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{{update trans}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE: Lo sapevi...}}
==Fatti correntemente mostrati==
==Fatti correntemente mostrati==
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* ...che in incontra il demolitore lui non ha il suo simbolo sulle spalle?
==Fatti suggeriti==
==Fatti suggeriti==
* ...che ''[[Meet the Spy/it|Incontra la Spia]]'' era stato trapelato prima del 17 Maggio 2009, due giorni prima del rilascio inteso?
* ...che la [[SMG/it|SMG]] era originariamente intesa per l'Esploratore?
* ...che un [[telefrag/it|telefrag]] caricherà istantaneamente la barra dello [[Buff Banner/it|Stendardo Scamosciato]]?
* ...che un'[[Scout/it|Esploratore]] ridotto a pezzi ha una chance di 1 su 100 di rilasciare una [[Doves/it|colomba]] fuori dal suo corpo?
* ...che una 101esima [[Golden Wrench/it|Chiave Inglese Dorata]] e una 11112esima [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal/it|Medaglia d'Onore da Gentleman]] sono stati dati al vincitore di un'asta di beneficienza per Child's Play?
* ...che l'[[Ambassador/it|Ambasciatore]]  originariamente dava [[Critical hit/it#Mini-crits|mini-critici]] a colpo di testa invece che [[critical hits/it|colpi critici]] pieni?
* ...che il [[Flamethrower/it|Lanciafiamme]] originariamente non poteva respingere i nemici prima dell'[[Pyro Update/it|Aggiornamento Piro]]?
*...che quando l'[[Ingegnere]] ricarica la sua [[Pistol/it|Pistola]], inserisce il caricatore al contrario?
*...che quando l'[[Ingegnere]] ricarica la sua [[Pistol/it|Pistola]], inserisce il caricatore al contrario?
Line 59: Line 78:
*...che il 17 Maggio 2009,il video [[Meet the Spy/it|Incontra la Spia]] è fuoriuscito su Youtube?
*...che il 17 Maggio 2009,il video [[Meet the Spy/it|Incontra la Spia]] è fuoriuscito su Youtube?
*...che se ti unisci al corso di [[Jarate/it|Jarate]] di [[Saxton Hale/it|Saxton Hale]], ottieni anche un corso descrittivo per Boxing da Ubriachi, Colpi di Testa da Ubriachi, Grido di lotta da Ubriacih, Scusarsi da Ubriachi e Combattimento Shaolin con Coltello da Ubriachi?
*...che se ti unisci al corso di [[Jarate/it|Jarate]] di [[Saxton Hale/it|Saxton Hale]], ottieni anche un corso descrittivo per Boxing da Ubriachi, Colpi di Testa da Ubriachi, Grido di lotta da Ubriachi, Scusarsi da Ubriachi e Combattimento Shaolin con Coltello da Ubriachi?
*...che le pillole [[Jarate/it|Jarate]] di [[Saxton Hale/it|Saxton Hale]] triplicano le dimensioni dei vostri reni,ma come effetto collaterale provocano l'arresto degli organi?
*...che le pillole [[Jarate/it|Jarate]] di [[Saxton Hale/it|Saxton Hale]] triplicano le dimensioni dei vostri reni,ma come effetto collaterale provocano l'arresto degli organi?
Line 123: Line 142:
*...che il doppiatore del [[Sniper/it|Cecchino]], [[John Patrick Lowrie/it|John Patrick Lowrie]], è sposato con [[Ellen McLain/it|Ellen McLain]], voice actress for the the [[Administrator]]?
*...che il doppiatore del [[Sniper/it|Cecchino]], [[John Patrick Lowrie/it|John Patrick Lowrie]], è sposato con [[Ellen McLain/it|Ellen McLain]], Doppiatrice della [[Amministratrice]]?
*...che il [[Medic/it|Medico]] e il [[Demoman/it|Demolitore]] sono le sole classi a non avere armi che sparano proiettili?
*...che il [[Medic/it|Medico]] e il [[Demoman/it|Demolitore]] sono le sole classi a non avere armi che sparano proiettili?
Line 143: Line 162:
*...che nel modello globale, la palla della [[Sandman/it|Sandman]] è invisibile quando si è inattivi?
*...che nel modello globale, la palla della [[Sandman/it|Sandman]] è invisibile quando si è inattivi?
*...che sono nascoste sei papere di gomma ed una rana nella mappa [[Gullywash/it|Gullywash]]?
Line 165: Line 185:
*...the [[Eyelander]] was first shown in the comic to have a gold hilt but this has not been seen in subsequent showings?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/demo/04.htm]
*...the [[Eyelander]] was first shown in the comic to have a gold hilt but this has not been seen in subsequent showings?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/demo/04.htm]
*...the title outside the [[Soldier]]'s residence states 'Mr. Jane Doe'. 'Jane Doe', however, is a term given to a female whose name is not known, generally in the military and during {{W|autopsy post-mortems}}?
*...the title outside the [[Soldier]]'s residence states 'Mr. Jane Doe'. 'Jane Doe', however, is a term given to a female whose name is not known, generally in the military and during [[w:autopsy post-mortems|autopsy post-mortems]]?
Line 181: Line 201:
*...that the [[Heavy]] holds his [[Minigun]] much higher in first-person, than in third-person?
*...that the [[Heavy]] holds his [[Minigun]] much higher in first-person, than in third-person?
*...that if you kill a Soldier while he is performing the [[Kamikaze]] taunt, you will be credited with the kill with the grenade icon?
*...that if you kill a Soldier while he is performing the [[Grenade (taunt)|Grenade taunt]], you will be credited with the kill with the grenade icon?
*...that the [[Soldier]]'s [[Kamikaze]] is the only taunt attack capable of killing the user?
*...that the [[Soldier]]'s [[Grenade (taunt)|Grenade taunt]] is the only taunt attack capable of killing the user?
*...the [[Pyro]] is the only class that is able to taunt attack with 2 different weapons: the [[Shotgun]] and the [[Flaregun]]?
*...the [[Pyro]] is the only class that is able to taunt attack with 2 different weapons: the [[Shotgun]] and the [[Flaregun]]?
Line 199: Line 219:
*...that in the early stages of the TF2 Beta, the [[Sniper]] taunts used [[Medic]] dialogue?
*...that in the early stages of the TF2 Beta, the [[Sniper]] taunts used [[Medic]] dialogue?
*...the chair the Administrator sits on in page 5 of the [[Soldier]] comic has the same design as the chair that sits behind the [[Media:TF2_2fort_intel.jpg|desk of 2Fort intel rooms]]?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/05.htm]
*...the chair the Administrator sits on in page 5 of the [[Soldier]] comic has the same design as the chair that sits behind the [[Media:TF2_2fort_intel.png|desk of 2Fort intel rooms]]?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/05.htm]
*...that a [[Sentry]] beeps once, twice or thrice according to its level whenever it switches direction in its "idle" state?
*...that a [[Sentry]] beeps once, twice or thrice according to its level whenever it switches direction in its "idle" state?
Line 259: Line 279:
*...that you can destroy [[sticky bombs]] with [[melee]] weapons?
*...that you can destroy [[sticky bombs]] with [[melee]] weapons?
*...that the [[Hadouken]], [[Kamikaze]] and [[Fencing]] are the only tauntkills that can destroy [[buildings]]?
*...that the [[Hadouken]], [[Grenade (taunt)|Grenade]] and [[Fencing]] are the only tauntkills that can destroy [[buildings]]?
*...that the [[Engineer]] is the only class to receive unlockable weapons before his update?
*...that the [[Engineer]] is the only class to receive unlockable weapons before his update?
Line 310: Line 330:
=== Aggiungere fatti qui sotto ===
=== Aggiungere fatti qui sotto ===
*...che in [[Meet_the_medic/it|Incontra il Medico]] il Medico usa la Soluzione Rapida, ma l'effetto di ubercarica è quello della normale pistola medica?
*...che la mitragliatrice del [[Grosso]] ha un proprio letto in cui dormire?
*...che la [[Spia]] Rossa è innamorata della madre dello [[Scout]] Blu?
*... che Archimede (la colomba del [[Medico]]) prima veniva utilizzata nei matrimoni?
*...that even if there are maps with snow like [[Coldfront]] and [[Viaduct]] you can see calendars where there is written July?
