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決戰曼恩模組(VS Saxton Hale Mode)是在競技場模式上的一個非官方 Boss 模組插件,其中紅隊以及藍隊將會對戰直到一方完全被殲滅。雖然殺與被殺還是主要的規則,但是此模組則會隨機選擇一位玩家來充當強大的薩克斯頓.海爾,在一個隊伍中對抗其他的玩家。偶爾角色也會更換,比方說有時候一些有著隊伍顏色的 Vagineer 和 Christian Brutal Sniper 會出現在遊戲中。


此模組與競技場模式非常類似:如果玩家死亡,直到回合結束前他們將不能重生。在曼恩模組地圖中,所有玩家(一位除外)將會被分配到紅隊,而唯一留在藍隊的玩家將會扮演薩克斯頓.海爾的角色。然而在競技場地圖中,扮演海爾的玩家則會在隨機的隊伍中出現。海爾的獨特能力能給於他一般玩家們所沒有的優勢(例如更多的生命值、和特別的跳躍能力),但是他只能使用近戰攻擊(有 210% 的攻擊威力加成)。因為擁有這些卓越的能力加成,海爾的攻擊通常都能一擊打死想殺的目標。



此外,被選擇到的玩家將會有一定的機率成為薩克斯頓.海爾以外的 Boss 角色。這些新角色的概念都是以在網路爆紅的影片以及模組而來。雖然有些特別的角色只會在一些特定的伺服器中出現(比方說炒鍋男),但最主要的設定則是會加進像連馬都沒有的無頭騎士二世(體積較小的無頭騎士)、Vagineer、或是 Christian Brutal Sniper 之類的角色到決戰曼恩模組中。


Boss 能力

為了要讓成為 Boss 的玩家能夠與多數的對手們勢均力敵,許多特殊的能力將會給予擔任 Boss 的玩家們(大部分是從眾多職業抽取出來的):

  • 超級跳:按下蹲下或是次要攻擊鍵並往上看,再放開蹲下/次要攻擊鍵,玩家會被往上強力的推進。
    • 連馬都沒有的無頭騎士二世的超級跳會將玩家傳送到隨機一位對手旁,而傳送之後 Boss 玩家會有幾秒鐘不能移動,給他的獵物一個逃跑的機會。
  • 超級無敵跳:一種類似超級跳的能力,能保護海爾被一擊必殺或是失足掉入懸崖之中。
    • 連馬都沒有的無頭騎士二世的超級無敵跳也是將玩家傳送離開危險區域,只是傳送之後不能移動的時間會比一般傳送來的久。
  • 霸氣:當 Boss 受到一定的傷害之後(通常在 1900 點傷害之後),他的怒氣值將會填滿。怒氣值滿的玩家此時只要案下E鍵(呼叫醫生),便可以擊暈所有鄰近的玩家們以及步哨防禦槍(跟幽靈的能力差不多)。
    • Vagineer 的霸氣能力可以 ÜberCharge 自己,以及擊暈所有範圍內的玩家(不過擊暈範圍比海爾小)。
    • Christian Brutal Sniper 的霸氣能力則是能賦予玩家一把被修改過的弓箭,使他能夠在拉弓時還能擁有正常的速度,但是擊暈範圍也比較小。
  • 速度均衡十字鎬效果::所有 Boss 的移動速度都會依照他們所受傷害的比例增加。
  • 踏板戰靴效果:降落在敵方玩家的頭上會讓他們受到與被海爾攻擊一樣的傷害。
  • 急速下降:能夠快速降落的能力,使玩家不會被步哨防禦槍或是重裝兵的格林機槍擊退,也能跟踏板戰靴的效果搭配得很好。


主條目: 社群決戰曼恩模組策略(英)


Boss 的生命值會依照遊戲中玩家的數量調整。生命值會以初始敵隊玩家數量來做為公式基礎。生命值是以[(760+n)*(n-1)]1.04 來計算,n 是初始敵隊玩家的數量。當 n < 5 時, n 會以 2 增加。

