Homestead Happenings (custom mission)

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Homestead Happenings
Basic Information
Name: Homestead Happenings

File name:

Developer(s): gettysburg
Map: Kelly
Mission type: Invasion
Waves: 5
Difficulty: Advanced
Starting credits: 750
Maximum possible credits: 5000
Minimum respawn wave time: 5
Maximum respawn wave time: 10
Fixed respawn time: No
Tour: Madness vs Machines
Sentry Buster spawn time: 30 seconds
Sentry Buster respawn time: 45 seconds

Homestead Happenings is an advanced invasion mission made by gettysburg. It is available on the custom Kelly map.


Sub-wave Class Count Delay(s) Credits
Wave 1 (900 Credits)
Soldier spammer

Giant Volley Fire Soldier
Expert 4 4 4 0 100

Quick-Fix Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Ignores enemies
Hard Spawns at the left or right
Iron Bomber The Iron Bomber
3 9 33 20 2 100
Heavy shotgun
Heavy shotgun

Shotgun Heavy
Leaderboard class pyro powerjack.png

Heal-on-Hit Pyro
Hard 2 4 16 20 5 50
Hard Spawns at the right 3 4 24 3 0 150
Pyro flare
Hard Spawns at the left 3 4 24 3 0 150
Pyro flare
Expert 1 2 5 0 14 200
Heavy shotgun
Expert 6 6 12 5 16 100
Soldier libertylauncher
Soldier libertylauncher
Soldier libertylauncher

Quick-Fix Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Ignores enemies
Heavy shotgun

Shotgun Heavy
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance

Begins after 1A-2 is all dead
1 1 3 8 20 100
Scout stun

Hyper League Scout
Hard Pictogram plus.png +75% recharge rate
Begins after 1B-2 is all dead
Spawns from all sides
3 3 0 0
Wave 2 (750 Credits)
Leaderboard class sniper huntsman bleed.png

Giant Puncturing Bowman
Expert 4 5 16 0 15 125
Expert 2/3 Fires continuously
Sniper bow
Expert Fortified Compound The Fortified Compound
Flank defenders's left
2 5 18 3 4 75
Leaderboard class medic kritz.png

Kritzkrieg Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Ignores enemies
Sniper bow
Expert Fortified Compound The Fortified Compound
Flank defenders's right
2 5 18 5 4 75
Leaderboard class medic kritz.png

Kritzkrieg Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Ignores enemies
Leaderboard class demo clusterbomb.png

Giant Minelayer Demo
Expert 4 5 12 0 18 100

Quick-Fix Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Ignores enemies
Leaderboard class demoknight persian nys.png

Type 2
Persian Demoknight
Hard 1/3 Flank defenders's right
1/3 Flank defenders's left
5 8 15 10
Hard Spawns at the right or left

Direct Hit Soldier
Hard Spawns at the right or left
Direct Hit The Direct Hit
Sniper jarate

The Crimson Chin
15,000 HP
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 1 1 5 100
Sniper bow

Fruit Shop Owner
Expert Pictogram comment.png Behaves similarly to regular Sniper-bots
Fortified Compound The Fortified Compound
2 40 30
Leaderboard class sniper bushwacka.png

Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder
Normal Begins after 2B is all dead
Spawns at the right or left
2 10 10 10 2 100
Sniper bow multi

Rapid Fire Bowman
Expert Begins after 2B is all dead 2 4 4 12 4 50
Wave 3 (850 Credits)

Soda Popper Scout
Normal Soda Popper The Soda Popper
Spawns at the right or left
4 9 42 0 3 100

Winger Scout
Hard Winger The Winger
Leaderboard class soldier stun.png

Stunner Soldier
Hard Spawns from all sides 3 3 9 0 20 100
Expert Vision range 1200
Flank defenders's right
1 1 4 5 5 100
Leaderboard class scout bostonbasher.png

Idiot Scout
Hard 2/5 Flank defenders's left
2/5 Flank defenders's right
5 10 55 3 0 100
Expert Spawns at the right or left
6000 Pictogram plus.png +100% movement speed
Spawns from the flying saucer
1 1 1 7 300
Leaderboard class demo clusterbomb.png

Two-Eyed Clusterbomber
Hard Pictogram comment.png Audio cue will announce its arrival
Spawns from the flying saucer
1 1 1 0
Leaderboard class demo clusterbomb.png

Two-Eyed Clusterbomber
Expert Spawns from the flying saucer 1 12 26 8 1 50

What makes me a good slug?
Easy Iron Bomber The Iron Bomber
Spawns from the flying saucer

Slug > All Pyro Players
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Degreaser The Degreaser
Spawns from the flying saucer
Heavy deflector
Hard Vision range 1200 2 3 4 12 6 50

Giant Corona Heavy
Expert Vision range 1200
Spawns from the flying saucer
2 2 2 40 225

Giant Corona Uber Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Ignores enemies

