
From Team Fortress Wiki
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Basic information
Gender: Male
Birth place: Belgium
Age: 28
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Heavy Soldier
Favourite maps: ctf_2fort
Favourite weapons: Iron Curtan Liberty Launcher
Favourite hats: Pilotka Tyrant's Helm
Contact information
Steam page: Linkity link
If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing!
— Homer Simpson


Small word

Hello there! Thanks for checking out my userpage. Took me a while to make this! :P
My name on the wiki is Stevieboy753, although that's just my username, I prefer being called Stevie and also use that as nickname.
I'll mainly be translating pages to Dutch here, or fixing small errors on English pages. Usually the other hard-working colleagues focusing on only English pages will have fixed them before me though.

About me

Welcome. Here I'll tell a little more about myself than the Small Word section.

I have a PC (actually a laptop :P), a PS2, a nintendo DS and a Wii. However, I barely spend any time on the consoles - I prefer PC because of the ability to mod, etc.
My favorite game is probably Team Fortress 2, because of the amazing customizability on your character, the endless user-created mods, the playful yet amazing graphics, and generally everything a good game needs to have.
If you are interested in a list of all the games I currently own, make sure to check out my steam profile.
Apart from gaming, I also like to mess around with things like learning to code (although I never do anything useful with it), making maps in Source SDK (and only half-finishing them then starting a new project), and a lot more things related to computers/IT. I don't only do this because it interests me, but also because I'd love to have this as my job later.


The userboxes are simply too awesome. A userpage is not a properuser page until it has a load of them. :D

Flag of Belgium.png This user is Belgian, manneke!
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
nl Deze gebruiker heeft het Nederlands als moedertaal.
Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 5365 days.

Heavy Team Captain.png This user is Stevieboy753. He owns the place.

User Lhavelund Idiot.png This user has moments of innate idiocy. Sorry.
Userbox Brony Rainbow Dash.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is Rainbow Dash.
Heavy Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.
Hire Date: Dec 31, 2009 (8:08:32) GMT

Tf scout long distance runner.png This user enjoys Team Fortress 2 at 50 frames per second.
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent over 1000 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
User Heavy.png This user is a Heavy.
“Which one of you is crying?!”
Backpack Pilotka.png This user owns a Genuine Pilotka.

Backpack Security Shades.png This user owns a pair of Unique Security Shades.

Backpack Pocket Medic.png This user owns a Unique Pocket Medic.

Backpack Iron Curtain.png This user owns a Unique Iron Curtain.

Windows Logo.png This user uses Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit.
Intel Logo.png This user's computer has Intel inside.
ATI Logo.png This user games with ATI.
Firefox Quantum Logo.png This user uses Firefox as his web browser.
Steam tray.png This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
Portal.png This user enjoys Portal.
Portal2.png This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
L4D.png This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a veteran, a girl, an IT guy, and a guy who hates everything.
L4D2.png This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a gambler, a coach, a rambling mechanic, and a reporter.
g This user plays Garry's Mod.
Minecraftblock.png This user has succumbed to Minecraft addiction.
Userbox terraria.png This user loves playing Terraria.