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官方更新网页: 从林炼狱更新 (英语)


Jungle Inferno Update.jpg

补丁 1



  • 大幅度调整了武器和兵种的平衡(详情请见下文游戏玩法改动部分)
  • 将最大背包格数从 2000 格增加到 2500 格
  • The default voice codec now defaults to Steam Voice
    • Steam Voice is now using Opus audio at a higher bitrate than the default CELT codec
    • Added a new vaudio_celt_high option for sv_voicecodec, allowing community servers to opt-in to higher bitrate voice chat
  • 修复了工程师可以存储枪炮工之臂的近战暴击的问题
  • 修复了从地上捡起的武器的弹药可以超过玩家的弹药上限的问题
  • Fixed a bug where the 补给器 would use different bounds checks for distributing ammo and health
  • 修复了对于某些发射子弹的武器,玩家模型不播放攻击动画的问题
  • 修复了瓶子苏格兰式握手霓虹杀手的模型不会在暴击时碎裂的问题
  • 修复了部分机枪手的可食用副武器在食用过后不会更新模型的问题
  • 修复了有时玩家可以同时看见多个武器的问题
  • 修复了部分过时的提示
  • 曼恩之力模式
    • 击倒增益现在在收集医疗包时不会减少奖励的生命值。这使得此增益的携带者可从医疗包中获取更多的生命
    • 抗性增益现在可以阻挡背刺
  • Fixed Engineers using the 传送扳手 to teleport out of hell on Halloween maps
  • 修复了在曼恩 vs. 机器模式中,通报员有时会在坦克首次生成时说“坦克已经过一半的路程!”的问题
  • 更新了成堆的补给箱,使其只能分发可通过掉落获得的供应箱,而不是饰品箱。
  • 现在受到减速效果的玩家会在HUD上显示一个状态图标,与展示其他状态(比如死亡标记)的位置相同
  • 为所有武器添加了第一人称检视动画
  • 为医生停止治疗时添加了一个“断开”的音效
  • 家族运营枪边锋球员边境裁决者添加了新的音效
  • 更新了黄铜猛兽高手的 AWP的音效(sic)
  • Steam 控制器改进
    • 现在当非 Steam 控制器设备(例如 Xbox 控制器)使用 Steam 控制器配置时,对应的按钮图标会在 UI 中显示
    • 改进了控制器图标在部分 UI 界面的布局,包括那些不太常见的屏幕分辨率
    • Where text rather than an icon is used to indicate a controller binding, the text strings are now correct for non-Steam controller devices, and slightly more verbose in some cases to avoid confusion with regular keyboard bindings (e.g. "Press [B button]" vs. "Press [B]")
    • Fixed miscellaneous corner-case bugs where the wrong action set could be selected, and some edge cases with handling of multiple simultaneous actions during an action-set change
    • 为最频繁使用的语音命令添加了新的动作绑定。默认控制器布局的方向键现在绑定“医生!”。以下的语音命令也可用,但默认未绑定:“冲!冲!冲!”、“前进!”、“当心间谍!”、“Ubercharge已就绪!”和“救命!”
  • 社区请求:添加了 tf_playrounds/tf_listrounds 调试指令以在多阶段地图中切换迷你回合
    • May not work on all maps if the map ties custom logic to entities other than the mini-rounds themselves (e.g. arbitrary capture zones (e.g. Dustbowl))
  • 将休闲模式的比赛重新加入限制应用于曼恩 vs. 机器模式
    • 离开一局曼恩 vs. 机器的玩家不会在短时间内重新匹配进同一局游戏
    • 被投票踢出一局曼恩 vs. 机器的玩家不能在几个小时内重新匹配进同一局游戏
  • Added Ready Steady Pan Season 3 tournament medals
  • Added ETF2L Highlander Season 13 and ETF2L 6v6 Season 28 tournament medals
  • Added TFCL Highlander Season 1, Ultiduo Season 4, 6v6 Season 3, 4v4 Season 1, and bball Season 1 tournament medals
  • Added AsiaFortress Cup Season 12 tournament medals
  • Added Insomnia 61 tournament medals
  • Added CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice tournament medals
  • Added RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant tournament medal
  • Added ozfortress season 20 tournament medals
  • Added Tip of the Hats 2017 community medals[2]
  • Added Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta (season 2) tournament medals
  • Updated the Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 medal so it can be painted
  • Updated the Arms Race tournament medals so description tags can be used on them
  • Updated the TFCL Alpha medal to be paintable
  • Updated The Heartfelt Hug to be paintable
  • 更新了本地化文件