*...that the [[Medic]] and the [[Demoman]] are the only classes not to have bullet-based weapons?
*...that the [[Medic]] and the [[Demoman]] are the only classes not to have bullet-based weapons?
Line 316: Line 346:
*...that you cannot outsmart bullets?
*...that you cannot outsmart bullets?
*...that you can stop a [[Soldier]] from doing the [[Kamikaze]] [[taunt]] by [[airblast]]ing him, but he will continue doing the animations?
*...that you can stop a [[Soldier]] from doing the [[Grenade (taunt)|Grenade taunt]] by [[airblast]]ing him, but he will continue doing the animations?
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]] when the [[Spy]] disguises as a [[Medic]] his eyebrows don't change?
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]] when the [[Spy]] disguises as a [[Medic]] his eyebrows don't change?
Line 374: Line 404:
*...that when a player is covered in [[Mad Milk]], it won't be removed until it wears off, even if you touch a [[Respawn#Areas|resupply locker]]?
*...that when a player is covered in [[Mad Milk]], it won't be removed until it wears off, even if you touch a [[Respawn#Areas|resupply locker]]?
*...that the Soldier's [[Kamikaze]] taunt can be survived if you have the [[Rocket Jumper]] equipped?
*...that the Soldier's [[Grenade (taunt)|Grenade taunt]] can be survived if you have the [[Rocket Jumper]] equipped?
*...that Valve's [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/File:Announcer.png Announcer] is based on a [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/File:Theannouncer.jpg piece of fan art] made by Makani?
*...that Valve's [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/File:Announcer.png Announcer] is based on a [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/File:Theannouncer.jpg piece of fan art] made by Makani?
Line 436: Line 466:
*...that both the [[Spine-Chilling Skull]] and the [[Voodoo Juju]] can still be crafted?
*...that both the [[Spine-Chilling Skull]] and the [[Voodoo Juju]] can still be crafted?
*...that the [[Skewer]] and the [[Hadouken]] are the only [[Taunts|taunts]] which need ammo to be performed?
*...that the [[Arrow Stab/it|Arrow Stab]] and the [[Hadouken]] are the only [[Taunts|taunts]] which need ammo to be performed?
*...that hitting an enemy underwater directly with the [[Direct Hit]] would previously count as an Airshot?
*...that hitting an enemy underwater directly with the [[Direct Hit]] would previously count as an Airshot?
Line 448: Line 478:
*...that when you win a round while using [[Engineer]] and holding the [[Frontier Justice]], your gun will only glow for the first shot but will nonetheless still deal crits?
*...that when you win a round while using [[Engineer]] and holding the [[Frontier Justice]], your gun will only glow for the first shot but will nonetheless still deal crits?
*...that if a [[Soldier]] has the [[Rocket Jumper]] and [[Equalizer]] equipped he can perform the [[Kamikaze]] taunt without damaging himself? This is also a way of [[Concussion Jumping]].
*...that if a [[Soldier]] has the [[Rocket Jumper]] and [[Equalizer]] equipped he can perform the [[Grenade (taunt)|Grenade taunt]] without damaging himself? This is also a way of [[Concussion Jumping]].
*...that all [[Wiki Cap|Wiki Caps]] have a [[rarity]] of either [[Rarity#Community_items|Community]] or [[Rarity#Self-Made_items|Self-Made]]?
*...that all [[Wiki Cap|Wiki Caps]] have a [[rarity]] of either [[Rarity#Community_items|Community]] or [[Rarity#Self-Made_items|Self-Made]]?
Line 489: Line 519:
*...that the Pyro's [[Hadouken]] will ignite enemies it doesn't kill instantly?
*...that the Pyro's [[Hadouken]] will ignite enemies it doesn't kill instantly?
*...che il mago Merasmus è il personaggio più alto di tf2?
==Vedere anche==
==Vedere anche==

