장식 아이템
Antarctic Eyewear
- Added 19 community-created cosmetic items.
암살자의 의복
Hot Case
Sky High Fly Guy
차르 플래티나
대갈 덤불
툰드라 모자
자빠짐 잠바
Punk's Pomp
스타보드 크루세이더
타오르는 의문
노병의 복장
Scourge of the Sky
눈보라 누비바지
Cold Case
Private Maggot Muncher
Frag Proof Fragger
로빈 워커화
Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6 (Season 21)
- Added the ozfortress Season 21 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - National Heavy Boxing League
- Added the National Heavy Boxing League tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander (Season 14)
- Added ETF2L Highlander Season 14 and 6v6 Season 29 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6 (Season 29)
Tournament Medal - Ultimate Ultiduo
- Added the Ultimate Ultiduo tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant (Season 2)
- Added RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant Season 2 tournament medal.
Tournament Medal - RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup
- Added the RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash
- Added the Palaise tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Newbie Prolander Cup
- Added the Newbie Prolander Cup tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ESA Rewind II
- Added the ESA Rewind II tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2018
- Added the Florida LAN 2018 community medals.
Tournament Medal - Journey to the East
- Added the Journey to the East community medals.
Canteen Crasher Rust Starter 2018
- Added the Canteen Crasher community medals.
Canteen Crasher Iron Recall 2018
Canteen Crasher Bronze Ammo 2018
Canteen Crasher Silver Building 2018
Canteen Crasher Gold Uber 2018
Canteen Crasher Platinum Crit 2018
Blue Moon Cosmetic Case
푸른 달 장식 열쇠
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup (Season 13)
- Added AsiaFortress Season 13 tournament medals.
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - HLPugs.tf
- Added HLPugs.tf tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Gette it Onne!
- Added Gette it Onne! tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Team Fortress 2 Competitive League
- Added TFCL tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Copenhagen Games
- Added Copenhagen Games tournament medals.
장식 아이템
Heartfelt Hero
- Added The Heartfelt Hero medal for the Hugs.tf 2018 community event.
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - RGL.gg
- Added RGL.gg tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Copenhagen Games
- Added Copenhagen Games tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - PURE League
- Added PURE League tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Beginnings 5
- Added Beginnings 5 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6 (Season 22)
- Added ozfortress Season 22 tournament medals.
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - HLMixes
- Added tournament/community medals for HLMixes, Hydro.tf, and Ready Steady Pan Season 4.
Tournament Medal - Hydro.TF
Tournament Medal - Ready Steady Pan (Season 4)
Blapature Co. Backer
- Added tournament/community medals for Blapature.
Blapature Co. Supporter
Blapature Co. Benefactor
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - National Heavy Boxing League (Season 7)
- Added NHBL Heavyweight Champion Season 7 tournament medals.
TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2018
- Added TF2Maps 72hr Summer Jam 2018 community medal.
Tournament Medal - Chapelaria Ultiduo (Season 2)
- Added Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator Season 2 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Newbie Highlander Cup (Season 2)
- Added Newbie Highlander Season 2 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Newbie Prolander Cup (Season 3)
- Added Newbie Prolander Season 3 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Rally Call Charity Tournament
- Added Rally Call 2018 community medals.
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 24)
- Added UGC Highlander Season 24 and 25, 6v6 Season 26 and 27, and 4v4 Season 13 and 14 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 25)
Tournament Medal - UGC 6vs6 (Season 26)
Tournament Medal - UGC 6v6 (Season 27)
Tournament Medal - UGC 4vs4 (Season 13)
Tournament Medal - UGC 4vs4 (Season 14)
Tournament Medal - Team Fortress Competitive League 6v6 (Season 4)
- Added TFCL 6v6 Season 4, Ultiduo Season 5, and Highlander Season 2 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Team Fortress Competitive League Ultiduo (Season 5)
Tournament Medal - Team Fortress Competitive League Highlander (Season 2)
TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Participant
- Added TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant 2018 community medal.
Tournament Medal - Insomnia
- Added Insomnia 63 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Essentials.TF
- Added Essentials.TF Monthly tournament medals.
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6 (Season 15)
- Added LBTF2 6v6 Season 15 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - NewbiDuo Cup
- Added NewbieDuo Cup Summer 2018 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Ultimate Ultiduo (Season 2)
- Added Ultimate Ultiduo Season 2 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Summer 2018
- Added Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Summer 2018 and Autumn 2018 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Autumn 2018
Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander (Season 15)
- Added ETF2L Highlander Season 15 and 16, and 6v6 Season 30 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6 (Season 30)
Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander (Season 16)
Tournament Medal - Newbie Highlander Cup (Season 4)
- Added Newbie Highlander Season 4 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - RGL.gg (Season 4)
- Added RGL.gg Season 4, Season 5, and One Day Prolander Cup tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - RGL.gg (Season 5)
Tournament Medal - RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup
Tournament Medal - PASS Time Federation
- Added PASS Time Federation Season 1 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Chapelaria Highlander
- Added Chapelaria Highlander Season 1 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Respawn League
- Added Respawn League Highlander Season 1 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Moscow LAN Summer 2018
- Added Moscow LAN Summer 2018 tournament medals.
장식 아이템
Murderer's Motif
Bandit's Boots
Highway Star
Olympic Leapers
Hephaistos' Handcraft
Vampire Vanquisher
Gaelic Glutton
Pyro in Chinatown
Athenian Attire
Tank Top
Aim Assistant
Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%
Mr. Quackers
Lucky Cat Hat
Crocodile Mun-Dee
Scoper's Scales
Dell in the Shell
A Shell of a Mann
Jaunty Explorer
- Added Tip of the Hats 2018 community medals.
Jaunty Ranger
Jaunty Mountaineer
Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6v6 (Season 23)
- Added ozfortress Season 23 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup
- Added TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - RGB LAN
- Added RGB 3 LAN tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - United Dodgeball League
- Added United Dodgeball League Season 1 tournament medals.
Panzer Pants
- Added two new official taunts.
Scooty Scoot
Violet Vermin Case
- Added the Violet Vermin Case.
Violet Vermin Key
장식 아이템
Tournament Medal - ESEA 6s Invite (Season 29)
- Added ESEA 6s Invite Season 29 and Season 30 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ESEA 6s Invite (Season 30)
Tournament Medal - Brazil Fortress 6v6
- Added Brazil Fortress 6v6 Season 1 and Season 2 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Brazil Fortress 6v6 (Season 2)
장식 아이템
Pocket Pardner
Wise Whiskers
Paka Parka
Catcher's Companion
Juvenile's Jumper
Crack Pot
Climbing Commander
Mighty Mitre
Cool Capuchon
Pocket Admin
Miser's Muttonchops
Polar Pal
Dumb Bell
Millennial Mercenary
Bread Heads
Tournament Medal - LAN Downunder
- Added LAN Downunder 2018 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6 (Season 31)
- Added ETF2L 6v6 Season 31 and Highlander Season 17 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander (Season 17)
Tournament Medal - Brazil Fortress 6v6 (Season 3)
- Added Brazil Fortress Season 3 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Russian Highlander
- Added Russian Highlander Season 1 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - Sacred Scouts
- Added Sacred Scouts 6v6 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup (Season 14)
- Added AsiaFortress Cup Season 14 tournament medals.
Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress LAN
- Added AsiaFortress LAN 2018 tournament medals.
Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case
2018 겨울 장식 열쇠