  • 现在可以在游戏的任何位置组建小队,并在比赛之间持续存在
  • Players are now able to join their party's match if late joining is allowed
  • 添加了新的小队用户界面,使得你可以快速管理小队并与成员交流
  • 添加了全局小队聊天系统,使得小队成员可以在游戏的任何位置与队员交流
    • 在一局游戏中时,小队聊天会在游戏内聊天框中显示
    • Added ConCommand "say_party" (default bind 'p') that allows for party members in a game to chat with other party members using the in-game chat interface (similar to how "say_team" works for chatting amongst your team) and with members not in a game


  • Redesigned the matchmaking screens to be lightweight overlays that can be summoned and dismissed from anywhere within the game
  • 休闲模式竞技模式的徽章界面移至主界面
  • 休闲模式
    • 现在等级可以超过 150 级,并且所有玩家在等级之外还拥有声望。所有的玩家从声望 1 开始。当你的等级超过 150 级时,你的等级重置为 1 级,但你的声望提升 1 级,并且这在你的休闲模式徽章上有所体现。
    • 如果玩家已经达到 150 级,则超过 45500(到达 150 级所需的经验)的经验会被放入缓冲池中。在休闲模式游玩时,你获得的经验值会从缓冲池中扣除对应的数量,直到缓冲池耗尽。
    • 现在可以收起“投票选出下一张地图”对话框,以查看得分榜首的玩家


  • 合同文件夹已被前沿的合同追踪器替代
  • 现在你可以按照你的节奏完成合同。你可以决定想要完成的合同和完成它们的顺序。
  • 现在你可以同时在主要目标和奖励目标上取得进展
  • 一次只能激活一份合同
  • 现在合同通过合同之星解锁。合同之星可通过完成目标来获取。
  • 合同可在主要目标完成时提交
  • 部分完成的合同可在任何时间免费重新激活
  • 在同一服务器的同一队伍中的小队成员可以互助完成合同


