Operation Digital Directive/ko
![]() | “넌 너무 작아! 정말 가소롭군!” 이 글은 토막글입니다. 아직 완료되지 않은 글입니다. 당신은 이 글을 확장시켜서 팀 포트리스 2 위키에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. |
Operation Digital Directive 는 커뮤니티 Mann 대 기계이벤트 입니다. Potato's Custom MvM Servers 와 Creators.TF가 공동주최하였으며 2021년 4월 7일에 발표되고 2021년 4월 10일에 공개되었습니다. 2021년 9월 1일에 종료될 예정입니다. 이 이벤트는 Mann 대 기계:와 비슷한 방식으로 진행됩니다, Creators.TF 사이트가 업데이트되어 새로운것들을 공개하고, 이벤트가 공식적으로 공개되는 4일차후에 끝납니다.
1 일차:미션들과 맵
1일차에는 이벤트 기간 동안 사용할 수 있는 미션들과 맵들이 공개되었습니다. 22개의 맵에 걸쳐 30개의 미션 모두 "hard advanced" 난이도로 간주됩니다. Operation Titanium Tank 운용 임무와 유사합니다. 미션들은 platinum palliative와 malware mashup으로 두가지로 나뉩니다. 또한 1일차에는 캠페인 시스템, 웹사이트 레이아웃이 공개되었습니다.
Mechachievements는 완료시 캠페인 포인트를 받는 선택적 목표입니다.각 Mechachievement 성과는 현재 계약 시스템과 비슷한 주요 목표와 두개의 보너스 목표를 지니고 있지만,플레이어가 수동으로 활성화 할 필요는 없습니다. 웨이브를 지더라도 Mechachievements 성과에 대한 진행률은 저장됩니다.
총 52개의 Mechachievements 성과들이 있으며 MvM 미션의 난이도의 이름을 딴 세 가지 난이도로 나뉩니다 보통, 어려움 ,전문가.
Mechachievements 성과는 모든 클래스들이 기여할수있는 일반 목표부터 특정 무기를 필요로하는 계급별 목표로 나뉩니다.
Platinum Palliative
Platinum Palliative 투어에는 수정 사항이 거의 없는 기본 미션이 포함되어있습니다.
맵 | 미션 | 웨이브 수 | 미션 타입 | 개발자 |
Akure | Thermal Thunder | 7 | (침공) | Startacker! |
Autumnull | Tincan Termination | 7 | (침공) | Bot Rot |
Boogge | Rotten Resurgence | 1 | (버티기) | Bot Rot |
Estate | Carbureted Clash | 6 | (침공) | Braindawg |
Giza | Tomb Adventure | 5 | (침공) | zombie (anti-robot AI) |
Goldpit | Equal Opposites | 7 | (침공) | Startacker! |
Gilded Mainframe | 7 | (침공) | Ciaran | |
Hanami | Typhoon Tycoon | 6 | (침공) | Pealover |
Hideout | Wet Warfare | 6 | (침공) | Pealover |
Hoovy Dam | Blast Perfect | 3 | (버티기) | Pealover |
Production | Indeathrialization | 7 | (침공) | colonel barrage |
Rust Valley | Dust and Dirt | 6 | (침공) | colonel barrage |
Tensai | Scarlet Embodiment | 6 | (침공) | Remilia Scarlet |
Surface Tension | 7 | (침공) | Tindall Berry | |
Transmission | White Noise | 6 | (침공) | Seelpit |
Malware Mashup
Malware Mashup투어는 광범위하게 수정된 미션이 있으며 로봇만 영향을 끼치는게 아니라 플레이어에 대한것도 있습니다.
맵 | 미션 | 웨이브 수 | 미션 타입 | 개발자 |
Akure | Reboot Rush | 7 | (침공) | CreatorForce |
Autumnull | Dynamic Disaster | 2 | (버티기) | Braindawg & gettysburg |
Boogge | Voidlings | 5 | (침공) | gettysburg |
Cliffside | Ashes to Ashes | 5 | (침공) | gettysburg |
Bionic Bits | 7 | (침공) | Hell-met | |
Dusk | Chasing Daybreak | 7 | (침공) | CreatorForce |
Estate | Marina Mayhem | 6 | (침공) | Tindall Berry |
Kelly | Mobocracy | 6 | (침공) | Hell-met |
Seabed | Ocean Commotion | 6 | (침공) | Herple Nerp |
Sharp | Sudden Equinox | 5 | (침공) | gettysburg |
Silent Sky | Ground Zero | 6 | (침공) | Ciaran |
Swirl | Alpine Skylines | 6 | (침공) | Herple Nerp |
Winterbridge | Corrupted Catharsis | 4 | (버티기) | Ciaran & Mince |
Necromantic Nonsense | 5 | (침공) | Mince | |
Yiresa | Mesa Malware | 6 | (침공) | Herple Nerp |
2 일차:증가
2일 차에는 로봇과 플레이어의 다양한 게임 플레이 스타일 변화점이 공개되었습니다, 이전 Potato.TF 이벤트들에서는 이러한 것이 없었지만 변경된 것은 미션마다 다릅니다 바뀐것의 대부분은 Malware Mashup 투어의 일부분에서 찾을수있습니다.
