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Denna artikel handlar om innehållet släppt med uppdateringen. För själva patchen, se Juli 1, 2011 Patch
Steam Summer Camp Sale.png
Summer sale x.png
It's summertime and THINGS ARE ON SALE. If only all our writers weren’t at Writer’s Camp they could tell you HOW AWESOME THIS SALE IS. If they wrote something witty about the Scout's new TOWEL you would probably say "I really want to go out right now and buy a towel for MY scout." If they said something sad and revealing about the character of the Scout's new pair of FLIP-FLOPS you would probably say "I care deeply about Flip-Flops, if only I had a pair to show my deep feelings for Flip-Flops!"
TF2 Officiella Blogg

Sommarlägerrean var ett evenemang som hölls av Valve från den 30 Juni, 2011 till den 11 Juli, 2011. En patch introducerade 13 nya föremål, 4 av vilka var begränsade till evenemangets varaktighet.



Postal Pummeler Postpucklaren
Nessie's Nine Iron Nessies Järnnia

Kosmetiska föremål

Huvudartikel: Kosmetiska föremål
Flip-Flops Strandalerna
Lucky No. 42 Nummer 42
Stately Steel Toe Ståtlig Stålhätta
Tam O' Shanter Tam O' Shanter
Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun Stora Sommarskoj-Stålkäken
Copper's Hard Top Konstapelns Knoppskydd
Security Shades Snutens Solskydd
Prairie Heel Biters Präriens Hälbitare
Rogue's Col Roule Bedragarens Col Roule
Summer Hat Sommarhatt
Summer Shades Solglasögon††

Sommarhatten var endast tillgänglig i en begränsad tid via Mann Co Butiken.

Sandalerna och Nummer 42 var endast tillgängliga i en begränsad tid via Mann Co Butiken.

Solglasögonen var endast tillgängliga för 3 biljetter i prisbåsen under sommarrean.


Huvudartikel: Verktyg
Refreshing Summer Cooler Uppfriskande frysbox
Refreshing Summer Cooler Key Uppfriskande sommarnyckel


Huvudartikel: Siren
Namn Bild Ljud Tillgänglighet
Siren - Fyrverkerier Noise Maker - Fireworks Ljud 1
Ljud 2
Ljud 3
Ljud 4
Pictogram cross.png  Köp


June 30

Be perfect in Transition up to the first intermission in BIT.TRIP BEAT

Promethium Summer
Promethium Summer
Kill 50 enemies while using a flamer in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution

Summer Hits
Summer Hits
Kill 7 enemies in a row with headshots without dying in Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West

Air. Wind. Sun. Pain. I Am All of This, and Your Mom Makes a Fine Pasta Dinner
Air. Wind. Sun. Pain. I Am All of This, and Your Mom Makes a Fine Pasta Dinner
Complete the Summer Sun level from the main menu with full points in AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

Get a Tan
Get a Tan
Stand in all sun beams in Toki Tori

Vamos a la playa
Vamos a la playa
Complete Viking Campaign level 3 by killing all units in Swords and Soldiers HD.

Welcome to Camp - Steam
Welcome to Camp - Steam
Join The Summer Camp Official Group

July 1

Beach 2011
Beach 2011
Complete the "Up, up and away" extra level in the Amazon Jungle in Hamilton's Great Adventure

Science is an Indoor Activity
Science is an Indoor Activity
Beat 3 published ResearchNet assignments in SpaceChem

Summer Son
Summer Son
Your daimyo wins 3 consecutive land battles during the summer season in Total War: SHOGUN 2

Time to Party!
Time to Party!
Complete 3 Co-op Assault multi-player games in Alien Breed: Impact

Escape the Heat
Escape the Heat
Jump into a pool of refreshing water while on fire in Team Fortress 2

Hit a target with every single axe in the Carnival minigame in Dwarfs!?

Find your friends - Steam
Find your friends - Steam
Link your Facebook Profile in Steam

July 2

Swedish Summer
Swedish Summer
Experience Rain and/or Blizzard 20 times during one Versus match to unlock a much needed treat in Magicka

Fireth of July
Fireth of July
Cause 12 groups of fireworks to go off in a Hoard Mode level in HOARD

Bon Voyage
Bon Voyage
Send a shipmate on a trip to remember in Jolly Rover

Medium Rare
Medium Rare
Spend as little time in hell as possible in Super Meat Boy

Cool'em in Summer
Cool'em in Summer
Throw ten enemies in the water while on the raft in Garshasp: The Monster Slayer.

Introduce yourself - Steam
Introduce yourself - Steam
Post a comment on a friend's Steam Community profile page via Steam

July 3

Out of Bullets
Out of Bullets
Beat all 5 'Out of Bullets' challenge modes without using Gun or Cannon towers in Defense Grid: The Awakening

Grand Master of Barbecue
Grand Master of Barbecue
Complete the steam summer sale bonus mission in Men of War: Assault Squad

Nice Shades
Nice Shades
Open all umbrellas simultaneously on the Stunt airfield in Flight Control HD

Use the sun to kill an enemy in The Polynomial - Space of the music

It's Getting too hot
It's Getting too hot
Trick a Bomber to hit and destroy a Zytron Walker (LA) in A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda

Everything Under the Sun
Everything Under the Sun
Purchase every available weapon and upgrade in Iron Grip: Warlord

Write home - Steam
Write home - Steam
Recommend a game to your friends in Steam

July 4

Lady Of The Lake
Lady Of The Lake
As female character, give a companion character a great sword in Mount & Blade: Warband

