User:TarlukLegion/Tarluk's TF2 Weapon Overhaul Collection

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Overall Changes
  • Random critical hits are now disabled by default.
    • Any weapons which currently have "No random critical hits" will still have it as a hidden stat for servers which choose to manually enable random crits.
  • Random bullet spread is now disabled by default.
  • Random fall damage deviation is now disabled by default.
  • Teammate outline duration decreased from 10 to 6 seconds
  • Teammate outline no longer reveal disguised Spies
  • Interpolation effects are only active on servers with "sv_cheats 1" enabled


Multi Class - Class Changes
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base shotgun ammo decreased from 32 to 24
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Holster speed penalties now apply their penalty to any weapon drawn within 1 second of said weapon being active
  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Melee attacks now prioritize damaging enemies over teammates
  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Speed boost rescaled are rescaled to always be +30% regardless of class
  • Kills counted through the enemy using a killbind will still trigger "On Kill" effects
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram comment.png Info: Added a basic description
Fires a close-range blast of 10 bullets.
Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Pictogram plus.png Added: 50% faster reload time
Pictogram plus.png Added: Fire rate increases as health decreases
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -20% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Cannot stop firing until clip is empty
Pictogram minus.png Added: -34% clip size
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reduced deploy speed bonus from 50% to 30%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +50% bullets per shot
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Now fires a wide 5x2 rectangular pattern
Pictogram comment.png Info: After you start firing, you cannot switch weapons until the clip is empty
Pictogram plus.png 50% faster reload time

Pictogram plus.png This weapon deploys 30% faster

Pictogram plus.png Fire rate increases as health decreases

Pictogram minus.png -34% clip size

Pictogram minus.png Cannot stop firing until clip is empty

Pictogram minus.png Successive shots become less accurate

Fires in a wide, narrow shot pattern
B.A.S.E. Jumper
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Can no longer be equipped by the Demoman
Pictogram plus.png Added: -50% less damage fall off on primary weapon
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Parachutes can be redeployed again in mid air when the meter is full
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% less damage fall off from all damage sources
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Parachutes now have a 3.5 second cooldown between deployments
Pictogram comment.png Added: The wearer stops descending if they are affected by afterburn while the parachute is deployed
Pictogram comment.png Info: For most weapons, minimum damage fall off is increased from 52.8% to 79.2%
Pictogram plus.png -50% less damage fall off on primary weapon

Pictogram minus.png -50% less damage fall off taken from all damage sources

Press 'JUMP' key in the air to deploy. Deployed Parachutes slow your descent. Being set on fire creates an updraft that stops you from descending.
Pain Train
Pain Train
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Honorbound cannot reduce your health lower than 1 health
This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower

Pictogram plus.png Gain 50% of base health on kill

Pictogram minus.png Honorbound: Once drawn, sheathing deals up to 50 damage to yourself unless it deals a killing blow

Soldiers and Demos
Can duel with their katanas
For a one-hit kill


Scout - Scattergun Changes
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reserve ammo of all Scatterguns lowered from 32 to 24
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram comment.png Info: Added a basic description
Fires a close-range blast of 10 bullets. Deals significantly more damage at point-blank range.
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Knockback no longer reduces the target's air control
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Knockback is no longer permanently active; it is only activated through alt-fire
Pictogram comment.png Info: Alt-Fire functions identically to a normal shot besides the knockback
Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire: Fires a shot that inflicts knockback on the target and shooter

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster firing speed

Pictogram plus.png +20% bullets per shot

Pictogram minus.png -10% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png -66% clip size

This weapon reloads its entire clip at once
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Reload time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Increase in push force taken from damage and airblast
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Alt-Fire to reach and shove someone!
Pictogram plus.png +40% faster firing speed

Pictogram plus.png +40% more accurate

Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus

Pictogram minus.png -34% clip size

Pictogram minus.png -60% bullets per shot

Pictogram minus.png -33% maximum damage ramp-up

This weapon reloads its entire clip at once.
Soda Popper
Soda Popper
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Hype duration reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Firing speed decreased from +50% to +33%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +25% faster reload time
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Activating Hype instead grants mini-crits while active, but the wearer is marked for death while active and for another 2 seconds after Hype ends
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Builds Hype

Pictogram plus.png +33% faster firing speed

Pictogram minus.png -66% clip size

When Hype is full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode and gain mini-crits while active,
but you are marked for death while active and for another 2 seconds after Hype ends.

This weapon reloads its entire clip at once.
Baby Face's Blaster
Baby Face's Blaster
Pictogram plus.png Added: Allows the Scout to bunnyhop
Pictogram plus.png Added: +50% fall damage resistance on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Added: Cannot double jump
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Move speed decreased from -10% to -15%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: On Hit: Builds Boost
Pictogram comment.png Info: Holding the jump key automatically bunnyhops, similar to bunnyhopping in Open Fortress
Pictogram comment.png Info: Momentum from bunnyhopping is capped at 510 HU/s, or 170% move speed
Pictogram plus.png Grants the ability to bunnyhop

Pictogram plus.png +50% fall damage resistance on wearer

Pictogram minus.png -34% clip size

Pictogram minus.png -15% slower move speed on wearer

Pictogram minus.png Cannot double jump

Hold your Jump key while moving forwards to automatically bunnyhop
Back Scatter
Back Scatter
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Accuracy increased from -20% to +20%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -34% clip size
Pictogram minus.png Added: -20% slower reload time
Pictogram minus.png Added: -15% damage penalty when not fired at the enemy's back
Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits targets when fired at their back from close range

Pictogram plus.png +20% more accurate

Pictogram minus.png -20% slower reload time

Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty when not fired at the enemy's back

Scout - Pistol Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Bullet spread of all Pistols reduced by 20%
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Reserve ammo of all Pistols increased from 36 to 48
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base rate of fire of all Pistols reduced from 6.66 rounds per second to 6 rounds per second
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Reload time of all Pistols increased from 1.1 seconds to 1.25 seconds
Weapon Changes New statistics
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Pictogram plus.png Added: +33% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Firing speed bonus increased from +15% to +25%
Pictogram minus.png Added: 50% slower holster speed
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Clip size penalty increased from -25% to -50%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: On Hit: Gain up to +3 health
Pictogram plus.png +25% faster firing speed

Pictogram plus.png +30% damage bonus

Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size

Pictogram minus.png -50% slower holster speed
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Damage absorbed will slow you when the effect ends
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Recharges by dealing 350 damage rather than by waiting 22 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Drink starts empty and cannnot be refilled by Resupply
Pictogram plus.png Drink to temporarily become invulnerable

Pictogram minus.png Cannot attack while under effects

Charges by dealing 300 damage. Effects end after 8 seconds.
Pictogram plus.png Added: Melee weapons critically hit while active
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Each attack sets Mark-For-Death while active
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Recharges by dealing 350 damage when not affected by the drink rather than by waiting 22 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Added: -100% melee holster time while active
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Holstering your melee weapon also ends the effects
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Drink starts empty and cannnot be refilled with Resupply
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Scattergun attacks mini-crit
Pictogram comment.png Info: After drinking the Crit-a-Cola, it automatically switches to your melee weapon rather than your Scattergun
Pictogram plus.png Drink to temporarily gain critical hits on your melee attacks

Pictogram minus.png 100% slower melee holster while under effects

Charges by dealing 300 damage. Effects end after 8 seconds or when you holster your melee weapon.
Mad Milk
Mad Milk
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Increased the meter recharge from extinguishing teammates from 20% to 50%
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Jar meter builds with kills and assists achieved against non-milked targets (50% for kills and 25% for assists) instead of over time
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Milk meter starts empty and cannot be refilled with Resupply
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Healing reduced from 60% to 50%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Duration reduced from 10 seconds to 7 seconds
Throw to cover enemies in milk for 7 seconds or extinguish teammates.
Players heal 50% of the damage done to enemies covered in milk.

