Anti-Soldier strategy/it

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Dammit, boys.

IlSoldato è una classe massiccia che può sostenere e causare danni notevoli. Lento su terra, il Soldato è conosciuto per la sua abilità per eccellenza, il Salto-Razzo, che gli permette di coprire lunghe distanza in poco tempo. E' più efficace a media distanza o su un piano rialzato, dove può controllare le masse di nemici grazie al danno ad area causato dai suoi razzi. Il Soldato ha uno svariata gamma di equipaggiamento che, a seconda della situazione, gli permettono di aumentare l'offesa, la difesa, o il suo supporto, rendendolo estremamente versatile. Nonostante gli manchino molte sfruttabili debolezze, non è il migliore in tutto; per esempio, l' Esploratore è più veloce, mentre il Demolitore e il Grosso possono infliggere più danni.


Attributi Strategia Anti-Soldato
Soldier emblem RED.png Ruolo
  • Il Soldato è efficace per molti compiti diversi, includendo assalto frontale, la difesa dei punti di controllo, le manovre di affiancaggio, e l'eliminazione di importanti punti focali nemici.
  • Non importa che fai, sii preparato per affrontare un Soldato - è la classe più comunemente usata.
  • Potresti trovarti davanti a un Soldato in qualsiasi luogo - può raggiungere aree normalmente irraggiungibili grazie al Salto Razzo.
Leaderboard class medic.png Punti Vita
  • Il Soldato ha un relativamente grande numero di punti vita, che gli permettono di rimanere nella lotta per più tempo.
  • Un bravo Soldato è un nemico formidabile se viene curato da un Medico.
Leaderboard class scout.png Velocità
  • La velocità base del Soldato è bassa. Tuttavia, può guadagnare dei momentanei bonus di velocità usando il Salto Razzo, il Piano di Fuga quando ferito, oppure l' Azione Disciplinare quando si trova vicino agli amici. Se rimane a terra, perde la sua mobilità e diviene molto più semplice da colpire.
Leaderboard class soldier.png Potenza
  • I razzi del Soldato sono estremamente dannosi a distanza ravvicinata, ma meno potenti e facilmente schivabili a lunga distanza.

Specifici per le Armi

Articolo principale: Soldier weapons

Armi Primarie

Arma Strategia Anti-Soldato
Rocket Launcher
Lanciarazzi + reskins
  • Un Soldato tipicamente punterà i razzi verso i tuoi piedi per colpirti con l'attacco ad area. I razzi volano lenti; se ti trovi in alto rispetto a lui o se ti tieni a distanza, sarà più difficile per lui colpirti.
  • Il LAnciarazzi ha un numero di munizioni piccolo e ricarica lentamente; se un Soldato mancherà con tutti i suoi colpi, sarà costretto a ricaricare o usare il Fucile a Pompa, rendendolo più vulnerabile agli attacchi.
Direct Hit
Colpo Diretto
  • I razzi sparati dal Colpo Diretto volano più veloci e possono uccidere le classi con poca vita in un colpo solo. Tuttavia, il raggio del danno ad area è estremamente piccolo; una schivata ben piazzata ti salverà dal danno ad area.
  • Se vieni sparato in aria da un'esplosione, continua a muoverti per evitare di essere colpito in aria, sicché il Colpo Diretto causa mini-critici ai giocatori lanciati in aria da un'esplosione.
Black Box
Scatola Nera + reskins
  • La Scatola Nera cura il Soldato di 20 punti vita quando i suoi razzi colpiscono un nemico, consentendogli di attaccare per prolungati periodi di tempo.
  • La Scatola Nera porta solo tre razzi per ricarica. Continua a pressare in offensiva per impedirgli di guadagnare punti vita.
Rocket Jumper
  • The Rocket Jumper deals no damage and takes away the Soldier's most practical weapon, in exchange for no-damage rocket jumps. His offense is severely neutered, although he will be much harder to hit.
  • Soldiers wielding the Rocket Jumper tend to also equip the Mantreads and the Market Gardener. Keep a distance if you see a Soldier approach with a rocket jump.
Liberty Launcher
Lanciarazzi della Libertà
  • The Liberty Launcher’s rockets maintain the splash radius of those from the Rocket Launcher but travel significantly faster. Attack from a distance and maintain space to dodge any rockets that come your way.
  • The Liberty Launcher deals 25% less damage but can fire one more rocket per clip. Overall, it slightly decreases the Soldier's potential damage per clip, but makes his attacks harder to dodge.
Cow Mangler 5000
Mutila-Mucche 5000
  • The Cow Mangler operates similarly to the Rocket Launcher but cannot deal full critical hits and inflicts minimal damage on buildings.
  • Don't allow a Soldier to disable an allied Sentry Gun with a charged shot. It takes a few seconds to fire, so use this time to prepare to deflect it or kill the Soldier outright.
    • If he succeeds in firing the charged shot, his entire clip will be emptied; either pursue him, defend the Sentry Gun, or switch focus to his teammates while he reloads.
  • The Original is statistically identical to the Rocket Launcher.
  • The Original's rockets are fired directly down the crosshair, slightly exposing the Soldier more if he tries to fire it from around a corner.
Beggar's Bazooka
Bazooka dei Poveri
  • Never let a Soldier with the Beggar's Bazooka come close enough to unleash a barrage on your teammates. Force him to fire from a longer distance, where its lack of precision will cause some rockets to miss.
Air Strike
  • The Air Strike's clip size increases if the Soldier gets a kill. As a result, the Soldier becomes stronger but needs to spend more time reloading - find an opportunity to take him out then.
  • The Air Strike's rockets have reduced explosive radius and damage. This is offset by the increased projectile speed and difficulty of dodging multiple rockets fired from above.
  • A Soldier with the Air Strike will often equip the B.A.S.E. Jumper in order to stay airborne longer. This makes him easier to hit while he is attacking.

