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Meet the Engineer | |
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影片資訊 | |
釋出日期: | September 11, 2007 |
長度: | 1:27 |
點選查看注釋 |
工程師: 嘿,老兄,我是名工程師。那代表我解決問題。 [一顆子彈打中了他身後靠著的卡車的門,位置接近工程師本人,但他忽略。] Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. [Two more gunshots ricochet off the truck, close to the Engineer's head. He glances briefly at the bullet holes.) Engineer: I solve practical problems. [The Engineer takes a bottle of beer from a nearby crate and swigs it as the level 1 Sentry Gun near him swivels round and shoots an unseen Heavy.) Heavy: (screams) (The Engineer puts down the beer and continues to play. The Kill counter clicks up from 209 to 210.) Engineer: Fr'instance... (The camera shows a BLU Sniper in the background trying to sneak up on the Engineer) Engineer: ...How am I going to stop some big mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind? (The Sentry Gun spots the Sniper and kills him. The Kill counter clicks up to 211.) Engineer: The answer... (A level 2 Sentry Gun fires and kills a Scout and an unseen enemy.) Scout: (screams) (Kill counter clicks up to 213) Engineer: ...use a gun. And if that don't work.... [A level 3 sentry gun fires rockets] ...use more gun. (The Engineer stops playing. A large explosion is heard and the Engineer grins happily] Unknown Assailant: My arm! (from off-screen) (The Kill counter clicks up to 214. A severed hand lands in front of the Engineer, who continues playing. The level 1 Sentry Gun targets the hand) Engineer: Like this Heavy caliber, tripod-mounted, little 'ol number designed by me... (The Engineer kicks the hand, which is shot out of the air by the level 1 Sentry Gun.) Engineer: ...Built by me... (The level 1 Sentry Gun shoots another Soldier. The Kill Counter clicks up to 215.) Engineer: ...and you'd best hope... not pointed at you. (The camera zooms out from the Engineer as his Sentry Guns continue to devastate the attackers. It is revealed that the Engineer's truck is crammed full of BLU Intelligence, and that his "campfire" is in fact the burning body of a BLU Sniper.) (Various screams) (The Engineer's guitar sounds blend into the ambience, before the piece ends with the Team Fortress 2 ending flourish.) |
- The song the Engineer plays on his guitar is very similar to 'Someone Else's Song,' a song by the American band Wilco on their album Being There. It was later released as More Gun on the soundtrack.
- The Engineer's "campfire" is a burning BLU Sniper's corpse.
- At 0:38, a Sniper can be seen creeping up to attempt to take out the Engineer. When the Sentry Gun fires at him, a Soldier death sound is played.
- The Engineer's Shotgun is visible behind the crate, leaning on the side of the truck.
- At around 1:10, during the final pull-out, a dead Scout can be seen draped on top of the stack of Intelligence cases.
- The level 2 Sentry Gun appears to be ejecting Shotgun shells.
- The guitar the Engineer uses has a steel bridge, which is very uncommon in acoustic guitars.
- At 0:25, the Engineer is seen drinking a beer called "Blu Streak", despite being on the RED team. Additionally, he is sitting in front of a truck with a BLU logo on it.
- The titlecard displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos.
- At 0:53 you can hear what seems to be a Scout yelling "My arm," although it shows a Sniper's hand.
- As the camera begins to zoom out at 1:10, two level 1 Sentry Guns and one level 3 sentry can be seen already built. This however is impossible in-game, as an Engineer can only build one sentry at a time.
- The engineer has a kill count, ending at about 215 (as the viewer can see), 209 kills occured off screen.