List of useful console commands/pl

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Zrzut ekranu przedstawiający Konsolę Developerską w Team Fortress 2

Ten artykuł zawiera poniżej listę użytecznych komend w konsoli. Używając Konsoli Developerskiej możesz wyłączyć lub włączyć szczegółowe ustawienia rozgrywki i grafiki, a także zmienić ich wartości. Konsolę można włączyć w zaawansowanym menu opcji. Każda komenda zapisana w pliku autoexec.cfg będzie automatycznie wykonana przy każdym uruchomieniu gry.

Poniższe ustawienia mogą być umieszczone w plikach .cfg specyficznych dla każdej klasy w folderze Team Fortress 2, aby utworzyć ustawienia dla każdej z klas.

Lista użytecznych komend w konsoli

cl_ commands

  • cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out 0/1 - wyłącza/włącza zapytanie o umieszczenie serwera na czarnej liścia, po opuszczeniu go w krótkim czasie
  • cl_ask_favorite_opt_out 0/1 - wyłącza/włącza zapytanie o umieszczenie serwera na liście ulubionych, po opuszczeniu go po dłuższym czasie
  • cl_autoreload 0/1 - wyłącza/włącza automatyczne przeładowanie broni
  • cl_autorezoom 0/1 - wyłącza/włącza automatyczny zoom Snajperki po przeładowaniu
  • cl_burninggibs 0/1 - wyłącza/włącza płonące części ciała
  • cl_crosshair_file - ustawia teksturę celownika. "" to domyślny celownik. przykład: "crosshair1"
  • cl_drawhud 0/1 - ukrywa/pokazuje HUD - wymaga sv_cheats 1
  • cl_flipviewmodels 0/1 - broń trzymana normalnie/odwrócona(lewa ręka) - nie działa podczas gry na serwerze
  • cl_interp - sets how far character models are interpolated (drawn away from their actual position) in the world, a good standard value for hitscan weapons is 0.034
  • cl_new_impact_effects 0/1 - wyłącza/włącza nowe, lepiej wyglądające efekty uderzeń, najlepiej widoczne na szkle
  • cl_ragdoll_collide 0/1 - wyłącza/włącza kolizje ragdoll'i (tylko po stronie klienta)
  • cl_ragdoll_fade_time - ustawia czas, po jakim znikają martwe ciała (tylko po stronie klienta)
  • cl_showbackpackrarities 0/1 - turns color-coded items in trade off/on
  • cl_showfps 0/1/2 - pokazuje ilość klatek na sekundę (wyłączone/na żywo/przybliżone)
  • cl_showpos 0/1 - pokazuje współrzędne na mapie i prędkość gracza
  • cl_yawspeed - ustawia prędkość obrotu postaci podczas używania komend +left oraz +right
  • cl_spec_carrieditems - pokazuje niestandardowe przedmioty na postaci, którą obserwujesz

tf_ commands

  • tf_allow_player_use 0/1 - disallows/allows the +use command on a server, useful for some custom maps, standard is 0. - server operator only
  • tf_allow_taunt_switch 0/1/2 - disallows/allows switching weapons during taunts. (1 = start of taunt only; 2 = at any time during the taunt) - server operator only
  • tf_damage_disablespread 0/1 - turns random damage-spread (+-10%) for weapons off/on - server operator only
  • tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg - sets the pitch when doing maximum damage with your weapon, a lower pitch is recommended in most cases, standard is 100
  • tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg - sets the pitch when doing minimum damage with your weapon, a higher pitch is recommended in most cases, standard is 100
  • tf_dingaling_volume - sets the volume for hit sounds, standard is 1.00
  • tf_dingaling_wav_override - allows using a custom hit sound. Note: No longer used. To use a custom hit sound, rename your sound file "hitsound.wav", and place it in the "tf/sound/ui/" folder
  • tf_dingalingaling 0/1 - turns weapon hit sound off/on
  • tf_forced_holiday 0/2/3 - enables holiday mode (0 = default; 2 = halloween; 3 = birthday) - server operator only
  • tf_medieval 0/1 - enables Medieval mode on the server, requires map change to take effect - server operator only
  • tf_medigun_autoheal 0/1 - turns automatic healing without holding the left mouse button off/on
  • tf_medieval_autorp 0/1 - enables/disables automatic medieval-style text modification in the chat box
  • tf_medieval_thirdperson 0/1 - toggles third person view during Medieval mode
  • tf_overtime_nag 0/1 - turns endless shouting of "OVERTIME!" in Overtime off/on - server operator only
  • tf_playergib 0/1/2 - handles the frequency of gibbing. (0 = never; 1 = default; 2 = always, including attacks that normally don't gib) - server operator only
  • tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 0/1 - turns fixed, consistent spread for weapons like Shotgun, Scattergun and Shortstop off/on - server operator only
  • tf_weapon_criticals 0/1 - turns random criticals off/on - server operator only