로봇들의 변경사항중 일부는 다음과같습니다:
- 어떤 로봇들은 할로원 주문을 사용할수 있으며 강화용 수통 또한 사용할수 있습니다.
- 일부 로봇들은 용병팀에 동맹으로 합류하도록 재프로그래밍됩니다.
- 센트리 파괴자의 폭발은 더 이상 다른 로봇들을 파괴하지않습니다.
- 파이로 로봇은 점착폭탄등 더 많은 발사체를 공중에 날립니다.
용병들의 변경사항중 일부는 다음과같습니다:
- 새로운 Creators.TF 무기
- 무기 및 플레이어의 기본 상태 변경(예:추락 피해 없음)
- 폭발 헤드샷과 같은 개별 업그레이드의 대한 제한 사항
- 게임 플레이 메커니즘에 대한 제한(예:환불 불가 및 클래스 제한)
3일차: 명예훈장
3일차에는 이벤트 기간 동안 얻을수있는 독점 보상을 공개하였습니다. Mann Co. 답게 모드와 유사하게 이러한 보상은 임무가 완료될때 주어집니다. 보상은 Creators.TF 서버에서만 보이고 사용할수 있습니다.
이상한 파츠/연속 처치 장비
이상한 파츠가 드롭되며 이상한 무기에 붙일수 있습니다. 하지만 이상한 파츠의 종류는 특정 클래스의 파괴된 giant robots와 같은 MvM 관련 로스터에서 확장되었습니다 .
연속 처치 장비는 기본,특화,전문 품질로 제공됩니다 이러한 연속 처치 장비는 MannUp에서 나오는것과 유사합니다.
이벤트 기간동안 랜덤으로 드롭되는 Digital Directive crate를 열면 다음과 같은 장식이 나옵니다:
- Hypno Helmet
- Vroomvroom Juju
- Bolted Beret
- Lightning Strike
- Rusty Receiver
- Steeler's Visor
- Hat of Untangled Wires and Rust
- Data Node
Manncoin Miner는 이벤트 기간동안 획득할수 있는 유일한 메달입니다. 메달은 캠페인 1000점에 도달하면 획득할수 있으며 더 많은 포인트를 획득하면 다음과 같은 스타일로 변경됩니다:
- Assembled (캠페인 포인트 1000점)
- Upgraded (캠페인 포인트 3000점)
- Overclocked (캠페인 포인트 6000점)
- Australium (캠페인 포인트 10000점)
새로운 Zealium 무기
새로운 Zealium 무기는 Platinum Palliative 또는 Malware Mashup투어를 완료해야지만 얻을수 있는 희귀한 보상입니다 나오는 무기는 다음과 같습니다:
- 스캐터건
- 자연에 섭리
- 로켓 발사기
- 블랙박스
- † W.A.S.P Launcher
- 화염 방사기
- 소화도끼
- 유탄 발사기
- 점착 폭탄 발사기
- 아이랜더
- 미니건
- 토미슬라프
- 렌치
- 개척자의 정의
- 메디 건
- 블루트자우거
- 저격소총
- 기관단총
- 칼
- 외교대사
- † Crowbar (매우 희귀함 죽인 적을 은상으로 바꿈)
참고: † 무기는 Creators.TF서버에서 생성됩니다.
4 일차 : 배치
4일차는 Creators.TF서버가 전세계의 출시되는 Operation Digital Directive 이벤트의 공식 출시날 입니다 이 발표에는 패치노트의 자세한 내용과 질문섹션이 포함되어있습니다.