Charge milk by scoring kills or assists against players not covered in milk. Extinguishing teammates will refund 50% charge.
Flying Guillotine
Flying Guillotine
Pictogram comment.png Added: Projectile now has damage ramp-up and fall-off (125%-75%)
Pictogram comment.png Added: Bleed duration now scales off of damage ramp-up and fall-off (3-5 seconds)
Pictogram plus.png Added: Mini-crits vs debuffed targets
Pictogram plus.png Changed: All hits reduce recharge time by 3.5 seconds rather than just long-range hits for 1.5 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base damage reduced from 50 to 40
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base bleed duration lowered from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Recharge time increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds
Throw this sharp cleaver at an enemy to make them bleed! Recharges after 10 seconds.
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Reduces recharge time by 3.5 seconds

Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits vs debuffed targets
Scout - Bat Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base damage of all Bats increased from 35 to 45
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram comment.png Info: The description now mentions its different damage and attack speed
This weapon swings faster but deals less damage compared to standard melee weapons.
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base projectile damage increased from 15 to 30
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Health decreased from -15 to -25
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Projectile no longer ramps up on long distance hits
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Alt-Fire now inflicts a 20% damage vulnerability instead of slowing the target
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Debuff duration is rescaled from 1-7 seconds depending on distance to a fixed 4 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire: Launches a ball that causes the target to take 20% more damage for 4 seconds

Pictogram minus.png -25 max health on wearer

Pictogram plus.png Changed: Triple jumps are now passive instead of only while active
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -15% damage vs players
Pictogram plus.png Removed: This weapon deploys 50% slower
Pictogram minus.png Added: Air jumps costs 10 health
Pictogram minus.png Added: -30% slower firing speed
Pictogram plus.png Grants Triple Jump on wearer

Pictogram plus.png Melee attacks mini-crit while airborne

Pictogram minus.png Air jumps costs 10 health

Pictogram minus.png -30% slower firing speed

Boston Basher
Boston Basher
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Self damage no longer inflicts bleed on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage to self increased from -50% to -33%
Pictogram comment.png Info: Final self damage is decreased from 18 + 40 over time to 30
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds

Pictogram minus.png On Miss: Hit yourself. Idiot.

Candy Cane
Candy Cane
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 25% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Added: 100% longer debuff duration on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Added: Jingle all the way...
Pictogram comment.png Info: In other words, moving causes the wearer to make an audible jingle noise
Pictogram plus.png On Kill: A small health pack is dropped

Pictogram minus.png +100% debuff vulnerability on wearer

Pictogram minus.png Jingle all the way...
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Fan O'War
Fan O'War
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Hit: Blows the target away with a burst of wind
Pictogram comment.png Info: This burst of wind works very similarly to an airblast
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage penalty reduced from -75% to -66%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: The Mark-for-Death is also removed upon the Scout's death
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits for up to 10 seconds

Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Blows the target away with a burst of wind

Pictogram minus.png 75% damage penalty

Wrap Assassin
Wrap Assassin
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>


Soldier - Melee Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: Melee weapons are now crit boosted while blast jumping
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 65 to 75
Weapon Changes New statistics
Direct Hit
Direct Hit
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Now mini-crits targets launched airborne by the wearer and their teammates instead of mini-critting targets launched airborne by self knockback
Pictogram plus.png +25% damage bonus

Pictogram plus.png +80% projectile speed

Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits targets launched airborne by the wearer and their teammates

Pictogram minus.png -70% explosion radius

Liberty Launcher
Liberty Launcher
Pictogram plus.png Added: +25% knockback and self-damage force
Pictogram plus.png Info: The extra knockback is higher than listed in order to overcome the lower knockback from the damage penalty
Pictogram plus.png Added: +30% faster deploy and holster time
Pictogram plus.png Changed:Rocket jump resistance raised from +25% to +30%
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage penalty reduced from -25% to -20%
{c|-|Removed:}} +25% clip size
Pictogram plus.png +25% blast force

Pictogram plus.png +40% projectile speed

Pictogram plus.png 30% faster deploy and holster speed

Pictogram plus.png -30% blast damage from rocket jumps

Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty

Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Pictogram comment.png Added: On Hit: Target is engulfed in flames for 4 seconds
Pictogram comment.png Info: This also applies to rocket jumps
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Direct Hit: buildings are disabled for 2 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Added: 15% faster reload time
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Minicrits whenever it would normally crit
Pictogram minus.png Added: 0.5 sec delay before the rocket starts firing
Pictogram comment.png Info: Holding down the Fire key after the first shot will bypass the delay for subsequent shots
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Alt-Fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, sets them on fire and disables buildings for 4 sec
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo

Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Target is engulfed in flames for 4 seconds

Pictogram plus.png On Direct Hit: Buildings are disabled for 2 seconds

Pictogram plus.png +15% faster reload time

Pictogram minus.png Must briefly charge for 0.5 seconds before firing starts

Pictogram minus.png Deals only 20% damage to buildings

Beggar's Bazooka
Beggar's Bazooka
Pictogram plus.png Changed: (Hidden) Reload time increased from -30% to -10%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: No ammo from dispensers when active
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Cannot reload until this weapon finishes firing
Pictogram comment.png Info: In other words, the delay after firing the last rocket is increased from 0.24 to 0.8 seconds
Hold Fire to load up to 3 rockets, and release it to unleash the barrage.
Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire.
Pictogram minus.png -20% explosion radius

Pictogram minus.png 10% slower reload time

Pictogram minus.png +3 degrees random projectile deviation

Air Strike
Air Strike
Pictogram plus.png Added: +25% clip size
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -20% explosion radius while blast jumping
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Firing speed bonus while blast jumping decreased from +65% to +60%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Explosion radius decreased from -10% to -15%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Clip size increased on kill
Pictogram plus.png +25% clip size

Pictogram plus.png +60% faster firing speed while blast jumping

Pictogram plus.png -15% blast damage from rocket jumps

Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png -15% explosion radius

Reserve Shooter
Reserve Shooter
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Now mini-crits targets launched airborne by the wearer and their teammates instead of mini-critting targets launched airborne by self knockback
Pictogram minus.png Changed: -15% damage penalty on hits that don't crit or mini-crit
Pictogram comment.png Changed: No longer equippable by the Pyro
Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits targets launched airborne by you or your teammates

Pictogram minus.png -25% damage penalty on non-critical hits

Pictogram minus.png -33% clip size
Buff Banner
Buff Banner
Pictogram plus.png Added: 15% faster reload time on wearer
Pictogram plus.png 15% faster reload time on wearer

When activated, provides an offensive buff that causes nearby team members to deal mini-crits.
Charges after dealing 600 damage.
Battalion's Backup
Battalion's Backup
Pictogram comment.png Reworked: The defensive buff now multiplies the health of all affected targets by 50% rather than granting a 35% global damage resistance
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Sentry damage resistance reduced rom 50% to 30%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Mini-crits are no longer nullified
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Full crits are instead converted into mini-crits rather than being entirely nullified
Pictogram plus.png +20 max health on wearer

When activated, provides a defensive buff to nearby teammates that increases health by 50%, reduces incoming sentry damage by 50%, and miniaturizes critical hits for 10 seconds.
Charges after dealing 600 damage.
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Speed boost reduced from 26-40% depending on the class to 30% regardless of the affected class
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Maximum health regeneration reduced from 4 health per second to 3 health per second
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage needed to charge increased from 480 to 500
Pictogram plus.png Up to +3 health regenerated per second on wearer
Pictogram plus.png +20% faster charge rate

