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Brimstone (map) | |
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資訊 | |
開發者: | 未知 |
地圖資料 | |
所處地區: | 萬聖節 |
環境設定: | 夜間,陰沉 |
特定致死因素: | 連馬都沒有的無頭騎士、 畸形魔眼、魔拉斯莫斯、 骷摟、 鬼魂、南瓜炸彈 僅視覺效果: 蒸汽 |
地圖相片 | |
地圖的俯瞰圖 | |
“ | 今天是活死人的星期五晚上!讓我們失去理智,我們去萬聖節!...紅德蒙得曼恩已經從地獄的深處復活了,你必須把他送回那個可怕的地方!如果你敢,就去做吧!
— Brimstone 的宣傳簡介
” |
Brimstone 是一個在 2016萬聖節更新由Steam 工作坊新增到休閒地圖的推車護送模式地圖。這是社群在推車護送地圖中Fifthcurve的萬聖節版本。
這張地圖與一年前的Hellstone地圖相似,兩張都是單階段五個檢查點的推車護送地圖,推車距離大致相同。然而,Hellstone 是緊湊的,Brimstone則是開放的,有長視線和一系列防禦性的上層狙擊位置。隨著推車推過一個個檢查點,逐漸強大的萬聖節怪物會在推車前後生成。這張地圖的怪物不保證一定會出現,而是以一定的機率出現。當推車推到特定的檢查點時連馬都沒有的無頭騎士和畸形魔眼會隨機出現,也許不會。只有 魔拉斯莫斯會在檢查點 (D)被佔領後一段時間出現,或者可能根本不會出現。
在最後兩個檢查點之間有幾個棺材,裡面散發著白光。在檢查點 (D)被佔領的的一段時間後,這些棺材的蓋子會消失,並且開始播放Misfortune Teller/zh-hant|音樂。“進入棺材”的玩家會被傳送到一個充滿稀有魔法咒語、骷髏的地獄,同時還會受到敵方玩家的攻擊。
Brimstone contributed 貢獻給Steam 工作坊。
Note: The map's 5 control points are named after spellbook page/zh-hant|s.
- Lumber Mill: The map opens on a fairly simple, large, open yard of a lumber mill. Even though the tracks run through low ground, some cover is provided by map structures until the cart reaches a long inclined slope.
- Garage: After the inclined slope, the track turns into the long interior of the Garage; this track has a straight line of sight from the 藍隊 base. However, just before the capture point, the track turns into the capture point between two inclined slopes that are exposed to a range of 紅隊 fire.
- Tumidum (A): Capture of the first point causes the opening of the shortcut between 藍隊 Base and Gratanter (B). Capture of the first point also causes the arrival of Merasmus (voice only), who shortly after begins casting spells on the players.
- Wet Paint!: Shortly after the first point, the track has two alternate courses around the tower in the middle of the square. Selection of the path taken is random, complicating 紅隊's defense of this section.
- 藍隊's advanced spawn: In the corner behind Wet Paint!, the advanced spawn for 藍隊 has two alternate sets of doors; the first set of doors open on the side of Gratanter (B), while the second set of doors open on the side of Audere (C).
- Gratanter (B): Capture of the second point opens 藍隊's advanced spawn doors on that side. This capture also switches 紅隊 to its second spawn.
- Satellite Dish/Library/Dump Truck: The two-story Library has a commanding view of Gratanter (B) and the Dump Truck choke point. If he spawns, the Horseless Headless Horsemann spawns between the Library and the concrete blocks (behind the bunch of autumn leaves).
- Audere (C): Capture of the third point switches 藍隊's advanced spawn doors to this side, and switches 紅隊 spawning to the final 紅隊 Base.
- Brick building: A small, two story building made out of brick which sits right in front of second checkpoint.
- Sniper Nest: The Sniper Nest commands the approach to Congeriae (D). Decently supplied with Ammo, it has good communication with the second 紅隊 spawn in the Warehouse and, given proper support, is difficult to take with a frontal assault.
- Warehouse: The Warehouse sets up a battle over the long hall with opposing balconies, which are secure to either side.
- Congeriae (D): Some time after the capture of the fourth point, as the game progresses, several coffins in the final area open white portals to the island in Hell.
- Veteris (E): Capturing this point returns 紅隊mond to Hell. The blast unleashes the fires and bats out of Hell. The Gibus/zh-hant-wearing Ghost that has been following the action is seen flying away.
- Hell Island: (Hell Pit) The Underworld of this map has an island surrounded by infernal lava/zh-hant|.
- Hell Island has two sections, and at the distant end of each section is a glowing white portal exit back to the map. Three Rare Magic Spells pickups are available in each section. Several Skeletons spawn near the exits and chase down any players.