薩克斯頓.海爾 (和其他 Boss) 生命值
伺服器中的玩家數量 修改數值(n) 最高(初始)Boss 生命值
1 3 2046
10 10 9871
20 20 21761
23 23 25447
30 30 34232
31 31 35507


  • 偵察兵
    • 爆擊可樂的小爆擊會被完整爆擊取代。
    • 鐵軍扇的每一擊能去除掉 Boss 玩家的 5% 怒氣值。
    • 拐杖糖的每一擊能使小型醫護包掉落。
    • 所有手槍都有小爆擊的傷害輸出。
    • 游擊手的重裝彈藥速度缺點移除。
    • 包裝紙殺手的玻璃彩球在重新補充之前,可以丟擲兩次。
  • 火箭兵
    • 所有火箭兵的主要及次要武器(葛保諾博士勝利裝備除外)都會對在空中的 Boss 玩家造成小爆擊的傷害(切換後 99999 秒內可對空中目標造成小爆擊的傷害)。
      • 直擊火箭會對空中 Boss 玩家造成爆擊傷害(非小爆擊)。
      • 後勤防空員擁有更快的切換武器速度以及少量的攻擊加成。
    • 火箭跳躍者將不能使用,會以原本的火箭發射器代替。
    • 營隊後援會增加裝備者 10 單位的最大生命值,且使用時能阻擋掉 Boss 的大量攻擊傷害。
    • 踏板戰靴和鐵炮護靴能夠減少 90% 的摔傷傷害,而且火箭跳的距離會因為裝備靴子而增加。
    • 半盲劍俠每擊可以回復 35 單位的生命值,且可以擴充玩家 25 單位的生命值。而且每當成功砍到對手時,此武器就可以切換了。
  • 火焰兵
    • 信號槍爆破信號槍會被替代成「超級爆破信號槍」。這是一把模組自製的爆破信號槍,玩家能夠以大量的生命值作為代價,做出類似火箭跳的爆破跳。不管是以次要攻擊或是與物體接觸而爆破,都會使玩家因爆破而被推到很遠的地方。
    • 火斧以及掛號專員的功能會變得跟消防斧一樣。
    • 強力千斤頂的每一擊可以回復 25 單位生命值,且可以擴充玩家 50 的生命值。
    • 當使用壓縮氣爆把 Boss 反彈時,其怒氣值將會少許的增加。此外,如果在 Vagineer 已經進入 ÜberCharge 時使用氣爆的話,將會浪費多餘的彈藥以及增加其霸氣時間。
  • 重裝兵
    • 娜塔莎將不能使用,會以原本的格林機槍代替。
    • 鐵拳將不能使用,會以原本的拳頭代替。
    • 殺人拳套狂奔手套被修改成增加 50% 玩家的速度,但當玩家拿出手套時每秒將會受到 7 點的傷害。
    • 重裝兵可以在被擊暈時使用近戰來攻擊。如果重裝兵可以成功用快樂拳打到 Boss 玩家的話,將能夠解除自身暈眩狀態。
  • 工程師
    • 金屬是非常難找的,而且地圖上只有小型的彈藥箱。記得建造補給器來給自己提供金屬。
    • 只要工程師的步哨防禦槍瞄準了 Boss 玩家,邊疆正義就可以有爆擊傷害輸出。
    • 工程師的手槍有爆擊傷害加成。
    • 靈光乍現將不能使用,會以原本的扳手代替。
  • 醫護兵
    • 所有注射槍都已經修改過,每當成功擊中目標將會增加 5% 的 Übercharge 能量。
    • 聖十字弩弓永遠會有爆擊的傷害輸出,以及 150% 的攻擊加成,而且每當成功擊中目標時,將會增加 10% 的 Übercharge 。
    • 所有次要武器都會被更換成修改過的自訂爆擊製造者,擁有增快 25% 的 Übercharge 集電速率。
    • ÜberCharge 會同時給予玩家以及醫護兵無敵和爆擊的效果,而且持續時間比一般的 Übercharge 還多出 50%。
    • 醫護兵初始會有 40% 的 ÜberCharge,而每當一個 ÜberCharge 結束之後,30% 的 Übercharge 會自動產生。
    • 當治療目標時如果目標已處在爆擊時間的話,會導致目標的間接形式攻擊有小爆擊(如步哨防禦槍和餘火燃燒)。
    • 治療偵察兵會使醫護兵擁有紀律行動的速度加成,有與偵察兵一樣的速度。
  • 狙擊手
    • 所有狙擊手武器都有爆擊傷害輸出。
    • 巴剎長槍將不能使用,會以原本的狙擊槍代替。
    • 狙擊槍的攻擊會使 Boss 玩家發光(其他玩家可以看透牆壁而得知 Boss 玩家的行蹤)。開啟狙擊鏡越久,Boss 玩家被打到時所發光的時間會越久。
    • 獵人長弓擁有 50% 的攻擊加成。
    • 劍脊野豬盾達爾文鱷魚盾將會被衝鋒槍給代替。
    • 瓶手道可以消除 Boss 玩家 8% 的怒氣值、減少 Christian Brutal Sniper 的一發弓箭、以及 Vagineer 的 ÜberCharge 能量。
  • 間諜
    • 所有主要武器都有小爆擊的傷害輸出。
    • 背刺會減少 Boss 玩家大約 10% 的總生命值。
    • 成功背刺時間諜以及 Boss 玩家都會有警覺通知。如同背刺有劍脊野豬盾的狙擊手一樣,間諜背刺 Boss 玩家後將會有 2 秒鐘不能攻擊或是隱形。
    • 成功使用您的永恆獎賞或是巫毒咒錐背刺 Boss 玩家將會讓間諜偽裝成隨機一名隊友。
    • 成功使用陰謀苦無背刺的間諜會增加 100 點生命值,最多可擴充到 270 點生命值。
    • 隱身匕首將不能使用,會以原本的隱形手錶或是熱衷粉絲的手錶代替。
    • 死亡送終者會使被 Boss 玩家攻擊的間諜受到 62 點的傷害,而不是 Boss 玩家 10% 的攻擊傷害輸出。

