Caliginous Caper (mission)/ja
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Caliginous Caper | |
基本情報 | |
ミッション名: | Caliginous Caper |
ファイル名: |
製作者 | Valve |
マップ: | Coaltown Event |
Mission type: | 未知 |
ウェーブ数: | 1 wave, 8 subwaves |
難易度: | Nightmare |
開始時の所持金: | 5000 |
Maximum possible credits: | 未知 |
Minimum respawn wave time: | 未知 |
Maximum respawn wave time: | 未知 |
Fixed respawn time: | 未知 |
Tour: | 未知 |
Sentry Buster spawn time: | 未知 |
Sentry Buster respawn time: | 未知 |
Caliginous CaperはMann vs. Machineのミッションの1つで、Ghost Townでプレイできます。 This mission has only one incredibly long wave, Wave 666, consisting of 911 enemies (not counting support-only enemies) and 9 Tanks with no checkpoints whatsoever. All robots in this mission, with the exception of Sentry Busters, are reskinned to look like zombies, though this is purely cosmetic.
As an endurance mission, Caliginous Caper features a timer that will appear over the bomb when it is not being carried, similar to the timer that appears over the briefcase in Capture the Flag or Special Delivery. When the timer runs out, the bomb is reset back to the robot spawn area.
General Strategy
Contrary to popular belief, Caliginous Caper isn't actually that hard of a mission. The "Nightmare" moniker is more for flavor and to fit with the Halloween theme than any actual indication of difficulty. However, this mission is very different from any other in the game, and approaching it with the right strategy is helpful.
- Your team requires multiple heavy damage-dealers in order to destroy the Tanks and giants fast enough. Soldiers, Demos, Pyros, and Snipers are all great choices for the main damage classes. Having one or two support classes like Scout, Engineer, or Spy is recommended.
スカウト is an excellent to have here. Although players start the wave with plenty of money, collecting all that drops during the wave will help the team buy and use as many canteens as desired, in addition to keeping the Scout's health at ridiculously high levels. His Mad Milk is a great asset, increasing the survivability of any Soldiers, Pyros, Heavies, or Grenadeknights on his team. Marking giants for death doesn't hurt, either, and the amount of money on this mission allows a Scout to fully upgrade his Scattergun, allowing him to deal massive damage, especially to tanks. Dealing damage to tank comparable to Soldiers and Pyros, Scout easily jump on top of a tank and unload his weapon into it without fear of being back-stabbed.
ソルジャー provides a combination of high amounts of explosive damage and team support and is arguably the best class for this mission. The Beggar's Bazooka is by far the best primary weapon choice for Soldier here. By firing one rocket at a time with maximum Reload Speed, Ammo Capacity, and Damage, the Soldier will mow down tanks, giants, and clustered robots. His Buff Banner provides him and his allies increased damage with no damage fall-off and increases their survivability by partnering well with Mad Milk and Health on Kill upgrades. The Concheror is also a great secondary choice for survivability. Since the Two Cities Update, the Soldier can update his Rocket Specialist ability to allow his rockets to stun giant robots temporarily, as well as increasing their blast radius to allow him to deal massive damage to larger groups of small robots.
パイロ is a useful class, capable of dealing high damage, killing Spies, and resetting the bomb. Pushing the bomb carrier into the pit with airblast can be helpful if the bomb gets too far, preventing a lone Scout from sneaking through and delivering the bomb before anyone can react. However, the bomb will reset itself periodically, so resetting is not as useful as on other maps. Upgrading Damage and Health on kill on the Flamethrower, coupled with Movement Speed and Resistances, can make the Pyro almost invincible. Consider using the Backburner or Phlogistinator to maximize damage against giants or tanks, respectively. Let robots target your teammates first so that you can ambush them for maximum damage.
デモマン is another class that can take advantage of splash damage here. Although his raw DPS might not be as high against tanks as the Soldier's, the Demoman can use his Stickybomb Launcher to deal blanket damage to hordes of robots. The ability to eliminate those pesky Über Medics before they can do anything is helpful, but not essential, since Soldiers should already have enough upgrades to do the same. Equipping the Chargin' Targe and upgrading resistances to tank loads of damage and using the Grenade Launcher or even melee as your primary source of damage here are viable options as well.
ヘビー is not as useful class here as on most missions. His relative ineffectiveness against tanks and the amount of the money players begin the mission with make him less effective than normal compared to most other classes, but his ability to kill giants can still be quite helpful. It is not advisable for beginners to play Heavy without the support of a Medic or a Scout using Mad Milk. It is essential for a Heavy to have Penetration, Destroy Projectiles, and Health on Kill upgrades.
エンジニア is virtually an essential asset in most missions. Not this one. Here, he is more of a utility class. The massive amount of upgrades players start the mission with and the ease with which you can push back to the front if you lose it make Engineer less useful than normal. However, Teleporters for quick transport, a Dispenser for ammo, and a Sentry to keep Scout bots from slipping through will always be helpful. The Engineer should be responsible for taking care of stragglers and guarding the bomb.
