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Meet the Medic
Meet the Medic Titlecard
釋出日期: June 23, 2011
長度: 4:09



在2011年三月時,用戶「Political Gamer」參訪了位在華盛頓州貝爾維尤市的 Valve 總部,並確認了「醫護兵專訪」正在製作中。[1] Videogame.it[2]在Valve總部拍了一張海報的照片,上面畫著醫護兵,且背後有一些鴿子在飛。


在2011年六月8日的絕地要塞二更新中,有部分官方地圖在各自不同的位置被放進了幾隻鴿子。這些鴿子被玩家碰到時會爆炸,但是不會對玩家造成傷害。2011年六月17日的更新則是加入了幾個有動畫的次要鴿子模型。在當天稍後,TF2官方部落格的主頁也更新成有三隻鴿子棲息在沾滿鳥糞的標題上。點擊這三隻鴿子則可以分別連到三個隱藏頁面, 每頁裡有一張圖片,分別是破舊的醫院沒有人的候診室一個醫生的辦公室





  • 隱藏圖片之一的醫院和位在華盛頓州西雅圖市燈塔山社區裡,靠近Valve總部的太平洋醫療中心外觀十分相似。
  • 0:56時有一個長得很像寶琳小姐的神秘人物站在窗戶向下看。
  • 醫護兵所使用的冰箱和拜見三明治中的那個長得很像,盤子上其中一片的三明治不見了,還有角落一罐一罐的紅雪德啤酒。正因如此,拜見三明治中的畫面很可能就是藍隊間諜頭看到的畫面。
  • 在影片的開頭,爆破兵膝蓋上放著的是黏彈發射器。不久之後變成榴彈發射器,之後又變回黏彈發射器。
  • 在1:03時,可以看見冰箱內的所有物品:3顆心臟,一塊三明治,兩罐紅雪德啤酒,活著的藍隊間諜頭、維持用的電池和仍點燃著的香菸。
  • It is possible that several scenes and elements from the video are based or inspired by scenes from the 1985 film Re-Animator, from the similar music to the Spy's head kept inside of the freezer to the Medic's slight resemblance to the film's "protagonist" Herbert West
  • 在重裝兵的手術進行時可以在後面的牆上看到X光片,看起來就像他吞下了一顆飛彈,那個飛彈疑似已被醫護兵順便取出並放在旁邊的籃子裡。
  • 在使用Quick-Fix時,醫護兵似乎可以替重裝兵開無敵。詳細情形已在超能更新的第四天中有解釋了。
  • 在3:48時,火焰兵在等待時正閱讀著一本雜誌,同時也在玩打火機。雜誌的內容似乎是The Insult That Made a "Jarate Master" Out of Sniper(狙擊手的瓶手道大師之路)
  • For a short period before the Über Update, doves would sometimes fly out of Scouts after they were killed. This foreshadowed the final gag of the video, in which Archimedes is left inside the Scout's chest after his operation.
  • One of the Medic's doves shares its name with "Template:W", the Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.
  • The Heavy's Minigun can be spotted in the background of a few operating room shots, resting on its own stretcher.
  • The Medic's Overdose can be seen underneath the bucket containing the extracted bomb.
  • A heart monitor can be seen working behind the Heavy early in the video. When his heart is destroyed, the line on the monitor goes flat. The next time it is seen, after the Medic retrieves a new heart, it resumes its old display.
  • When the Demoman is fleeing from the Soldiers in the first battlefield scene, his Stickybomb Launcher rests on his lap and is his only visible weapon. In the second battlefield scene the Grenade Launcher replaced the Stickybomb Launcher, but after an explosion sends him flying out of his wheelchair the weapon that lands in front of him is, mysteriously, the Stickybomb Launcher instead of the Grenade Launcher he was just holding.
  • When the Demoman is fleeing the BLU Soldiers in a wheelchair, he has a bandage over the top part of his head with an eyepatch on top of the bandage. Later, when the Demoman is healed by the Medic, he rips off the bandage with the eyepatch on it to reveal another eyepatch underneath the bandage.
  • At 3:24, a rocket is shown deflecting off of the invulnerable heavy. Rockets never deflect off players in-game and simply explode without damaging the invulnerable target.
  • In spite of the Medic believing otherwise, human ribs are actually capable of growing back when properly shortened.
  • The Quick-Fix uses the Medi Gun's sounds.
  • In the up-close scene of the Demoman fleeing the soldiers with the Medic watching, the Engineer and Sniper are missing from hiding behind the boulder for protection in the background.
  • At 2:28 to the right of the screen, the Pyro can be seen running in his/her "fleeing" state who then quickly disappears into the black smoke.



  1. Steam用戶論壇上的「Back from Valve」討論串, Political Gamer所撰,張貼於2011年三月22日。
  2. "Videogame.it 的 Valve 總部文章,張貼於2011年四月1日。