Latest revision as of 21:02, 16 March 2024

Fatti correntemente mostrati

  • ...che L'aggiornamento Love & War era stato menzionato prima del rilascio da una frase del "Pacchetto Annunciatore di The Stanley Parable"?
  • ...che il nome originale dello Scaldatesta del Dottore, Boxcar Bomber, è chiamato così con riferimento all'aereo Bockscar B-29 che sganciò la bomba nucleare su Nagasaki in Giappone durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale?

  • ...che in incontra il demolitore lui non ha il suo simbolo sulle spalle?

Fatti suggeriti

  • ...che Incontra la Spia era stato trapelato prima del 17 Maggio 2009, due giorni prima del rilascio inteso?
  • ...che la SMG era originariamente intesa per l'Esploratore?
  • ...che un'Esploratore ridotto a pezzi ha una chance di 1 su 100 di rilasciare una colomba fuori dal suo corpo?

  • ...che quando l'Ingegnere ricarica la sua Pistola, inserisce il caricatore al contrario?
  • ...che Team Fortress 2 è stato annunciato per la prima volta nel 1998 come uno sparatutto in prima persona realistico?

  • ...che il Cipollotto Letale non ha un modello 3D proprio e non può essere visto da nessuno eccetto dal giocatore quando è attivo?
  • ...che i peli sul torace di Saxton Hale hanno la forma dell'Australia?
  • ...che una Torretta fa bip una, due o tre volte a seconda del suo livello, quando cambia direzione nel suo stato "passivo"?
  • ...che se una freccia lanciata dall'Arco da Cacciatore si scontra con un'altra freccia, entrambe si romperanno a mezz'aria?
  • ...che il Mercenario era originariamente chiamato il "Guerriero della Domenica"?
  • ...che stordendo un Soldato con la palla da baseball della Sandman quando sta insultando con l'Equalizer, gli impedirà di esplodere?

  • ...che Ellis di Left 4 Dead 2 può dire:"Ragazzi questo è proprio come Team Fortress 2"?
  • ...che la Spia ha ordinato gli orologi da Spia Cloak & Dagger e Dead Ringer dal 'Dapper Rogue Catalogue for the Gentleman Scoundrel'?[1]
  • ...che Sawmill è costruita sulla cima di una base Spytech abbandonata?
  • ...che la Spia può cambiare il suo scheletro in una straziante ma utile modo utilizzando il Crab-Walking Kit?
  • ...che se ti unisci al corso di Jarate di Saxton Hale, ottieni anche un corso descrittivo per Boxing da Ubriachi, Colpi di Testa da Ubriachi, Grido di lotta da Ubriachi, Scusarsi da Ubriachi e Combattimento Shaolin con Coltello da Ubriachi?
  • ...che le pillole Jarate di Saxton Hale triplicano le dimensioni dei vostri reni,ma come effetto collaterale provocano l'arresto degli organi?
  • ...che alcuni dei pannelli di emergenza BLU mostrati nell' Incontra la Spia includono: Depresso, è Ubriaco, Dracula Perso, è un Uomo, è una Donna, Al Bagno, Valigetta Aperta, In Fuga, Dracula Trovato, Maciullato, Necessita Compagno di stanza, Necessita di un Passaggio, Macchina Rubata, Ha Gemello Malvagio, Video Fuoriuscito e Affamato?
  • ...che se la Spia viene Colpita in Testa la sua sigaretta cade dalla sua bocca?
  • ...che l'Horseless Headless Horseman ha le stesse animazioni del Demolitore nel programma di Steam "Source SDK"?

  • ...che il compressore del Piro può aiutare altre classi a raggiungere zone tipicamente inaccessibili (anche se il Piro deve essere della squadra avversaria per il ricevente)?
  • ...che c'è una probabilità su dieci che quando si insulta con il Kit da Travestimento, la spia esegua un effetto da (Spy)crab?

