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Expiration Date
Expiration Date title.png
釋出日期: June 17, 2014
長度: 14:58


工程師醫護兵在研究傳送器發現了一件很糟的事實。同時,偵查兵為了一件丟臉的要求而停止長久以來對間諜的騷擾。管理員的辦事員 — 寶琳小姐,同時也身為一個助手/清除者/謀殺專家,要和時間賽跑去埋藏一些會構成犯罪事實的屍體堆。然後火箭兵交到了一個新的知心好友。



Plot summary



In face of this news, Spy decides to collect a bucket list in a literal bucket. Spy delegated the task of collecting wishes to Scout, who has filled it with drawings of the Spy being hit by a car and having a romantic relationship with the Eiffel Tower. Spy remarks that his time has been wasted, and angrily bids the team farewell.

Afterwards, Scout comes to Spy's smoking room to apologize and seek his help. He confides that he did have a real wish for the bucket list: a date with Miss Pauling. Scout admits to Spy that while he himself is good with girls, he is vastly outclassed by Spy when it comes to ladies. Scout then admits Spy is better than him, and Spy demands that broadcast around the base as payment for his services.

Spy agrees to coach Scout in how to behave around a lady. While Scout shows some progress, Spy ultimately declares Scout a failure.

With two hours left on his death watch, Scout decides to take things into his own hands. He calls Miss Pauling to the base by pressing the alarm button for the briefcase being stolen. She hurriedly arrives on the scene, but is infuriated upon learning that the briefcase is actually secure.

Meanwhile, Medic and Engineer have come to the conclusion that the growths in the bread are, in fact, not tumors at all, but a self-aware organism that can only spread in pure wheat. This means none of the mercenaries have tumors, and are not going to die. They inform the team that they are fine as long as no more bread has been teleported; Soldier then announces that he has been doing nothing but that for the past three days.

Upset at Scout for wasting her “one day off a year”, Miss Pauling begins to leave. As Scout attempts to get her to stay, they are confronted by a giant bread monster. A fight breaks out, with the mercenaries rushing to their aid. One of the Medic's pet doves ends up eaten by the monster.

During the fight, Miss Pauling attempts to blow up the monster by using a Payload cart, strapping the Scout's death watch to it to serve as a timer. As Scout attempts to help her, she and Scout end up trapped on the wrong side of the blast doors as the bomb is about to blow up. The two notice that the dove that the monster ate is flying harmlessly out of the mouth of the monster. They wordlessly agree to jump into the mouth of the monster.

Stunned by the blast, Miss Pauling and Scout painfully but quickly recover inside the bread monster. Once she recovers, Miss Pauling admits that the experience was fun. Scout tells her about the death prognosis just as the two are helped out of the remains of the bread monster. The Medic informs them of the fact that only bread mutates and that they will all be fine (after the Soldier states that they will live forever).

The story ends with Scout trying to get another date, but Miss Pauling having to decline due to already having spent her one day of vacation this year. She does, however, offer to have Scout to come along at work, though he declines each task Pauling lists until she comes to the task of killing the one who pulled the briefcase alarm, which she says that Scout will already be at.


  • Ashly Burch, the voice of Miss Pauling, also helped write some of the short.[1]
  • This is the first Valve-made TF2 short to feature Miss Pauling, and the second to feature characters apart from the RED and BLU team (the first being the Second Annual Saxxy Awards trailer.)
  • Nolan North voices the Engineer's new lines, as the original voice actor, Grant Goodeve, was unavailable.[2]
    • However, some of the Engineer's lines are extracted sound files from Grant Goodeve. An example being "Y'all ready?" (9:00) and "Aww, hell!" (9:14)
  • The team responsible for the 2013 Best Overall Saxxy award-winning short, Lil' Guardian Pyro, helped animate a small section of Expiration Date. [3] [4]
  • Nathan Vetterlein said he worked very closely with Ashly Burch during the short's creation.[來源請求].
  • At 4:16, the Scout line, "Classic Scout", was improvised by voice actor Nathan Vetterlein as detailed in his Twitch Stream.[來源請求]
  • While the entire film was planned a year in advance, actual production of the short took about six months.[5]
  • References to the general culture and the Team Fortress universe are made in the movie:
    • The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos. The cards in the bucket also read "LOL."
    • The location of the RED Base is in an edited version of the map Hydro.
    • The RED Bread van's hood ornament reads 'Sword'. This is a reference to the "Sword Van" comic from KC Green's "Custom Comix".[6]
    • At 0:40, the sound of Miss Pauling's pistol is identical to the sound of the Cleaner's Carbine.
    • At 0:53, the keypad on the door to the back of the van is clearly shown, and has a worn out "1" key, in reference to Meet the Spy where the Intelligence room keypad has an identical worn key.
    • At 1:57, when Medic breaks the loaf of bread to reveal tumors, Scout recoils in surprise, holding his hands up as if to defend himself and hunching over to the left. This is identical to Scout's recoil in Meet the Spy at 2:24.
    • At 2:43, when Demo comes back through the teleporter with the beer, he does the same animation as the Oblooterated taunt the demo does in game. The taunt was added in game a day after this video was released.
    • At 3:51, the drawing of the Spy being hit by a car is a very similar drawing to one found in the Source Filmmaker Beta files.
    • At 5:55, a painting of a bowl of fruit with a knife in the apple is seen behind the Spy. This painting is a parody of Still Life with Fruit, a painting by Caravaggio.
    • At 6:04, a painting can be seen behind the Spy of him riding a horse. This painting is a parody of Napoleon Crossing the Alps, a painting by Jacques-Louis David originally featuring Napoleon Bonaparte.
    • At 6:22, the Pyro is reading "MANN MANN", a comic which features the RED Spy and Scout on the cover and has The Insult That Made a "Jarate Master" Out of Sniper on the back cover, also seen in Meet the Medic.
    • At 7:28, when learning to dance, the Scout first performs the dance move from Tom Jones' song "It's Not Unusual".
    • Miss Pauling tells Scout that she gets one day off a year. This is first hinted at in the Wizardcon secret page from the Spectral Halloween Special update.
    • At 12:58 - 13:30, Miss Pauling is holding a community created Revolver called the Double agent