Provides group speed buff
With damage done giving health.
Gain rage with damage.
Pictogram plus.png Added: +15% faster move speed on wearer
Pictogram plus.png Added: Press Jump while airborne for at least 1 second to calcel all momentum and fall at terminal velocity.
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Push force resistance now applies to all sources besides damage and airblasts
Pictogram plus.png +15% faster move speed on wearer

Pictogram plus.png +75% knockback resistance on wearer

Pictogram plus.png 200% increased air control when blast jumping
Pictogram plus.png Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on

Press Jump while airborne for at least 1 second to cancel all momentum and fall at terminal velocity.
Righteous Bison
Righteous Bison
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base damage increased from 20 to 40
Pictogram plus.png Changed: No longer suffers from damage falloff
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base projectile speed increased from 1200 to 1500 HU
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Projectile size is increased by +20%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Deals only 20% damage vs buildings
Pictogram plus.png Added: -50% projectile speed while penetrating a target
Pictogram minus.png Added: Deals 10 less damage after each hit
Pictogram minus.png Added: Projectile fizzles out if it travels for 4 seconds or if it reaches its penetration cap
Pictogram minus.png Changed: No longer features damage ramp-up
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Projectile penetration cap decreased from infinite to 4 targets
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo

Pictogram plus.png Projectile penetrates enemies and can hit an enemy multiple times

Pictogram plus.png Projectile slows while penetrating a target

Pictogram minus.png Damage decreases on successive hits

Fires an unreflectable energy blast.
Soldier - Melee Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: All Soldier melees have the ability to critically hit while rocket jumping
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram comment.png Info: Added a basic description of the melee slot's unique function
Swing while airborne from a rocket jump to critically hit an enemy.
Market Gardener
Market Gardener
Pictogram plus.png Added: Airborne crit kills now show a MARKET GARDEN!!! in the killfeed
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 20% slower swing speed
Pictogram comment.png Info: Otherwise functions as a stock reskin
Swing while airborne from a rocket jump to critically hit an enemy.
Humiliate your enemies by showing anyone watching the kill feed that you just MARKET GARDENED them.
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Now deals up to 100% higher base damage as the user becomes injured
Pictogram comment.png Info: Damage increased from 33-107 to 65-130 (Damage increases by 1 point of damage per 3 units of health lost below 196 health)
Pictogram plus.png Added: This weapon deploys up to 50% faster as the user becomes injured
Pictogram minus.png Added:This weapon holsters 50% slower
Pictogram minus.png Added:Minicrits whenever it would normally crit
Pictogram minus.png Changed:Healing from Medics reduced from -90% to -100%
Pictogram plus.png Melee damage increases up to 100% as the user becomes injured

Pictogram plus.png This weapon deploys up to 50% faster as the user becomes injured

Pictogram minus.png This weapon holsters 50% slower

Pictogram minus.png No healing from Medics while active

Pictogram minus.png Minicrits whenever it would normally crit
Escape Plan
Escape Plan
Pictogram plus.png Added: This weapon deploys up to 50% faster as the user becomes injured
Pictogram minus.png Added:This weapon holsters 50% slower
Pictogram minus.png Added:Minicrits whenever it would normally crit
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Maximum movement speed decreased from -60% to -50%
Pictogram minus.png Info: This only affects the speed increase when at 40 health or less
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Healing from Medics reduced from -90% to -100%
When weapon is active:

Pictogram plus.png Move speed increases by up to 50% as the user becomes injured

Pictogram plus.png This weapon deploys up to 40% faster as the user becomes injured

Pictogram minus.png You are marked for death while active, and for a short period after switching weapons

Pictogram minus.png This weapon holsters 50% slower

Pictogram minus.png No healing from Medics while active

Pictogram minus.png Minicrits whenever it would normally crit
Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary Action
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage penalty reduced from -25% to -20%
Pictogram minus.png Added: 50% slower deploy and holster time, similar to swords
Pictogram minus.png Added: -20 max health penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Minicrits whenever it would normally crit
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Range bonus reduced from +70% to +50%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Speed boost reduced from 26-40% depending on the class to 30% regardless of class
This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower

Pictogram plus.png On Hit Teammate: Boosts both players' speed by 30% for up to 3 seconds

Pictogram minus.png -20 max health on wearer

Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png Minicrits whenever it would normally crit


Pyro - Afterburn & Flame Thrower Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: Afterburn longer than 5 seconds will apply Deep Burn, which nullifies all damage resistances and prevents extinguishing. Lasts until Afterburn duration drops to 5 seconds or lower
    • Pictogram comment.png Info: Visual flames on players with a Deep Burn will become a deep blue rather than orange. Only a select few Pyro weapons can inflict this debuff.
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Shorter sources of afterburn will no longer override longer ones. If a source of afterburn has a lower maximum afterburn time than the current burn time of a target, it will instead maintain that current burn time for the next afterburn tick.
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Flinching from afterburn now only affects Snipers that are scoped in}
  • Pictogram minus.png Removed: Medi-Gun healing and shield resistance debuffs when on fire

  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Fall-off based on particle duration replaced with fall-off based on distance (100% at point blank to 50% at furthest range)
  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Ramp-up based on consecutive flaming replaced with ramp-up based on remaining afterburn duration (50% damage at 0 seconds, 100% base damage at 5 seconds, 150% at 10 seconds)
    • Pictogram comment.png Info: Flamethrowers will always deal 100% of their base damage to buildings, regardless of afterburn duration (as buildings cannot have afterburn)
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: Secondary flame particles are spewed (10 at a time) when firing stops, which deal 0 damage but cause up to 1 second of afterburn if any of them connect
  • Pictogram plus.png Removed: Random speed, spread, and duration of flame particles
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Afterburn per particle raised from 0.4 seconds to 0.5 seconds
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Minimum afterburn lowered from 4 seconds to 0.5 seconds
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Maximum afterburn lowered from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Particle acceleration is greatly increased and duration is greatly decreased, to travel the same distance but much faster
  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Flame visuals are less opaque, making it easier to see through them
  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Extinguishing teammates refunds ammo spent instead of restoring +20 health
Weapon Changes New statistics
Flame Thrower
Flame Thrower
Pictogram comment.png Info: Expanded the listed description
Hold Fire to spray a stream of close-range flame. Enemies hit will be set on fire for up to 5 seconds and take more fire damage the longer they burn.

Alt-Fire: Spend 20 ammo to blast a gust of air that pushes enemies, reflects projectiles, and extinguishing teammates. Extinguishing a teammate will refund ammo spent on airblast.
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Holster speed increased from 30% faster to 40% faster
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Afterburn damage penalty reduced from -66% to -25%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: +25% airblast cost
Pictogram minus.png Added: -25% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Maximum afterburn duration changed from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
Pictogram plus.png 60% faster deploy speed

Pictogram plus.png 40% faster holster speed

Pictogram minus.png -25% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png -2 second maximum afterburn time

Pictogram comment.png Info: Unlike other Flamethrowers, this does not inherit the afterburn duration ramp-up system.
Pictogram comment.png Removed: All current stats and properties
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Fires a straight beam of yellow lightning instead of flame particles that has +50% longer range, but 0 width
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Now uses a Power Meter instead of ammo that decreases by 10% per second of firing and recovers 10% per second of not firing, regardless of whether the weapon is currently deployed or not. If the meter fully empties, the weapon will be unusable for 4 seconds.
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Alt-Fire replaced with "Release an electric shock that destroys projectiles. Costs 20% Power Meter." (Behaves the same as the pre-buff Short Circuit)
Pictogram plus.png Added: Gains a level for 1 second of semi-continuous beam connection, up to 2 additional levels. Each level ramps-up the weapon's damage by 100% up to 200%, raises the minimum and maximum afterburn duration applied by 2.5 seconds up to 5 seconds, and enhances the firing visuals. Decays by 1 level (or loses the progress at base level) after 2 seconds of not hitting anything.
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Damage falloff based off of distance
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Initial damage lowered from 6.5 per tick to 4.5 per tick
Pictogram minus.png Info: This causes the initial DPS to lower from 86.7 to 60, and displays as a -30% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Initial minimum and maximum afterburn duration lowered to 0 seconds

Pictogram comment.png Info: Level 2 turns the beam of lightning orange, while Level 3 causes the Phlogistinator's cone to also radiate with orange heat (similar visuals to the current Phlog)
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo

Pictogram minus.png Power Meter: Meter depletes when fired. If meter fully empties, it will be fully unusable for 4 seconds

Pictogram minus.png -30% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png Does not initially apply afterburn

Hold Fire to unleash a mid-range, thin beam of lightning. The longer it is connected to a target, the stronger it grows in heat, dealing up to 200% more damage and applying afterburn.

