User:Shane Alvarado/Projects

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This page is to detail, catalog, and track my projects here.

Item infobox project

The purpose of this project is to improve the quality of the item infoboxes on every item article in every language, where WindBOT can't reach. I am not a translator, but this requires only minimal skill in any language, if any at all.

If words are left in English and there is not enough backing for a way to word it on other pages, it will be left in English. The point isn't necessarily to translate.

Below is a list of pages that have not been translated, represented by red links. They will turn blue when they are created. This is to track when one is translated, so that I may review the item infobox. Pages with item infoboxes already in satisfactory condition will be represented by green links.

Sorry, table icons make the table look horrible here.

Item ar cs da de es fi fr hu it ja ko nl no pl pt pt-br ro ru sv tr zh-hans zh-hant
Vita-Saw ar cs da de es fi fr hu it ja ko nl no pl pt pt-br ro ru sv tr zh-hans zh-hant