The term "Scout" below refers to the protagonist, the robot scout from Mann vs Machine.
[Fade into an inside shot of a crate full of hats. A Scout can be seen looking into it.]
[The Scout bends down to the crate and picks up the Football Helmet. It then looks around.]
[It starts to run down a hallway, past a dumped collection of other hats.]
[He walks up to a circle like panel, in which he places down the helmet.]
[A few seconds later, two arms from each side of the table come down and start circling around the helmet.]
[The arms then stop and a large, box crashes down onto the helmet.]
[The camera fades out slightly, music starts playing and the shot looks directly up.]
[The shot then fades to a scene next to some pipes which is looking at numerous machines working on something.]
[The camera switches to on-top of a conveyor belt, where a split in half helmet is seen being repaired by the machines with robotic like features.]
[The camera is now off the conveyor belt and is next to a pit, which the helmet falls into.]
[Then there's a shot of the camera moving down slightly showing a heavy. The helmet falls onto The Heavy.]
Heavy: "Uuf!"
[The Heavy then looks up, then looks around.]
Heavy: "Yes!"
[The logo for Team Fortress 2 is seen coming from behind The Heavy and hitting him on the back of the head.]
Heavy: "Ah!"
[He looks around angrily looking for what hit him. The "Robotic" part of the logo comes swinging in from out of view, hitting The Heavy, knocking him down out of shot.]
[The Team Fortress 2 logo swings up and stays there while a electrified "Boogaloo" shows up around the "Robotic" sign. The Team Fortress 2 logo then swings back and forth again until it slows down. Some more music from Mann vs Machine starts playing. The shot fades out and shows the text ""]