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在漫画[[Blood Money/zh-hans|《血债血偿》]]中,马拉莫斯从日本黑手党那里借到了 12,000 美元用于修建他的[[Carnival of Carnage/zh-hans|杀戮嘉年华]](地图 Carnival of Carnage)。然而,他忘记了该把嘉年华建在一座古代墓地上,因此他便邀请雇佣兵们去收集彩券来进入世界最大的强人机器(World's Largest Strongman Machine)。与此同时,佣兵们不断互相残杀,这就得以在原地生成一个新的“大墓地”,马拉莫斯借此召唤苏美尔的邪恶马戏团之神 Bonzo。而他那时也开始发布[[Merasmissions/zh-hans|马拉莫斯任务]](后以“万圣节合同”的形式延续)。
在漫画[[Blood Money/zh-hans|《血债血偿》]]中,马拉莫斯从日本黑手党那里借到了 12,000 美元用于修建他的[[Carnival of Carnage/zh-hans|杀戮嘉年华]](地图 Carnival of Carnage)。然而,他忘记了该把嘉年华建在一座古代墓地上,因此他便邀请雇佣兵们去收集彩券来进入世界最大的强人机器(World's Largest Strongman Machine)。与此同时,佣兵们不断互相残杀,这就得以在原地生成一个新的“大墓地”,马拉莫斯借此召唤苏美尔的邪恶马戏团之神 Bonzo。而他那时也开始发布[[Merasmissions/zh-hans|马拉莫斯任务]](后以“万圣节合同”的形式延续)。
漫画[[Gargoyles and Gravel/zh-hans|《石像鬼与碎石》]]讲述了自《血债血偿》的故事后,马拉莫斯又一次于没有士兵捣乱的情况下陷入麻烦。这一次,马拉莫斯又欠了俄罗斯黑手党的钱,且他需要雇佣兵们的帮助来为他的石像鬼填满灵魂。机枪手和间谍 对他的来访十分不悦,但最终佣兵们(以及宝琳小姐)同意再次接受马拉莫斯的挑战。
漫画[[Gargoyles and Gravel/zh-hans|《石像鬼与碎石》]]讲述了自《血债血偿》的故事后,马拉莫斯又一次于没有士兵捣乱的情况下陷入麻烦。这一次,马拉莫斯又欠了俄罗斯黑手党的钱,且他需要雇佣兵们的帮助来为他的石像鬼填满灵魂。机枪手和间谍对他的来访十分不悦,但最终佣兵们(以及宝琳小姐)还是同意再次接受马拉莫斯的挑战。
=== 登场与被提及 ===
=== 登场与被提及 ===
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* [[Gravestone/zh-hans|Gravestone]](通报员,最终 BOSS)
* [[Gravestone/zh-hans|Gravestone]](通报员,最终 BOSS)
* [[Slasher/zh-hans|Slasher]](通报员)
* [[Slasher/zh-hans|Slasher]](通报员)
* [[Laughter/zh-hans|Laughter/zh-hans]](厄运预言机)
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== 行为 ==
== 行为 ==
Merasmus will spawn on Ghost Fort's [[Control point (objective)|control point]] every few minutes when there are at least 10 players playing on the server. The players have 2 minutes to defeat him before he leaves. While he is alive, the point resets to neutral ownership and cannot be captured. On Brimstone, after BLU has captured the next to last point, Congeriae (D), there is a chance that Merasmus will appear in the final minutes of the game, especially if BLU has trouble getting the cart to the Hellhole. On Gravestone, Merasmus appears as a mechanism for assuring that all players in the Bumper Car Race will leave the aftergame.
当服务器运行地图 Ghost Fort,且至少有 10 名玩家在进行游戏时,马拉莫斯每过几分钟便会在[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]生成。双方团队在他离开前有 2 分钟时间将他击败。在他的活动期间,控制点将被重置为中立状态且无法被占领,双方团队将进入休战阶段直至马拉莫斯离开或被击败。在 Brimstone 中,当蓝队抵达倒数第二个检查点,即“Congeriae (D)”时,马拉莫斯也有几率在游戏的最后几分钟出现,尤其是蓝队正为将护送车辆推入地狱孔洞而僵持在战线上时。在 Gravestone 中,马拉莫斯在游戏的碰碰车比赛阶段作为机制而出现,以确保最终所有的玩家都会离开。
When damageable, Merasmus's health is displayed as a bar on the screen, under the time.
When Merasmus spawns, he pushes all nearby opponents away and destroys all [[Stickybomb Launcher|stickybombs]] around him, also knocking back all stickybombs he comes in contact with. Merasmus has a wide variety of attacks, and can teleport throughout the map on random intervals. Merasmus can melee players with his staff, roll bombs at them, and perform a magic attack which sets selected targets on fire and launches them skyward. Merasmus can also hover over the control point and use the Bombinomicon to spread bombs a wide range around the control point. Whenever Merasmus is hovering in the air while performing this attack, all damage dealt to him will be [[critical hit]]s. Merasmus uses this attack far less often than any of his other attacks.
当马拉莫斯出现时,他会将附近所有的实体推离并摧毁身边的[[Stickybomb Launcher/zh-hans|黏性炸弹]],此外也会震开他所接触的黏性炸弹。马拉莫斯有着各种各样的攻击方式,且能够以随机的时间间隔在地图上传送。马拉莫斯可以用他的法杖进行近战攻击,投放炸弹,释放魔法将选定的敌人升上天空并点燃。马拉莫斯也可以在控制点上空飞行,并在他盘旋的同时使用他的炸弹魔书,在控制点周围的大片范围类释放炸弹。当马拉莫斯在空中攻击时,他所受到的所有伤害都将成为[[critical hit/zh-hans|爆击]]伤害。但他使用这种法术的频率远低于其它形式的攻击。
Every time Merasmus teleports to another location on the map, the Bombinomicon will choose a few players and transform their heads into bombs. Players cannot attack after being turned into bombs and are stuck in their humiliation pose until the bomb detonates or they are killed, but their speed is also [[Disciplinary Action|boosted]]. The screen and the Bombinomicon will instruct the player to find Merasmus and run into him. If the player reaches Merasmus with the bomb, it will stun him, stopping him in his tracks. The player who transported the bomb will become [[ÜberCharge|invulnerable]], speed boosted, and crit boosted for a short time while getting tossed upward from the explosion. If the player fails to reach Merasmus in time, the bomb will detonate, damaging the player and surrounding members of the opposing team by 100 HP. If the player kills anyone, those show up on the killfeed and grant the player a point. At all times while stunned, all damage Merasmus takes will be critical hits.
Every time Merasmus teleports to another location on the map, the Bombinomicon will choose a few players and transform their heads into bombs. Players cannot attack after being turned into bombs and are stuck in their humiliation pose until the bomb detonates or they are killed, but their speed is also [[Disciplinary Action|boosted]]. The screen and the Bombinomicon will instruct the player to find Merasmus and run into him. If the player reaches Merasmus with the bomb, it will stun him, stopping him in his tracks. The player who transported the bomb will become [[ÜberCharge|invulnerable]], speed boosted, and crit boosted for a short time while getting tossed upward from the explosion. If the player fails to reach Merasmus in time, the bomb will detonate, damaging the player and surrounding members of the opposing team by 100 HP. If the player kills anyone, those show up on the killfeed and grant the player a point. At all times while stunned, all damage Merasmus takes will be critical hits.