Summer Hot Dog
Summer Hot Dog
Make a barbecue of 20 zombie dogs in a single slaughter mode match in Zombie Driver

Collect 50 sunflowers on Greemland or Classic levels in Fortix 2

Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign in Homefront

Summer Dip
Summer Dip
Stay Underwater for 40 sec without taking damage in Trine

Swimming instructor
Swimming instructor
Drown an enemy in Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter

Say Cheese - Steam
Say Cheese - Steam
Post a screenshot via Steam

July 5

Heat Wave Brown out
Heat Wave Brown out
Accumulate a net energy balance of 300,000 in AI War: Fleet Command

Cool guys don't look at explosions: This achievement can be earned by killing an enemy pro with explosion damage with your back turned in Monday Night Combat

Strip the turrets off 2 bosses and keep them alive for 60s in Beat Hazard

Chicken BBQ
Chicken BBQ
Kill 25 chickens in Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood

Molotov Grill
Molotov Grill
Start a game in Strategic Mode and pick only four perks: Fire Starter, Friendly Fire, Remote Detonator and Molotov, then detonate 12 Molotov grenades in one game in Nation Red

Heat wave in the cave! Cool down a sweating bat with a drop of water in The Great Escape in And Yet It Moves

Play time - Steam
Play time - Steam
Play a free game demo via Steam

July 6

The Big Hunt
The Big Hunt
Kill a circus Scrake with a crossbow in Killing Floor

Dog Days
Dog Days
Rescue at least 100 people in July in Atom Zombie Smasher

Stream Crosser
Stream Crosser
Survive the Cold Stream campaign on any difficulty in Left 4 Dead 2

Solar Flare
Solar Flare
Complete the Solar Flare level in RUSH

Star-Spangled Bomber
Star-Spangled Bomber
Get Cracking! Add the Firecracker bomb to your arsenal in Spiral Knights

Fire Sale
Fire Sale
Hit at least three enemy units simultaneously using either the Hell Storm or Wild Fire spell cards in Guardians of Graxia

Roastin' yer Marshmallows
Roastin' yer Marshmallows
Bump into a fire in a Bonus Challenge in BIT.TRIP RUNNER

July 7

Beach Party
Beach Party
Start the party on Glade in Sanctum

Turn 21 blocks red with a single paint in AudioSurf

Happy Camper
Happy Camper
Get 2 kills standing in the same spot with a zoomed sniper rifle in Counter-Strike: Source

Summer Swimming Hole
Summer Swimming Hole
Create A Combo At Least 6 Deep in Tidalis

Road Trip Rampage
Road Trip Rampage
Achieve 5 kills on each map in Metal Drift

Wonderful Big Bladder
Wonderful Big Bladder
Reset the game, and complete the entire thing in one sitting in The Wonderful End of the World

Summer of 69
Summer of 69
Win a hand with a 6 card and a 9 card of any suit in Poker Night at the Inventory

Catch Some Rays
Catch Some Rays
Hooked up space solar power arrays by 2110 in Fate of the World

Movie Night - Steam
Movie Night - Steam
Download and watch a trailer via Steam

July 8

Heat Wave
Heat Wave
Plunge the Earth into the Sun in Universe Sandbox

Summer of 69
Summer of 69
Take exactly 31 damage from a worm with 100 health in Worms Reloaded

Hot And Bothered
Hot And Bothered
Fall into a pit of lava 3 times in Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time

I Beat City 15
I Beat City 15
Get 50%+ of the maximum score AND 50,000+ points with any song on City 15 in 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby)

Pool Party
Pool Party
Win 5 Rounds in Multi-player Billiards in Galcon Fusion

Summer's Gone, But A Lot Goes On
Summer's Gone, But A Lot Goes On
Achieve a 100% success in the third encounter of the prologue (departure of the father), after walking on the 'Summer Scent' in Winter Voices

Summer Slaying
Summer Slaying
Kill 5 Banshees in the Bloodied Colloseum in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution

Beat the Heat
Beat the Heat
Win a round on each of the winter themed maps: Dod_Kalt and Dod_Colmar in Day of Defeat: Source

Wish upon a star - Steam
Wish upon a star - Steam
Build a wishlist of 10 items via Steam

Show time - Steam
Show time - Steam
Post your own video in Steam

July 9

Summer Jam
Summer Jam
Adjust a Tuning Slider and save the new setting in Post Apocalyptic Mayhem

Solar Shock Wave
Solar Shock Wave
Destroy a Solar Power Plant in X3: Terran Conflict

Talent Show
Talent Show
Never lose a cube in Chamber 6 of the Mobility Gels co-op course in Portal 2

Put another shrimp on the barby
Put another shrimp on the barby
Player must use the environment to take down 3 Malthusians with fire in Hydrophobia: Prophecy

Precision BBQ
Precision BBQ
Bump the meat onto the grill on World 2-4 in Nimbus

Treasure diving
Treasure diving
Find a secret under water in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

Electric Firefighter
Electric Firefighter
Interrupt an enemy's afterburners with Loopy's EMP grenade. Easy peasy lemon squeezy in Altitude

Summer Block Party
Summer Block Party
In one combo, clear at least 5 blocks of each color, 2 silver blocks and 1 bomb block. Those red blocks are real party animals in Turba

Honest feedback - Steam
Honest feedback - Steam
Post a comment on a friend's screenshot via Steam


  • Star-Spangled Bomber framsteget togs bort från listan 2 Juli, men blev åter igen introducerat under 6 Julis framsteg.
