
From Team Fortress Wiki
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Basic information
Icon: 71x
Type: Human(?)
Gender: Male
Birth place: Russia
Native language: Russian/English
Age: 21
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Leaderboard class scout.png Leaderboard class soldier.png Leaderboard class engineer.png Leaderboard class medic.png
Favourite maps: Mannmanor cp 01.png Mann Manor
Favourite weapons: Scattergun Bonk! Atomic Punch Atomizer
Favourite hats: Bottle Cap Boston Boom-Bringer Essential Accessories
Contact information
Steam page: ☯≤<Nikita>≥㋛雷

"Nothing happens just like that.

Everything has a reason.

Everything makes sense."
Nikita, Russian translator


Hello! My name is Nikita and i like to play Team Fortress 2. For a long time very passionate about this game. I like to play different modes on community servers. I also often play at various tournaments.

Now I have a strong desire to help the TF2 community, it also applies to the official TF2 Wiki! I will do everything in my power and will try hard to support the Russian translation in various articles, as well as to maintain order for the entire official TF2 Wiki as a whole!

My favorite classes are the Scout, Soldier, Engineer and Medic.

About Me

Wiki Related

100k-signatures.png This user participated in creating the 100,000th file on the Wiki!
This user participated in creating the celebration image for 100,000 registered users!
Edit icon.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
User Translator.png This user translates Team Fortress 2 to a language other than English.

Tf medic heal under fire.png This user has made over 200 edits to the Team Fortress Wiki!
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 28 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 10 years, 4 months, 13 days (since 15 November, 2014).

GLaDOS.png This user edits the Wiki for science. You monster.
# This user is a regular on the Team Fortress Wiki IRC channel
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
No Spam.jpg This user keeps the TF2 Wiki free from spam and vandalism.
No Unfriendly Bots.png This user makes sure that bots from outside the TF2 Wiki are not welcome here.
Crystal xeyes.png This user is afraid of red links.
Approved.png This user watches the Recent Changes log.
User Monte GreenWiki.gif This user likes to see this wiki turning green.
Tf sniper be polite.png This user says "Be polite when you edit."
Tf sniper be efficient.png This user says "Be efficient when you edit."
Tf sniper have a plan.png This user says "Have a plan when you edit."
Backpack Cozy Camper.png This user says "Be patient when you edit."
User edikkisin Overuses user boxes.png This user overuses user boxes.
OneShot Niko.png This user brings the light of the sun upon this wiki.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a night Team Fortress Wiki editor!
BLU Wiki Cap.png This user received a comment from a Moderator on their talk page.

RED Wiki Cap.png This user does not edit this wiki for the sole purpose of getting a Wiki Cap.

Personal Things

Flag Russia.png This user is Russian. Beware of bears!
Tea Icon.png This user drinks far too much tea.
RED Dalokohs Bar.png This user eats far too much chocolate.
Twitter bird mini icon.png This user uses Twitter, whose profile can be found here.
NVIDIA logo.png This user games with NVIDIA.
Windows Logo.png This user uses Microsoft Windows 10.
Intel Logo.png This user's computer has Intel inside.
Chrome Logo.png This user uses Google Chrome as his web browser.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress 2 junky!
TF2 crosshair.png This user prefers a balanced team of mercenaries.

This user is a big fan of the interrobang in punctuation.
User Lhavelund Idiot.png This user has moments of innate idiocy. Sorry.
HD.png This user likes HD videos.
Gabe Newell Thumb.jpg This user is a fan of Gabe.
Wheatley.png This user is NOT A MORON!
Mouse Icon.png This user plays TF2 with a mouse.
User Nyan Cat.gif This user loves Nyan Cat and Nyan Cat loves them too.

Steam & Team Fortress related

Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.
Steam tray.png This user dreams of making his own games.
Steam tray.png This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
g This user plays Garry's Mod.
User Orange box.png This user owns The Orange Box.
Half-life.png This user prefers Half-Life 1.
Half-life 2.png This user likes Half-Life 2.
Portal.png This user enjoys Portal.
Portal2.png This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
PeTI Icon.png This user participates in the Perpetual Testing Initiative.

REDicon.gif This user is an employee of RED.
User Scout.png This user is a Scout.
“I'm battin' a thousand!”
User Soldier.png This user is a Soldier.
User Engineer.png This user is an Engineer.
“I told ya don’t touch that darn thing!”
User Medic.png This user is a Medic.
“Zat, vas doctah assisted homicide!”
Tf scout long distance runner.png This user enjoys Team Fortress 2 at 210 frames per second.
User LordKelvin Spycheck.png This user HATES Spies.
User Soldier F5.gif This user vigorously mashes F5 upon any new TF2 update.
Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.
Hire Date: July 19, 2014 (13:30:40 GMT)

Dueling Medal Bronze.png This user owns a Bronze Dueling Badge.
DaniVoiceMenu.png This user loves to use the Team Fortress in-game voice menu (a lot) for talking.
Trading parcel.png This user loves to trade items.
Achieved.png This user has earned 514 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 99%!
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent 3465 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
Gold Heavy.png This user has had the honor of being killed by a Golden Frying Pan.
Gold Spy.png This user has had the honor of being killed by a Golden Wrench.
Spy Spy-cicle.png This user is often given the cold shoulder.