Revision as of 11:33, 26 October 2019

Killicon merasmus.png
Killicon merasmus2.png
Killicon merasmus3.png
Killicon merasmus4.png
Killicon fire.png
生命值: 33750 +2500 for each player in the server
• 军队的支援: Yes
• 原子能饮料: Yes
• 糖果手杖: No
• 冲锋盾: Yes
• 死亡之铃: Yes
• 炮艇: No
• 迷你爆击: Yes
• 超能冲锋: Yes
分布: Ghost FortCarnival of Carnage(所有者与通报员),BrimstoneGravestoneSlasher

大魔法师马拉莫斯(Merasmus the Magician),或直称其名马拉莫斯(Merasmus),是军团要塞2故事线中的一个重要角色,此外他也被称作“男巫”,“法师”或“穿裙子的白痴”(idiot in a dress)。马拉莫斯在官方漫画隐藏页面与游戏地图中多次登场或被提及。他在游戏中起的作用比其它任何非玩家角色都要更加突出。


在游戏中,马拉莫斯(内部名称为“MERASMUS!”)不仅作为玩家必须面对的 BOSS 而出现在地图 Ghost FortBrimstoneGravestoneSlasher 中,他还是杀戮嘉年华(地图 Carnival of Carnage)的所有者与主持者(通报员),同时也是地图 Eyeaduct 中的魔眼与碰碰车游戏中的脱缰的无头骑士的召唤者。此外,独立出现在许多地图中的炸弹魔书,其所有者与使用者也是马拉莫斯。

马拉莫斯是由 Nolan North 配音的[1]



关于马拉莫斯的最早记录显示其曾担任苏格兰制药公司(Scottish Drug Company)的药剂制造者,而非一名顶级巫师。其中一个例证便是在 Coal Town 博物馆里的馆藏报纸《双城观察者报》(The Teufort Bystander)1861年8月21日版中,有一个马拉莫斯的“巫师酿造”牌帽子补品(Hat Tonic)广告。直到在20世纪50年代末到60年代中期的某段时间迁往荒芜之地(Badlands) 前,他一直呆在苏格兰。