Mechachievements list | |||
Icon and Name | Difficulty | Objective | Notes |
![]() A Sig-nificant Upgrade |
Expert | Primary: Complete a mission using custom upgrades: 100CP | This achievement only can be done in Ashes to Ashes, Mobocracy, Sudden Equinox and Voidlings. |
![]() Anti-robotic Resistant Bugs |
Expert | Primary: Resist 500 damage with the Vaccinator: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Resist 2500 damage with the Vaccinator: 7CP Bonus:(x2) Revive 3 or more teammates in a single life: 20CP |
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![]() Australian Tank Repair |
Intermediate | Primary: Deal 3000 tank damage with the Bushwacka: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 8000 tank damage with the Bushwacka: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 20000 tank damage with the Bushwacka: 20CP |
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![]() Automaton Annoyance |
Advanced | Primary: Mark 3 Giant robots: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Milk and mark a Giant robot: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Moonshot a robot with The Sandman: 20CP |
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![]() Backline Burn Hazard |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 5 robots with Backburner crits: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 3 Giants with the Backburner: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 30000 damage with the Backburner: 20CP |
Kritzkrieg's critical hit does not count towards this achievement. |
![]() Bomb Buster |
Intermediate | Primary: Have a sentry buster destroy the bomb carrier: 100CP | Some mission's sentry buster does not deal friendly fire, making earning the achievement impossible. |
![]() Bazaar Botbash |
Advanced | Primary: Obtain 3 heads with the Bazaar Bargain: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Assist in destroying 2 Giants with the Bazaar Bargain: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 10 Giants with the Bazaar Bargain: 20CP |
"Assist in destroying 2 Giants with the Bazaar Bargain" does not work in this achievement. |
![]() Critical Mass |
Advanced | Primary: Assist in destroying 15 robots with the Kritzkrieg: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Assist in destroying 20 robots with crits in single life with the Kritzkrieg: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Share 6 canteens with the Kritzkrieg: 20CP |
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![]() Dairy Delivery |
Intermediate | Primary: Coat 15 robots with the Mad Milk: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Heal teammates for 3000 HP with the Mad Milk: 5CP Bonus:(x3) Slow 5 Super Scouts with the Mad Milk: 20CP |
Mad Milk Syringe also count towards this achievement. |
![]() Do Androids Feel Shame? |
Expert | Primary: Destroy a bot with a tauntkill: 100CP | — |
![]() Doot and Shoot |
Intermediate | Primary: Deploy a Buff Banner: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Assist 8000 damage with the Buff Banner in a single life: 5CP |
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![]() Dumpster Nose-diver |
Intermediate | Primary: Destroy 15 robots with the Beggar's Bazooka: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 5 Giants with the Beggar's Bazooka: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Complete a mission with the highest damage dealt: 20CP |
"Complete a mission with the highest damage dealt" does not work in this achievement. |
![]() Elongated Drake |
Advanced | Primary: Ignite 5 robots with the Huo-Long Heater: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 3 burning Giants with the Huo-Long Heater: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 8 Giants ignited by the Huo-Long Heater: 20CP |
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![]() Evade and Cower |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 3 Giants with the Big Earner: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 3 Giant Medics with the Big Earner: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Save yourself from near death with the Dead Ringer: 20CP |
Near death means below 35 HP. |
![]() Experimental Eviscerator |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 10 robots with Phlogistinator crits: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 8000 tank damage with the Phlogistinator: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 30000 damage with the Phlogistinator: 20CP |
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![]() Fighter's Flight |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 3 robots while rocket jumping: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 3 or more Uber Medics in 1 second: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 30000 damage as Soldier: 20CP |
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![]() Fire and Fury |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 10 robots with the Dragon's Fury: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 4500 tank damage with the Dragon's Fury: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 30000 damage with the Dragon's Fury: 20CP |
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![]() Hitman House-keeping |
Intermediate | Primary: Destroy 15 robots with the Hitman's Heatmaker: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 8 Uber Medics with the Hitman's Heatmaker: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 6000 damage in a single life with the Hitman's Heatmaker: 20CP |
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![]() Holes in your Pocket |
Intermediate | Primary: Collect 200$ as Scout: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Achieve an A rating and get the bonus cash as Scout: 5CP Bonus:(x3) Achieve an A+ rating as Scout: 20CP |