Alt-Fire: Releases an electric shock that destroys projectiles. Costs 20% Power to use.

A revolutionary appliance capable of awakening the fire element phlogiston that exists in all combustible creatures, which is to say, all of them.
Dragon's Fury
Dragon's Fury
Pictogram comment.png Info: Inherits the afterburn duration ramp-up system. Due to the attack interval, all shots will lock the afterburn duration in place for 1 second for higher damage consistency.
Pictogram comment.png Added: +100% bonus damage from afterburn duration
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base damage increased from 75 to 90
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Maximum afterburn duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Afterburn applied to Pyros increased from 1 second to 3 seconds (but afterburn will naturally dissipate after 1 second of being applied
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -66% damage on non-burning targets

Pictogram plus.png Changed: Re-pressurization rate for firing and airblast reduced from 0.8s/1.6s to 0.75 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Added: Reflected projectiles do not mini-crit
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +50% re-pressurization rate on hit
Pictogram comment.png Info: The afterburn duration ramp-up increase effectively creates a 33%/100%/166% damage curve in place of the normal 50%/100%/150% curve. When combined with the base damage increase to 90, this means that three consecutive shots landed back-to-back will deal 30 + 66 + 90 damage compared to the current 25 + 75 + 75
Pictogram plus.png +100% bonus damage from afterburn duration

Pictogram minus.png Reflected projectiles do not mini-crit

Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire.

Fires a fast-moving fireball that ignites enemies and deals significantly more damage the longer they burn.
Pyro - Flare Gun Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base flare gun damage increased from 30 to 35
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Flare gun afterburn duration decreased from 7.5s/10s to 5 seconds
Weapon Changes New statistics
Flare Gun
Flare Gun
Pictogram comment.png Info: Added a basic description
Pictogram plus.png Critically hits vs burning enemies

Fires a single-shot, fast-moving flare that ignites enemies ablaze.
This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Added: Flare explodes when it hits a surface
Pictogram comment.png Info: The explosion will be the same as the normal detonation, but will not apply afterburn
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Explosion/detonation base damage raised from 21 to 25
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Blast force to be raised to an amount equal to 110% of the current Detonator's blast force
Pictogram plus.png Removed: +50% damage to self
Pictogram comment.png Info: Self-damage starts at 25 rather than 44, similar to the explosion/detonation
Pictogram minus.png Added: Maximum afterburn duration lowered from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base damage lowered from 35 to 25 (displays as a -30% damage penalty)
Pictogram comment.png Added: Explosion/detonation has additional subtle firework particle effects
Pictogram plus.png Flare explodes when it hits a surface

Pictogram plus.png Self-damage significantly propels user

Pictogram minus.png -30% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png -2 second maximum afterburn time

Alt-Fire: Manually detonate flare, causing the explosion to burn enemies.

This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Cloud duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Gas meter progress does not persist through death
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Throwing gas now creates a cloud of fire that deals 4 damage per second, inflicts afterburn for 4 seconds and continuously resets current afterburn and further increases existing afterburn durations
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Gas meter now builds kills and assists towards targets that did not die from the cloud of fire instead of passively recharging
Pictogram comment.png Info: Kills recharge 50% of the Gas meter, while assists recharge 25%
Pictogram comment.png Info: Each second spent inside the cloud of fire increases current afterburn duration by 1 second
Pictogram plus.png Gain Gas on kills and assists

Pictogram minus.png Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter

Pictogram minus.png Gas meter starts empty

Creates a cloud of fire that deals 4 damage per second and inflicts afterburn, staying in the cloud of fire will continuously increase and reset current afterburn duration!
Pyro - Fire Axe Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: All Pyro melees now grant a 30% speed boost for 3 seconds on kill
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 65 to 85
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram comment.png Changed: No longer "mini-crits" against burning players as the base damage is already 85
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Bonus damage from afterburn is doubled as compensation for the overall lower afterburn duration
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Damage penalty against non-burning players increased from -33% to -40%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Holster speed penalty increased from 35% slower to 50% slower
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Killing blows on burning players grant a speed boost
Pictogram plus.png Melee damage increases up to 100% based on remaining afterburn duration

Pictogram minus.png -40% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png 50% slower holster speed

Pictogram minus.png No speed boost on kills

Pictogram plus.png Added: On Kill with any weapon: Gain -35% damage resistance to all sources
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -25% damage vs players
Pictogram minus.png Added: Damage resistance is lost upon holstering
Pictogram minus.png Added: 50% slower holster speed
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +100% damage vs buildings
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Damage removes Sappers
Pictogram comment.png Added: On Kill with any weapon: This weapon is automatically deployed
Pictogram comment.png Info: Damage resistance is permanent until the wearer holsters this weapon
Pictogram plus.png On Kill: Gain -35% damage resistance to all sources

Pictogram minus.png On Kill: This weapon is automatically deployed

Pictogram minus.png Damage resistance is lost upon holstering

Pictogram minus.png 50% slower holster speed

Pictogram plus.png Added: Gain a 3 second speed boost on kill
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Health restored on kill increased from +25 to +75
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 20% damage vulnerability while active
Pictogram minus.png Added: -25% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +15% faster move speed while active
Pictogram plus.png Gain a speed boost on kill

Pictogram plus.png +75 health restored on kill

Pictogram minus.png -25% damage penalty

Back Scratcher
Back Scratcher
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Hit: target receives 20% fire damage vulnerability
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Hit: all fire damage pierces damage resistance effects and bonuses
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage decreased from -20% to -50%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Afterburn duration on hit decreased from 7.5 to 5 seconds
Pictogram comment.png Info: The fire damage vulnerability and damage resistance piercing debuff lasts as long as the afterburn on this weapon
Pictogram comment.png Info: All debuffs immediately end if afterburn from this weapon ends
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: target is engulfed in flames

Pictogram plus.png On Hit: target receives 20% fire damage vulnerability

Pictogram plus.png On Hit: all fire damage pierces damage resistance effects and bonuses

Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty

Third Degree
Third Degree
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Hit: Increase Degree by +1 (up to 3)
Pictogram plus.png Added: Hits vs wet players mini-crit and increases Degree by +2
Pictogram plus.png Added: Alt-Fire when at the Third Degree to gain guaranteed mini-crits for 10 seconds; uses entire Degree meter when used
Pictogram plus.png Added: +30% faster firing speed
Pictogram minus.png Added: -35% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Consumes 20% max primary ammo per swing
Pictogram minus.png Removed: All players connected via Medigun beams are hit
Pictogram comment.png Info: If the Phlogistinator is equipped, Power meter is consumed per swing instead of primary ammo
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Increase Degree by +1

Pictogram plus.png Hits vs wet players mini-crit and increase Degree by +3 instead
Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire on Third Degree: Gain mini-crits on all weapons for 10 seconds

Pictogram plus.png +30% faster firing speed

Pictogram minus.png -35% damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png Consumes 20% max primary ammo or Power per swing

