Heads-up display

The Head-up display, or HUD, is a system for quickly relaying important information to the user. It appears as various tabs surrounding the player's view in-game. A minimal version of the default HUD can be enabled in advanced multiplayer options. The game also allows for the addition of HUD modification files (or "custom HUDs") to suit the player's taste (see section below).
General HUD Display
Bottom left corner
Bottom center
- Capture the Flag mode – The locations and status of the Intelligence briefcase of BLU and RED (depicted by a rotating arrow, and one of three status indicators: dropped, taken and secure) and the current score
- Control Point, Arena, Territorial Control, King of the Hill modes – The status of the Capture points on the map (untaken, neutral, capturing, or locked)
- Payload and Payload Race modes – Progression of cart, cart idle timer, cart reverse indicator, status of checkpoints and slopes (Payload Race only)

Bottom right corner
- Your Ammo (currently loaded / total rounds carried)
- Voice chat (displays along with a player's name in the middle right to show when they are using voice chat)
Top of screen
- The time left in the match (accompanied by a pie chart)
- Kill reporter (with names and kill icons showing method of death as well as objectives completed)
Other elements
- Your crosshair – center of screen
- Inventory select menu (displayed by pressing your weapon select key) – center right of screen
- Your teammate's player name and health – displayed by directing your view onto player
- Your teammates current equipped items (displayed by pressing default 'L' while looking at a teammate) – lower right of screen (pressing 'L' again will scroll through the list of items)
- Amount of damage dealt or healed (combat text) – above target
The scoreboard is a screen accessible with the tab button or at the end of a round. It displays player information, server name, team scores, duel score (when a duel is running), etc... . Information is given about each player including their steam id, what team they are on, how many points they have, and what class they are playing as.
Team Information
- Team names (RED & BLU by default)
- Number of points each team has
- Number of players on each team
Server Information
- Server name – top left
- Map time left – top right
- Spectators – lower left
- Map name/Gamemode – bottom right
Player Information
- Friend icon (for Steam friends only)
- Steam avatar
- Player name
- Number of dominations
- The player's class (Only applies to teammates)
- Domination target if you are dominating a player
- Player score
- A user's Template:W. If the player is a bot, it will display the word BOT in place of a ping number
Personal Statistics
- A photo of your current class
- Your player name
- Total points
- Various gameplay stats
Class-specific elements
- Baseball respawn timer for Sandman (slowly recharges after every launched baseball) – bottom right corner
- Recharge timer for Bonk! Atomic Punch or Crit-a-Cola drinks (slowly recharges) – bottom right corner
- Mad Milk respawn timer (slowly recharges after every toss) – bottom right corner
- Rage meter for Buff Banner (progresses with the damage inflicted by the player) – bottom right corner
- Rage meter for Battalion's Backup (progresses with the damage inflicted to the player) – bottom right corner
- Rage meter for Concheror (progresses both with the damage inflicted by and inflicted to the player) – bottom right corner

