굳센 군모
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“ | Down and give me twenty!
클릭하시면 들을 수 있습니다
— The Soldier
” |
튼튼한 군모는 솔져전용 모자입니다. 이 모자는 키가 크고 팀별 색깔을 가졌으며, 빛나는 검은색 챙과 가죽 끈으로 연결된 세 개의 금 뱃지를 가진 샤코 모자입니다.
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본문: 페인트통
미리보기 사진에 마우스를 가져다 대면 배경이 검은색으로 변합니다.
- The Template:W was a common part of regimental uniforms from the late 18th century. It peaked in popularity during the Napoleonic Wars. Many European regiments still wore Shakos as part of their uniforms during the early stages of World War I, until more protective headwear was needed. It is still worn as part of certain parade uniforms and marching bands. Also, toy soldiers are stereotypically made to be wearing Shakos, due to their common usage during this time period.