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*特点: 虽然也属于第一组“常规作战职业”,但这一组的成员有一些显著的区别。例如他们的优势和劣势比火力支援职业更为明显,形成了权衡,同时还有一些特性更专门的角色,火焰兵针对性的间谍检查和侦察兵比其他职业有更快的占领或推车速度。机枪手拥有所有职业中最高的生命值,但在攻击时机动性最低;火焰兵在近距离和出其不意时具有毁灭性,但相反,在中远距离的伤害潜力非常低,通常对于警惕或保持距离的敌人威胁不大。相比之下,侦察兵是最快和最灵活的职业,但在第一组职业中生命值最低。虽然这一组的三个职业都能在一段时间内造成巨大伤害,但要做到这一点,他们要有特定的情况才能完全发挥优势,1必须在近距离与敌方交战,2与目标之间没有障碍物。这种情况下他们可以做成大量伤害,但也同时容易承受大量伤害,通常需要运用这些职业的特定战术才能生存以及做成大量伤害为团队贡献。以火焰兵为例,伏击和在敌方对他警惕心下降时出其不意地突击;对于侦察兵,则是利用其优越的机动性来避免伤害;对于机枪手,则意味着依赖第二组的[[Healing/zh-hans|治疗]]和工程师的传送装置来提早达到战场。而这一组的职业因为必须与目标对视才能攻击导致在对抗哨兵枪时远不如火力支援职业有效,近战组往往会先被哨兵枪重创甚至杀死,火焰兵是团队中最有效的[[Spy checking/zh-hans|间谍检查]]职业,能够轻松暴露隐形和伪装的间谍。火焰兵和机枪手的独特之处在于他们的主要武器[[Flamethrower/zh-hans|火焰喷射器]]和[[Minigun/zh-hans|枪转轮机枪]]不需要重新装填,可以持续射击直到弹药耗尽。这使他们能够在敌人不断涌入的持久战中为其他职业提供强大的火力掩护。这也使他们有接受[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|超能冲锋]]重大价值,能够充分利用整个无敌期做成伤害以及往敌方推进。 | *特点: 虽然也属于第一组“常规作战职业”,但这一组的成员有一些显著的区别。例如他们的优势和劣势比火力支援职业更为明显,形成了权衡,同时还有一些特性更专门的角色,火焰兵针对性的间谍检查和侦察兵比其他职业有更快的占领或推车速度。机枪手拥有所有职业中最高的生命值,但在攻击时机动性最低;火焰兵在近距离和出其不意时具有毁灭性,但相反,在中远距离的伤害潜力非常低,通常对于警惕或保持距离的敌人威胁不大。相比之下,侦察兵是最快和最灵活的职业,但在第一组职业中生命值最低。虽然这一组的三个职业都能在一段时间内造成巨大伤害,但要做到这一点,他们要有特定的情况才能完全发挥优势,1必须在近距离与敌方交战,2与目标之间没有障碍物。这种情况下他们可以做成大量伤害,但也同时容易承受大量伤害,通常需要运用这些职业的特定战术才能生存以及做成大量伤害为团队贡献。以火焰兵为例,伏击和在敌方对他警惕心下降时出其不意地突击;对于侦察兵,则是利用其优越的机动性来避免伤害;对于机枪手,则意味着依赖第二组的[[Healing/zh-hans|治疗]]和工程师的传送装置来提早达到战场。而这一组的职业因为必须与目标对视才能攻击导致在对抗哨兵枪时远不如火力支援职业有效,近战组往往会先被哨兵枪重创甚至杀死,火焰兵是团队中最有效的[[Spy checking/zh-hans|间谍检查]]职业,能够轻松暴露隐形和伪装的间谍。火焰兵和机枪手的独特之处在于他们的主要武器[[Flamethrower/zh-hans|火焰喷射器]]和[[Minigun/zh-hans|枪转轮机枪]]不需要重新装填,可以持续射击直到弹药耗尽。这使他们能够在敌人不断涌入的持久战中为其他职业提供强大的火力掩护。这也使他们有接受[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|超能冲锋]]重大价值,能够充分利用整个无敌期做成伤害以及往敌方推进。 | ||
