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Raid(突袭) 是 军团要塞 2 中的一种实验性模式。该模式中,玩家们将作为5名蓝队的人类角色,于可能从四面八方出现的红队机器人大军中杀出重围,类似于求生之路系列的玩法。该模式的开发从2009年11月,也正是 求生之路2 发布的日子便早已开始,于2009年11月17日完成。开发正是由求生之路系列、TFBots 和 MvM模式背后的开发者 - Mike Booth 完成的。
- Wanderers
- Mobs (or Hordes)
- Squads
- Specials
- Sentry Guns
- Defenders
Mobs, one of the prominent enemy types in Left 4 Dead, consists of a group of enemies that rush down to wherever players are and attack them, instead of the usual Wanderer's passive-aggressive behavior. By default, Mobs have a spawn time of 60 - 90 seconds, and have a total count of 15. The interval for Mobs to respawn becomes lower and players progress through the campaign. Mobs also respawn faster when players are capturing a point, having only a 20 second respawn time. The same is also done for the Left 4 Dead series's finales, where survivors have to fend themselves to wait for rescue, or to collect gas cans and fill up their objective to escape.
Classes that robots in Mobs spawn as is pre-defined. Only 4 classes are possible for Mobs to spawn as: Scouts, Pyros, Heavies and Spies. However, Squads will join in Mob fights, which consist of different classes to deal with. Squads's spawning are based on several commands, and they seem to imply a random chance of Mob spawning, but all of them are set to 100 which may be for debugging reasons. More about Squads later.
One thing is absent from Left 4 Dead though, which is "Mega Mobs", these are periods where a horde of Infecteds have a much higher spawn count than Mobs, always leading to them lasting for a while and forcing survivors to find a good defendable spot, but can allow for the game session to have intensity peaks. Presumably this wasn't kept because unlike the Infected, robots have ranged weaponry to fight back the players.
Boss Battle Submode
The gamemode would've also had boss battles.
Leftover Content
Content Creation Related
Hammer Editor
In the default entity list for the Source Engine Mapping software, Hammer, three entities can be seen that point to this gamemode: base_boss
, tf_logic_raid
and tf_logic_boss_battle
. With the latter two not working, as their code is not loaded.
For Navigation Meshes, or nav, which are used by bots to determine where they can go, where players can walk on and whatnot. The command tf_mark
has two leftover flags which are meant for Raid mode. Which are RESCUE_CLOSET
The first flag is clearly referring to these Rescue Closets in Left 4 Dead, which are areas where a previously dead survivor may spawn in, then shout for someone to get them out of the closet (which revives them). In Raid mode, the game uses this to exclude players from being counted as "alive", or use this to make the Director start certain voicelines.
The second flag is used to manually set what areas should the Director not spawn any robots. In L4D, Flags with a similar function are the flags NO_MOBS
(No Wanderers) and NOTHREAT
(which the function it does is unclear, but only speculation is to disallow special spawning.)
Population Files
Population files, or pop files, are what MvM reads to create a playable MvM mission. These files have several Raid mode leftovers, two Populators and two Spawners. They can still be used to spawn bots, but are really dated and janky. They do however, point to a time when Population files may have filled a much different role, where they could been instead to exist for an option to modify the director options for a campaign, much like Vscripts.
In Population files, there are two types of keys for managing bot spawning, Spawners and Populators. Spawners are responsible for applying anything on the bot itself like giving them crits or hats, while Populators are to setup the bot before it spawns with things like where to spawn or the total amount of them. The keys in question are: PeriodicSpawn
, RandomPlacement
, Mob
and SentryGun
, the latter two being Spawners while the others are Populators.
only has three keys:
is used to determine the respawn times, but both MinInterval
and MaxInterval
are used to specify random respawn times. The last two keys are only used if When
is not specified. For unknown reasons, bots that are spawned using this always drops cash and mess up the game's logic regarding cash. This could however been the Bounty mode having code that may have conflicted it unintentionally.
appears to be lacking with what it wanted to accomplish. It has the keys:
- Accepts the following:
Based on others's experiences with this Populator, it appears that it only works with the SentryGun
spawner, unusually. Another thing to note is that SENTRY_SPOT
isn't actually used by TFBots at all! And only SNIPER_SPOT
is actually automatically added to navigation meshes when a Mapper puts a Sniper hint over a navigation mesh, which tells Snipers that its a spot they should consider sniping at.