  • ...che il Piro è stata l'unica classe ad aver ricevuto un aggiornamento di classe senza ricevere alcun nuovo Insulto?
  • ...che l' Ambassador sparava originariamente attraverso bersagli multipli?
  • ...che la canzone principale ha esattamente nove ritmi alla fine, numero identico a quello delle classi?
  • ...che la Spia è correntemente la sola classe a tenere un' arma primaria con una sola mano?
  • ...che 'Mann Co.' può essere riorganizzato come 'Con Man'?
  • ...che 2Fort prende piede alle 3:07 del pomeriggio, come mostrato dall'orologio nella stanza in cima alla spirale di scale?

  • ...che il Medico e il Demolitore sono le sole classi a non avere armi che sparano proiettili?
  • ...che la tanica di pressurizzazione sulla schiena del Piro è per l'aria più che per la benzina, dato che la benzina per il lanciafiamme è contenuta nella larga tanica di gas kerosene dentro il Lanciafiamme stesso?
  • ...l'icona di classe del Demolitore nello schermo di selezione del personaggio è mancina?
  • ...che la Spia combatte con il suo Coltello sulla sinistra, ma colpisce sulla destra?
  • ...che ricaricare la Forza della Natura dopo aver sparato un colpo butterà via il secondo colpo, sprecandolo effettivamente?
  • ...che l'immagine del Cipollotto Letale nel 'Gentleman Scoundrel Magazine' ha un bottone sulla sinistra, mentre in gioco il Cipollotto Letale ha un bottone sulla destra?
  • ...che nel modello globale, la palla della Sandman è invisibile quando si è inattivi?
  • ...che sono nascoste sei papere di gomma ed una rana nella mappa Gullywash?

  • ...the Sniper only wears a left hand glove in the world view, but wears two in the player view?
  • ...that in Meet the Demoman the RED team comes out of the Attacking spawn, and BLU comes out of the Defending spawn?
  • ...that Pipeline matches take place at 3:07 AM, a 12 hour difference to 2fort's match time (3:07 PM)?
  • ...che il Cipollotto Letale non ha un modello in gioco?
  • ...che Saxton Hale single-handedly wiped out the deadly Indonesian Berzerker Shark?
  • ...the Direct Hit is the only weapon to have a brand name imprinted on it (the words MANN CO. appear on the scope)?
  • ...the Eyelander was first shown in the comic to have a gold hilt but this has not been seen in subsequent showings?[3]
  • ...the title outside the Soldier's residence states 'Mr. Jane Doe'. 'Jane Doe', however, is a term given to a female whose name is not known, generally in the military and during autopsy post-mortems?

  • ...Che il Pyro è stato il primo a poter eseguire una Taunt kill?
  • ...that the Demoman is the only class who never speaks his native language of Highland Gaelic?
  • ...that the Soldier's Grenade taunt attack used to be survivable if you had the Gunboats equipped?
  • ...that the Heavy holds his Minigun much higher in first-person, than in third-person?
  • ...that if you kill a Soldier while he is performing the Grenade taunt, you will be credited with the kill with the grenade icon?
  • ...the Pyro is the only class that is able to taunt attack with 2 different weapons: the Shotgun and the Flaregun?
  • ...that the Pyro was the first class to appear wielding an unlockable weapon in a 'Meet the Team' video?

  • ...that in the early stages of the TF2 Beta, the Sniper taunts used Medic dialogue?
  • ...that a Sentry beeps once, twice or thrice according to its level whenever it switches direction in its "idle" state?
  • ...that a Spy can remove his own Sapper using the console command "destroy 4"?
  • ...that in the Steam store, the TF2 banner pictures a RED Heavy wearing bullets on his left shoulder, yet he normally wears them on his right?
  • ...that to date, the Soldier has the most taunts in the game, with six in total?
  • ...that the Pyro, Heavy, and Spy are the only classes to have taunt attacks using one of their original taunts?
  • ...that Hotrod flips down over the Engineer's face when he is holding a building's blueprints?
  • ...that if a Huntsman arrow collides with another arrow, they will both break in mid-air?

