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Basic information
Type: Translator
Gender: Male
Health: 50
Speed: 1.5 mph
Birth place: Genk, Belgium
Native language: Dutch
Team Fortress 2
Favorite classes: Soldier
Favorite maps: 2Fort
Favorite weapons: Shotgun
Favorite hats: Dead Cone
Contact information
Steam page:


hi fellow wiki users, editors and translators and welcome to my userpage.

If you're looking for someone to play with, feel free to add me.

Steam username: rider695

Please note that I live in Belgium so I will not be able to play on american servers.


Redundant.png This user likes to use redundant userboxes that are redundant.

info boxes

Flag of Belgium.png This user is Belgian, manneke!
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
nl Deze gebruiker heeft het Nederlands als moedertaal.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 5429 days.

Dead Heat Icon.png As of 12 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 14 years, 1 month, 0 days (since {{{day}}} , {{{year}}}).

The two wiki union logo.png This user supports The Two Wiki Union.
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent over 300 hours of their life playing Team Fortress 2!
Backpack case.png This user has a Team Fortress 2 Backpack which can be found here.
Gentle Manne Crop.png This user owns 33 hats! (Probably 32 more than you do, you poor, Irish bastard.)
Nemesis RED.png This user is dominating you!
Knife ready to Backstab 1st person red.png This user is a Backstabber!
Superfan.png This user wears hats in real life while playing Team Fortress 2!
User Soldier.png This user is a Soldier.
Scout Soldier of Fortune.png This user is a Soldier of Fortune.

User Nyan Cat.gif This user loves Nyan Cat and Nyan Cat loves them too.
Bonk logo.png This user drinks far too much Bonk!
Jarate.png This user drinks far too much... no, that's disgusting.
Steam tray.png This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
Ticket enabled.png This user earned 6 (out of 76 possible) prize tickets, and unlocked 0 prizes.
L4D.png This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a veteran, a girl, an IT guy, and a guy who hates everything.
L4D2.png This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a gambler, a coach, a rambling mechanic, and a reporter.
Killing floor.png This user enjoys killing zombies and grabbin' dosh. "Loads o' money!"
Chrome Logo.png This user uses Google Chrome as their web browser.