Obtaining PASS Time achievements
Revision as of 15:21, 2 August 2017 by Face Facerson (talk | contribs) (No longer able to perform the second achievement in singleplayer, achievements disabled when you activate sv_cheats 1.)
Jackpot! Win 10 rounds playing PASS Time. Reward: Civilian Grade JACK Hat Difficulty: Easy How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a significant amount of time playing PASS Time. |
{{Show achievement|PASS Time|tune merasmus's multi-dimensional television | obtain-level = Very Hard | obtain-text = This achievement is relatively complicated and requires cooperation from 5 people on RED team and 4 people on BLU team, on the map Brickyard.
- On the RED side of the map facing the goal, on the left there is a small area with the Engineer's guitar and a Destruction PDA. A player must enter this area and attack the wall.
- The corresponding BLU side of the map will reveal a hidden goal. The Jack must be thrown into this goal.
- In the spawn rooms, doors marked "PRIVATE" will open in each spawn to reveal a Teleporter for each respective team.
- Players who walk into their special teleporters will be transported to a room with a television. Surrounding the television are 9 smudge marks on the floor. A player with the correct class and color must stand on each respective mark. The required classes and colors from left to right forming a semi-circle are: RED Pyro, BLU Spy, RED Sniper, RED Medic, BLU Engineer, RED Heavy, RED Soldier, BLU Demoman, BLU Scout.
- The plug behind the television set must be shot out. The television will then glow green, earning the achievement.
Note: Each class must stand exactly square on the smudge mark. Any spectators must not "stand" (or "float") in this area.