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“ | 過來,甜心...
— 火箭兵尋找著偽裝的物體
” |
捉迷藏模組(PropHunt)最初是由 Darkimmortal 製作及發布,同時附上一個不同製作者的地圖 ph_prefix 。The unranked copy of the SourceMod/zh-hant plug-in is currently available for server administrators through AlliedModders. The ranked copy is available on request from the Geit or Darkimmortal via GamingMasters.co.uk.
There is also a SourceOP LUA rewrite of the plug-in that is used privately on the SourceOP servers.
捉迷藏模組像是在標準的競技場模式中玩"躲貓貓"。紅隊的玩家偽裝成"物件",開場有 30 秒的時間讓玩家躲藏,隨後藍隊的玩家必需在時間內找出並殺死他們。回合結束時隊伍會交換;"獵人"(藍隊)變成"獵物"(紅隊),反之亦然。死亡無法重生,直到回合結束。
在捉迷藏地圖中補血包非常少,不過捉迷藏地圖通常有個中心,任何玩家只要踩到中心的控制點即可恢復生命值,每次使用後必須經過 55 秒後才能再次使用。
- 你有 30 秒的時間去尋找適當的躲藏地點,在那裡度過大部份的時間。
- 試著停在適當的位置別動。不要嘗試靠近獵人。
- 大多數的人不常抬頭往上看。利用這點可成為你的優勢。
- 和你外觀相符的道具是很好的藏身處,例如:躲藏在一堆木桶角落裡的一個木桶。
- 躲藏點必須有良好的逃生方向。沒有比被敵人關廁所更糟的事情。
- 當你已經被發現了,趕緊逃跑去找補血包。試著甩開追兵去找另一個躲藏地點。
- 如果看見火箭向你飛來,盡量避開它。即使被炸飛彈仍然可以活著,趕緊找其他躲藏地點。
- 壓住左鍵 1 秒後可讓你的偽裝外觀保持不動,此時你可以環繞觀察四周而不會讓你太明顯。
- 有些躲藏地點很少人檢查或知道。躲在那裡別引起注意,保證你獲勝率非常高。
- Feel free to run around from the Hunters for the duration of the round, especially if your prop is something that won't fit into your surroundings. Be wary, however, of the positions of the other Hunters (so you don't run into another Pyro's fire), the landscape (so you don't run into walls), and other Hunted (so you don't blow their cover as well).
- 小心隱藏危險的地點,例如:一個充滿南瓜炸彈的房間,飛來的流彈可能將你秒殺。
- It is advisable to equip the default Bat, even though you cannot use it. Negative effects such as the Sandman's reduced health and the Candy Cane's increased explosive vulnerability are detrimental.
- 既然你不會淹死,躲在水底下就不怕火焰兵的火焰攻擊,但是還是得提防其他攻擊。
- 你的生命值隨著你開火時降低,盡量不要無意義的掃射。
- NEVER equip the Phlogistinator because his faster firing rate will make you easily die in less than 1 second
- The Pyro's fire can easily reveal Scouts and do quite a number on their health. The same goes for weapons that cause bleeding.
- The Heavy's Sandvich can be useful not only to himself but to his team as well. Throw them at wounded teammates.
- Jarate doesn't damage you when you throw it, but will reveal any Scouts in the area. Jarate will help kill the Scouts faster.
- If you see a prop but fail to kill it, tell your team what it is so they can kill it.
- You can shoot and jump to do a "super jump" to reach higher places.
- Engineers are not allowed to build Sentry Guns, but can build Dispensers. If you are planning to be an Engineer, build your Dispenser during setup time when the health penalty is not active and then haul it to a good spot.
- Offensive taunts like the Pyro's Hadouken and Engineer's Dischord and Organ Grinder will not drain the hunter's life at the cost of execution speed. Use it to your advantage.
- Using either the Short Circuit or Widowmaker will not drain an Engineer's health, although it will drain the Engineers' metal reserves.
- When attacking a large prop, the actual hitbox of the Scout does not match the prop and is either at the center of the prop or at the end of a long prop.
- Choosing to play as the Demoman or Medic will result in the player ref-posing until a melee weapon is drawn out. When the melee weapon is selected as these two classes, the player cannot switch weapons. Note, however, that the Chargin' Targe may still be used, and set effects will apply.
- Any equipped miscellaneous items and hats will not be hidden while playing as a prop. To work around this, it is advised to keep a loadout preset empty exclusively for PropHunt.
- ↑ 大部分捉迷藏伺服器為增添樂趣,伺服器會安裝瑪莉歐插件。藉由從一定高度踩到敵人頭上來殺死敵人。
- [1] - Shacknews (Oct 2009)
- [2] - Interview with Dark Immortal and Geit on Kritzkast (Episode 36, October 2009)