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![]() Horn-blowing Harbringer |
Intermediate | Primary: Deploy a Concheror: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Heal 1000 damage with the Concheror: 5CP Bonus:(x5) Heal 3500 damage with the Concheror in a single life: 5CP |
Both bonus objective does not work in this achievement. |
![]() I am the Defense! |
Expert | Primary: Deal 3000 damage with the Widowmaker: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 5000 tank damage with the Widowmaker: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 5 Giants with the Widowmaker: 20CP |
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![]() I don't need yer Fancy Tools! |
Expert | Primary: Destroy 6 robots with a Sword: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 7000 damage damage with a Sword: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 8 Uber Medics with a Sword: 20CP |
This achievement can be done with any demoman's melee weapon. |
![]() Jarhead Juggernaut |
Intermediate | Primary: Deploy a Battalion's Backup: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Resist 1000 damage with the Battalion's Backup: 5CP Bonus:(x5) Resist 2000 damage with the Battalion's Backup in a single life: 5CP |
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![]() Lactose Intolerance |
Advanced | Primary: Milk 3 Giant robots with Mad Milk syringes: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Heal your teammates for 3000 HP worth of damage with Mad Milk syringes in a single life: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Coat 30 robots with Mad Milk syringes in a single life: 20CP |
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![]() Let's get Wranglin' |
Intermediate | Primary: Deal 3000 sentry damage: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 15 robots with the Wrangler: 3CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 8000 sentry damage with the Wrangler: 20CP |
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![]() Mann co's Finest |
Expert | Primary: Complete a mission with zero failed waves: 50CP | Player must complete two different mission to gain this achievement. |
![]() Mannhattan Project |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 15 robots with the Scottish Resistance: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 5 Giants with the Scottish Resistance: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 30000 damage with the Scottish Resistance: 20CP |
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![]() Not an Oil Substitute |
Advanced | Primary: Coat 5 robots with slowing Jarate: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Slow a Super Scout with the Jarate: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Assist in killing 75 robots: 20CP |
Sydney Sleeper does not count towards this achievement. |
![]() Oh, the Humanity! |
Expert | Primary: Destroy a blimp: 100CP | — |
![]() PCB Plowing |
Expert | Primary: Block 1500 damage with the Projectile Shield: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 5000 damage with the Projectile Shield: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Heal 10,000 HP worth of damage to your teammates (no overheal): 20CP |
Fire does not count towards primary achievement. |
![]() Pipe Dream |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 15 robots with the Grenade Launcher: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 8000 damage with the Grenade Launcher: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal the most damage to tanks with a Grenade Launcher: 20CP |
This achievement can be done with Grenade Launcher, Loch-n-Load, Loose Cannon and Iron Bomber |
![]() Plus 2 |
Expert | Primary: Destroy a Medic with full Ubercharge: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 3 Medics with full Ubercharge in 1 second: 5CP Bonus:(x3) Destroy Giant Medic with full Ubercharge: 20CP |
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![]() Precise Power |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy a Giant as Sniper: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 3 Giant Medics as Sniper: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 10 Giants as Sniper: 20CP |
Player must land final blow in order to count towards achievement. |
![]() Preventive Care |
Advanced | Primary: Heal your teammates for 3000 HP worth of damage: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Save yourself from near death (<50 HP) with a Quick-Fix Ubercharge: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Revive 3 or more teammates in a single life: 20CP |
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![]() Propulsion Pilot |
Expert | Primary: Stun a robot with the Thermal Thruster: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Stun a medic bot with the Thermal Thruster: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 100 stomp damage to Giants with the Thermal Thruster: 20CP |
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![]() Ranger Danger |
Intermediate | Primary: Repair your buildings for 400 HP: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Save your building from a detonating Sentry Buster: 20CP Bonus:(x2) Save your building from a Sentry Buster 3 times in a single life: 20CP |
Hauling building towards Sentry Buster does not count towards bonus objective. |
![]() Relentless Defense |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 10 gatebots: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Defend the gate from Giants: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Defend the gate from nearly captured: 20CP |
Bonus objective only count if gatebots are inside capture zone. |
![]() Robotic Revenge |