Secondary weapons


Weapon Anti-Soldier strategy
Fucile a pompa + reskins
  • A Soldier will typically use the Shotgun if he has no time to reload his Rocket Launcher or does not wish to damage himself from firing rockets at point-blank range. Either way, he deals less damage and is more vulnerable.
  • Shotgun pellets have a wide spread, so back away or dodge to the side to reduce the damage you take.
  • A Soldier wearing the Gunboats will often rocket jump to higher ground without suffering too much damage and rain rockets down on you. Either take the high ground yourself or back away to dodge his assault.
  • The Soldier trades in his Shotgun to use the Gunboats. At close range, he either risks heavy self-damage from his rocket explosions or needs to take out his easily dodgeable melee weapon.
Reserve Shooter
Tiratore di Riserva
  • The Reserve Shooter is capable of landing mini-crits on airborne targets. If propelled into the air by a rocket, air-strafe to avoid his fire and do your best to quickly reach solid ground.
  • The Reserve Shooter's reduced magazine side makes it less reliable of a sidearm than the Shotgun. If he misses his 4 shots, he becomes vulnerable far more quickly.
  • Weapon heckling is less effective against a Soldier with the Reserve Shooter due to its decreased weapon switch time.
Passo d'Uomo
  • A Soldier using the Mantreads will receive considerably less knock back from most weapons, allowing him to more easily maintain a high ground advantage. However, like with the Gunboats, he is deprived of a secondary weapon.
  • Keep an eye out for airborne Soldiers; aside from firing rockets at you, one might try to fall on you and inflict damage with his Mantreads.
    • The Mantreads only negate fall damage taken by the Soldier if he actually manages to land on an enemy; if you see a Soldier dropping towards you, back away so that he takes fall damage.
  • Mantreads grants the Soldier 200% more air control when explosive jumping, allowing him to do extremely sharp turns midair. Wait for him to land before attacking.
Righteous Bison
Bisonte Virtuoso
  • The Righteous Bison deals considerably less damage than the Shotgun, but pierces through enemies and is effective at medium-range harassment. Avoid clustering near your teammates to reduce the effectiveness of its piercing shots.
  • The Righteous Bison's shots can hit the same target multiple times. Avoid backpedaling or you will suffer extreme damage.

