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地圖 Watergate。
我喝醉了 - 你們少在那找藉口啦!
爆破兵 對醉酒的 UFO 駕駛員說道

玩家破壞模式(Player Destruction)是一種由社群製作的遊戲模式,於外星入侵社群更新時新增至遊戲中。


兩個團隊的目標是收集來自陣亡玩家的啤酒掉落物,並將它們送到在地圖中心的不明飛行物(UFO)裡,灌醉它們的駕駛員從而得到相應的點數。玩家被殺後,會掉落 1 瓶啤酒,還會加上該玩家身上攜帶的所有啤酒的數量(會顯示在他們的頭頂上或在他們自己的抬頭顯示器上),這些啤酒掉落物都可以被兩隊的玩家捨取。兩隊當中攜帶最多啤酒的非間諜玩家還會成為「隊長」,給附近的隊友提供治療和彈藥補給,就如同一台等級 1 補給器一樣,但同時他們身上也會出現一層發光的輪廓,兩隊的玩家都可以透過墻壁跟蹤他們的位置。隊長的補給範圍是修改過的 450 個單位(預設的等級 1 補給器的補給範圍只有 32 個單位)。如果玩家嘗試將啤酒帶進補給區的話,已收集的啤酒就會掉落在地上,玩家也可以透過按物品丟棄鍵(預設按鍵: L)將攜帶的啤酒丟下。掉落的啤酒在 2 分鐘後無人捨取即會消失。


To score, players must deposit their collected beers into a UFO at the center of the map, which arrives every 52 seconds and flies slowly across the area creating a tractor beam, before getting to the edge of the map and leaving after 34 seconds. While in the UFO beam, players can move around as if they were swimming in water, and their collected beers are gradually deposited into the UFO and added to their team's score. Players can also contest beer deposits by jumping into the beam and blocking the enemy team from scoring.

The amount of beers a team needs to deposit is based on the number of players in the first 30 seconds of a round multiplied by 5. After 30 seconds the number is locked for the rest of the round. The deposit speed is also dynamic through the round depending on the number of currently connected players. The base deposit speed is 1 beer every 1.1 seconds, but the time decreases by 0.025 for every player in the round[1].

玩家數量 耗時(秒)
0 1.10
2 1.05
4 1.00
6 0.95
8 0.90
10 0.85
12 0.80
14 0.75
16 0.70
18 0.65
20 0.60
22 0.55
24 0.50
26 0.45
28 0.40
30 0.35
32 0.30

As more beers are deposited into the UFO, it will get drunk, visibly wobbling more and more the higher a team's score is. Once one team scores enough points to win the UFO flies away and drunkenly crashes into the mothership in the distance, destroying it and winning the game for that team.


主條目: 官方地圖列表

玩家破壞模式(Player Destruction)地圖以「pd_」作前綴,社群製作的地圖會以「」標示。

名稱 圖片 檔案名稱
Pit of Death Pd pit of death event.png pd_pit_of_death_event
Watergate Pd watergate logopic 2.jpg pd_watergate


The current iteration of the Player Destruction game mode was heavily altered from earlier versions of the map.

Instead of dropping beers that had to be delivered to the UFO, dead players dropped team-specific cash pickups (reskinned from Robot Destruction cores) that instantly added to a team's score when picked up. As players killed more enemies, however, their bounty (shown on their HUD) would increase, causing them to drop more cash on death and making them a more valuable target for the enemy team.

As players didn't have to deliver their pickups to score, the UFO instead dropped a large "care package" of cash for both teams in the center of the map. The UFO's tractor beam was used to pull players towards a neutral control point at the highest point of the map, which slowly generated extra cash pickups for the team that owned it. Once one team scored $150, a barrel would launch from the control point building and land on the mothership in the skybox, destroying it.

This version of the game mode was eventually scrapped in favor of the current version, as players with high bounties would simply hide in spawn to avoid being killed, and without the UFO deposit or team leader mechanics, the game lacked a focused objective for players to fight over.


2015年10月6日更新 (外星入侵社群更新)

  • 新增地圖 Watergate。


  • Community request: Added SetPlayerPointsOnDeath input to tf_player_destruction_logic and a PointsValue key field to the item_teamflag entity when used in Player Destruction mode.


2016年10月21日更新 (Scream Fortress 2016)
