
From Team Fortress Wiki
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Basic information
Gender: male
Native language: Chinese
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Leaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class heavy.png
Favourite weapons: Minigun
Contact information
Steam page: here
These 502 and 503 errors are annoying!
— Spacefield trying to open a page only to encounter a error


  • 喜欢玩军团要塞2的一名大学生
  • 从开始玩之前就一直使用维基获取信息
  • 在浏览时发现页面质量参差不齐,有的页面过时了,就趁暑假空隙注册了账号,有空的时候翻译和改进界面(主要为中文界面)。
    • 主要根据自己的喜好更新界面
    • 主要更新中文区翻译,有时也会在英文原文做出很微小的维护。
    • 正在学习日语,但进度非常缓慢,等到学成之日可能会去日语区看看
  • 目前我还是维基翻译新手,虽说我的英语不错但我对维基的一些部分还不太了解。
    • 从这个简陋的个人界面就能看出来
  • 我会尽力使得我改进后的页面没有错误,如果我犯了错误或想对我提出建议,欢迎与我讨论。
    • 在我学会如何熟练使用讨论版之前,你可能不太会收到回复。
    • 我的社交能力并不强,所以我大概率不会主动与别人交流,不过有人找我时我会应答。
  • 有时连续几天不更新,有时一下更新很多

Team Fortress 2 Wiki and me

  • I'm a average collage student who loves to play Team Fortress 2.
  • This Wiki helps me a lot thoughout my gameplay.
  • Found some Chinese pages are outdated and at low quality, I sign up for an account at summer holiday, translating and imporving pages(mainly zh-hans) when vacant.
    • The pages I Translating and editing are mainly aligning to my preferences.
    • My main goal is to update Chinese pages, though sometimes I would fix minor errors in English pages.
    • I'm self learning Japanese at a very slow rate. After I managed it, I may help with Japanese translation.
  • I'm a green hand as a Wiki translator. I know pretty much of English but I'm not full understand of how Wiki works yet.
    • This ugly profile page demostrates it.
  • I will make my best not to make mistakes, but if I made one or you have suggestions for me, feel free to talk to me.
    • Only you could receive my reply after I learn how to master discussion borad.
    • I'm not quite a sociable person, so it is unlikely for me to start communications with others. However, I will try my best when someone talks to me.
  • My edit frequency is not fixed, ranging from several times per day to single time a week.


  • 2021.8.16(可能):第一次玩了《军团要塞2》。虽然玩的菜,但深深的迷上了这款游戏。
  • 2023.10.5:第一次通过掉落系统获得饰品(僵尸的铁桶)。
  • 2024.8.11:购买了丛林炼狱通行证,开始了合同之旅。
  • 2024.8.20:丛林炼狱通行证升级为青铜级别,在地图harvest上。
  • 2024.9.2:调整了一下维基设置,把语言换成了中文。嗯,看起来舒服多了。
  • 2024.9.6:丛林炼狱通行证升级为白银级别,在地图haarp上。
  • 2024.10.8:收集了丛林炼狱通行证的所有奖励。

Make TF2 Great Again

《Team Fortress 2》2024年10月11日以来已有 7 天未发布新的补丁包,且自2017年10月20日发布的最后一次大型更新丛林炼狱已过去了 2555 天!

更新清单/Update list

这一块是用来追踪需要和已经更新的中文页面的。我想把这里做成一个表格,但是暂时还不会。等我先研究一下怎么弄。 These section is supposed to track Chinese pages that need to or have been updated. It should appeare like a sheet but I don't know how to. Let me have some time to figure it out.

  • 武器页面/Weapon pages
  • 地图页面/Map pages
  • 兵种战术页面/Class strategy pages
  • 武器战术页面/Weapon strategy pages
  • 模式介绍页面/Mode introduction pages
  • 补丁页面/Patch pages

Some tests here

ScattergunPictogram tick.png Done FlamethrowerPictogram wait.png In progress SapperPictogram cross.png Need update Grappling HookPictogram question.png Status unknown something complicatedPictogram comment.png Too tricky for me

User Boxes

TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
Approved.png This user watches the Recent Changes log.
LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.
Pictogram tick.png This user leaves summaries with his edits most of the time.
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 18 October, 2024,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 2 months, 7 days (since 11 August, 2024).

Heavy like to shoot this gun.PNG This user. Like. To edit. This wiki. Is all you need to know.
Tf sniper be polite.png This user says "Be polite when you edit."
Backpack Cozy Camper.png This user says "Be patient when you edit."
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 68 days.

zh-hans 简体中文是这位用户的母语。
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
ja-0 この利用者は日本語がわかりません(または理解するのがかなり困難です)。
Heavy laugh.png This user page is so small,
it is funny to me!
User LordKelvin Spycheck.png This user HATES Spies.
User Soldier F5.gif This user vigorously mashes F5 upon any new TF2 update.
DaniVoiceMenu.png This user loves to use the Team Fortress in-game voice menu (a lot) for talking.
Userbox Hate Random Crits.png This user hates random crits.
TF2 crosshair.png This user prefers a balanced team of mercenaries.

Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.

Scream Fortress 2021 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2021 Update!
Achieved.png This user has earned 374 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 72%!
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent 1299 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
Wage Against the Machine Achievement Icon.jpg This user has spent at least $1.01, but less than $100.01, in the Mann Co. Store.

Taunt Rancho Relaxo.png This user edits the wiki to slack off from work.

Flag China.png This user is Chinese and knows more about Sun Tzu than you do. 你好!
L4D2.png This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a gambler, a coach, a rambling mechanic, and a reporter.
Userbox PvZ.png This user doesn't want zombies on his lawn.
Userbox terraria.png This user loves playing Terraria.
User DrScaphandre GTAV Logo.png Why did this user move here? They guess it was the weather.
Madeline.png This user can't stop thinking about dumb crap that doesn't matter.
Windows Logo.png This user uses Microsoft Windows 11.
Firefox Quantum Logo.png This user uses Firefox as his web browser.
User Lexzach python.png This user speaks Python!
C.png This user speaks C!
Java.png This user speaks Java!
Duolingo.png This user learns his languages on Duolingo. Don't lose your streak!
User edikkisin Overuses user boxes.png This user overuses user boxes.
User Nik9990 clock1.png This user's time zone is