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Projectile Shield Example.png

能量护盾(Projectile Shield)是曼恩 vs. 机器模式中医生可在升级站为副武器选择的一项升级功能。这项升级需要消耗 300 现金并可升级两次。进行第一次升级后,医生即可通过治疗队友来积攒能量槽,能量攒满后即可激活能量护盾。当这一能力启动时,医生的前方将会生成一个闪亮的弧形盾牌,它能够阻挡大多数的敌方火力,并对触碰的机器人造成伤害。而第二次升级将会提升护盾的宽度并使造成的伤害翻倍。


When a Medi Gun is equipped after the Projectile Shield upgrade, an additional Energy charge bar appears next to the ÜberCharge bar. The Energy bar fills much faster and from more sources than the ÜberCharge. The Medic may build Energy by healing damaged teammates, Overhealing teammates, healing teammates who are damaging Robots, blocking teammate damage with Invulnerability ÜberCharges, or Reanimating fallen teammates. A beep cues the Medic player when charge is complete. When Energy is fully charged, pressing the Special-Attack key (attack3) deploys the Projectile Shield for many seconds.

Projectile Shield activation normally does not interfere with the normal operation of the Medic's secondary weapons; the beam can continue to Heal or Reanimate, Canteens can still be shared, and the ability to build and activate ÜberCharge continues. However, Medic cannnot start to heal the patient if the patient stands behind the Projectile Shield of another Medic.


Projectile Shield art.png

The Projectile Shield can destroy rockets, grenades, stickybombs, Huntsman arrows, and most other projectiles. It can also block attacks from hitscan weapons, and will deal damage to robots that come into contact with it. Slowdown is inflicted upon robots that have been damaged by the Projectile Shield. The speed of robots under slowdown effect will be 210 HU\s from level 1 Projectile Shield and 150 HU\s - from level 2. [1]

However, a few bugs may decrease effectiveness of the Projectile Shield. For example, some projectiles that would normally be blocked by the Projectile Shield can pass straight through on rare occasions, usually when the Medic is moving forward.[2] The shield also doesn't block deflected projectiles, such as rockets (including sentry rockets), grenades, arrows and other types of them.

The Projectile Shield cannot block attacks from any of the Pyro's primary weapons, the Pomson 6000, the Righteous Bison, or these following weapons when they possess the Projectile Penetration upgrade: Huntsman and its reskins, Rescue Ranger and Crusader's Crossbow with its reskins. It is also unable to block splashes from Mad Milk, Jarate, or the Gas Passer.

If the Medic with his Projectile Shield deployed gets too close to a robot, it is able to damage him. However, it is possible to avoid this by moving the shield closer to the Medic, which is done by looking up or down.


另见: 伤害
伤害类型 无类型
属于远程还是属于近战? 无类型
基础伤害 100% 66-67/秒(等级 1),133-134/秒(等级 1)
迷你爆击 66-67/秒(等级 2), 200/秒(等级 2),133-134/秒(等级 2,对坦克)
完全蓄能伤害 4000
完全蓄能治疗 400
效果持续用时间 12 秒


能量护盾的充能方式包括:对队友进行治疗超量治疗,用快速医疗枪的ÜberCharge治疗自身,对复活装置使用Über(包括疫苗注射枪的单次Über),由治疗对象造成伤害(包括对自己的伤害),以及让医生玩家或治疗对象在医疗枪的ÜberCharge状态下吸收伤害。400 点的治疗量,治疗对象 4000 点的伤害输出,或由医疗枪的ÜberCharge效果吸收约 800 点伤害(无论由医生还是治疗对象)即可为能量护盾完全充能。能量护盾的充能速度在治疗复活装置时翻倍。对复活装置使用疫苗注射枪会立刻补充一定能量,充能的数值取决于复活装置的生命值量。十字军之弩或“疯狂牛奶注射器”升级提供的治疗量不会产生充能。

治疗对象的单次伤害输出所能产生的充能量是有上限的。每次攻击仅有对每个独立目标造成的250点以内的伤害才会产生充能。例如,如果一发火箭直接击中一个机器人造成了300点伤害,仅有250点伤害会被记入充能。如果一发火箭对三个机器人都造成了300点伤害,则有750点伤害产生充能(250 + 250 + 250),因为产生的充能是来自每个目标的充能数值之和。相比之下,机枪手的转轮机枪与火焰兵的火焰喷射器所发射的弹药都被记为一次独立的攻击,使得他们的伤害能够有效规避这一限制。


主条目: 能量护盾社区战术


在一次生命中,作为医生,使用护盾格挡 5000 点伤害。



  • 能量护盾升级
    • 通过治疗队友积攒能量,使用ÜberCharge无敌能量吸收与阻挡伤害
    • 能量暂满时,按下ATTACK3键以激活护盾(mouse3为默认按键)
    • 启动时:
      • 阻挡所有敌方飞行物
      • 伤害触碰护盾的敌人


  • 能量护盾会阻挡工程师用扳手对建筑进行的敲击。
  • 医生无法穿过其他队友医生的能量护盾选中一名队友开始治疗。
    • 然而,如果医生已经在治疗这名队友,则其他队友医生的护盾不会阻挡治疗光束。
  • 如果玩家在够买能量护盾升级后,更换到相同的配置,或者切换到其它兵种然后再次切换回医生,则会使得能量护盾的持续时间变为10秒而非12秒。
    • 玩家可以进行退款再重新升级这一能力,或者将该能力升到2级(如果此前只升到了1级的话)来修复这个问题。



  1. game\shared\tf\tf_weapon_medigun.cpp:L2835
  2. "The Projectile Shield is not your friend", YouTube, May 4, 2019.