  • 多兵种
    • 恐慌打击
      • This is one of our least-used weapons. The main culprit seems to be the queued/delayed-fire aspect, which fights against the basic concept of the secondary slot on classes that can use this weapon (Soldier, Heavy, Engineer, Pyro); players generally expect a secondary that is immediately ready to fire - for the rare case where their main weapon isn't available (e.g. out of ammo), or isn't the optimal choice (e.g. airborne, too close, etc.). Removing the queued/delayed-fire concept basically invalidates the original design, so we've started over.
      • Goal: Make the weapon immediately usable, remove the large burst potential (generally hard to balance), and give the weapon a unique design space to occupy
      • 新的设计:
        • +50% 切换速度
        • +50% 子弹数
        • -30% 伤害
        • 射出的子弹宽大而稳定(不论服务器设置如何)
        • 连续射击时准度会降低(例如:按住开火按钮时),但会在停止射击或装填时重置
    • 预备役射手
      • Pyros are too easily able to take advantage of this weapon's primary feature via airblast (i.e. no-penalty, on-demand launching of their target), and so their damage-potential can greatly exceed that of the other classes that also use this weapon. Rather than take a heavier-handed approach to solve this, we've instead decided to remove airblast as a source for mini-crits.
        • Attacks on targets knocked into the air by Pyro airblast no longer mini-crit
        • Added: Attacks on targets flying via the Thermal Thruster mini-crit
  • 间谍
    • 大使手枪
      • Players that are head-shot from across the map are expecting to see a Sniper in their death-cam, but they sometimes see (more often that we'd like) a Spy with a revolver
      • Goal: Reduce the effective combat range to something more reasonable and expected with the Spy
      • 改动:
        • 现在爆头伤害会随距离衰减
        • 超过 1200 世界单位的爆头只会造成普通伤害(无暴击)
    • 死亡之铃
      • Feign death is an interesting effect, but a good Spy can use it extremely frequently making it frustrating to play against and reducing the risk of using it nearly constantly
      • Goal: Rather than make it less interesting, let's make it more predictable to fight against by removing methods by which Spies can reduce its cool-down. This should create more of a rhythm to fighting against a Spy using this and introduce a little more risk to player(sic) using it.
      • 改动:
        • Ammo kits and dispensers no longer refill the Spy's cloak meter
    • 永生的回报[3]
      • This is the least-used Spy knife (technically, the reskin is, but anyway...). While silent-kill and rapid-disguise-on-kill are good, the downside on this knife is extreme.
      • 改动:
        • 移除了“不能伪装”负面属性
        • 添加属性:普通伪装需要隐形能量为满并消耗所有隐形能量
        • 背刺伪装没有消耗
        • +33% 隐形能量消耗速率
  • 侦察兵
    • 睡魔
      • The feedback on this weapon has been fairly consistent for a while: Players really hate losing the ability to fight back. Compounding this, the ball has to travel really far in order to disarm players. Being hit by a long-range ball (more often than not) ends up feeling random, rather than skilled.
      • 改动:
        • Long-range ball impacts no longer remove the victim's ability to fire their weapon (but the victim is still slowed)
          • We've updated achievements that were looking for disarmed players
        • Max range balls now do 50% increased damage (from a base of 15)
        • The flight time required to trigger the "max" effect has been reduced by 20%
        • Ball regeneration time reduced to 10 seconds (from 15)[4]
    • 原子能饮料
      • This weapon was designed to allow Scouts to pierce hotly-contested areas. While it does this quite well, it doesn't require enough skill, or carry much of a down-side.
      • 改动:
        • 玩家会根据吸收的伤害,在效果结束后受到减速效果
          • 伤害较低时速度 -25% ,伤害超过 200 时速度 -50%
          • 减速持续 5 秒
    • 帅气男孩的袖珍手枪
      • This weapon is one of the lower owner-equipped items in the game. Looking at the current design, it seems that not taking falling damage ranks pretty low on the value scale for a Scout, and a flat +20% damage taken penalty is basically the kiss-of-death for a low-health class.
      • Goal: Make the weapon less of a liability and focus it as a "get health quick" tool with decent burst, at the expense of total damage
      • 新的设计:
        • +15% firing speed
        • Up to +7 hp per hit (from +5)
        • -25% clip size (9 shots)
    • 爆击可乐
      • The last change to this item added Marked-For-Death when the effect ended. This was okay because it forced Scouts to get out after a little while, but it didn't add any risk in-the-moment.
      • Goal: Add more decision/thought on when/where to activate and how to manage the risk/reward of the effect
      • 改动:
        • Added: Each attack while active adds Marked-For-Death debuff for 5 seconds (does not stack)
        • Removed: Marked-For-Death when effect expires
        • Removed: +25% move speed bonus
        • Removed: +10% damage taken penalty
    • 原子能球棒
      • Triple-jump as a passive effect is just too strong. It makes combat against the Scout unpredictable because opponents don't see the bat, and therefore have a hard time anticipating the Scout's capabilities until late in an encounter. It also makes the Scout very strong against explosive classes - due to a combination of extreme mobility and high close-range damage.
      • Goal: Require the Scout to deploy the bat to take advantage of the extra jump - which is also is a signal to other players that they can perform an extra jump - and reduce the bat's negatives to compensate
      • 改动:
        • Triple-jump is now only possible while the bat is deployed
        • Removed: Self-inflicted damage when triple-jumping
        • Removed: Attack speed penalty
        • Added: Melee attacks done while airborne mini-crit
        • Added: 50% deploy time penalty (to prevent quick-switch bypass)
        • Reduced damage penalty vs players to -15% (from -20%)[5]
    • 混混的菜刀
      • This weapon is capable of high burst-damage under what sometimes seems like random conditions - such as mini-crits at long-range, and full-crits when the target is slowed or stunned by anything (e.g. Ghost "Boo!" effect, Natascha, etc.)
      • Goal: Remove the feeling of randomness, and reward accuracy
      • 改动:
        • Removed: Crit vs stunned players
        • Removed: Mini-crits at long range
        • Added: Long range hits reduce recharge (by 1.5 seconds)
          • Distance considered "long range" reduced by half of the previous value when determining mini-crits
  • 士兵
    • 极限降落伞(sic)[6]
      • Players often complain that the B.A.S.E. Jumper is frustrating to fight against because the target is simply too hard to hit. This is mostly due to the combination of being able to deploy/retract at will, and the amount of steering control they have - which makes them too unpredictable.
      • 改动:
        • Reduced amount of air control while deployed by 50%
        • Removed the ability to re-deploy the parachute once retracted (until the player lands on the ground again)
    • 踏步靴
      • The second least-used item in the game. The aerial stomp mini-game is difficult, and The Gunboats are superior in most scenarios.
      • 改动:
        • +75% push-force reduction now includes airblast
        • Added: +200% air control when blast jumping
    • 绞牛机 5000
      • Removed: Cannot be Crit boosted
      • Granted/earned Crits (e.g. Kritzkrieg) will be converted to Mini-Crits instead
    • 正义野牛
      • Note: This weapon has been reverted to its previous design
      • Deals 20 damage per tick (down from 45)