  • ...that compression blasted projectiles, when hitting a opponent, will result in a Mini-crit?
  • ...that the Mercenary was originally called the 'Weekend Warrior'?
  • ...the Pain Train is the first weapon to have two different taunt animations that are different depending on which class is using it?
  • ...that stunning the Soldier with the Sandman while he is taunting with the Equalizer will stop him from exploding?
  • ...that the Sandman originally disabled double-jumps?
  • ...that the Control Point podcast ended after 100 episodes?
  • ...that when the Engineer reloads his Pistol, he puts the clip in in reverse?

  • ...that the Syringe Gun and the Blutsauger are the only projectile (non hitscan) weapons that cannot be air-blasted?
  • ...that the Heavy can still throw his Sandvich while he is stunned, potentially saving his life?
  • ...that the Engineer is the only class to receive unlockable weapons before his update?

  • ...that the Engineer's grandfather, Radigan Conagher, invented the Engineer's unlocks in 1850?
  • ...the Demoman was the only class to receive an update without a primary unlock?
  • ...the Pyro on the Official Team Fortress 2 homepage has their gas mask on in reverse?
  • ...the Sniper is the only other class able to deal fire-based damage other than the Pyro?
  • ...that although the Frontier Justice has an achievement named after it, the two are not related in any way?
  • ...that the Heavy and the Medic are the only two classes not wearing any default headgear?
  • ...that if you increase the view model field of view enough, you will see that the Spy does not bring his hand to the Ambassador to reload it?
  • ...that if you use a taunt kill while someone is covered in Jarate, it will show a critical taunt kill icon?
  • ...that a tombstone in Harvest reads "R.I.P. The 10th Class"?

  • ...that the capture status indicator on the HUD for a Control point breaks with 16 or more players on the point?
  • ...that it is possible to be killed whilst under the effects of an Ubercharge?
  • ...that the word "piss" is swear-filtered to "Jarate" on the Steam forums?
  • ...that taunting with the Pain Train will cause the Demoman to drink from the end of his Pain Train and the Soldier to bang it on his head?
  • ...that in Sam & Max 304: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls, a BLU Dispenser makes a cameo appearance [6]?
  • ...that you can Assist yourself as a Spy by shooting a Building that you are sapping?