請注意像是 Boss 玩家的速度、霸氣攻擊力、霸氣範圍、以及其他 Boss 角色的出現會因不同的伺服器而有所不同,這些屬性都可以經由伺服器的控制台指令更改。



Version 1.39c
  • Backstab disguising smoother/less obvious
  • Rage 'dings' dispenser/tele, to help locate Hale
  • Improved skip panel
  • Removed crits from sniper rifles, now do 2.9x damage
    • Sleeper does 2.4x damage, 2.9x if Hale's rage is >90pct
    • Bushwacka nerfs still apply
    • Minicrit- less damage, more knockback
  • Scaled sniper rifle glow time a bit better
  • Fixed Dead Ringer spy death icon
  • BabyFaceBlaster will fill boost normally, but will hit 100 and drain+minicrits
  • Can't Eureka+destroy dispenser to insta-tele
  • Phlogger invuln during the taunt
  • Added !hale_resetq
  • Heatmaker gains Focus on hit (varies by charge)
  • Bosses get short defense buff after rage
  • Cozy Camper comes with SMG - 1.5s bleed, no random crit, -15% dmg
  • Valve buffed Crossbow. Balancing.
  • New cvars-hale_force_team, hale_enable_eureka"
  • Powerlord's Better Backstab Detection
  • Backburner has charged airblast
  • Skip Hale notification mixes things up
  • Bosses may or may not obey Pyrovision voice rules. Or both.

Version 1.39 beta

  • !hale_resetqueuepoints
    • From chat, asks for confirmation
    • From console, no confirmation!
  • Help panel stops repeatedly popping up
  • Medic is credited 100% of damage done during uber
  • Bushwacka changes:
    • Hit a wall to climb it
    • Slower fire rate
    • Disables crits on rifles (not Huntsman)
    • Effect does not occur during HHH round
  • Late December increases chances of CBS appearing
  • If map changes mid-round, queue points not lost
  • Fixed HHH tele (again).
  • HHH tele removes Sniper Rifle glow
  • Mantread stomp deals 5x damage to Hale
  • Rage stun range- Vagineer increased, CBS decreased
  • Balanced CBS arrows
  • Minicrits will not play loud sound to all players
  • Dead Ringer will not be able to activate for 2s after backstab
    • Other spy watches can
  • Fixed crit issues
  • Hale queue now accepts negative points
  • For server owners:
    • Translations updated
    • Added hale_spec_force_boss cvar
    • Now attempts to integrate tf2items config
    • With SteamTools, changes game desc
    • Plugin may warn if config is outdated
    • Jump/tele charge defines at top of code
  • For mapmakers:
    • Indicate that your map has music:
    • Add info_target with name 'hale_no_music'
  • Third Degree hit adds uber to healers
  • Knockback resistance on Hale/HHH