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*团队职责: 这一组职业最容易被敌方哨兵枪阻挡。过于依赖这一组职业的团队通常难以击败“[[turtling/zh-hans|龟缩]]”或防守的团队;然而,一旦敌方哨兵枪被消灭,他们就可以自由进入敌方领土并造成破坏。这一组职业也非常擅长与友军支援职业合作并保护他们——火焰兵与工程师协同作用,因为工程师和他的建造物很容易被间谍作为刺杀及破坏的目标,而火焰兵的存在则会令间谍难以轻松入手,火焰兵与机枪手都能与医生有很好的配合。与医生配合的他们能轻松攻破敌对没有医生或工程师支援的其他攻击型兵种。如果没有足够的治疗资源,[[fire/zh-hans|火焰]]可以通过燃烧的余火造成大量伤害,而重型兵和侦察兵的即时命中的子弹伤害能够做成大量伤害,如果瞄准得好,敌人很难躲避。最后,这一组的三个职业在争夺各种类型的目标时都非常有效。重型兵有能力死守掉落的[[Capture the Flag#Intelligence/zh-hans|情报]]、[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]和[[Payload#Carts/zh-hans|推车]]他能进行压制性射击,让敌人不敢某某然进攻。火焰兵留下余火的能力,令间谍不敢接近目标,并且可以通过使用压缩爆破将敌人推走,推下悬崖和反弹爆破手和士兵的投射物,物理上阻止敌人争夺目标。最后,侦察兵可以利用其飞快的速度和额外的占领力比任何其他职业更快地完成目标。 | *团队职责: 这一组职业最容易被敌方哨兵枪阻挡。过于依赖这一组职业的团队通常难以击败“[[turtling/zh-hans|龟缩]]”或防守的团队;然而,一旦敌方哨兵枪被消灭,他们就可以自由进入敌方领土并造成破坏。这一组职业也非常擅长与友军支援职业合作并保护他们——火焰兵与工程师协同作用,因为工程师和他的建造物很容易被间谍作为刺杀及破坏的目标,而火焰兵的存在则会令间谍难以轻松入手,火焰兵与机枪手都能与医生有很好的配合。与医生配合的他们能轻松攻破敌对没有医生或工程师支援的其他攻击型兵种。如果没有足够的治疗资源,[[fire/zh-hans|火焰]]可以通过燃烧的余火造成大量伤害,而重型兵和侦察兵的即时命中的子弹伤害能够做成大量伤害,如果瞄准得好,敌人很难躲避。最后,这一组的三个职业在争夺各种类型的目标时都非常有效。重型兵有能力死守掉落的[[Capture the Flag#Intelligence/zh-hans|情报]]、[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]和[[Payload#Carts/zh-hans|推车]]他能进行压制性射击,让敌人不敢某某然进攻。火焰兵留下余火的能力,令间谍不敢接近目标,并且可以通过使用压缩爆破将敌人推走,推下悬崖和反弹爆破手和士兵的投射物,物理上阻止敌人争夺目标。最后,侦察兵可以利用其飞快的速度和额外的占领力比任何其他职业更快地完成目标。 |
Revision as of 23:02, 11 September 2024

“ | 这真是一场惊人的连杀……不过是对方团队的!
— 士兵 不当的团队战术
” |
在Team Fortress 2中,不与队友互相合作是很难与敌对抗衡的,也更不可能独自面对敌人。 和队伍中不同的 兵种 合作,是迈向胜利的必要条件之一。这篇文章的主要目的是协助你和你的队伍透过「团队战术」更好地进行及完成任务。至于提升个人游戏水平,请参考战术,以及地图大全 的战术指引, 你可以阅读特定地图的页面获得更多战术运用的协助.
