Soldier Prestasjoner

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And that is how you do it, men!
The Soldier

Det er 40 prestasjoner og 3 milepæler i Soldier pakken.


For tips og strategier for å gjøre disse prestasjonene, gå til Hvordan å oppnå Soldier Prestasjoner siden.

Ain't Got Time to Bleed
Ain't Got Time to Bleed
Kill 3 players with the Equalizer in a single life without being healed.

Backdraft Dodger
Backdraft Dodger
Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds.

Bomb Squaddie
Bomb Squaddie
Destroy 10 sticky bombs with the shotgun in a single life.

Bombs Away!
Bombs Away!
Kill 3 people with the Air Strike during a single rocket jump.

Brothers in Harms
Brothers in Harms
Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Soldier.

Crockets Are Such B.S.
Crockets Are Such B.S.
Shoot two non-boosted crit rockets in a row.

Death from Above
Death from Above
Rocket jump and kill 2 enemies before you land.

Death from Below
Death from Below
Kill 10 opponents who are airborne with the Direct Hit.

Get 3 dominations in a single life.

Kill a parachuting player while parachuting.

Duty Bound
Duty Bound
While rocket jumping kill an enemy with the Equalizer before you land or just after landing.

Engineer to Eternity
Engineer to Eternity
Kill an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.

For Whom the Shell Trolls
For Whom the Shell Trolls
Bounce an opponent into the air with a rocket and then kill them with the shotgun before they land.

Frags of our Fathers
Frags of our Fathers
Gib 1000 people.

Geneva Contravention
Geneva Contravention
Kill 3 defenseless players after a single match has ended.

Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a!
Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a!
Provide the enemy with a freezecam of you taunting over 3 of their body parts.

Guns of the Navar0wned
Guns of the Navar0wned
Kill 5 Engineer Sentry Guns while you are standing outside of their range.

Hamburger Hill
Hamburger Hill
Defend a cap point 30 times.

Medals of Honor
Medals of Honor
Finish a round as an MVP on a team of 6 or more players 10 times.
Maximum Potential
Maximum Potential
Collect enough casualties to get the max clip for the Air Strike.

Mutually Assured Destruction
Mutually Assured Destruction
Kill an enemy sniper with a rocket after he kills you.

Near Death Experience
Near Death Experience
Kill 20 enemies with your Equalizer while you have less than 25 health.

Out, Damned Scot!
Out, Damned Scot!
Kill 500 enemy Demomen.

Project Excelsior
Project Excelsior
Parachute 19.47 miles.

Ride of the Valkartie
Ride of the Valkartie
Ride the cart for 30 seconds.

Screamin' Eagle
Screamin' Eagle
Kill 20 enemies from above.

Semper Fry
Semper Fry
Kill 20 enemies while you are on fire.

Assist a Medic in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge.

Spray of Defeat
Spray of Defeat
Use a grenade to gib a player.

The Boostie Boys
The Boostie Boys
Buff 15 teammates with the Buff Banner in a single life.

The Longest Daze
The Longest Daze
Kill 5 stunned or slowed players.

Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare
Kill your nemesis with a shovel.

Tri-Splatteral Damage
Tri-Splatteral Damage
Kill 3 enemies with a single critical rocket.

Upper Hand
Upper Hand
Kill 3 players during the same parachute deploy.

War Crime and Punishment
War Crime and Punishment
In a single life, kill 3 enemies who have damaged a Medic that is healing you.

War Crime Spybunal
War Crime Spybunal
Kill a Spy who just backstabbed a teammate.

Where Eagles Dare
Where Eagles Dare
Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch.

Wings of Glory
Wings of Glory
Kill an enemy soldier while both you and the target are airborne.

Worth a Thousand Words
Worth a Thousand Words
Provide the enemy with a freezecam of your 21 gun salute.


Soldier Milestone 1
Soldier Milestone 1
Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Soldier pack.

Belønning: Utjevner

Soldier Milestone 2
Soldier Milestone 2
Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Soldier pack.

Belønning: Fulltreffer

Soldier Milestone 3
Soldier Milestone 3
Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Soldier pack.

Belønning: Motivasjonsbanner

Oppdaterings Historie

22 desember 2009 Patch

  • Fikset Ride of the Valkartie Soldier prestasjonen så den blir ikke gitt til Soldiers på det defensive laget.

30 september 2010 Patch (Mann-Konomi oppdateringen)

  • Geneva Contravention gikk fra 5 til 3.