Version 1.38

  • Bots will use rage
  • Doors only forced open on specified maps
  • CBS spawns more during Winter holidays
  • Deathspam for teamswitch gone
  • More notice for next Hale
  • Wrap Assassin has 2 ammo
  • Holiday Punch slightly disorients Hale (if stunned Heavy punches Hale, removes stun)
  • Mantreads increase rocketjump distance
  • Fixed CBS Huntsman rate of fire
  • Fixed permanent invuln Vagineer glitch
  • Jarate removes some Vagineer uber time and 1 CBS arrow
  • Low-end Medic assist damage now counted
  • Hitting Dead Ringers does more damage (as balancing)
  • Eureka Effect temporarily removed
  • HHH won't get stuck in ceilings when teleporting
  • Further updates pending

Version 1.37b

  • The Fan O' War no longer mistakenly adds the MarkedForDeath condition.
  • The music forward now fires consistently even if there's no music. Improvements.

Version 1.37

  • Fixed taunt/rage
  • Fixed rage+high five
  • hale_circuit_stun - Circuit Stun time (0 to disable)
  • Fixed coaching bug
  • Config file for map doors
  • Fixed floor-Hale
  • Fixed Circuit stun
  • Fixed negative health bug
  • hale_enabled isn't a dummy cvar anymore
  • hale_special cmd fixes
  • 1st-round cap enables after 1 min.
  • More invalid Hale checks.
  • Backstabs act like Razorbackstab (2s)
  • Fixed map check error
  • Wanga Prick -> Eternal Reward effect
  • Jarate removes 8% of Hale's rage meter
  • The Fan O' War removes 5% of the rage meter on hit
  • Removed Shortstop reload penalty
  • VSH_OnMusic forward added

Version 1.369

  • Fixed spawn door blocking.
  • Cleaned up HUD text (health, etc).
  • VSH_OnDoJump now has a bool for superduper.
  • !halenoclass changed to !haleclassinfotoggle.
  • Fixed invalid clients becoming Hale
  • Removed teamscramble from first round.
  • Vagineer noises:
    • Nope for no
    • Gottam/mottag (same as jump but quieter) for Move Up
    • Hurr for everything else
  • All map dispensers will be on the non-Hale team (fixes health bug)
  • Fixed command flags on overlay command
  • Fixed soldier shotgun not dealing midair minicrits.
  • Fixed invalid weapons on clients
  • Damage indicator (+spec damage indicator)
  • Hale speed remains during humiliation time
  • SuperDuperTele for HHH stuns for 4s instead of regular 2
  • Battalion's Backup adds +10 max hp, but still only overheal to 300
  • Full rage meter when hit by Hale. Buff causes drastic defense boost.
  • Fixed a telefrag glitch
  • Powerjack is now +25hp on hit, heal up to +50 overheal
  • Backstab now shows the regular hit indicator (like other weapons do)
  • Kunai adds 100hp on backstab, up to 270
  • FaN/Scout crit knockback not nerfed to oblivion anymore
  • Removed Short Circuit stun (better effect being made)

Version 1.368

  • Now FaN and Scout crit knockback is REALLY lessened.
  • Medic says 'I'm charged' when he gets 100%% uber-charge with syringegun.
  • Added support of VSH achievements.
  • Team will scramble in 1st round, if 1st round is default arena.
  • Now client can disable info about changes of classes, displayed when round started.
  • Powerjack adds 50HPs per hit.
  • Short Circuit stuns Hale for 2.0 seconds.
  • Vagineer says "hurr"

Version 1.367

  • Map-specific fixes:
    • Oilrig's pit no longer allows HHH to instatele
    • Arakawa's pit damage drastically lessened
  • General map fixes: disable spawn-blocking walls
  • Cap point now properly un/locks instead of fake-unlocking.
  • Tried fixing double-music playing.
  • Fixed Eternal Reward disguise glitch - edge case.
  • Help menus no longer glitch votes.

