Texas Tech-hand/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Peacenik's Ponytail' are leading to the wrong language.
Texas Ten Gallon/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Classless Update', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Thermal Tracker/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Steam Workshop' are leading to the wrong language.
Three-Rune Blade/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'The Witcher 2' are leading to the wrong language.
Tide Turner/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Love & War Update', 'achievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Tomb Readers/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Tomb Raider III' are leading to the English page.
Tomb Wrapper/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Tomb Raider', 'Promotional items', 'Steam', 'Scout', 'Genuine' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Tomislav (name)', 'Thompson submachine gun' are leading to the English page.
Tools of the Trade/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Total War: ROME II/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Error 4 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Tough Guy's Toque/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning 10 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'tools', 'misc', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Tranquilizer Gun/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Triad Trinket/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.
Triboniophorus Tyrannus/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Warning Wikipedia links 'Triboniophorus' are leading to the English page.
Triggerman's Tacticals/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Love & War Update', 'Sniper' are leading to the wrong language.
Trophy Belt/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 3 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Sniper vs. Spy Update', 'Meet the Spy' are leading to the wrong language.
Troublemaker's Tossle Cap/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'First Community Contribution Update', 'Paint Can' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'N.W.A', 'Straight Outta Compton' are leading to the English page.
Warning 4 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'June 19, 2008 Patch' are leading to the wrong language.
Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Classes' are leading to the wrong language.
Tyrant's Helm/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Classless Update', 'LOD', 'Mann-Conomy Update' are leading to the wrong language.
Error Links 'April 29, 2008 Patch', 'February 14, 2011 Patch' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Upgrade Station/hu
Error 1 use(s) of
{{if lang}}
; should be replaced with/hu
.Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Mann vs. Machievements' are leading to the wrong language.
Upgrade to Premium Gift/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Valve (quality)/hu
Warning 1 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Error 3 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
Villain's Veil/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Vintage Tyrolean/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Vive La France/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Voice actors/hu
Error Not displaying the correct title;
might be needed.Warning 8 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Wartime Warmth/hu
Error Usage of the
parameter in the item infobox on an item page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Waxy Wayfinder/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Pyro', 'Particle effects#Genteel Pipe Smoke effect' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Candle in the Wind' are leading to the English page.
Error Links 'Item drop system' are leading to the wrong language.
Well-Rounded Rifleman/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Whoopee Cap/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Non-player characters#Badland Brawlers' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Jughead Jones', 'Archie (comics)' are leading to the English page.
Wiki Cap/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxError Links 'Team Fortress Wiki:Wiki Cap guidelines' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Beretta M 1934' are leading to the English page.
Wrap Assassin/hu
Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning Wikipedia links 'Christmas ornament#Bauble', 'wrapping paper' are leading to the English page.
Wrap Battler/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Ye Olde Baker Boy/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 1 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infobox
Warning 2 external link(s) without
{{lang icon|en}}
Error Links 'Team Fortress Wiki:Weapon Demonstration' are leading to the wrong language.
Warning Wikipedia links 'Main Page', 'YouTube' are leading to the English page.
Your Worst Nightmare/hu
Error Usage of
on inappropriate page.Error 2 use(s) of
; should be replaced with[[w:hu:Link|Caption]]
.Warning No usage of the
parameter in the item infoboxWarning 1 external link(s) without
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