B.A.S.E. Jumper
Paracadute Urbano

  • The B.A.S.E Jumper allows a Soldier to slow his descent and fire more rockets at you from midair. Watch out for the potential barrage if a rocket jumping Soldier suddenly deploys it.
  • The B.A.S.E. Jumper slows the Soldier's airspeed. Shoot him out of the sky with an accurate weapon.
  • The B.A.S.E. Jumper cannot be deployed again once retracted until he touches the ground. Fire at him to force a retraction so he takes fall damage.
Panic Attack
Attacco di Panico
  • The Panic Attack deploys quickly but suffers from massive bullet spread with consecutive shots. Survive the first shot, and the following ones are easier to dodge.


A Soldier's banners provide a 10-second area-of-effect buff to nearby allies once he has dealt enough damage. The Soldier's teammates must remain close to him, so weapons with splash damage are effective for fighting a wave of buffed enemies. Killing the Soldier will end the effect immediately; if possible, aim for him first. Additionally, a Soldier using a banner lacks a secondary weapon; any class that can negate his rockets, such as the Pyro, can prevent him from charging his banner.

Weapon Anti-Soldier strategy
Buff Banner
Stendardo Scamosciato + reskins
  • The Buff Banner allows a Soldier and his allies to deal mini-crits; it's best to fight from behind cover while his team is buffed. You may also choose to retreat, wasting the limited time your enemies have to inflict more damage.
Battalion's Backup
Supporto del Battaglione
  • Use teamwork to overpower enemies buffed defensively by the Battalion's Backup, one-by-one.
  • Do not activate critboosts, such as that from the Kritzkrieg, while the enemy has the Backup's buff; they will be immune to critical hits. Wait until the Backup's effect has ended.
  • When an enemy Soldier activate his Concheror, any buffed enemies will heal from inflicting damage - consider taking cover until the effect wears off.
  • Your team should concentrate fire on single targets to prevent them from healing, or on the Soldier himself to end the effect.
  • The Concheror takes less damage to charge than the other banners.

Melee weapons

Weapon Anti-Soldier strategy
Pala + reskins
  • You should be able to outmaneuver a Soldier charging you with the standard Shovel, as his low movement speed puts him at a heavy disadvantage in melee combat.
Escape Plan
Piano di Fuga
  • A Soldier will typically use his Escape Plan's speed boost as a last resort to escape. When the Escape Plan is his active weapon, he takes guaranteed mini-crits.
  • Note his movement speed to gauge his health; if a Soldier is running quickly while holding this weapon, he's heavily injured. A few long-range shots, even from the Scattergun or Shotgun, may be enough to kill him.
  • The more injured a Soldier is, the more damage his Equalizer deals. If a Soldier attacks you with this, he might be already injured. Treat him as if he were using the default Shovel and end the fight quickly.
Pain Train
Treno del Dolore
  • The Pain Train increases the Soldier's capture rate. Be wary of any Soldier that may sneak by to capture your team's control points quickly.
  • The Pain Train causes the Soldier to take 10% more bullet damage, which allows a Scout or Heavy to have an easier time killing him.
Spadaccino Mancato
  • The Half-Zatoichi heals its wielder by 50% of his base health upon obtaining a kill. If you see a Soldier slay a teammate with this weapon, know that he will have at least 100 health.
  • If the Half-Zatoichi's wielder does not obtain a kill before switching weapons, he loses 50 health. The Soldier is slow, so stay outside his melee range to force a weapon switch.
  • Reducing the Soldier to below 50 health prevents him from sheathing the weapon - you can then stay away and fire with impunity.
Market Gardener
  • Be wary of a rocket-jumping Soldier trying to enter melee range - if he holds the Market Gardener, his airborne melee attack will be a guaranteed critical hit, which will instantly kill most classes.
  • Keep your distance until he lands, throw off his aim by shooting him and dealing knockback, or snipe him out of the sky.
Disciplinary Action
Azione Disciplinare
  • An enemy Soldier equipped with the Disciplinary Action will use it to hustle his team to the battlefield rather than fight. Take care that you aren't outnumbered by any additional enemies he brought along.
  • The Disciplinary Action has a very large melee range. Stay farther away from him than you would if he was wielding the Shovel - he might still be able to hit you.

See also