October 24, 2019 Patch
Source: Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Patch notes
Team Fortress 2
- Fixed seams in the Halloween skybox
- Added European Bball League Season 3 tournament medals
- Updated the localization files
- Updated
- Adjusted prop fade distances for improved performance near control point A and control point B
- Adjusted flank route direction between control point C and control point D
- Lowered the high-ground flank at control point A to make it accessible for Scouts
- Changed the small health kits to medium sized near the cliff edge choke path
- Updated
- Fixed an instance where a player with incredibly unlucky timing could become trapped inside the underworld exit room
Files changed
- Note: The changelog below is generated from a diff of two revisions of the game. This data may be incomplete or inconsistent. A significant part of this changelog has been automatically generated from GameTracking data, courtesy of SteamDB.
Revision changes
Modified: tf/resource/tf_brazilian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_bulgarian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_danish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_french.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_german.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_hungarian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_italian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_polish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_portuguese.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_proto_obj_defs_brazilian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_proto_obj_defs_german.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_proto_obj_defs_portuguese.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_russian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_spanish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_thai.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_ukrainian.txt
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt
Modified: tf/steam.inf
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt.sig
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/materials/skybox/sky_halloween_night_01_hdrup.vmt
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/skybox/sky_halloween_night_01_hdrup.vtf