基于军团要塞2没有小地图机制,而且是以职业为主的游戏,与队友沟通和合作永远都是胜利的关键条件。 队伍中不同的职业互相协调和合理的职业平衡往往会带领团队走向胜利。不论个人技术,学习和队友沟通是最重要的技巧。不论透过游戏内的内建语音命令又或者是语音通讯,一个拥有优秀协调和沟通的团队往往能打败拥有高手但是缺乏团队合作的队伍。在竞技性游戏中,团队适当的沟通和协调显得尤其重要。
第一组 - 常规作战职业
- 特点: 这一组的所有成员都拥有高平均火力、生存能力或机动性,有些甚至是这三者的良好组合。除了侦察兵外,他们的生命值范围在175-300之间(不包括过量治疗),基于这些因素,这些职业经常在战场中的前线出现而且常常能得到医生的超能冲锋加成。这一组的另一个特点是,几乎所有对敌人移动产生负面影响的能力都在这一组中:娜塔莎转轮机枪, 自然之力, 睡魔, 使用火箭、手榴弹、黏性发射器和火焰兵的压缩空气“抛掷对手”。游戏中所有允许正面增强移动的能力(除了传送装置)也都在这里。这五个职业在复活后第一时间都已准备好战斗,不需要任何特殊的定位或准备时间,可以直接投入战斗。
- 团队职责: 这一组职业构成了大多数团队的主体,并在前线进行最激烈和最直接的战斗。该组成员通常负责带头推进敌方领土并确保目标,并应根据情况尽可能积极地进行游戏。他们的成功通常以在死亡前造成的击杀和伤害来衡量。该组成员通常能够在一对一对决中与任何其他职业抗衡,因此完全由第一组职业组成的团队不会有任何致命弱点,并且在短时间内通常表现相当不错,但要突破坚固的防御并在持续的战斗中坚持下去,就需要第二组和第三组的帮助。这五个职业的一个更重要的角色是保护其他职业,特别是支援职业。医生和工程师必须生存下来才能真正帮助团队,并且需要保护他们免受第一组和第三组敌人的攻击,这些敌人通常会专门且持续地针对他们。建筑物可能由工程师建造和维护,但它们帮助整个团队,应该被视为“公共财产”,由所有人照顾。为了进一步帮助支援职业,尽可能将生命值和弹药拾取物留给他们。
- 特点: 这两个职业都具有高伤害潜力、射程、韧性和机动性,并且拥有相似的武器。火箭、黏性炸弹和手榴弹发射器发射的高伤害弹药会造成大量的“溅射”伤害,可以一次伤害多个敌人。不仅如此,这些武器,尤其是爆破手的武器,是游戏中唯一稳定的间接火力形式,炮弹能在墙壁中反弹以及抛物线地投射,在不直接瞄准目标的情况下造成伤害和击杀。结合“射手不理”的能力,士兵和爆破手可以充分利用掩护来增强他们已经强大的持久力。他们还擅长摧毁工程师的哨兵枪,并且在暴击攻击的效果下可以造成毁灭性的打击,轻松击杀大量敌人。两者还具备牺牲部分生命值来进行跳跃的能力,可以快速覆盖巨大的垂直和水平距离,使他们能够从意想不到的角度进行突然且毁灭性的攻击,或逃离困境。虽然火力支援职业没有非常明显的弱点,但这些职业的武器也有一些缺点。士兵和爆破手在近距离射击时很容易炸伤或炸死自己。这对爆破手尤为重要,因为他没有霰弹枪,所以在近距离对抗如侦察兵等不规则移动的敌人时较为弱势。然而,最重要的是,所有“发射器”武器都有有限的弹夹容量和较长的装填时间。管理装填是玩火力支援职业的重要技能——过于频繁地开火可能是致命的。需要装填弹药时,若没有支援,往往难以抵挡源源不断的敌人。此外,重要的是要注意,由于爆炸性弹药需要时间飞行,尤其是在中远距离时,敏捷且技术高超的敌人往往可以躲避这些弹药,无论它们在发射时瞄准得多么好。
- 团队职责: 在中距离造成大量伤害,迫使敌人离开掩护和固守的哨兵枪位置,并轰炸密集在一起的敌人;这些职业最常被指责过于强大。然而,他们的角色是在任何情况下都能持续造成伤害,如果做得不够,敌方团队就会轻松占据优势。除此之外,士兵和爆破手的主要优势在于他们几乎没有明显的职业弱点。火力支援职业通常是任何推进或防御战斗的中坚力量,因为他们的投射物,无论是榴弹还是火箭炮,都能造成大量伤害,并便利其他专门收割残血敌人的职业完成他们的工作。
