Administrator responses

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Revision as of 08:31, 26 October 2024 by Kibblekip (talk | contribs) (line is also used on Haarp)
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The Administrator

Administrator responses are contextually triggered lines that play after something important happens in a match, for instance when the Intelligence has been picked up or how many seconds of the game there are left. All of the Administrator's lines can be heard below.

General responses

Setup.png  Setup time
Setup.png  Match ending
Setup.png  Time added
Achieved.png  Match win
Killicon skull.png  Match loss
Eyelandertransparent.png  Sudden Death
Killicon fire.png  Stalemate
Timer overtime.png  Overtime

Control Point Mode responses

CP Captured RED.png  Control Point being captured, Player defending
CP Locked RED.png  Final Control Point being captured, Player defending

Snowplow responses

Note: These responses were originally recorded for the Special Delivery game mode and Payload Race, but remain unused. They have been repurposed for Snowplow.

Killicon train.png  Train timer has run out

Player defending

Player attacking

Killicon train.png  Train is approaching Stage 2, control point 3

Player defending

Player attacking

King of the Hill Mode responses

CP Captured RED.png  Control point captured
CP Neutral.png  Control point lost

Payload Mode responses

BLU Bombcart.png  Match start
Hoodoo Bombcart.png  Payload nearing checkpoint, Player attacking
RED Bombcart.png  Payload nearing checkpoint, Player defending
Lil-chewchew.png  Payload nearing final checkpoint, Player attacking
RED Bombcart.png  Payload nearing final checkpoint, Player defending

Capture the Flag Mode responses

Intel red pickedup.png  Intelligence taken by ally/player
Intel blu pickedup.png  Intelligence taken by enemy
Intel red idle.png  Intelligence captured by ally/player
Intel blu idle.png  Intelligence captured by enemy
Intel red idle.png  Intelligence dropped by ally/player
Intel blu idle.png  Intelligence dropped by enemy
Intel red idle.png  Intelligence returned to allied base
Intel blu idle.png  Intelligence returned to enemy base

Arena Mode responses

Wiki bat.png  Match start
Sandman.png  Team scramble
Holy Mackerel.png  Control point available
TheBostonBasher.png  First Blood
RED Candy Cane.png  Flawless defeat
RED Atomizer.png  Flawless victory

WAR! Update responses

Rocket launcher.png  Soldier/Demoman setup time
Directhittransparent.png  Match loss
Sticky IMG.png  Match win
War demo kills.png  War contribution kill War soldier kills.png

Engineer Update responses

Golden Wrench IMG.png  Golden Wrench found
Backpack Golden Wrench.png  Golden Wrench destroyed

Special Delivery responses

For the voice responses associated with the Carnival of Carnage and the Scream Fortress VI Halloween Event, see Halloween Boss voice responses.

Note: Several unused generic responses also exist

Dead Heat Icon.png  Match Start
Australium Container Neutral.png  Preparing to capture the Suitcase
Australium Container Neutral.png  Suitcase spawn
Australium Container Neutral.png  Suitcase respawn
Australium Container RED.png  Suitcase taken by player/ally
Australium Container BLU.png  Suitcase taken by enemy
Australium Container RED.png  Suitcase dropped by player/ally
Australium Container BLU.png  Suitcase dropped by enemy
Cap-ogee.png  Player/ally is riding the elevator
Cap-ogee.png  Enemy is riding the elevator
Australium Container RED.png  Suitcase delivered by player/ally
Australium Container BLU.png  Suitcase delivered by enemy
Plan Nine to Outer Space.png  Rocket Launched by player/ally
Plan Nine to Outer Space.png  Rocket Launched by enemy
Poopyheadicon.png  Rocket Crash