Expert | Primary: Deal 2000 damage with the Frontier Justice: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 6 robots with the Frontier Justice: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 3 Uber Medics with the Frontier Justice: 20CP |
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![]() Scout has a Gun?! |
Expert | Primary: Deal 1000 damage as Scout: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 15 robots with mini-crits: 5CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 30000 damage as Scout: 20CP |
Any mini-crits count towards bonus objective. |
![]() Scrapyard Slaughter |
Intermediate | Primary: Destroy 15 robots: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 5 Giant robots: 3CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 10000 damage: 20CP |
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![]() Short Circuited |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 5 projectiles with Short Circuit: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 25 projectiles with Short Circuit: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 25 projectiles with Short Circuit in a single life: 20CP |
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![]() Short-Circuit Saboteur |
Intermediate | Primary: Sap 5 robots: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 15 sapped robots: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 5 Giant Scouts: 20CP |
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![]() Soda-poppin' Specialist |
Expert | Primary: Destroy 15 robots with the Soda Popper: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 5 Giants with the Soda Popper: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 30000 damage with the Soda Popper: 20CP |
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![]() Steel Lifesteal |
Advanced | Primary: Heal 150 HP with the Conniver's Kunai: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 5 Giants with the Conniver's Kunai: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Save yourself from near death (<35 HP) with the Conniver's Kunai two times: 20CP |
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![]() That's Gotta Sting |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 10 robots with the W.A.S.P. Launcher: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 3000 damage with the W.A.S.P. Launcher in a single life: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 8 robots with a single W.A.S.P. Launcher rocket: 20CP |
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![]() The Assistant |
Intermediate | Primary: Assist 15 robot kills: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Heal your teammates for 4000 HP worth of damage: 5CP |
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![]() The Immovable Object |
Intermediate | Primary: Deal 5000 damage with the Brass Beast: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Absorb 3500 damage with the Brass Beast: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 8 Giants with the Brass Beast: 20CP |
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![]() The (Un)stoppable Force |
Advanced | Primary: Deal 4000 damage with the Natascha: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 5 Giant Scouts with the Natascha: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 5 Giants with the Natascha: 20CP |
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![]() Titanium Tank Terror |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy a tank: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Accumulate 10000 tank damage: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal the most damage to tanks: 20CP |
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![]() Tried and True |
Intermediate | Primary: Destroy 15 robots with a Stickybomb Launcher: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 6000 damage with a Stickybomb Launcher in a single life: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Deal 30000 damage with a Stickybomb Launcher: 20CP |
This achievement can be done with Stickybomb Launcher, Scottish Resistance and Quickiebomb Launcher. |
![]() Unbreaking, Unyielding |
Expert | Primary: Complete a mission with zero deaths: 100CP | — |
![]() We Fight Like Men |
Advanced | Primary: Obtain a crit boost with the Killing Gloves of Boxing: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Deal 6000 crit damage in a single life: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 10 Uber Medics with the Killing Gloves of Boxing: 20CP |
Critical hits from Kritzkrieg does not count towards primary objective. |
![]() White-glove Service |
Advanced | Primary: Destroy 5 robots with Your Eternal Reward: 1CP Bonus:(x5) Destroy 20 robots with Your Eternal Reward in a single life: 5CP Bonus:(x2) Destroy 5 Uber Medics with Your Eternal Reward in a single life: 20CP |
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- 다음 업그레이드는 밸런스 불균형 또는 버그로 간주되어 비활성화 되었습니다 구매를 시도하면 즉시 제거되며 환불됩니다:
- Gas Passer 점화 업그레이드.
- 파이로의 주무기 및 보조무기의 대한 연소시간 업그레이드.
- 엔지니어 센트리 건의 3번째 발사속도 업그레이드 2번째 업그레이드까지는 작동합니다.
- 메딕의 예방접종기의 우버 차지 차는 속도 업그레이드.
- 스카웃의 반경내 있는 돈은 즉시 수집됩니다.
- 스파이의영원한 안식은 더 이상 죽일 때 변장할때 딜레이가 있지 않습니다 이제 일반 mvm 게임 플레이와 유사하게 작동됩니다.
- 넉백을 유발하는 무기(예:통제불능 대포,그슬린 한 방)은 더이상 거대로봇에게 넉백을 주지않습니다 압축 공기 분사와 넉백 업그레이드로만 밀쳐낼수있습니다.
- 메딕의 우버톱 우버 차치 획득률은 로봇의 스케일의 영향을 받습니다 특히 보스로봇은 거의 우버차치를 제공하지않습니다.
- 압축 공기 분사는 정글 인페르노 업데이트 이전의 강도로 되돌아갔습니다.
Day 1. Campaign announcement.
Day 2. New features.
Day 3. Cosmetics and rewards.
Day 4. FAQ and patchnotes.
더 볼것
- Operation Titanium Tank
- Operation Canteen Crasher
- Operation Madness vs Machines
- Operation Memes vs Machines
- Operation Mashed Mediocrity
- Digital Directive initial announcement
- Digital Directive blog post
- PotatoMvM.TF main website
- Creators.TF main website