Template:Crate series/139

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[collapse]Crate Series #139
Drops No
8 .00%
Soft Hard HatSoft Hard Hat
8 .00%
Heavy HeatingHeavy Heating
8 .00%
Arctic MoleArctic Mole
8 .00%
Glasgow BankrollGlasgow Bankroll
8 .00%
8 .00%
Cold Blooded CoatCold Blooded Coat
8 .00%
Bulb BonnetBulb Bonnet
8 .00%
Crosshair CardiganCrosshair Cardigan
8 .00%
8 .00%
Cool Warm SweaterCool Warm Sweater
2 .28%
Ol' ReliableOl' Reliable
2 .28%
Underminer's OvercoatUnderminer's Overcoat
2 .28%
Plaid LadPlaid Lad
2 .28%
2 .28%
Frostbite BonnetFrostbite Bonnet
2 .28%
Infiltrator's InsulationInfiltrator's Insulation
2 .28%
Wooly PulliWooly Pulli
0 .80%
Colonel KringleColonel Kringle
0 .80%
Battle BearBattle Bear
0 .80%
Motley SleevesMotley Sleeves
0 .80%
Festive RackFestive Rack
0 .40%
Trapper's FlapTrapper's Flap
0 .40%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.