Hot Hand
Hot Hand
Pictogram plus.png Added: 100% mini-crits on successive hits
Pictogram plus.png Added: This weapon deploys 50% faster
Pictogram plus.png Added: +10% faster move speed while active
Pictogram minus.png Added: 20% damage vulnerability while active
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage decreased from -14% to -18%
Pictogram comment.png Info: The conditions for triggering mini-crits are identical to the Gunslinger's critical hit mechanic, except the combo only resets after 2 seconds instead of 1 second
When weapon is active:

Pictogram plus.png Gain a speed boost when you hit an enemy player

Pictogram plus.png 100% mini-crits on successive hits

Pictogram plus.png This weapon deploys 50% faster

Pictogram plus.png +10% faster move speed on wearer

Pictogram minus.png 20% damage vulnerability on wearer

Pictogram minus.png -18% damage penalty


Demoman - Class Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: While charging with a shield, mini-crit melee attack boost charge proc increased from 40-75% to 50-80% charge
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: While charging with a shield, Critical melee attack boost charge increased from 0-40% to 0-50%
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 65 to 75
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Deploy time on all swords decreased from -75% to -50%
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Holster time on all swords decreased from -75% to -50%
  • Pictogram comment.png Info: The switch speed buff on swords affects the Half-Zatoichi on both Soldier and Demo
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage bonus now affects all enemies
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Launched bombs now explode on surfaces
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% self damage force
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage decreased from +20% to +15%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Clip size decreased from -25% to -50%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Explosion radius decreased from -25% to -50%
Pictogram plus.png +15% damage bonus

Pictogram plus.png +25% projectile speed

Pictogram plus.png Launched bombs explode on surfaces

Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size

Pictogram minus.png -50% explosion radius

Pictogram minus.png -50% self damage force

Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Pictogram plus.png Added: -30% blast damage from blast jumps
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Charge refill on melee kills increased from +25% to +100%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +200% increase in turning control while charging
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +10% faster move speed on wearer (shield required)
Pictogram plus.png +25 max health on wearer

Pictogram plus.png -30% blast damage from blast jumps

Pictogram plus.png Melee kills refill 100% of your charge meter.

Chargin' Targe
Chargin' Targe
Pictogram plus.png Added: +200% increase in turning control while charging
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Explosive damage resistance increased from +30% to +40%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Fire damage resistance decreased from +50% to +40%
Pictogram plus.png +40% fire damage resistance on wearer

Pictogram plus.png +40% explosive damage resistance on wearer

Pictogram plus.png +200% increase in turning control while charging

Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance.
Splendid Screen
Splendid Screen
Pictogram plus.png Added: +200% increase in turning control while charging
Pictogram plus.png +20% fire damage resistance on wearer

Pictogram plus.png +20% explosive damage resistance on wearer

Pictogram plus.png +70% increase in charge impact damage

Pictogram plus.png +50% increase in charge recharge rate

Pictogram plus.png +200% increase in turning control while charging

Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance.
Tide Turner
Tide Turner
Pictogram plus.png Added: +200% increase in turning control while charging
Pictogram plus.png Changed: When charge is below 50%, melee hits will be crit boosted instead of mini-crit boosted
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Charge refill on melee kills decreased from +75% to +50%
Pictogram plus.png +15% fire damage resistance on wearer

Pictogram plus.png +15% explosive damage resistance on wearer

Pictogram plus.png +200% increase in turning control while charging

Pictogram plus.png Full turning control while charging

Pictogram plus.png Melee kills refill 50% of your charge meter.

Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance.
Pictogram minus.png Added: Switching weapons through the resupply cabinet will instantly remove all collected heads
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits

Pictogram minus.png -25 max health on wearer

Gives increased speed and health with every head you take.

This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower
Ullapool Caber
Ullapool Caber
Pictogram plus.png Added: Gain Caber on kills and assists
Pictogram plus.png Added: On full Caber, the warhead is restored
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Deploy speed increased from -100% to -50%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Explosion no longer has splash damage fall off
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Explosion damage decreased from 75 to 70
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Explosion no longer has damage ramp up
Pictogram comment.png Info: Any kills recharge 50% of the Caber meter, while assists recharge 25%
Pictogram plus.png Gain Caber on kills and assists

Pictogram plus.png On full Caber, the warhead is restored

Pictogram minus.png -20% slower firing speed

Pictogram minus.png This weapon deploys 50% slower

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits

The first hit will cause an explosion

High-yield Scottish face removal. A sober person would throw it...
Claidheamh Mòr
Claidheamh Mòr
Pictogram plus.png Added: Gain a speed boost upon charge ending for 3 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Charge duration is now passive instead of only when active
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 15% damage vulnerability while active
Pictogram minus.png Added: -15 max health on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter
Pictogram plus.png 0.5 sec increase in charge duration

Pictogram plus.png Gain a speed boost upon charge ending

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits

Pictogram minus.png -15 max health on wearer

This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower
Persian Persuader
Persian Persuader
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Kill: Instantly reloads your primary weapon's clip
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Kill: Instantly reloads your secondary weapon's clip
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Max primary ammo increased from -80% to -66%
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Max secondary ammo increased from -80% to -66%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Melee hits refill 20% of your charge meter.
Pictogram plus.png Ammo boxes collected give Charge

Pictogram plus.png On Kill: Instantly reloads your primary weapon's clip

Pictogram minus.png -66% max primary ammo on wearer

Pictogram minus.png -66% max secondary ammo on wearer

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits

This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower


Heavy - Class Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: An additional weapon slot for carrying lunchboxes is added
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: Running Start: The Heavy starts with his melee deployed and has a +25% movement speed bonus until he switches weapons
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Heavy's passive 50% knockback reduction also reduces knockback from Sentry Guns
Heavy - Minigun Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base minigun firing speed increased from 0.105 to 0.1 seconds
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Miniguns no longer need to rev up for 1 second before they reach full damage and accuracy
Weapon Changes New statistics
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Brass Beast
Brass Beast
Pictogram plus.png Added: +20% more accurate
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage resistance no longer has a health requirement to be activated
Pictogram plus.png +20% damage bonus

Pictogram plus.png +20% more accurate

Pictogram plus.png -20% damage resistance when spun up

Pictogram minus.png -50% slower spin up time

Pictogram minus.png -60% slower move speed while deployed

<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Huo-Long Heater
Huo-Long Heater
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Flame ring radius increased from 160 to 240 HU
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage penalty now only affects non-burning players
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage bonus vs burning players is decreased from +25% to +20%
Pictogram plus.png Creates a ring of flames while spun up

Pictogram plus.png +20% damage bonus vs burning players

Pictogram minus.png -10% damage penalty vs non-burning players

Pictogram minus.png Consumes an additional 4 ammo per second while spun up

Heavy - Secondary Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Health packs collected that have more health worth than what was restored will now be counted as cooldown for the carried lunchbox items, being worth twice as much % in lunchbox cooldown as the extra max health gained in percentage.
    • Pictogram comment.png Info: A small health pack collected while at 270 health (for 30 excess health) would recharge 20% of the meter, while a medium health pack collected while at 270 health (for 120 excess health) would recharge 80% of the meter
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Small health packs no longer fully recharge the lunchbox meter even when at full health when picked up, instead only recharging up to 40%
Weapon Changes New statistics
* Pictogram comment.png Info: Sandvich is now the stock lunchbox item Eat to gain up to 300 health over 4 seconds. Cannot move during this time.
Alt-Fire: Share a Sandvich with a friend! (Small Health Kit)
Recharges after 30 seconds. Leftover health gained from packs will reduce recharge time.
Dalokohs Bar
Dalokohs Bar
Pictogram plus.png Added: +50% faster consumption time
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds
Pictogram plus.png +50% faster consumption time

Eat to gain up to 100 health.