- One section, Purgatory, is reached by jumping through the purple portals left by teleporting MONOCULUS or jumping into the Bombinomicon that appears if Merasmus is defeated.
- The other section is reached by entering the coffins while the white portals are open or by jumping into the portal opened when MONOCULUS is killed.
- On entering the Underworld, players receive a very brief Invulnerability/zh-hant.
- Players on the island suffer the health drain/zh-hant| that increases in damage over time.
- When exiting the Underworld through a white portal, players receive Invulnerability, overheal, speed boost, and crit boost/zh-hant|, each for limited times.
- Teleporters/zh-hant and other buildings/zh-hant cannot be placed in the Underworld.
- Hell Island has two sections, and at the distant end of each section is a glowing white portal exit back to the map. Three Rare Magic Spells pickups are available in each section. Several Skeletons spawn near the exits and chase down any players.
馬拉莫斯施放的法術與惡靈堡壘或Moonshine Event的命運之輪效果是一樣的;然而,他施放的許多咒語除了聲音提示沒有任何效果外。有直接影響玩家的法術包括:
- 中世紀效果: 所有玩家都被縮小並且只能使用近戰武器。同時響起由風笛演奏的遊戲決勝之日中英國隊伍勝利時所奏的國歌,該歌曲同樣為DeGroot Keep所用,這個效果會持續到該曲演奏結束。
- 爆擊卡片: 可讓每個玩家獲得 100% 爆擊加成。
- 超速卡片: 可提升每個玩家的移動速度。
- 召喚骷髏: 會從地圖的角落召喚骷髏。
- 瓶手道效果: 每個玩家都會受到瓶手道效果。
- 兩個鬼魂會不定時的在隨機地點出現,採取隨機選擇的固定路線。這些鬼魂持續干擾著推車周圍的行動。
- 當推車在檢查點(A)到 檢查點(D)之間的任何位置,骷髏王和幾具骷髏都會隨機被馬拉莫斯的命運之輪召喚。
- 在佔領 檢查點 (B) 或 檢查點 (C) 時,連馬都沒有的無頭騎士會有八分之一的機率出現[1]。
- 在佔領 檢查點 (D) 時,畸形魔眼會有八分之一的機率出現[1]
- 畸形魔眼跟冥界之門只會則一開啟,所以只要畸形魔眼出現,冥界之門就不會打開,反之亦然。
- 在佔領 檢查點 (D) 後如果遊戲時間超過 6分40秒雙方還沒有分出勝負時,魔拉斯莫斯會在接下來的20秒內出現。[2]
![]() | “孫子可沒說到這個部分!” 這張地圖的社群策略(英語)頁面僅是一個存根。因此內容是不完整的。 你可以通過擴展它來為絕地要塞維基的社群戰術盡一份心力。 註記: 無註記 |
- 新增地圖: Brimstone 到休閒模式選單中。
- 修正紅隊玩家可進入藍隊第二重生室的問題
- 修正無法碰觸到地獄中骷髏的牙齒的問題
- 修正地獄的棺材旋律和小魔咒曲有時候會從前一回合持續撥放到下一回合的問題
- 修正罕見情況下玩家會掉進熔岩的問題
- 修正無法碰觸到紅隊第二基地的大南瓜的問題。
- 修正玩家能鑽進接近藍隊起始區域附近的地面之下的漏洞
- 修正玩家能在接近墓地附近的地方走到地圖之外的漏洞
- 修正藍隊玩家可進入紅隊基地的問題
- 修正某些地獄中的骷髏在沒有敵人的時候會自動跳進熔岩的問題
- 修正中世紀縮身術&其他魔拉斯莫斯魔咒效果會在某些客戶端中持續太久的問題
- 修正地圖時間結束時鬼魂會被卡住的問題* 修正玩家以縮身術進入某處後會卡住的問題
- 修正另一處無法碰觸到的南瓜
- 調整紅隊在最終區域的重生時間。
- 現在玩家離開地獄可獲得爆擊加成以及短暫的無敵效果。
- 紅隊只剩下最後一個點時,重生時間略微增加。
- 修復了 Monoculus 有時會把玩家卡住的問題。
- 修復了會讓玩家困在地獄中的問題。
- 調整了摩拉斯莫斯的路線以防止他直接進到紅隊的最終重生點。
- 修復了玩家可以刷屏“逃出了冥界”的問題。
- 地獄高塔 ,紅德蒙得被帶到地獄。
- Gorge Event,紅德蒙得.曼恩帶著棺材從地獄逃了出來;藍隊襲擊了他的豪宅,把他送回地獄去。
- 地獄高塔 ,紅德蒙得被帶到地獄。
- Hassle Castle,藍特哈克被帶到控制中心。
- 地獄高塔
- Brimstone
- Gravestone