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< User:GrampaSwood
Revision as of 19:21, 6 March 2024 by GrampaSwood (talk | contribs) (Images)
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Disambiguations are pages whose sole purpose is to list articles with a similar title, acronym, or articles that fall under a similar type. Some examples:

  • 119th medals consist of medals that commemorate the starting date of players, all released in the 119th Update.
  • Brainiac consists of articles with the word "Brainiac" in it.
  • Archer consists of articles with the word "Archer" in it, as well as archery-related weapons.
  • Nucleus consists of all the maps called "Nucleus".


Disambiguation pages follow a certain format. The core of almost every entry in the list is {{Disambigentry}}, most often using the abbreviation {{De}}. Disambigentry is a complicated template that handles the automatic placement of images, links, and translations. For specifics, please consult the documentation.

Pictogram comment.png Note: It is not necessary to use this template, if no suitable image is found it should simply be in plain text!

Article order

Disambiguation pages are typically ordered in the same order. These are not strict rules, but rather general guidelines as to what is considered the correct order from most important to least important. If there are multiple of the same priority on one page, the type with the most entries should be first. Otherwise, follow the order listed in the table below.

Priority Article type Notes
1 Weapons and cosmetic items Weapons and cosmetic items are plentiful, which means it is more likely that a user is looking for a cosmetic/weapon type or name.
2 Maps and game modes These are most important gameplay-wise, but not as plentiful as weapons and cosmetic items.
3 Tools, action items, War Paints, and Unusual effects These are all usable items, or can somehow appear in gameplay otherwise.
4 Achievements, comics, non-player characters, other storyline-related things These are of least importance due to their lack of gameplay-relevance. Although still interesting, these should be at the bottom.
5 Other Anything that does not fit these categories should be put at the bottom in a separate section.
Anything without an image should be at the bottom no matter what.

Headers and indenting

Headers are not indented, but rather use a semicolon to form a header. For example, ; [[Weapons]] is the header used for Weapons. Headers should only be used if the page looks visually cluttered, or has many entries for multiple types. Headers should always contain links if they can.

Indenting should be done using colons (:). Each entry starts with a colon and each entry's text should be lined up as much as possible. This means that some entries will have 2 or more colons at the start, or have a different image size than usual as to make the text properly aligned.


Certain article types have certain images that are used, but have to be manually added. Below is a list of these.

Article type Image used
Unusual effects Viewmode unusual.png
Viewmode unusual.png, size 44px
Community maps Item icon Map Stamp - Banana Bay.png
Map stamp (single), default size (64px)
Valve maps Menu photos cp dustbowl.png
Map loading images, default size (64px)
Cut weapons Unknownweapon.png
Unknownweapon.png, size 44px
Item sets with no dedicated bundle icon
All default size (64px)
Backpack Curse-a-Nature.png

Backpack Curse-a-Nature.png
Backpack Tin Soldier.png

Backpack Tin Soldier.png
Backpack Infernal Imp.png

Backpack Infernal Imp.png
Backpack Brundle Bundle.png

Backpack Brundle Bundle.png
Backpack FrankenHeavy.png

Backpack FrankenHeavy.png
Backpack Highland Hound.png

Backpack Highland Hound.png
Backpack Mad Doktor.png

Backpack Mad Doktor.png
Backpack Camper Van Helsing.png

Backpack Camper Van Helsing.png
Backpack Invisible Rogue.png

Backpack Invisible Rogue.png
Trailers and other videos Camera.png
Camera.png, default size (64px)
Music/Soundtracks Fight Songs TMOTF2.jpg
Fight Songs TMOTF2.jpg, size 44px
TFC Weapons TFC Crowbar.PNG
3rd person view of weapon, size 64px