텍사스 텐 겔런
“ | Hehee, yeeeehaaaaw!
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— 엔지니어
” |
텍사스 카우보이 모자는 엔지니어를 위하여 출시된 모자 입니다. 이 모자는 하얀가죽으로 만들어진 모자를 둘러 싼 검정 가죽밴드가 있는 카우보이 풍채의 모자입니다.
이 모자의 설명은 drewhead118에 의해 쓰여졌습니다.
페인트 사용 후
본문: 페인트통
미리보기 사진에 마우스를 가져다 대면 배경이 검은색으로 변합니다.
- Many theories exist as to why the Stetson became known as the 'ten-gallon hat'. The Stetson company admits their largest product can only hold, at most, 3 quarts of liquid. The name may have been adopted due to the original Stetson's high quality and tightly-woven felt, making it watertight, albeit briefly. The problem with this theory, however, is that any fabric container used to hold water will eventually unravel and be destroyed.
- Another theory is that the term "ten gallon" is possibly a corruption of the Spanish term "galón", or galloon, a type of narrow braided trimming around the crown, possibly a style adapted by the vaqueros. In essence, the term 'ten-gallon' did not originally refer to the holding capacity of the hat, but to the width of a Mexican sombrero hatband. When Texas cowboys misunderstood the word "galón" for "gallon," the popular, though incorrect, legend may have been born.