Version 1.366

  • Fixed superjump velocity code.
  • Fixed replaced Rocket Jumpers not minicritting Hale in midair.

Version 1.365

  • Half-Zatoichi is now allowed. Heal 35 health on hit, but must hit Hale to remove Honorbound.
    • Can add up to 25 overheal
    • Starts the round bloodied.
  • Fixed Hale not building rage when only Scouts remain.
  • Tried fixing Hale disconnect/nextround glitches (including music).
  • Candycane spawns healthpack on hit.

Version 1.364

  • Added convar hale_first_round (default 0). If it's 0, first round will be default arena.
  • Added more translations.

Version 1.363

  • Fixed a queue point exploit (VoiDeD is mean)
  • HHH has backstab/death sound now
  • First rounds are normal arena
    • Some weapon replacements still apply!
    • Teambalance is still off, too.
  • Fixed arena_ maps not switching teams occasionally
    • After 3 rounds with a team, has a chance to switch
    • Will add a cvar to keep Hale always blue/force team, soon
  • Fixed pit damage

Version 1.362

  • Sounds are not .mdl anymore, they are .wav.
  • Fixed minor issue about /halemusic

Version 1.361

  • Christian Brutal Sniper music.
  • Soldiers Mini-Crit Hale while he's in mid-air.
  • Direct Hit Crits where it would Mini-Crit.
  • Reserve Shooter has faster weapons switch and +10% damage.
  • Added hale_stop_music for admins to stop current music for all players.
  • Force-A-Nature and Scout Crit knockback is lessened.
  • Your halemusic/halevoice settings are saved.

Version 1.36

  • Updated Christian Brutal Sniper model.
  • Fixed last man alive sound.
  • Removed broken Hale line, fixed one.
  • New Horseless Headless Horsemann Jr. rage sound.
  • Horseless Headless Horsemann Jr. music (/halemusic).
  • Christian Brutal Sniper jump noise.
  • /halevoice and /halemusic to turn off voice/music.
  • Updated natives/forwards (can change rage distance in fwd).
  • Change hale_crits cvar to turn off Hale random Crits.
  • Fixed Sentries not repairing when raged.
  • Set hale_ragesentrydamagemode to 0 to force the Engineer to pick up the Sentry to repair it.
  • Now uses sourcemod autoconfig (tf/cfg/sourcemod/).
  • No longer requires saxton_hale_points.cfg file.
  • Now using clientprefs for queue points.
  • When on a non-VSH map, team switch does not occur so often.
  • Should have full replay compatibility.
  • Bots work with queue, are Hale less often.
  • Hale's health increased by 1 (in code).
  • Many, many, many, many, many fixes.
  • Crossbow: +150% damage, +10 Ubercharge on hit.
  • Syringe Gun has Overdose speed boost.
  • Sniper glow time scales with charge (2 to 8 seconds).
  • Eyelander/Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/Nessie's Nine Iron add heads on hit.
  • Axtinguisher/Postal Pummeler use Fire Axe attributes.
  • Gloves of Running Urgently/Killing Gloves of Boxing is +50% speed but -7hp/s.
  • Airblasting boss adds rage (no Airblast reload, though).
  • Airblasting Ubercharged Vagineer adds time to the Ubercharge and takes extra ammo.
  • Frontier Justice allowed, Crits only when players Sentry sees Hale.
  • Boss Weighdown (Look down and crouch) after 5 seconds in midair.
  • Force-A-Nature is back.
  • Scout Crits/Mini-Crits do less knockback if not melee.
  • Saxton has his own fists.
  • Unlimited /halehp but after 3, longer cooldown.
  • Fist kill icons.
  • Fixed Christian Brutal Sniper arrow count (start at 9, but if less than 9 players, uses only that number of players)
  • Spy primary Mini-Crits.
  • Dead Ringer fixed.
  • Flare Gun replaced with the Detonator. Has large jump but more self-damage (like old Detonator beta).
  • Your Eternal Reward backstab disguises as random faster classes.
  • Conniver's Kunai adds 60 health on backstab.
  • Randomizer compatibility.
  • Medic Ubercharge works as normal with Crits added (multiple targets, etc).
  • Crits stay when being healed, but adds Mini-Crits too (for sentry, etc).
  • Fixed Sniper back weapon replacement.
  • Vagineer "NOPE" and "Well Don't That Beat All!"
  • Telefrags do 9001 damage.
  • Speed boost when healing Scouts (like the Quick-Fix).
  • Rage builds (VERY slowly) if there are only Scouts left.
  • Healing assist damage split between healers.
  • Fixed backstab assist damage.
  • Fixed Horseless Headless Horsemann Jr. attacking during teleport.
  • Soldier boots - 1/10th fall damage.
  • AND MORE! (I forget all of them.)