  • Some mistakes and incoherences are present in the short film:
    • At 0:15, cracks are visible in the windshield on Scout's side but in the next shot they are gone.
      • The cracks reappear at 0:33 only to disappear again at 0:48 and numerous shots thereafter.
    • The BLU Soldier is missing from the roof of the van during the opening scene, and only appears once the van approaches the base.
    • At 1:35, the Medic's left hand clips with his backpack.
      • In all subsequent shots, the Medic's backpack is missing.
    • At 2:34, the tool rack behind the Ciggy Stop is missing. It reappears at 2:45.
    • At 2:45, when the Demoman returns from the Teleporter exit he can be seen levitating above the actual Teleporter.
    • At 3:02, the animation when Scout smiles and looks at Soldier is recycled seconds later at 3:05.
      • The Scout is wearing his backpack during this scene, but it's absent in all other scenes.
    • At 3:11, and several times during the scene, the Pyro's grenades appear sideways.
    • At 4:16, the Sniper's watch floats in front of his waist instead of being strapped to his left wrist. This is most likely a mistake in model posing.
    • At 4:29, 3 chairs are visible in the room as the camera pans upward, even though in the previous scene there were 5 of the 9 mercenaries seated.
    • At 4:56, Scout's headset is missing from his hat.
      • It later reappears at 6:31
    • At 5:01, Spy's model does not sync with the censored word (F***)
    • At 6:05, Spy's microphone is not visible but later appears before he pushes the button at 6:15.
    • At 6:08 when Spy is pouring a drink, the liquid flowing out of the bottle is black but becomes a translucent amber color as it fills the glass.
      • This is likely a modeling error, where there is no texture for the flowing liquid and appears black because of the lighting.
    • At 6:23, a lighter is floating under the comic the Pyro is holding, presumably originally intended to be in his hand, to try and light the comic on fire with. This is a reference to "Meet The Medic", in which the Pyro is also attempting to light a comic he's reading.
    • At 8:17, the Spy produces a beverage from behind his back in his left hand, even though his left hand can be seen holding nothing behind his back at 8:06.
    • At 10:22 just as the Engineer comes to rest his arms on the shoulder's of the Soldier and the Medic, The Engineer's right arm clips through Medic's backpack.
    • At 11:36, the Pyro can be seen running past Miss Pauling to fight the bread monster despite already engaging it in the scene prior. The same thing happens at 12:25.
    • At 11:48 Engineer is seen upgrading his level one sentry to a level 2 far away from the monster, but at 12:31 he is seen hitting a level one sentry right next to the monster, and then at 12:42 he is seen next to a level 3 sentry where his level 2 was.
    • At 11:55, the Scout's weapon clips through the side of the bread monster after he hits it.
    • At 11:59 the Sniper Rifle uses the same firing sound as the AWPer Hand instead of its default firing sound.
    • At 12:03-12:37, the Heavy's default Minigun firing sound changes to the Tomislav's firing sound instead. Then changes back to its default firing sound at 12:38.
    • At 12:16, Miss Pauling's model does not sync the last word of her sentence ("press").
    • At 12:41, the Heavy can be seen falling back from the monster, right next to Ms. Pauling. But in 12:43, he is rapidly firing his Minigun next to the Engineer (which is the direction Ms. Pauling is shouting at).
    • At 12:43, the Engineer's Sentry Gun is clicking as if trying to fire without ammo, but the barrels are not spinning.


  1. Jump up Anthony Burch,“Ash helped write the latest TF2 short and she voices Miss Pauling.”。   Published   June 17, 2014。   Retrieved   June 17, 2014。
  2. Jump up Nolan North,“all of 'em”。   Published   June 17, 2014。   Retrieved   June 17, 2014。
  3. Jump up Working on a Part of the short
  4. Jump up LGP Mocap session at Valve
  5. Jump up Harry101UK, who attended Valve for winning the 2013 Saxxies
  6. Jump up KC Green's Custom Comix