sv_ commands

  • sv_cheats 0/1 - turns cheats off/on - server operator only
  • sv_lan - cvar for local area network - server operator only
  • sv_pure - cvar for managing custom content - server operator only

mp_ commands

  • mp_autoteambalance - cvar for automatic team balancing. - server operator only
  • mp_disable_respawn_times - cvar for respawn times. - server operator only
  • mp_idledealmethod - cvar for managing idle players. - server operator only
  • mp_restartgame - restarts the round and resets the round time. - server operator only
  • mp_teams_unbalance_limit - cvar for team force balance. - server operator only
  • mp_timelimit - cvar for map timelimit. - server operator only
  • mp_usehwmmodels 1 & mp_usehwmvcds 1 - makes use of the high-polygon class models used in the 'Meet the Team' videos.
  • mp_waitingforplayerscancel 1 - cancels "waiting for players..." time - server operator only

hud_ commands

  • hud_combattext 0/1 - turns the damage text above enemies off/on
  • hud_combattext_healing 0/1 - turns the healed text above teammates off/on
  • hud_reloadscheme - use this to fix various HUD-color errors or lingering Crit-effects

miscellaneous commands

For players

  • bind <key> <command> - Binds a key with a command.
  • unbind <key> - Unbinds a key.
  • dropitem - Drop the flag or intelligence.
  • explode - Commit suicide. (by exploding into gibs)
  • kill - Commit suicide.
  • fov_desired 70-90 - Set desired field of view. (higher values show more of the battlefield at the cost of fps)
  • jointeam red/blue/auto/spectator - Force team. (use this if you are stuck in "dead spectator" mode when too many people attempt to join a team at the same time)
  • jpeg - Take a jpeg screenshot.
  • retry - Retry connection to last server.
  • status - Display map and connection status.
  • viewmodel_fov <number> - Sets distance in which your weapons are drawn, higher values show more of the weapon and arms but may show missing parts.
  • r_drawviewmodel 0/1 - Turns viewmodels on and off.
  • restart - Restarts the current server.
  • find <command> - A search function that displays all commands with a searched term.
  • hurtme <number> - Deals a given amount of damage (can be negative for extra health) - sv_cheats 1 only
  • zoom_sensitivity_ratio <number> - Sets the ratio of sensitivity while zoomed in with the Sniper Rifle with accordance to actual sensitivity.
  • net_graph <1-6>
    • Depending on the input value, different amounts of information will be shown such as ping, fps, lerp, packet loss, etc.
  • thirdperson - Places your view in a camera behind your character - sv_cheats 1 only
  • thirdperson_mayamode - If active, turning in third person does not move the camera - sv_cheats 1 only
  • thirdperson_platformer 0/1 - If active, the mouse controls the camera while movement is controlled relative to it.
    • If thirdperson_mayamode isn't active, walking towards the camera will 'push' your view away.
  • firstperson - Return to first person perspective.
    • If thirdperson_platformer is still set to 1, you will not be able to move the camera during taunts.

For moderators/admins

  • changelevel <mapname> - Changes the map.
  • cvarlist - View complete cvar list.
  • exec - Execute config file.
  • map <mapname> - Changes the map and restarts the server.
    • Starts a new server if entered on the main menu - useful for bypassing the "Create New Server" dialog and map drop-down menu
  • maps - Display list of maps.
  • rcon_password <password> - gives player access to rcon commands.
  • nextlevel <mapname> - Sets the next map to be played.
  • rcon <command> - Executes an rcon command.
  • rcon_address <ip address> - Sets the server address to send rcon commands to (if not set, console sends the command to the server that the player is currently in instead)

For recording

  • record <demo name> - records a demo
  • stop - stops the recording of a demo
  • startmovie <moviename> - opens up the source recorder during demo play back and allows for high quality avi format recording
  • endmovie - stops source recorder
  • host_framerate <number> - tells the source recorder to record at a constant framerate
  • host_timescale <number> - use in conjunction with host_framerate to produce a smooth video output
  • demoui - brings up a toolbox for replays (shift+F2 will also bring up the tool box)

weapon commands

The "use" command is used to equip the specified weapon.

  • Syntax
    use <weapon_name>
  • Arguments
    • <weapon_name>
      • Scout
      • Soldier
      • Pyro
      • Demoman
      • Heavy Weapons Guy
      • Engineer
      • Medic
      • Sniper
      • Spy
      To equip Electro Sapper, use: "build 3 0"

See also