Alt-fire: Share chocolate with a friend (Small Health Kit)
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Pictogram plus.png Added: Eat to gain up to 100 health
Pictogram plus.png Added: Push force reduction from damage gradually increases up to +30% while under the buff
Pictogram plus.png Added: Airblast vulnerability reduction gradually increases up to +30% while under the buff
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Speed threshold increased from 103% to 110%
Pictogram plus.png Removed: (Hidden) 20% damage vulnerability while effect is active
Pictogram minus.png Added: Weapons holster 100% slower while under the buff
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Speed boost now starts at 0% and gradually scales up to +30% over time
Pictogram comment.png Added: The wearer can now prematurely cancel the buff by switching weapons
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Buff duration rescaled from 16 seconds to being indefinite until the wearer holsters weapons
Pictogram comment.png Info: Speed and knockback resistance start at 0% and increase by +2% every second, capping at +30% in 15 seconds
Eat to gain up to 100 health. After consuming, attacks mini-crit, and move speed, push force reduction as well as airblast vulnerability reduction is gradually increased over time, but weapons holster 100% slower and you may only use melee weapons. Lasts indefinitely until the wearer switches weapons.

Alt-fire: Share with a friend (Medium Health Kit)

Who needs bread?
Second Banana
Second Banana
Pictogram plus.png Added: Leftover healing is now converted into overheal that drains -40% slower
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Charge recharge rate decreased from +50% to +33%
Pictogram comment.png Info: Can only overheal up to an additional +150 health
Pictogram comment.png Info: Despite the slower overheal drain rate, overheal still only lasts for 15 seconds, but overheal does not start decaying until 6 seconds later
Pictogram plus.png +33% increase in charge recharge rate

Pictogram plus.png Excessive healing is now converted into overheal that drains -40% slower

Pictogram minus.png -33% healing effect

Eat to gain health

Alt-fire: Share banana with a friend (Small Health Kit)
Family Business
Family Business
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Firing speed increased from +15% to +20%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage decreased from -15% to -20%
Pictogram plus.png +33% clip size

Pictogram plus.png +20% faster firing speed

Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty

Heavy - Fist Weapon Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 65 to 85
Weapon Changes New statistics
Killing Gloves of Boxing
Killing Gloves of Boxing
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Gloves of Running Urgently
Gloves of Running Urgently
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Warrior's Spirit
Warrior's Spirit
Pictogram plus.png Removed: 30% damage vulnerability while active
Pictogram minus.png Added: Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills.
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage decreased from +30% to +25%
Pictogram plus.png +25% damage bonus

Pictogram plus.png +50 health restored on kill

Pictogram minus.png Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills.

Fists of Steel
Fists of Steel
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -40% maximum overheal on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Damage taken from ranged sources increased from -40% to -35%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Health from healers decreased from -40% to -75%
When weapon is active:

Pictogram plus.png -35% damage from ranged sources on wearer

Pictogram minus.png +100% damage from melee sources on wearer

Pictogram minus.png This weapon holsters 100% slower

Pictogram minus.png -75% health from healers on wearer

Eviction Notice
Eviction Notice
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Holiday Punch
Holiday Punch
Pictogram plus.png Added: 100% mini-crits on successive hits
Pictogram plus.png Added: Mini-crits can now also force victims to laugh
Pictogram minus.png Added: Minicrits whenever it would normally crit
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Hitting a target from the back now mini-crits the target instead of critting
Pictogram minus.png Changed: ÜberCharged players can no longer be forced to laugh
Pictogram plus.png 100% mini-crits on successive hits

Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits forces victim to laugh

Pictogram plus.png Always mini-crit from behind

Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Force enemies to laugh who are also wearing this item

Pictogram minus.png Minicrits whenever it would normally crit

Pictogram minus.png Critical hits do no damage

Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty


Engineer - Class Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 65 to 75
  • Pictogram comment.png Changed: Sentry damage ramp up and fall off is now based on the Sentry's location rather than the owner's location
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +10% increased damage to your sentry's target
Pictogram plus.png On hit: Damage dealt is returned as ammo

Pictogram plus.png No reload necessary

Pictogram minus.png Per shot: -30 ammo

Pictogram minus.png Uses metal for ammo

Pomson 6000
Pomson 6000
Pictogram plus.png Added: Alt-Fire: A charged shot that mini-crits and causes the projectile to penetrate players
Pictogram plus.png Added: Hitting a friendly building with the charged shot will gain a shield that reduces damage by -25% and gives powerful buffs
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base projectile speed increased from 1200 to 1800 HU/s
Pictogram minus.png Removed: On Hit: Victim loses up to 10% Medigun charge
Pictogram minus.png Removed: On Hit: Victim loses up to 20% cloak
Pictogram comment.png Info: When used on a friendly Sentry, sentry push force from damage is increased by +33% and firing speed is increased by +20% for 4 seconds
Pictogram comment.png Info: When used on a friendly Dispenser, health and ammo output is increased by +100% for all teammates while it is increased by +50% for the user for 5 seconds
Pictogram comment.png Info: When used on a friendly Teleporter, teleportation particle duration is decreased from 18 to 9 seconds and teleportation recharges +50% faster for 6 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo

Pictogram plus.png Projectile cannot be deflected

Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire: A charged shot that mini-crits and causes the projectile to penetrate players

Pictogram plus.png Hitting a friendly building with the charged shot will gain a shield that reduces damage by -25% and gives powerful buffs

Pictogram minus.png Deals only 20% damage to buildings

Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base pistol accuracy increased from 48:1 to 57.6:1
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base pistol reload time increased from 1 to 1.25 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base pistol firing speed decreased from 0.15 to 0.166 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base pistol ammo decreased from 200 to 96
No changes.
Pictogram plus.png Added: -60% self damage from the wearer's own Sentry Gun
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Sentry disable duration upon being unwrangled decreased from 3 to 2.5 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Wrangler shield repair reduction decreased from 66% to 33%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Wrangler shield damage reduction decreased from 66% to 20%
Pictogram comment.png Changed: Sentry rockets no longer have aim assist
Pictogram plus.png -60% self damage from the wearer's own Sentry Gun

Take manual control of your Sentry Gun. Wrangled sentries gain a shield that reduces damage by 20% and repairs by 33%. Sentries are disabled for 2.5 seconds after becoming unwrangled.
Short Circuit
Short Circuit
Pictogram plus.png Added: Does not require ammo
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Primary fire range is increased from 215 to 430 HU
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Metal is only consumed on miss
Pictogram minus.png Added: This weapon deploys 50% slower
Pictogram minus.png Added: This weapon holsters 50% slower
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% ammo from dispensers when active
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Alt-Fire metal cost increased from 65 to 80
Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire: Launches a projectile-consuming energy ball. Costs 80 metal.

Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo

Pictogram plus.png No reload necessary

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits

Pictogram minus.png On Miss: -5 metal

Pictogram minus.png This weapon deploys 50% slower

Pictogram minus.png This weapon holsters 50% slower

Pictogram minus.png -50% ammo from dispensers when active

RED Level 3 Sentry Gun.png

Sentry Gun

Pictogram minus.png Changed: Health increase from level 2 to level 3 decreased from 20% to 16.7%
Pictogram minus.png Level 3 Sentry Gun health decreased from 216 to 210

Red Mini Sentry.png

Combat Mini-Sentry Gun

Pictogram minus.png Changed: Knockback multiplier amplification decreased from 800% to 380%
No changes.


