Template:Crate series/137

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[collapse]Crate Series #137
Drops No
Nightbane BrimNightbane Brim
8 .00%
More Gun MarshalMore Gun Marshal
8 .00%
Hunting CloakHunting Cloak
8 .00%
Imp's ImprintImp's Imprint
8 .00%
Starlight SorcererStarlight Sorcerer
8 .00%
Beaten and BruisedBeaten and Bruised
8 .00%
Bombard BrigadierBombard Brigadier
8 .00%
Firearm ProtectorFirearm Protector
8 .00%
Horror ShawlHorror Shawl
8 .00%
8 .00%
Dustbowl DevilDustbowl Devil
2 .67%
Masked FiendMasked Fiend
2 .67%
Safety StripesSafety Stripes
2 .67%
Road BlockRoad Block
2 .67%
Lavish LabwearLavish Labwear
2 .67%
Headhunter's BrimHeadhunter's Brim
2 .67%
Cranial CowlCranial Cowl
0 .80%
Alcoholic AutomatonAlcoholic Automaton
0 .80%
Road RageRoad Rage
0 .80%
Victorian VillainyVictorian Villainy
0 .80%
0 .40%
0 .40%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.