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本条目列出了截止目前仍未发布的内容,这些内容或许会在《军团要塞 2》开发结束之前发布。




主条目: 未使用的内容
  • 一顶名为古罗马战士头盔的社区制作的帽子(来源于tf_english.txt文件),在“VPK”中有其完整的描述。
  • 丛林炼狱更新中,游戏添加了 7 个未使用的社区制作的武器(突击火炮、余焰喷射器、取景枪、喷火枪、掌上搭档、夺冠专家和袖藏枪)。

Pub玩家 vs. 职业玩家奖牌

主条目: Pub之星 vs. 职业玩家

Pub玩家 vs. 职业玩家(Pubbers vs Pros Medal) is a Miscellaneous item created by Lord Ned of TF2Maps to reward participants of the Pubstars vs Pros event. This medal is similar to the Polycount Pin as it will only be available to those who compete within the event.

其他的 Polycount 参赛作品

Valve 最初从Polycount 竞赛的总共76个参赛作品中选取了 5 个参赛作品采纳进游戏中。而根据罗宾·沃克的说法,有近一半的参赛作品的质量是足以采纳进游戏中,自那以后,Valve 又采纳了 6 个参赛作品。[1][2][3]所有的参赛作品可以点击此处查看。


The WETA Workshop, known for making Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack, Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack and Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack item sets for TF2, announced on the official Dr. Grordbort's site that two new packs were in development for the game[4] with Steam users being able to vote on which set they wanted to see in the game first. The sets are the Dr. Grordbort's Rocketboy Pack for the Scout, and the Dr. Grordbort's Man of Science Pack for the Medic. Both sets follow the pattern of the other Grordbort sets, being retro-futuristic styled items.

Man Of Science 套装

Five items were announced for this set. So far, there are two weapons in this set: a primary weapon, the Mercy Killer, is a laser gun; and the secondary weapon, the Anti-Deathray, seems to be a ray-based Medi Gun. Both were already designed, but have no models. However, the three cosmetic items were already modeled and submitted to the Steam Workshop, being the Negative Prognosis, a replacement for the backpack, the Second Opinion - Utility Belt, a set of surgical tools wrapped to the Medic's waist, and the Scientific Science Goggles of Science, a pair of goggles with multiple lenses.

Rocketboy 套装

Five items were announced for this set. So far, there are two weapons in this set: a primary weapon, the Mule Molestor 600, appears to be a retro-styled Force-A-Nature; and a secondary weapon, the Saboteur 66, which appears to be a ray-based Pistol. Both were already designed, but have no models. However, the three cosmetic items were already modeled and submitted to the Steam Workshop, being the Gloves of Progress, a pair of black gloves, the Ballistic Trajectory, a jetpack replacing the backpack, and the Futuristic 'Future Hat' of the Future, a helmet.

Dota 2 联动物品



简易浣熊皮帽是一件由社区制作的士兵专用饰品。它在尖叫要塞 2016中作为刺杀级饰品被添加到游戏中,并收纳入恐怖蜘蛛石匣收藏品中。在更新发布后不久,Valve 又发布了另一个补丁,将该物品及其所有的相关文本从游戏中移除了。



丛林炼狱更新增加了 4 顶未使用的帽子,其中有 3 顶是雪人公园纪念品的换皮版本,而另外一顶则是光圈科技实验室安全帽的换皮版本。虽然这些帽子都在曼恩公司产品目录中,但它们目前仍然无法在游戏中购买。


Shortly after the Mann-Conomy Update, discussed in an email with one of the community contributors a large-scale performance update in the works which would replace all W (World) and V (View) models with the new C (Combination) model type, as well as an update to the existing C models and the new C models with LODs. This update would significantly increase performance and allow for a greater range of community and Valve item replacements in later updates. In the updates released since this email was sent, a sizable portion of the game's C models have received LODs. Many more, however, are still to come.




目前,截至2019年10月,由于《军团要塞 2》的macOS版本依靠于已停产的Carbon API,同时苹果在macOS上弃用OpenGL转而采用Metal API,因此该版本将不会发布任何补丁。



  1. Polycount.com,“The Team-Fortress 2 ‘Polycount Pack’ Winners”。   发布于   July 15, 2010。   检索于   November 12, 2010。
  2. TeamFortress.com,“Australian Christmas”。   发布于   December 17, 2010。   检索于   March 3, 2011。
  3. TeamFortress.com,“The Über Update”。   发布于   June 20, 2011。   检索于   June 20, 2011。
  4. DrGrordborts.com,“Vote for new Dr Grordbort's items for Team Fortress 2”。。   检索于   June 22, 2021。