“士兵需要一个家”(Soldier Needs a Home)活动页面里的漫画中,马拉莫斯将令他深深厌恶的士兵从城堡中赶出。而当他后来发现士兵摧毁了他的家而将他驱逐后,马拉莫斯化身为幽灵形态并攻击士兵的团队。

而在那之后,马拉莫斯离开了 Badlands,并在美国西南部另一区域的城市安身立命,而在那他与汤姆·琼斯同居,可后者不久也被士兵杀害了。在马拉莫斯报警后,宝琳小姐赶到现场,骗马拉莫斯去检查琼斯的脉搏,最后马拉莫斯被指认为杀人凶手并被逮捕。


在漫画《血债血偿》中,马拉莫斯从日本黑手党那里借到了 12,000 美元用于修建他的杀戮嘉年华(地图 Carnival of Carnage)。然而,他忘记了该把嘉年华建在一座古代墓地上,因此他便邀请雇佣兵们去收集彩券来进入世界最大的强人机器(World's Largest Strongman Machine)。与此同时,佣兵们不断互相残杀,这就得以在原地生成一个新的“大墓地”,马拉莫斯借此召唤苏美尔的邪恶马戏团之神 Bonzo。而他那时也开始发布马拉莫斯任务(后以“万圣节合同”的形式延续)。





当服务器运行地图 Ghost Fort,且至少有 10 名玩家在进行游戏时,马拉莫斯每过几分钟便会在控制点生成。双方团队在他离开前有 2 分钟时间将他击败。在他的活动期间,控制点将被重置为中立状态且无法被占领,双方团队将进入休战阶段直至马拉莫斯离开或被击败。在 Brimstone 中,当蓝队抵达倒数第二个检查点,即“Congeriae (D)”时,马拉莫斯也有几率在游戏的最后几分钟出现,尤其是蓝队正为将护送车辆推入地狱孔洞而僵持在战线上时。在 Gravestone 中,马拉莫斯在游戏的碰碰车比赛阶段作为机制而出现,以确保最终所有的玩家都会离开。



Every time Merasmus teleports to another location on the map, the Bombinomicon will choose a few players and transform their heads into bombs. Players cannot attack after being turned into bombs and are stuck in their humiliation pose until the bomb detonates or they are killed, but their speed is also boosted. The screen and the Bombinomicon will instruct the player to find Merasmus and run into him. If the player reaches Merasmus with the bomb, it will stun him, stopping him in his tracks. The player who transported the bomb will become invulnerable, speed boosted, and crit boosted for a short time while getting tossed upward from the explosion. If the player fails to reach Merasmus in time, the bomb will detonate, damaging the player and surrounding members of the opposing team by 100 HP. If the player kills anyone, those show up on the killfeed and grant the player a point. At all times while stunned, all damage Merasmus takes will be critical hits.

At around 50% and less than 10% health, the boss health bar will turn green as Merasmus teleports away and disguises himself as a random prop, while other props are scattered about the map to throw players off. These props will bleed green liquid when attacked, distinguishing them from background elements. If an incorrect prop is destroyed, it will drop a large Halloween pumpkin, which any player can collect. If the correct prop is destroyed, Merasmus will reappear and may be stunned for a short period of time, with the player who destroyed the prop always given limited invulnerability, speed boost and crit boost. While disguised as a prop, Merasmus will slowly heal.

Upon Merasmus' defeat, he will disappear and be replaced by the Bombinomicon. It will remain on the field for a few seconds, and all players can use it to teleport to Skull Island. When the players reach the island, they can climb the hill and collect the Skull Island Topper in the cage. Entering the cage will transport players back to the main field. Defeating Merasmus for the first time will award the Necromannchievement Wizards Never Prosper, while collecting the Skull Island Topper will award A Lovely Vacation Spot.

As of the 2012年11月2日补丁, Merasmus' behavior has been altered. He became easier to defeat, with various classes better able to inflict damage upon him. However, he was given the ability to level up. Like with MONOCULUS, each time he is beaten, he grows stronger in the next appearance, with more health, faster health regeneration while hiding, and increased range to his fire magic. If the players don't kill Merasmus, his level returns to 1. The Skull Island Topper will track the highest level of Merasmus the wearer manages to defeat.