Hon Hon Escargot Baguette
Expert 2 10 30
Wave 4 (900 Credits)
Soldier backup

Slug Controlled Backup Soldier
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
2 4 8 8 15 80
Demo burst

Giant Corona Volley Demo
Expert Loch-n-Load The Loch-n-Load
Spawns from the flying saucer
3 3 3 7 120
Soldier libertylauncher

Giant Corona Blast Soldier
Expert Spawns from the flying saucer 2 2 2 7 100
Heavy steelfist

Steel Sluglet
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Spawns at the right or left
1 12 48 10 1 150
Heavy steelfist

Slug Controlled Gauntlet Pusher
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Spawns at the right or left
Heavy steelfist

Giant Corona Gauntlet Pusher
Expert 1 1 1 0 50
Leaderboard class sniper huntsman bleed.png

Giant Puncturing Bowman
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Spawns from the flying saucer
3 3 3 7 170
Leaderboard class demo clusterbomb.png

Two-Eyed Clusterbomber
Hard Spawns from the flying saucer 5 10 20 3 0 20
Leaderboard class demoknight charge.png

Giant Charging Demo
Expert Spawns from the flying saucer 2 2 2 7 80
Soldier libertylauncher

Slug Controlled Blast Soldier
Expert Spawns at the right or left 5 10 20 3 0 20

Giant FireSpread Corona Pyro
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Fires continuously
Spawns from the flying saucer
1 1 1 7 60
Sniper bow multi

Slug Controlled Rapid Bowman
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Spawns at the right or left
5 10 20 3 0 20

My leg!
Expert Spawns from all sides 14 4 10,000

My leg!
Expert 2 60 45
Soldier conch

Slug Controlled Conch Soldier
Hard Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +800%
Begins after 4A-1 is all dead
Black Box The Black Box
2 2 3 0 14 30
Wave 5 (450 Credits)
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Vision range 1200
Spawns from all sides
2 2 6 5 0 100
Soldier buff

Gunshot Bride
Hard Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +80,000%
5 10 20 6 5 50
Heavy deflector

Giant Corona Deflector Heavy
Expert Vision range 1200
Flank defenders's right
1 1 2 0 16 75
Heavy deflector

Giant Corona Deflector Heavy
Expert Vision range 1200
Flank defenders's left
1 1 2 0 16 75

Degreaser Pyro
Expert Degreaser The Degreaser 4 8 24 0 7 50
Medic uber

Quick Uber Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Pictogram plus.png +400% ÜberCharge rate
Pictogram minus.png -90% heal rate
Pictogram minus.png -3 seconds Über duration
Ignores enemies
Soldier spammer

Giant Corona Volley Soldier
Hard Spawns at the right or left 1 2 4 0 7 25

Sluggish Natascha Heavy
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Natascha Natascha
3 8 27 9 4 25
Leaderboard class demo loosecannon.pngLeaderboard class demo loosecannon.png

Slug Buccaneer
Leaderboard class demo clusterbomb.png

Giant Corona Minelayer Demo
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 4 4 0 10 50

Giant Corona Uber Medic
Expert Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über

Ignores enemies
Leaderboard class demo undying.png

Mothership Mind Control
354 HP
Expert Pictogram comment.png Wave is lost when this boss is dead
Pictogram comment.png Audio cue will announce its arrival
Pictogram comment.png Cannot pick up the bomb
Spawns from the flying saucer
1 1 1 5

My leg!
Expert Spawns from the right 2 16 48

Hon Hon Escargot Baguette
Expert 2 16 48
Soldier buff

Large Man With Rocket and Flag
Hard Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage

Pictogram plus.png +80,000%
Begins after 5A-1 is all dead
Direct Hit The Direct Hit
1 1 2 6 5 50

Custom Robot

Normal Robot

Idiot Scout

Icon Name Melee Hat Attributes
Scout bostonbasher
Idiot Scout Boston Basher
Boston Basher
Ye Oiled Baker Boy
Ye Oiled Baker Boy
Pictogram plus.png Does not hit itself on miss
Pictogram plus.png +25% movement speed

Stunner Soldier

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Soldier stun
Stunner Soldier Direct Hit
Direct Hit
Steel Shako
Steel Shako
Pictogram info.png 1.5x larger in size
Pictogram plus.png 1200 HP
Pictogram plus.png Rocket stun enemies on direct hit
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png 25% slower firing speed

Heal-on-Hit Pyro

Icon Name Melee Hat Attributes
Pyro powerjack
Heal-on-Hit Pyro Powerjack
Pictogram plus.png Restore 87 HP on hit

Slug Buccaneer

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Attributes
Demo loosecannon
Slug Buccaneer Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Chargin' Targe
Chargin' Targe
Sucker Slug
Sucker Slug

Two-Eyed Clusterbomber

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Demo clusterbomb
Two-Eyed Clusterbomber Iron Bomber
Iron Bomber
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +50% fuse time on grenades
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower reload speed
Pictogram minus.png +2 degrees grenade spread
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Kritzkrieg Medic