Scream Fortress 2013 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2013 Update!
Two Cities Update showcard.png This user witnessed the Two Cities Update!
Smissmaspyro-smissmas13.jpg This user witnessed the Smissmas 2013 update!
Love and War update.png This user witnessed the Love & War Update!
Scream Fortress 2014 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2014 Update!
End of the Line Update showcard.png This user witnessed the End of the Line Update!
Smissmas 2014 showcard.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2014 update!
Jungle Inferno Update.jpg This user witnessed the Jungle Inferno Update!
Backpack Winter 2017 War Paint Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2017 update!
Scream Fortress 2018 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2018 Update!
Backpack Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2018 update!
Metal Massacre Achievement Icon.jpg This user has completed 6 Tours of Duty, and still hopes to drop a Golden Frying Pan.

Backpack case.png This user has a Team Fortress 2 Backpack which can be found here.
Tankbuster.png This user is a Tank Buster Soldier.
Backpack Fists.png This user is manly enough to battle with only Melee Weapons. Guns are for babies!
Melee icon Kukri.png You got blood on my knife, mate!
Painted Dr. Whoa 3B1F23.png This user thinks bow ties are cool.
Item icon Familiar Fez.png This user thinks fezzes are cool.
Valve logo.png This user has the "Valve Complete Pack".
Counter Strike Global Offensive.png This user plants and defuses bombs every day in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Minecraftblock.png This user has succumbed to Minecraft addiction.
Poker Night Icon.png This user plays poker with a gamer, a support specialist, a wrestleman, and a lagomorph.
Tf win multiplegames.png This user has earned 41 of the 47 general achievements. That's 87%!
Thats a wrap.png This user has earned all of the 8 Replay achievements!
Tf sleepy holl0wnd.jpg This user has earned all of the 28 Halloween achievements!
Tf scout achieve progress1.png This user has earned all of the 41 Scout achievements!
Tf soldier achieve progress1.png This user has earned all of the 43 Soldier achievements!
Pyro achieve progress1.png This user has earned all of the 40 Pyro achievements!
Tf demo achieve progress1.png This user has earned all of the 44 Demoman achievements!
HeavyMilestone1.png This user has earned all of the 38 Heavy achievements!
Engineer progress1.jpg This user has earned all of the 38 Engineer achievements!
Tf medic achieve progress1.png This user has earned all of the 39 Medic achievements!
Tf sniper achieve progress1.png This user has earned all of the 42 Sniper achievements!
Tf spy achieve progress1.png This user has earned 42 of the 38 Spy achievements. That's 111%!
The Crucible.png This user has earned all of the 12 Foundry achievements!
Valve Gift Grab 2011 - Tf2.png This user has earned the Christmas Event achievement!
The Fight Stuff.png This user has earned all of the 12 Astro-chievements!
Frags to Riches Achievement Icon.jpg This user has earned all of the 49 Mann vs. Machievements!

Collection Related

Poker Night Icon.png This user has obtained several promotional items that are exclusively tied to achievements in other games and events.
Backpack RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code.png This user isn't going to redeem his RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code.
Unusual Logo.png This user owns an Unusual hat.
Earbuds.png This user loves rocking out with his Earbuds.
Lumbricus Lid Helmet.png This user owns the Lumbricus Lid.
BLU Resurrection Associate Pin.png This user owns a Genuine Companion Cube Pin.
BLU Aperture Labs Hard Hat.png This user owns a Genuine Aperture Labs Hard Hat.
Backpack Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.png This user owns the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.
Paint Can B8383B.png This user loves the Paint Team Spirit and paints everything that color.

Festive Sandvich This user is a Festive collector.
Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png This user has earned the Alien Swarm Parasite hat.
Backpack Mann Co. Cap.png This user owns the Mann Co. Cap.
RED Ellis' Cap.png Has this user ever told you about the time he got Ellis' Cap?
Frying Pan.png This user owns the Frying Pan.
Backpack Saxton Hale Mask.png This user owns the Saxton Hale Mask.
Backpack Ghastlierest Gibus.png This user owns the Ghastlierest Gibus.
Traveller Blank.png This user has attained the level of 20 on his World Traveler's Hat!
RED Team Captain Soldier.png This user owns a Team Captain that almost looks like the Wiki Cap from a mile away.
Strangifier.png This user owns a Strange cosmetic item.
Multiple quality.png This user owns an item that has more than 1 quality.

Item icon Spirit Of Giving.png This user is an avid collector of Strange weapons, although he's not sure how big his collection is!
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png This user killed Merasmus at level 6.


Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

VasyaTheWizard Wikichievement unlocked!
Translated the new 3D-views I made for over 45 different pages in just one evening, wew, not to mention updating old, out-of-date translations. Thanks, and keep going!