Medic - Class Changes
  • Pictogram comment.png Added: Healing a target now displays an icon showing the number of how much health you're healing per second
    • The icon text will be white when the healing is at its base rate of 24 per second, becoming orange when below this rate (due to penalties such as the Equalizer/Escape Plan, or Pain Train) or green when higher (such as through the Quick-Fix or out-of-combat crit heals)
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 65 to 75
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: All syringe guns now reload automatically when not active
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base syringe gun firing speed increased from 0.105 to 0.1 seconds
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Syringe Gun projectile speed increased from 1000 to 1250 HU/s
  • Pictogram plus.png Removed: Syringe Gun random projectile deviation
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Syringes can now be deflected and destroyed by airblasts and the Short Circuit
  • Pictogram minus.png Removed: The wearer matches the speed of their heal target if they are faster
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram plus.png Added: On Hit: Douses the enemy in Mad Milk for 1 second
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -2 health regenerated per second on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% clip size
Pictogram minus.png Added: -40% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Removed: On Hit: Gain up to +3 health
Pictogram comment.png Info: Successive hits fully stack with each other and refreshes the duration for Mad Milk, up to 7 seconds
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Douses the enemy in Mad Milk

Pictogram plus.png -50% clip size

Pictogram minus.png -40% damage penalty

Pictogram plus.png Added: ÜberCharging provides +20% faster move speed to the wearer and patient for the duration
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Speed bonus depending on ÜberCharge is now passive instead of only while active
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -15% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: -10% slower move speed on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Move speed depending on ÜberCharge is decreased from +20% to +15%
Pictogram comment.png Info: While ÜberCharged, the passive move speed bonus is capped at +15% until ÜberCharge ends
Pictogram comment.png Info: The speed boost during ÜberCharge is capped at 133% move speed for both the wearer and the patient, and will not work on patients with more than 133% move speed
Pictogram plus.png ÜberCharging provides +20% faster move speed to the wearer and patient for the duration

Pictogram minus.png -10% slower move speed on wearer

Movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +15%
Crusader's Crossbow
Crusader's Crossbow
Pictogram plus.png Added: ÜberCharge grants mini-crits, a speed boost and -35% damage resistance
Pictogram plus.png Added: This weapon reloads its entire clip at once
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Healing is now directly affected by crit heals
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Clip size increased from 1 to 5
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Projectile speed is increased from 2400 to 3000 HU/s
Pictogram plus.png Changed: ÜberCharge rate is increased from 2.1-6.3% to 10% for every 100 health healed
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% max overheal
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Healing per shot decreased from 75-150 to 30 regardless of range
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Projectile size is decreased by -30%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Firing speed decreased from 0.24 to 0.8 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Removed: This weapon will reload automatically when not active
Pictogram comment.png Changed: ÜberCharge rate on overhealed targets is 5% for every 100 health healed
Pictogram comment.png Changed: This weapon is now a secondary weapon instead of a primary weapon
Pictogram comment.png Info: In other words, crit heals allow this weapon to increase healing by +200% if the target has not been damaged for the last 10 seconds
Pictogram comment.png Info: No additional input is required for the patient to benefit from ÜberCharge for the full duration after it is applied
Pictogram comment.png Info: ÜberCharge is instantly activated without needing to fire a bolt at the target, and it has a range of 1080 HU instead of 540 HU
Pictogram minus.png -50% max overheal

Fires special bolts that deals damage over time based on distance traveled and heals teammates

ÜberCharge grants mini-crits, a speed boost and -35% damage resistance to the patient only

This weapon reloads its entire clip at once
Pictogram plus.png Added: +25% longer ÜberCharge duration
Pictogram plus.png Changed: ÜberCharge rate increased from +10% to +25%
Pictogram plus.png Changed: ÜberCharge no longer drains faster if the wearer switches patients while ÜberCharging
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Health threshold for ÜberCharge rate to slow down is decreased from 142.5% to 120% health
Pictogram minus.png Changed: ÜberCharge heal rate on patient decreased from +200% to +100%
Pictogram minus.png Removed: ÜberCharge increases healing by +200% on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Removed: ÜberCharge grants immunity to movement-impairing effects
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Mirror blast jumps and shield charges of patients
Pictogram comment.png Info: ÜberCharge would still heal the wearer, but at the standard heal rate of this weapon instead of being amplified
Pictogram plus.png +40% heal rate

Pictogram plus.png +25% ÜberCharge rate

Pictogram plus.png +25% longer ÜberCharge duration

Pictogram minus.png -50% max overheal

ÜberCharge increases healing by +100% on the patient and also heals the wearer
Pictogram plus.png Added: While healing, 10% of all matching incoming damage towards the patient is returned to you as health
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Overheal build rate increased from -66% to -50%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: ÜberCharge damage resistance decreased from 75% to 66%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: ÜberCharge rate decreased from +67% to +50%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Max Charges decreased from 4 to 2
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Übercharge provides a 2.5 second resistance bubble that blocks 100% crit damage
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Wearer and their patient can no longer interact with objectives while ÜberCharging
Pictogram plus.png +50% Übercharge rate

Pictogram plus.png Press your reload key to cycle through resist types.

Pictogram plus.png While healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type.

Pictogram plus.png While healing, 10% of all matching incoming damage towards the patient is returned to you as health.

Pictogram minus.png -33% ÜberCharge rate on Overhealed patients

Pictogram minus.png -50% Overheal build rate

Übercharge provides a 2.5 second resistance bubble that blocks 66% base damage of the selected type to the Medic and Patient.
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -20% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png Added: -15% Übercharge rate on secondary weapon
Pictogram minus.png Added: -15% damage penalty
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: 25% ÜberCharge added

Pictogram minus.png -15% Übercharge rate on secondary weapon

Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty

<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Pictogram plus.png Added: Health regeneration during taunt increased from 25 to 30 health per second
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Übercharge to health ratio increased from 1:49 to 1:35
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Taunting now also heals the wearer, but at a -50% heal rate penalty
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -20% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: This weapon deploys 50% slower
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Health regeneration decreased from +3 to -6
Pictogram minus.png Changed: The reduced health regeneration is now passive instead of only while active
Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire: Applies a healing effect to the wearer and all nearby teammates

Pictogram minus.png This weapon deploys 50% slower

Pictogram minus.png No passive self health regeneration on wearer

Solemn Vow
Solemn Vow
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>


Sniper - Class Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base Sniper Rifle charge damage multiplier increased from 3x to 5x
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Move speed while zoomed in is increased from 27% to 37%
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Zoom in charge delay decreased from 1.3 to 1 seconds
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Zoom in headshot delay decreased from 0.2 to 0.12 seconds
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Max charge time decreased from 3.3 to 3 seconds
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Scoped headshots will now always kill other Snipers without fail
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base SMG damage increased from 8 to 10
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base SMG firing speed increased from 0.105 to 0.1 seconds
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 65 to 75
  • Pictogram minus.png Added: All shots now leave a visible air distortion trail behind them
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base Sniper Rifle damage decreased from 50 to 30
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base Sniper Rifle reserve ammo decreased from 25 to 16
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Zoom in delay increased from 0.15 to 0.25 seconds
Weapon Changes New statistics
Pictogram plus.png Added: This weapon will reload automatically when not active
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Projectile speed increased from 1812-2600 to 2084-2990 HU based on charge
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Max primary ammo increased from 12 to 15
This weapon will reload automatically when not active
Sydney Sleeper
Sydney Sleeper
Pictogram plus.png Removed: No random critical hits
Pictogram plus.png Removed: No headshots
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% max charge on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Jarate duration decreased from 2-5 to 2-4 seconds based on charge
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +25% charge rate
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Nature's Call: Scoped headshots always mini-crit and reduce the remaining cooldown of Jarate by 1 second
Pictogram comment.png Info: In other words, charge percentage is capped at 50%, which sets the charge damage multiplier at 3x
Pictogram comment.png Info: This weapon "fully" charges in 1.9 seconds
Pictogram plus.png On Scoped Hit: Apply Jarate for 2 to 4 seconds based on charge level.