Mann vs. Machine responses

Uncharged Canteen.PNG  Upgrade reminder
Setup.png  Wave incoming
Gette it Onne!.png  First wave start
Dead Heat Icon.png  Wave start
Achieved.png  Wave completed
Dead Heat Icon.png  Final wave start
Achieved.png  Final wave completed
Killicon skull.png  Wave lost
Killicon skull.png  All defenders dead
Smallcredits.png  Bonus acquired
Bomb carried.png  Bomb alerts
Bomb dropped.png  Bomb pushed back
Leaderboard class tank.png  Tank Robot alerts
Leaderboard class tank.png  Tank Robot destruction
Leaderboard class sentry buster.png  Sentry Buster spawning
Backpack Disguise Kit.png  Spy-bots spawning
Backpack Electro Sapper.png  Spy-bot destruction
Backpack Wrench.png  Single Engineer-bot spawning
Backpack Wrench.png  Single Engineer-bot dead, no Teleporter
Backpack Wrench.png  Single Engineer-bot dead, Teleporter active
Backpack Wrench.png  Multiple Engineer-bots spawning
Backpack PDA.png  Multiple Engineer-bots dead, no Teleporters
Backpack PDA.png  Multiple Engineer-bots dead, Teleporters active
Backpack PDA.png  Engineer-bot Teleporter activated
Backpack Tour of Duty Ticket.png  Mann Up Mode activated
Backpack Tour of Duty Ticket.png  Manning Up
Backpack Tour of Duty Ticket.png  Mann Up Mode wave completed

Mannhattan responses

Forward spawn control point captured by robots

Robot Destruction responses

Note: The game mode is currently in beta, meaning the following voice lines may change in the future.

Dead Heat Icon.png  Setup time explanation, or when player joins server mid-game.
Enemy steals reactor core
Teammate steals reactor core
Enemy captures reactor core
Teammate captures reactor core
Reactor core dropped by enemy
Reactor core dropped by teammate
Reactor core returns to enemy base
Reactor core returns to allied base
Enemy almost winning
Teammates almost winning

Competitive Mode responses


Setup.png  Setup time

Final Round

Gette it Onne!.png  Match Start

During the game

All members of a team have been killed








Achieved.png  Win




Killicon skull.png  Stalemate
Game summary





Not available


Unused responses

General responses

Unknownweapon.png  Match start
Unknownweapon.png  Match ending
Unknownweapon.png  Match win
Unknownweapon.png  Stalemate
Unknownweapon.png  Failure responses
Unknownweapon.png  Alert responses
Item icon Killstreak Kit.png  Killstreak weapon

Note: Separate from Arena Mode's unused kill streak responses, these lines would presumably used when the player makes a tiered kill with a killstreak weapon.

Control Point Mode responses

Unknownweapon.png  Control Point Mode responses

Capture the Flag responses

Unknownweapon.png  Intelligence responses

Arena Mode responses

Unknownweapon.png  Match starting
Unknownweapon.png  Control point open
Unknownweapon.png  Kill streak
Unknownweapon.png  Last man standing
Unknownweapon.png  Last man standing when enemy team wins by capture

Special Delivery Mode responses

Note: Many of the lines are for generic devices as opposed to Australium. Two lines have been repurposed for Snowplow.

Australium Container Neutral.png  Preparing to capture the Suitcase
Australium Container Neutral.png  Suitcase spawn
Australium Container Neutral.png  Suitcase respawn
Australium Container RED.png  Suitcase taken by player/ally
Australium Container BLU.png  Suitcase taken by enemy
Australium Container RED.png  Suitcase dropped by player/ally
Australium Container BLU.png  Suitcase dropped by enemy
Cap-ogee.png  Player/ally is riding the elevator
Cap-ogee.png  Enemy is riding the elevator
Australium Container RED.png  Suitcase delivered by player/ally
Australium Container BLU.png  Suitcase delivered by enemy
Unknownweapon.png  Suitcase carrier is not moving
Unknownweapon.png  Suitcase is about to explode

Payload Race Mode responses

Note: Many of the lines call for conditions not present in any official Payload Race map

Pushing the cart

General encouragement

Teammates are in the lead

Enemy is in the lead

Teammates catching up

Enemy team catching up

Teammates falling behind

Carts are tied

Teammates are almost winning

Enemy is almost winning

First stage outcome



Second stage outcome


Win leading to a tie

Loss leading to a tie


Final stage

Starting in the lead

Starting with cart locked

Starting with a tie

Cart is unlocked

Final stage outcome



Mann Vs. Machine responses

Killicon skull.png  Game over