Versions:1.35_2 and 1.35_3

  • Fixed bugs about damage, the Medic's Ubercharge, the queue, and others.


  • Added point system (/halenext).
  • Added [VSH] tag to VSH messages.
  • Removed native VSH_GetSaxtonHaleHealth() added native VSH_GetRoundState().
  • There is Mini-Crits for the Scout's pistols. Not full Crits, like before.
  • Fixed issues associated with Crits.
  • Added FORCE_GENERATION flag to stop errorlogs.


  • Special crits will not removed by Medic.
  • Sniper's glow is working again.
  • No errors in console.
  • Less messages in chat.
  • Added more natives.
  • "Over 9000" sound returns! Thx you, FlaminSarge.


  • Fixed airblast reload when VSH is disabled.
  • Fixed airblast reload after detonator's alt-fire.
  • Airblast reload time reduced to 3 seconds.
  • hale_special 3 is disabled.


  • Biohazard Christian Brutal Sniper! He's about 20% cooler!
  • TF2_IsPlayerInCondition() returns! Fixed some bugs associated with this.
  • Now sniper rifle must be 100perc.charged to glow Hale.
  • Fixed Vagineer's model (there isn't spam on console and fire on ground).
  • Added Natives.
  • Hunstman deals more damage.
  • Added reload time (5sec) for Pyro's airblast.
  • Fixed hale_special X admin command.


  • Fixed bugs, associated with Uber-update.
  • FaN replaced with Soda Popper.
  • Bazaar Bargain replaced with Sniper Rifle.
  • Sniper Rifle adding glow to Hale - anyone can see him for 5 seconds.
  • Crusader's Crossbow deals more damage.
  • Plugin uses TF2_IsPlayerInCondition().
  • Other code optimizing.


  • Fixed bug with replay.
  • Fixed bug with help menu


  • added new Saxton's lines on...
 *round start
 *destroy Sentry
 *kill Scout, Pyro, Heavy, Engineer, Spy
 *Last man standing
 *killing spree
  • Fixed bugged count of CBS' arrows.
  • Reduced Hale's damage versus DR by 20 HPs.
  • Now two specials can not be at a stretch.

Version:1.30 & 1.31

  • Bug Fixes


  • Fixed random crashes associated with CBS.
  • Now Hale's HP formula is ((760+x-1)*(x-1))^1.04
  • Added hale_special0. Use it to change next boss to Hale.
  • CBS has 9 arrows for bow-rage. Also he has stun rage, but on little distantion.
  • Teammates gets 2 scores per each 600 damage.
  • Demoman with Targe has crits on his primary weapon.
  • Removed support of non-Arena maps, because nobody did't use it and they were buggy.
  • Pistol/Lugermorph has crits.


  • Christian Brutal Sniper is a regular character.
  • CBS has 3 melee weapons ad bow-rage.
  • Added new lines for Vagineer.
  • Now Mode uses in-game model change function. (Attachables are broken from Hatless Update)


  • Many bug fixes and code optimization.