Bottom: Number of heads and charge meter for Chargin' Targe
- Sticky bomb charge for Stickybomb Launcher and Scottish Resistance (fills up the longer you hold the fire button to determine the sticky bomb's launch distance. When full charge is reached it will fire automatically) – bottom right corner beneath your ammo display
- Currently placed Sticky bombs for Stickybomb Launcher (max 8) and Scottish Resistance (max 14) – bottom right corner
- Charge meter for Chargin' Targe (slowly regenerates after every charge) – bottom right corner
- Heads counter for Eyelander (more heads contribute to more health and increased speed) – bottom right corner
- Recharge timer for Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar or Buffalo Steak Sandvich lunchboxes (slowly recharges) – bottom right corner
- Metal count – bottom right corner
- Number of Revenge Criticals for the Frontier Justice – bottom right corner
- Engineer panel (displays information about your various buildings) – top left corner
- Sentry Gun status (displays health, number of kills, number of assists in parenthesis, bullet ammo, rocket ammo, upgrade meter, and whether or not your turret is being sapped or is in need of repair)
- Dispenser status (displays health, metal stock, upgrade meter and whether or not your Dispenser is being sapped or is in need of repair)
- Teleporter Entrance and Exit status (displays health, number of times used, upgrade meter and whether or not your Teleporter/s are being sapped or are in need of repair. There are individual panels for your entrance and exit)
- ÜberCharge progress/drain meter for Medi Gun, Kritzkrieg or Übersaw (shows the progress of your charge when healing friendly (or enemy Spy) players and flashes when it's 100% ready. When the ÜberCharge is activated, it shows you the charge you have left before your meter resets) – bottom right corner
- Medic! calls – shown above any nearby friendly (or enemy Spy) players that call for medical assistance.
- Shot charge (charges when scoped, amount of charge determines the damage output of your shot) – right of your crosshair when scoped with Sniper Rifle or underneath ammo count with Huntsman
- Jarate respawn timer (slowly recharges after every toss) – bottom right corner
- Your current Disguise – bottom left corner appearing over your own class picture
- Your Cloak drain/regen charge for Invisibility Watch, Cloak and Dagger or Dead Ringer – bottom right corner
- Your cloaking visibility (the translucency of your class/disguise picture changes to reflect this)
- The health of currently sapped buildings. – top left corner
HUD modification
Team Fortress 2 allows players to modify their HUD from the default layout. Many community members have made modifications that are shared with the public. Reasons for using custom HUDs vary widely, but most agree that they are primarily to improve visibility of important information (e.g. health, ammo or ÜberCharge meters) and move non-vital HUD panels aside. Which custom HUD you choose or choose not to use is all up to personal preference; there is no one HUD that is "better" than another, though many would disagree. Custom HUDs can also be used on servers with an sv_pure setting.
- Note: Custom HUD modifications will often break after game updates. If your current HUD is not displaying properly, check the website of your custom HUD for an update, or delete the custom HUD files and restart your game to use the default HUD.
Each custom HUD contains different files and their correct destination may vary (see their individual documentation for exact locations). However, custom HUD modifications generally only modify files in two folders:
After placing all files in their correct destinations, restart the game and play with your new HUD.
Update history
- Fixed crash on opening the scoreboard after having changed between windowed and fullscreen
- Added "Minimal HUD" option to Options->Multiplayer
- Team Goals panels stop appearing after you've played a map several times
- Deathcam screenshots now move the player id panel to the lower right, and hide other hud elements until the freezecam fades
- Fixed scoreboard team scores label getting cut off
- Freezepanel HUD improvements now trigger on usage of the "jpeg" command
- Fixed a bug that would cause NULLNAME to be shown as the player's name in the scoreboard for a short time
- Pass over spectator UI and scoreboard in SourceTV mode, disabled/changed some VGUI elements
- Prevented players from hiding their name in the scoreboard
- Tweaked achievement HUD fonts and color palette for more readability
- Added a new timer to the HUD to show the value of mp_timelimit. This is useful if you're playing a timed match on 2Fort, where you only set a timelimit on the server and no other win conditions.
- Fixed Setup timer not showing the correct percentage in the circular progress bar
- [Undocumented] A green number now shows up by your health bar when you pick up health, similar to when hitting enemies with the Blutsauger.
- Fixed seeing a partial health bar in the upper left corner of the spectator menu.
- Fixed the control point progress bar not being aligned properly when using cl_hud_minmode 1.
- Changed default crosshair to be more opaque, like the custom crosshairs.
- Tournament mode HUD fixes
- Fixed seeing an empty alert tray under the stopwatch timer.
- Fixed a bug where the time for the tournament mode stopwatch wasn't being displayed.
- Fixed the countdown when both teams are ready always reading "0 seconds"
- [Undocumented] Updated the the scoreboard and kill notifications UI.
- Fixed the decapitation counters not being displayed for some weapons.
- Fixed the revenge crit label not being localized correctly.
- Fixed class names/descriptions not showing up on the class menu
See also
External links
- Flame's HUD Guide (PDF) – a starter's guide to modifying the HUD.
- Popular custom HUDs
- Flame's Community HUD: Official site – Screenshots – Download
- BroeselHUD (updated m0reHUD): Official site – Screenshots – Download
- G-Mang HUD: Official site – Screenshots – Download
- Revan XP HUD: Official site – Screenshots – Download
- Oxide HUD: Official site – Screenshots – Download
- A Toasty HUD: Official site – Screenshots – Download
- FrankenHUD: Official site – Screenshots – Download
- Tranky MixtureHUD: Official site – Screenshots – Download