メディック is not a recommended class for this mission. He provides little direct firepower himself and his support options are relatively underwhelming on this mission. Due to the massive amount of money available, players should be able to keep themselves healed and rarely die to anything except Spies. When they do die, they can easily afford to buy back in, so devoting an entire class to healing, revival, shielding, and the occasional damage boost is rather inefficient. Medic would probably be most useful against the crit-boosted Soldiers near the end of the mission.
スナイパー excels against giants and Heavies, both of which appear aplenty in this mission. With Explosive Headshots and Projectile Penetration, the Sniper can headshot two giants at once and deal heavy damage all surrounding zombies. The end result is similar to spamming Beggar's Bazooka rockets into massed targets. His upgraded Jarate provides support to his team and makes his shots even easier. The Sniper can even do appreciable damage against tanks by noscoping them with maximum Reload Speed (it may be helpful to stand on top of the tank to avoid Spies). Also, equipping the Bushwacka with maximum fire rate, coupled with a Soldier's Buff Banner, the Sniper can deal constant melee crits. The Hitman's Heatmaker can be very effective against giants, as its 'focus' mode allows for a fast rate of headshotting giants, made even more powerful through damage, projectile penetration and explosive headshots upgrades. Be sure to target the slowest-moving robot of the in a group.
スパイ is basically a novelty class here. Due to the number of tanks and the sheer number of non-giant robots, Spy will have difficulty contributing his "fair share" of damage. His giant-killing ability is impressive, though, and his ability to draw the robots' attention away from teammates can be quite helpful. He can be useful as the the primary money collector or simply as a fun class to have on a server where the other players don't mind doing a little extra work. Due to the sheer amount of money available, Spy can even afford to upgrade his gun and spam crit canteens to help a bit with tank-killing.
- Each subwave on Caliginous Caper can be split into three categories: Giants (Subwaves 1-3, 5, 6B), Tanks (Subwaves 4, 5, 7, 8G), and Crits (Subwaves 6A, 8A-G). Each part requires different strategies.
- Giant waves: The closer you let them get to the spawn, the less chance you have winning. At that point, the Giants will spawn camp you, preventing you from getting into a favorable position to attack them. Apply mini-crits and Mad Milk whenever possible. Use crit boost Canteens if you need to take them out fast, or an Übercharge canteen if you're cornered by them or to tank their attacks.
- On Subwave 6B (Giant Deflector Heavy & Giant Medic), be sure to take out the Giant Medic first, since it heals at a virtually infinite rate. It is best to take out Giant Medics with large burst of damage.
- Tank waves: Your Tank busters (Soldiers, Demomen, and Pyros) should focus on dealing enough damage before moving onto the zombies. Be sure to keep an eye on the bomb while killing tanks. Crit boost canteens may be helpful for these waves.
- On Subwave 7 (Spies & Tanks) avoid getting backstabbed while you kill the tanks. Strafing while you attack, constantly checking behind you, and shooting everything that moves should be enough to keep you alive. Classes that don't deal explosive damage should consider standing on the tank for safety.
- Crit waves: With little or no resistances upgraded, they will be able to kill you in a single shot. At this point, you should invest some money into upgrading resistances. Maximizing crit resistance will let most classes survive at least one hit. Übercharge canteens may help.
- If the crit-boosted zombies are too much for you, as a Pyro or Heavy, you can take cover behind the walls on either side of the map between the middle building and the side buildings and constantly fire to the sides, creating a "wall of death". This gives the zombies less time to react, depending on how fast you kill them.
- The crit-boosted Soldier zombies can be the most frustrating enemies in the entire wave, as their constant barrage of super-powered rockets can throw off your aim.
- As a Soldier, be careful against the zombie Pyros. They are very skilled at reflecting rockets, and one reflected rocket can end up killing you or an ally.
- The final stretch (final Tank & Heavy-Medic combos): Split your force between the Tank and the Heavy-Medic combos. The player(s) dealing with the Heavy and Medics are to distract them long enough to keep your Tank busters away from them. If you don't have a convenient way to dispatch the Medics, your best bet is to let them trigger their ÜberCharges early so you can finish them off before they make it too far.
- Giant waves: The closer you let them get to the spawn, the less chance you have winning. At that point, the Giants will spawn camp you, preventing you from getting into a favorable position to attack them. Apply mini-crits and Mad Milk whenever possible. Use crit boost Canteens if you need to take them out fast, or an Übercharge canteen if you're cornered by them or to tank their attacks.
- Canteens can be helpful to players having difficulty. Plenty of money is available to buy them, but make sure you're getting upgrades as well!
- While you start the wave with a ton of money, don't forget to collect the money whenever possible. You need all the money you can get for upgrades, respawns, and canteens.
- An easy class balance for beginners to beat the mission with is 4 Soldiers with the Buff Banner and Beggar's Bazooka, with an Engineer and Scout for support.
See also