  • Added the second URL for auto-update.
  • Fixed problems, when auto-update was corrupt plugin.
  • Added a question for the next Hale, if he want to be him. (/haleme)
  • Eyelander and Half-Zatoichi was replaced with Claidheamh Mor.
  • Dispenser and TP won't be destoyed after Engineer's death.
  • Mode uses the localization file.
  • Saxton Hale will be choosed randomly for the first 3 rounds (then by queue).
  • Fan O'War replaced with Sandman

Version 1.25

  • Fixed silent HHHjr's rage.
  • Now bots (sourcetv too) will not be Hale.
  • Fixed invalid uber on Vagineer's head.
  • Fixed other little bugs.

Version 1.24

  • Fixed destroyed buildables associated with spy's fake death.
  • Syringe Gun replaced with Blutsauger.
  • Blutsauger, on hit: +3 to uber-charge.
  • Removed crits from Blutsauger.
  • CnD replaced with Invis Watch.
  • Fr.Justice replaced with shotgun.
  • Fists of steel replaced with fists.
  • KGB replaced with GRU.
  • Added /haleclass.

Version 1.23

  • Added Super Duper Jump to rescue Hale from pit.
  • Removed pyro's ammolimit.
  • Fixed little bugs.

Version 1.22

  • Now it's working. Also little optimize about player count.

Version 1.21

  • Point will be enabled when X or less players be alive.

Version 1.20

  • Added new Hale's phrases.
  • More bugfixes
  • Improved super-jump.
  • Coming soon: point will be disabled until last X living players.

Version 1.12

  • More bugfixes.
  • Now "(Hale)<mapname>" can be nominated for nextmap.
  • Medigun's uber gets uber and crits for Medic and his target.
  • Fixed infinite Specials.
  • Now gamemode's ConVars saves in file (addons\sourcemod\configs\saxton_hale_config.c fg)
  • And more bugfixes.

Version 1.11

  • Fixed immortal spy.
  • Fixed crashes associated with classlimits.

Version 1.10

  • Added hale_enabled convar.
  • Fixed bug, when all hats was removed...why?

Version 1.00

  • Release!!!


從版本 1.20 開始,許多對白被增加到了模組裡。這些額外的薩克斯頓.海爾語音回應會在特殊動作產生時出現。


  • 當薩克斯頓被擊敗時,會留下火箭兵的屍體
    • Vagineer、連馬都沒有的無頭騎士二世、以及 Christian Brutal Sniper 都會有此錯誤,他們死亡時會分別留下工程師、爆破兵、以及狙擊手的屍體。
      • 如果玩家使用 explode 的指令,將不會有屍體留下。
  • 幸災樂禍導演的眼界、以及擊掌! 等挑釁動作都可以被 Boss 玩家使用,只是他們不會有任何的面部表情。
  • 如果瓶手道的效果是從雪梨沉睡者輸出的話,其效果將會在 0.5 秒之內消失,所以海爾在這情況只有 0.5 秒的時間會有小爆擊傷害。
  • 如果薩克斯頓.海爾擊暈戴上銲工面具的工程師的話,面具會往下翻並蓋住工程師的臉。
  • 如果薩克斯頓.海爾在擁有 100% 怒氣值時使用擊掌!嘲諷動作的話,他將會卡住站在那邊直到動作結束為止。


  • 薩克斯頓.海爾的其中一個對白 "Screw gravity!" 是參考 Thomas Ridgewell 所製作的一部 Flash 短片 asdfmovie3
  • 部分伺服器擁有『踩蘑菇』插件,意思是如果玩家可以踩到薩克斯頓.海爾的頭,將會讓薩克斯頓.海爾受到與背刺一樣的傷害,此時伺服器也會出現「玩家名稱」踩了「扮演海爾玩家名稱」的告示。同樣的,海爾也可以以這方法踩其他玩家的頭。
  • 此模組是由玩家 Dr. Eggman 在 2010 年的十月發表。模組的更新則是跟 FlaminSarge 一起合作,在 2010 年的八/九月時推出。



2011年4月14日更新 (無帽日更新)

  • 伺服器的模型插件功能已被完全停用。現在會使用遊戲中的模型更改功能。

