치터의 비탄
![]() | 이 페이지는 한국어로 번역 중입니다. 한국어를 능숙하게 하신다면 토론 페이지에 글을 남기거나 문서 역사를 참고하여 문서 번역에 참여한 번역가들과 이를 상의하시기 바랍니다. |
“ | 기분 좋군.
클릭하시면 들을 수 있습니다
— 스파이
” |
치터의 비탄은 모든 클래스가 착용 가능한 모자입니다. 이것은 착용자의 머리에 두개의 와이어로 부착된 빛나는 황금 광륜의 형태를 하고 잇습니다. It was awarded on September 2, 2009 to all players who had not used external idling programs and had played at least once since the introduction of the item drop system. As such, it is not obtainable through the regular item drop system, through crafting, or via trading.
During the Mann-Conomy Update, the hat was dropped a second time for players who did not receive it during the initial drop. This includes those who were excluded from the first drop for using external idle programs prior to September 2, 2009.
The hat description was written by AndyAML for the Hat Describing Contest.
- When players viewed their backpacks after receiving the Cheater's Lament on 2nd of September 2009, the following message was displayed: "Congratulations! Your honesty has been rewarded with a new hat!". The message did not appear however, when the item was awarded to the community during the Mann-Conomy Update.
- 이 아이템의 이름이 의미하는것과 달리, VAC밴을 당한 플레이어들은 이 모자를 가질 자격을 받았습니다.[증거 필요]
- Soldier halo.png
- Demo halo.png
- Engi halo.png
- Medic halo.png
- Sniper halo.png