Aggiungere fatti qui sotto

  • ...che in Incontra il Medico il Medico usa la Soluzione Rapida, ma l'effetto di ubercarica è quello della normale pistola medica?
  • ...che la mitragliatrice del Grosso ha un proprio letto in cui dormire?
  • ...che la Spia Rossa è innamorata della madre dello Scout Blu?
  • ... che Archimede (la colomba del Medico) prima veniva utilizzata nei matrimoni?
  • ...that even if there are maps with snow like Coldfront and Viaduct you can see calendars where there is written July?
  • ...that the Medic and the Demoman are the only classes not to have bullet-based weapons?
  • ...that in the Soviet Union "Sascha"(Саша) is a name for a boy?
  • ...that you cannot outsmart bullets?
  • ...that the Demoman is the only class whose class-specific hats are all paintable?
  • ...that the intersecting paint lines on the Chargin' Targe form the Team Fortress logo?
  • ...that the Demoman's arm emblem is a piece of TNT, his old default primary weapon, even though the official icon for him has since changed to a spherical bomb?
  • ...that the Mad Milk shares the same liquid effect in first person as Boomer Bile in Left 4 Dead 2?
  • ...that the new kill symbols of the Polycount weapons are a different shade to previous kill icons?
  • ...that health is not gained when shooting a cloaked enemy Spy covered in Mad Milk?
  • ...that the Pyro has a pink purse in his/her locker?
  • ...that the Alien Swarm Parasite was the first item to be unlocked from the achievements earned in another game?
  • ...that the SMG was originally intended for the Scout?
  • ...that the note in the Sniper's camper van says "Tax in Post", which is a reference to the British TV show 'Only Fools and Horses'?
  • ...that according to the Spy, rainbows make Scout cry?
  • ...that Valve Weapons are given to Valve members, and once had overpowered effects?
  • ...that Meet the Engineer is the only "Meet the Team" video that does not feature a Team Fortress 2 map?
  • ...that on Upward there are clocks near each spawn that tell the actual time?
  • ...that the Familiar Fez is a reference to an Austin Powers movie character?
  • ...that Valve had previously released an unrelated Half-Life Deathmatch map named Double Cross?
  • ...that when a player is covered in Mad Milk, it won't be removed until it wears off, even if you touch a resupply locker?
  • ...that in the TF2 beta the Engineer's glove was colored based on what team he's on?
  • ...that the Heavy achievement 'Crock Block' can be earned by having a critical rocket fired from the Rocket Jumper fired at him?
  • ...that there is a secret room under the map of KOTH Harvest?
  • ...that the beta version's Pyro was unambiguously a man?
  • ...that after the Engineer update, there have been two more variations on the More Gun theme song?
  • ...that almost half the additions of TF2 come from the community?
  • ...that Team Fortress 2 was first announced in 1998?
  • ...that Your Eternal Reward's name and description reference lines of dialogue from Disney's Aladdin?
  • ...that originally, the game would have flags, not briefcases, like its predecessor Team Fortress Classic?
  • ...that the viewmodel for the Demoman has him hold his Stickybomb Launcher with one hand, but the world model has him hold it with two hands?
  • ...that some speculate that the Engineer sawed off his right hand for the Gunslinger, yet we have never officially seen his hand without his glove on?
  • ...that when the Alien Swarm Parasite is shot, it emits blood, showing it may have been (or still is) alive?
  • ...that when you move Ze Goggles in your backpack, it makes a sound identical to that of night vision googles from Counter Strike: Source?
  • ...that the Backburner originally boosted the Pyro's maximum health by 50?
  • ...that the Demoman and the Medic are the only classes without the ability of causing harm beyond a certain distance, as their only ranged weapons shoot projectiles that arc over distance ?
  • ...that when the Engineer and the Scout have the Lugermorph equipped, when they reload, they actually put an invisible clip in it?
  • ...that the Kritzkrieg was originally called the Critzcrieg?
  • ...that there are more than 450 variations of 2Fort?
  • ...that there is a secret area accessible via spectator mode underneath Dustbowl?
  • ...that the Jag was featured in advertising for the Mann-Conomy Update and therefore revealed before it was released to use in-game?
  • ...there are 896 possible combinations of hats with unusual item particle effects?
  • ...that hitting an enemy underwater directly with the Direct Hit would previously count as an Airshot?
  • ...that Pipeline was first seen in the background of the Bonk! Atomic Punch page of The Scout Update page?
  • ...that even the women in Australia, according to the Loose Canon comic, have bushy, Saxton Hale-esque moustaches?
  • ...that when you win a round while using Engineer and holding the Frontier Justice, your gun will only glow for the first shot but will nonetheless still deal crits?
  • ...that not all the phrases spoken by the characters have been translated into Russian?
  • ...that the Sniper is the only one to use a non-standard weapon on either of the game-start loading screens?
  • ...that there was a glitch in the Team Fortress 2 item system where you could craft the Enthusiast's Timepiece and the Iron Curtain for less then half an hour?
  • ...that every time you get 10 wins in your dueling badge you receive a reward of a random item and a 5 use dueling mini-game ?
  • ...that there are 41 bullets in the Heavy's ammo belt?
  • ...that "1337" is written on a train in Well?
  • ...that the "Leaked Video" emergency panel in Meet the Spy originally read "Lost Memory"?
  • ...che c'è un segreto sulla pagina principale di questa wiki?
  • ...che dall'incidente in Incontra la SPia, il Cecchino ha una cicatrice sulla sua faccia che va dall'orecchio fino al naso?
  • ...that the Pyro's Hadouken will ignite enemies it doesn't kill instantly?
  • ...che il mago Merasmus è il personaggio più alto di tf2?

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