Pictogram minus.png -50% max charge on wearer

Bazaar Bargain
Bazaar Bargain
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Hitman's Heatmaker
Hitman's Heatmaker
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Pictogram plus.png Added: Gain Jarate on kills and assists towards targets not covered in Jarate
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Cooldown reduction from extinguishing teammates increased from -20% to -25%
Pictogram minus.png Added: Jarate meter starts empty
Pictogram minus.png Added: Spawning and resupply do not affect the Jarate meter
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Base cooldown decreased from 20 to 40 seconds
Pictogram comment.png Info: Kills recharge 50% of the Jarate meter, while assists recharge 25%
Pictogram plus.png Gain Jarate on kills and assists towards targets not covered in Jarate

Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by -25%

Pictogram minus.png Jarate meter starts empty

Pictogram minus.png Spawning and resupply do not affect the Jarate meter

Coated enemies take mini-crits. Can be used to extinguish fires.
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Darwin's Danger Shield
Darwin's Danger Shield
Pictogram plus.png Added: +25 max health on wearer
Pictogram plus.png Added: -50% debuff resistance on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Removed: +50% fire damage resistance on wearer
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Immune to the effects of afterburn
Pictogram comment.png Info: In other words, debuff resistance shortens debuff durations
Pictogram plus.png +25 max health on wearer

Pictogram plus.png -50% debuff resistance on wearer

Cleaner's Carbine
Cleaner's Carbine
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Tribalman's Shiv
Tribalman's Shiv
Pictogram plus.png Added: Damage causes airblast on the second hit
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Damage increased from -50% to -47%
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Now attacks twice in quick succession instead of landing one hit
Pictogram comment.png Info: Each hits does 20 damage and applies different debuffs depending on the hit
Pictogram comment.png Info: Knockback force is identical to Shortstop shove
Pictogram comment.png Info: There is a 0.3 second delay between the first and second hit, and the total combo duration lasts for 1 second
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: Bleed for 6 seconds on the first hit

Pictogram plus.png Damage causes airblast on the second hit

Pictogram minus.png -47% damage penalty

<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>


Spy - Class Changes
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: Spy Sprint ability
  • Pictogram plus.png Added: Backstabs suppress enemy killfeed entries
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base health increased from 125 to 150
  • Pictogram plus.png Changed: Base melee damage increased from 40 to 45
  • Pictogram minus.png Changed: Backstab radius decreased from 180 to 160 degrees
  • Pictogram comment.png Info: Spy Sprint allows the wearer to run at normal speed without penalties if they are disguised as a slower class
  • Pictogram comment.png Info: Press your Shift key to activate Spy Sprint by default
Weapon Changes New statistics
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Critical hits on backstabs increased from 1 to 4
Pictogram plus.png Removed: -15% damage penalty
Pictogram plus.png Removed: No random critical hits
Pictogram minus.png Added: Mini-crits are lost after 5 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Added: -50% ramp up damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png Added: -34% clip size
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Now grants mini-crits instead of crits on backstabs
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Buildings destroyed with the wearer's sapper no longer grant crits
Pictogram comment.png Info: In other words, this weapon has a max ramp up of 125% instead of 150%
Pictogram plus.png Gets 4 guaranteed mini-crits for each backstab kill

Pictogram minus.png Mini-crits are lost after 5 seconds

Pictogram minus.png -50% ramp up damage penalty

Pictogram minus.png -34% clip size

Your Eternal Reward
Your Eternal Reward
Pictogram plus.png Added: While disguised, gain additional bonuses depending on the class of the victim
Pictogram plus.png Removed: +33% cloak drain rate
Pictogram plus.png Removed: Normal disguises require (and consume) a full cloak meter
Pictogram minus.png Added: Wearer cannot disguise
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Scout, the wearer moves +25% faster
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Soldier, the wearer gains +35% bullet damage resistance
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Pyro, the wearer gains +50% fire damage resistance and afterburn does not visually appear on the wearer
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Demoman, the wearer gains +25% explosive damage resistance
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Heavy, the wearer gains +50 max health
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as an Engineer, the wearer gains a +40% damage bonus on Sappers
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Medic, the wearer gains +3 health regenerated per second
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Sniper, the wearer gains immunity to all debuffs except for afterburn
Pictogram comment.png Info: When disguised as a Spy, the wearer gains +50% cloak regen rate
Pictogram plus.png Upon a successful backstab against a human target, you rapidly disguise as your victim

Pictogram plus.png Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs

Pictogram plus.png While disguised, gain additional bonuses depending on the class of the victim

Pictogram minus.png Wearer cannot disguise

Conniver's Kunai
Conniver's Kunai
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Big Earner
Big Earner
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Max health decreased from -25 to -35
Pictogram plus.png +30% cloak on kill

Pictogram plus.png Gain a speed boost on kill

Pictogram minus.png -35 max health on wearer

Pictogram plus.png Changed: Knife regeneration upon melting increased from 15 to 10 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Changed: Afterburn immunity decreased from 10 to 5 seconds
Pictogram minus.png Removed: Picking up ammo no longer regenerates this weaponbr>
Pictogram plus.png On Hit by Fire: Fireproof for 1 second and Afterburn immunity for 5 seconds

Pictogram minus.png Backstab turns victim to ice

Pictogram minus.png Melts in fire and regenerates in 10 seconds

Dead Ringer
Dead Ringer
<Work in Progress> <Work in Progress>
Red-Tape Recorder
Red-Tape Recorder
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Downgrade time decreased from 3.4 to 2.8 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Level 1 Sentry destruction time decreased from 10.7 to 9 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Level 1 Dispenser and Teleporter destruction time decreased from 21 to 9 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Changed: Mini sentry destruction time decreased from 10.5 to 8 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Reverses enemy building construction

Pictogram minus.png -100% sapper damage penalty

Custom Weapons

Soldier Custom Weapons

Weapon Source Link Statistics
Freedom Staff
Freedom Staff
Wiki Link
Pictogram info.png No longer a multi-class weapon
Pictogram plus.png -50% damage from rocket jumps

Pictogram plus.png Kills while blast jumping instantly refill primary and secondary weapons

Pictogram minus.png This weapon is automatically deployed when rocket jumping and cannot be holstered until jump is complete

Because there's nothing more freeing than soaring through the air like an eagle, while grasping an eagle, to club some poor sod senseless with.

Pyro Custom Weapons

Weapon Source Link Statistics
Wiki Link
Pictogram plus.png Repairs friendly buildings on hit

Pictogram plus.png Alt-Fire: Share some ammo with a friend (Medium Ammo Kit). Costs 100 ammo

Pictogram minus.png No ammo from dispensers on wearer

Pictogram minus.png -30% ammo from packs on wearer

Pictogram info.png Repairing buildings can consume up to 25 primary ammo at once, healing for 75 health

Pictogram info.png Alt-Fire has no cooldown

Pictogram info.png If the Phlogistinator is equipped, repairing buildings will cost 25% Power instead

Pictogram info.png If the Phlogistinator is equipped, sharing ammo will cost 100% Power instead

Demoman Custom Weapons

Weapon Source Link Statistics
Wiki Link
Pictogram plus.png Grants double jump on wearer

Pictogram plus.png Wearer can jump while charging with a shield

Pictogram plus.png +10% faster move speed on wearer

Pictogram info.png The double jump is identical to the Scout's double jump

Pictogram info.png Jumping while charging will immediately use up the double jump charge on wearer

Heavy Custom Weapons

Weapon Source Link Statistics
User EtherealT ammorezerv.png
Ammo Rezerv
TF2 Workshop Link
Pictogram plus.png Allows you to see ally ammo and metal

Pictogram minus.png No ammo from packs if the Rezerv meter is not full

Use to regain up to 100% primary and secondary ammo, and reloads shotguns

Alt-fire: Share some Ammo with a friend (Large Ammo Kit)

Pictogram info.png Has a 30 second cooldown and takes 4.3 seconds to use

Pictogram info.png Picking up ammo boxes instantly recharges the Rezerv meter to full