Damaging Merasmus uses slightly different damage caluclations based on a few factos:

  • The distance used in damage caluclation is fixed at 512, meaning weapons always do their base damage before any other damage boosting effects take place.
  • Sniper headshots do not cause critical hits, but are tripled in damage meaning this stacks with the critical damage caused by Merasmus being stunned or using his Bominomicon attack to nine times normal damage.
  • Spy weapons are always tripled in damage and again this stacks with critical hits. Backstabs cannot be triggered.
  • Merasmus cannot be set on fire, made to bleed, covered in Mad Milk or Jarate or Marked for death.
  • The Dragon's Fury does not require Merasmus to be on fire to deal its boosted damage


主条目: Ghost Fort 社区战术(英文)
主条目: 马拉莫斯社区对抗战术(英文)

一个简单的战术便是使用狙击手猎人短弓强化复合弓,这样当马拉莫斯被击晕或散布炸弹时对其爆头射击可一次造成 1080 点伤害。而使用完全充能的狙击步枪对其爆头可一次造成 1350 的伤害,不过由于狙击步枪需要更长时间充能,且马拉莫斯拥有传送能力,它在实战中并不如弓箭好用。且当玩家使用弓箭或其它狙击步枪时,能够在不被马拉莫斯的炸弹击中的安全区域内进行伤害输出。



奖励: 骷髅岛主



2012年10月26日补丁 (幽灵万圣节特约)
  • 马拉莫斯降临!


  • 为马拉莫斯添加攻击时的音频文件。


  • 马拉莫斯在 WizardCon 的排名上升了!
    • “骷髅岛主”饰品现在会记录所有者击败过的马拉莫斯的最高等级。
    • 提升了工程师,侦察兵,火焰兵与机枪手对马拉莫斯造成的伤害。
    • 提升了士兵与爆破手对隐藏的马拉莫斯所造成的的伤害。
  • 更新了马拉莫斯和魔眼的生命值条。

2013年10月29日补丁 (尖叫要塞 2013)

  • 降低了马拉莫斯的基础生命值。


  • 修复了马拉莫斯的“炸弹头”魔法可被玩家传递给敌人的问题。

2014年10月29日补丁 (尖叫要塞 2014)

  • [未记载] 在马拉莫斯缺失的右手小指上添加了绷带。


  • 修复了马拉莫斯在社区制作的万圣节地图中不会被玩家的“炸弹头”晕眩的问题。
  • 修复了能量武器无法击中马拉莫斯的投掷道具的问题。

2016年10月21日补丁 (尖叫要塞 2016)

  • 为马拉莫斯更新了一些此前无法正常播放的音频文件。


  • 更新了马拉莫斯与魔眼的出现/死亡提示音效,去除了此前包含的脱缰的无头骑士音效。


  • Merasmus's long-distance attack does not set players on fire, but will trigger the voice responses for being put on fire.
    • When Merasmus uses his long-distance attack, the Pyro will take damage from the initial attack, but remain visually on fire for the duration of the afterburn. The afterburn deals no damage; however, the Pyro can be specially affected by weapons that will deal Critical hits and Mini-crits on burning players (such as the Sun-on-a-Stick, Detonator, or Axtinguisher) as if the Pyro was on fire.
  • If Merasmus targets an ÜberCharged player to set on fire, the player will be ignited and use a "Fire!" voice response. The afterburn lasts as long as normal fire would when a Medic's beam is trained on the player and deals no damage.
  • If Merasmus spawns after the round ends, the server will crash upon map change.


  • 马拉莫斯便是那因被红队士兵激怒,而将双方玩家送回过去的德格鲁特城堡的魔法师。
  • 马拉莫斯的模型使用了狙击手的动画[2],但他的跳舞动画使用的是机枪手的动作模板。
  • 马拉莫斯的名字“Marasmus”在医学上指“消瘦症”,这是一种通常由营养不良引起,导致患者消瘦虚弱,身体发育异常的疾病。这个疾病的名字来自希腊语单词“marasmos”,意为“衰退”(decay)。而泽弗尼亚•曼恩在他的遗嘱中提到,他在前往自己于美国的新土地的旅程中患上了这种疾病。
  • 马拉莫斯的道具伪装魔法来源于一个社区游戏模式,PropHunt。这是一个运行于社区服务器上的模组,一方玩家将伪装成道具并在地图上寻找一处躲藏,而另一方玩家则负责进行搜寻。
  • 在漫画《坟地争锋》中,马拉莫斯的双手刺满了纹身,其中包括士兵的职业标志。然而,这些刺青并没有在前作厄运室友和续作《血债血偿》中出现。
  • 在一个在军团要塞漫画系列中反复出现一个笑料,那就是一些马拉莫斯的陌生人将他那新奇的长袍当作“裙子”,进而有了“夫人”或“女士”(“ma’am” or “lady”)的称呼。
  • 马拉莫斯的配音演员 Nolan North 的生日在10月31日,正好是万圣节的日子。