        • Note: This is necessary because the projectile is no longer limited on the number of times it can hit targets
      • Projectiles are no longer limited on the number of times they can hit the same target(s)
      • Projectile velocity increased to 1200 (from 840)
  • 狙击手
    • 达尔文的危险之盾
      • Snipers using this item had an advantage against Snipers who weren't. As a result, players felt like they were required to equip this item in order to be competitive.
      • Goal: Remove the increased survivability against enemy Snipers (which invalidates the existing design).
      • 新的设计:
        • Counter ranged burn attacks (e.g. flares), and strengthen melee fights vs Pyros
          • Afterburn immunity
          • +50% fire resist
    • 电击背脊盾
      • Goal: Reduce the effectiveness of "pocket'd" Snipers in stalemates/standoffs (this primarily happens in organized/competitive play)
      • 改动:
        • Added: -100% overheal penalty
        • Added: Shield regenerates after 30 seconds
  • 医生
    • 维塔锯
      • Ubercharge on death is too valuable of an effect to be passive
      • Goal: Change the weapon in a way that requires skill and risk in order to gain this effect
      • 改动:
        • 添加了“器官”收集机制(...你懂的,用锯子切割敌人,并接住从它们身体里掉出来的新鲜器官)。每次使用维塔锯命中敌人都会收集他们的器官,并在 HUD 上展示。
        • 添加属性:死亡时,每收集一个器官就可以保留 15% 的 Ubercharge,最多保留 60%。
    • 十字军之弩
      • Bolt healing is very high and significantly out-heals the Medigun when the target is in combat. This might be okay given the trade-offs (risk-vs-reward of ranged shots hitting and the opportunity cost, no overheal). However, it's also the fastest way to build Ubercharge - under the right conditions (e.g. corner damage farming with the Medic behind cover).
      • 改动:
        • Ubercharge gain rate reduced in the same way that the Medigun's healing (and therefore, Ubercharge build rate) is - based on the last time the target was in combat
          • Reduced by a third when 1 - 10 seconds outside of combat, and scales up to normal over 10 - 15 seconds
  • 机枪手
    • 所有转轮机枪
      • 改动:
        • The 1-second damage and accuracy penalty now applies to the first second of spun-up time, whether or not the Heavy is firing. Previously, the 1-second damage penalty would only be removed after 1 second of firing.
        • Accuracy and damage penalties now reset when the Heavy spins down, rather than when the Heavy stops firing. This means if you stay spun-up beyond one second, and fire in bursts, damage and accuracy will remain at 100%.
    • 紧急逃跑手套[7]
      • Speed (lack-of) is used to balance the Heavy's high health, over-heal and damage output. While we still believe it's OK to have a class of items that increases Heavy's movement speed, players have been able to easily bypass the existing negatives.
      • 改动:
        • 添加属性:拿出此武器时最大生命值会逐渐减少(-10 点每秒),收回时逐渐恢复
          • Health will regenerate only the amount drained while active - minus any damage taken during that time
          • Each time the gloves are deployed, the drain rate is accelerated for a brief period of time
        • 移除属性:手持时被打上死亡标记
        • 移除属性:-25% 伤害
    • 驱逐警告
      • 改动:
        • Added: Max-health is drained while item is active (-5/sec), and regenerated while holstered. Health will regenerate only the amount drained while active - minus any damage taken during that time.
        • Removed: 20% damage vulnerability
    • 钢铁手套
      • The downside of "increased melee damage" doesn't ever really come into play when it counts (e.g. holding a choke point or objective), and when a Medic is attached, the resulting pool of effective-health is unreasonably large
      • 改动:
        • Added: 40% overheal reduction while active
        • Added: 40% healing rate penalty while active
    • 新武器第二名的香蕉
      • 副武器栏物品
      • 机枪手吃下它后,可恢复 200 点生命值
      • 当机枪手将其丢在地上时,对其他玩家相当于小型医疗包
      • 武器的冷却为 10 秒
  • 工程师
    • Doubled the amount of metal applied (per wrench hit) when upgrading buildings during the "Setup" period.
    • 火线救兵
      • The ability to repair buildings safely from range without using metal is powerful. Combine this with the ability to instantly teleport buildings from far away - which by itself is interesting and useful enough in many circumstances - and you end up with a package that is very strong.
      • 改动:
        • 现在远程修复消耗金属(每 1 点金属修复 4 点建筑生命值。例如修复 60 点伤害需要 15 金属)
  • 爆破手
    • 摩尔巨剑
      • 注释:这把武器回滚到之前的设计。
      • 移除属性:杀敌时 +25 生命
      • 添加属性:冲锋持续时间 +0.5 秒
  • 火焰兵
    • Added The Dragon's Fury
      • Primary slot item
      • Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire
      • Primary Fire: Launches a fast-moving, limited-range projectile that deals 25 damage and briefly ignites enemies
        • Deals +300% damage to burning players
        • +50% repressurization rate on hit
      • Alt-Fire: Airblast
        • -50% repressurization rate on Alt-Fire
    • Added The Thermal Thruster
      • Secondary slot item
      • Fires a short-duration blast that launches the Pyro in the direction they are aiming
      • Deals 3x falling damage to anyone you land on
      • Has a 1.1 second holster duration
      • MvM upgrades:
        • Able to re-launch while airborne
        • Stun enemies when you land (duration based on impact velocity)
          • Note: Landing directly on an enemy grants a bonus to stun duration
        • Faster recharge rate
    • Added The Gas Passer
      • Secondary slot item
      • Creates a horrific visible gas cloud that coats enemies
      • Flammable material then ignites into 10 seconds of Afterburn if enemies take damage (even Pyros!)
      • Mann vs. Machine upgrades:
        • Enemies explode when ignited by attacks
        • Faster recharge rate
    • Added The Hot Hand
      • Gain a speed-boost when you hit an enemy player
      • -20% damage penalty
      • Every successful slap is announced in the kill-feed
    • 火焰喷射器:
      • Better visual sync, more consistent (no visuals/damage mismatch)
      • 新的粒子效果
      • 应用于所有火焰喷射器及变种
    • 压缩空气
      • Hit detection for both players and projectiles is now a consistent cone
        • Aiming at a player's feet no longer misses!
      • Airblasting players now factors in the momentum of the Pyro and target, giving both more control over the interaction
        • The target's existing velocity is no longer cancelled
        • Players moving at the Pyro at great speed will be reflected away at great speed
        • Players moving towards/away from the Pyro will experience less/more push force
      • Airblast now causes target player to have reduced footing and air control for a short period
        • No longer a flat stun
      • Now factors in the upward angle of the airblast, rather than having a fixed upward force
      • Total push force slightly increased
    • 后续燃烧
      • Flamethrowers no longer apply maximum-duration afterburn on contact. Afterburn duration is now based on how long the target is in contact with direct flames -- starting at a minimum of 3 seconds, and stacking to a maximum of 10 seconds.
      • Per-tick afterburn damage increased to 4 (from 3), for a total of 8 damage per-second (up from 6 per-second)
      • Flareguns now apply 7.5 seconds of afterburn (down from 10 seconds), resulting in the same total damage as before
      • Afterburn now reduces all direct Medic healing and resist shields by 20%
        • Note: This effect was previously applied by direct flames from all flamethrowers (at 25%), but was moved to afterburn, and slightly lowered


  • Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case changed from Seriesless to Series #105.
  • Changed some instances of the word "allies" or "ally" respectively to "teammates" or "teammate" in various places.
  • Updated attribute/item descriptions for some weapons.
  • The Buffalo Steak Sandvich's effect duration was increased by 1 second, and the damage vulnerability gained was reduced to 20%.
  • 为所有的新地图和部分老地图添加了地图邮票修饰前缀。
  • 为所有的新地图和部分老地图添加了奇异过滤器
  • 重做了主菜单
  • 加速了爆破手的剑的挥舞动画速度,使其与命中时机更为接近。
  • Added draw and throwing sounds for the Flying Guillotine. Also affects the noise of summoned skeletons due to them using guillotine sounds while spawning.
  • 添加了钢铁手套的拿出音效。
  • 更改了火焰兵幻境中火焰粒子的展现效果。现在它们是彩虹颜色的新火焰粒子,而不是连续的彩虹。
  • 更新了游击手的装填音效。
  • 修复了极限降落伞的背包在开启后消失的问题;现在背包会正常地打开。
  • 现在精确打击者会对使用热能推进器飞行的玩家造成迷你暴击。
  • Converted the Red-Tape Recorder models to use the c_models system.
  • Added LODs to several weapons.
  • Pushed models and materials of several experimental weapons into the game.[8]
  • Removed the Energy Orb Unusual effect from all decorated cases.

补丁 2

  • Fixed not being able to redeem War Paints
  • 修复了战绘在背包里不正确显示的问题
  • 修复了手枪发射的第一发子弹偏离中心的问题
  • 修复了合同追踪器界面在 DirectX 8 版本下不正常工作的问题
  • 修复了合同追踪器可在装备界面选择式样的问题
  • 修复了执行热能推进器的嘲讽后无法正常使用的问题


  • Removed the files for the Afterburner that were accidentally pushed in the previous patch.

补丁 3

  • Fixed a client stutter related to the Friends panel in the main menu