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Misc Attributes
Medic kritz
Kritzkrieg Medic Overdose
Virus Doctor
Virus Doctor
Das Metalmeatencasen
Das Metalmeatencasen
Pictogram plus.png +9900% ubercharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +92 seconds longer ubercharge

Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder

Icon Name Melee Hat Attributes
Sniper bushwacka
Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder Bushwacka
Trophy Belt
Trophy Belt
Pictogram info.png 0.75x smaller in size
Pictogram plus.png +25% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png 100 HP

Gravitation Sniper

Icon Name Primary Secondary Melee Hat Attributes
My leg! Hitman's Heatmaker
Hitman's Heatmaker
Tribalman's Shiv
Tribalman's Shiv
Sucker Slug
Sucker Slug
Pictogram plus.png +1900% damage bonus against building
Pictogram plus.png On hit:Deal fall damage to target
Pictogram minus.png -95% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png 25% slower reload speed

Big Earner Spy

Icon Name Primary Secondary Melee Hat Misc 1 Misc 2 Attributes
Hon Hon Escargot Baguette Diamondback
Big Earner
Big Earner
Cosa Nostra Cap
Cosa Nostra Cap
Rogue's Brogues
Rogue's Brogues
Pictogram plus.png Sapper reverse building construction
Pictogram minus.png -100% sapper damage penalty

Giant Robot

Giant Volley Fire Soldier

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Soldier burstfire
Giant Volley Fire Soldier Coffin Nail Rocket Launcher
Coffin Nail Rocket Launcher
Pictogram plus.png 4200 HP
Pictogram plus.png +75% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +75% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +80% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Pyro (Custom)

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Giant FireSpread Corona Pyro Warhawk Flame Thrower
Warhawk Flame Thrower
Corona Australis
Corona Australis
Pictogram plus.png 3300 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png Flames travel much further
Pictogram plus.png +70% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Giant Charging Demo

Icon Name Primary Secondary Melee Misc Attributes
Demoknight charge
Giant Charging Demo Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Splendid Screen
Splendid Screen
Claidheamh Mòr
Claidheamh Mòr
King of Scotland Cape
King of Scotland Cape
Pictogram plus.png 3300 HP
Pictogram plus.png Gain 5 seconds crit boost on kill
Pictogram plus.png +2.5 seconds longer charge duration
Pictogram plus.png +400% faster charge recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png Attack does not cancel charge
Pictogram plus.png +75% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -40% movement speed

Giant Mine layer Demo

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Demo clusterbomb
Giant Corona Minelayer Demo Iron Bomber
Iron Bomber
Hurt Locher
Hurt Locher
Pictogram plus.png +85% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +8 grenades in clip
Pictogram plus.png +100% fuse time on grenades
Pictogram plus.png +75% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png +5 degree grenade spread
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Steel Gauntlet Pusher

Icon Name Melee Attributes
Heavy steelfist
Giant Steel Gauntlet Pusher Fists of Steel
Fists of Steel
Pictogram plus.png 5000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png Attack knockback enemies
Pictogram plus.png -60% damage from ranged sources
Pictogram plus.png +100% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Giant Uber Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic uber
Giant Uber Medic Dressed to Kill Medi Gun
Dressed to Kill Medi Gun
Field Practice
Field Practice
Pictogram plus.png Spawn with Full Charge
Pictogram plus.png 4500 HP
Pictogram plus.png +1900% heal rate
Pictogram plus.png +400% ubercharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +99% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png 1 second delay before activate ubercharge

Giant Puncturing Bowman

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Sniper huntsman bleed
Giant Puncturing Bowman Fortified Compound
Fortified Compound
Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou
Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +25% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +30% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png On hit:Target bleed for 8 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Arrow penetrate targets
Pictogram plus.png +65% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -40% movement speed


The Crimson Chin

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Sniper jarate
The Crimson Chin Self-Aware Beauty Mark
Self-Aware Beauty Mark
Trophy Belt
Trophy Belt
Pictogram info.png 1.9x larger in size
Pictogram plus.png 19000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +99% faster recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +25% faster thrown speed
Pictogram plus.png Apply -40% movement speed on target
Pictogram plus.png +100% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Provide 90% less rage
Pictogram plus.png Apply jarate on backstab attacker
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Mothership Mind Control

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Demo undying
Mothership Mind Control Cleaner's Carbine
Cleaner's Carbine
Corona Australis
Corona Australis
Pictogram info.png 3.75x larger in size
Pictogram plus.png 354 HP
Pictogram plus.png +100% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +100% more accurate
Pictogram plus.png +1900% damage bonus against building
Pictogram plus.png Bullet knock back enemies
Pictogram plus.png Bullet mark enemies
Pictogram plus.png Immune to any damage
Pictogram minus.png -95% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png 1400% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png Cannot pick up bomb
Pictogram minus.png Loses 1 HP per second

This boss also act like a timer, once it died, it spawns unkillable tank immediately at spawn.