- 特点: 虽然也属于第一组“常规作战职业”,但这一组的成员有一些显著的区别。例如他们的优势和劣势比火力支援职业更为明显,形成了权衡,同时还有一些特性更专门的角色,火焰兵针对性的间谍检查和侦察兵比其他职业有更快的占领或推车速度。机枪手拥有所有职业中最高的生命值,但在攻击时机动性最低;火焰兵在近距离和出其不意时具有毁灭性,但相反,在中远距离的伤害潜力非常低,通常对于警惕或保持距离的敌人威胁不大。相比之下,侦察兵是最快和最灵活的职业,但在第一组职业中生命值最低。虽然这一组的三个职业都能在一段时间内造成巨大伤害,但要做到这一点,他们要有特定的情况才能完全发挥优势,1必须在近距离与敌方交战,2与目标之间没有障碍物。这种情况下他们可以做成大量伤害,但也同时容易承受大量伤害,通常需要运用这些职业的特定战术才能生存以及做成大量伤害为团队贡献。以火焰兵为例,伏击和在敌方对他警惕心下降时出其不意地突击;对于侦察兵,则是利用其优越的机动性来避免伤害;对于机枪手,则意味着依赖第二组的治疗和工程师的传送装置来提早达到战场。而这一组的职业因为必须与目标对视才能攻击导致在对抗哨兵枪时远不如火力支援职业有效,近战组往往会先被哨兵枪重创甚至杀死,火焰兵是团队中最有效的间谍检查职业,能够轻松暴露隐形和伪装的间谍。火焰兵和机枪手的独特之处在于他们的主要武器火焰喷射器和枪转轮机枪不需要重新装填,可以持续射击直到弹药耗尽。这使他们能够在敌人不断涌入的持久战中为其他职业提供强大的火力掩护。这也使他们有接受超能冲锋重大价值,能够充分利用整个无敌期做成伤害以及往敌方推进。
- 团队职责: 这一组职业最容易被敌方哨兵枪阻挡。过于依赖这一组职业的团队通常难以击败“龟缩”或防守的团队;然而,一旦敌方哨兵枪被消灭,他们就可以自由进入敌方领土并造成破坏。这一组职业也非常擅长与友军支援职业合作并保护他们——火焰兵与工程师协同作用,因为工程师和他的建造物很容易被间谍作为刺杀及破坏的目标,而火焰兵的存在则会令间谍难以轻松入手,火焰兵与机枪手都能与医生有很好的配合。与医生配合的他们能轻松攻破敌对没有医生或工程师支援的其他攻击型兵种。如果没有足够的治疗资源,火焰可以通过燃烧的余火造成大量伤害,而重型兵和侦察兵的即时命中的子弹伤害能够做成大量伤害,如果瞄准得好,敌人很难躲避。最后,这一组的三个职业在争夺各种类型的目标时都非常有效。重型兵有能力死守掉落的情报、控制点和推车他能进行压制性射击,让敌人不敢某某然进攻。火焰兵留下余火的能力,令间谍不敢接近目标,并且可以通过使用压缩爆破将敌人推走,推下悬崖和反弹爆破手和士兵的投射物,物理上阻止敌人争夺目标。最后,侦察兵可以利用其飞快的速度和额外的占领力比任何其他职业更快地完成目标。
第2组 - 支援
- 共同特征: 这两个职业都是绝对不能缺失的职业,工程师和医生是唯一能够为队友提供治疗的职业,而且可以同时治疗多个队友,大大减少因敌人造成的血量消耗而导致的团队损失。仅仅因为这一点,几乎任何地图上任何规模大于一人的团队都会受益于至少一个支援职业,然而支援职业的有用性随着团队规模的增加而增加。他们自身缺乏强大的战斗能力,拥有较低的生命值(125-150),平均机动性和较弱的远程武器,因此必须通过他们的支援技能为团队的成功做出贡献。然而,这些技能非常强大,对团队的胜利有巨大的影响——医生和工程师不单纯是自动为队友补充生命和弹药拾取物的补给物。工程师的支援技能以他的建筑形式出现,而医生的支援技能则以提供过量治疗增益和改变游戏局势的超能冲锋形式出现。对于这两个职业来说,在游戏中发挥这些优势需要时间——超能冲锋和完全升级的建筑物可能需要相当长的时间才能达到其全部潜力,通常需要一分钟或更长的游戏时间。在像《军团要塞2》这样快节奏的游戏中,这是一段不短的时间。许多游戏模式都有准备阶段来给与支援职业准备时间,并允许他们从任务开始就以全力贡献。优秀的工程师和医生会尽一切努力加快他们的超级充能和建筑物的建造过程。医生和工程师的长时间的准备定义了他们游戏成功的标准在于他们自己的生存而不是击杀敌人。两个职业都必须非常谨慎地避免死亡,才能生存足够长的时间来提供超能冲锋和维护建筑物。在关键时刻死亡的支援职业可能会导致他们的团队失败。
- 团队职责: 在战场上为队友提供治疗和补给,减少因消耗而导致难以与敌队抗衡的压力,并允许队友在持续的敌人压力下保持阵势,或施加对敌队的压力。哨兵枪和过量治疗/无敌的队友非常擅长吸收和抵消伤害。这些支援可以提供给任何和所有队友,在提供给通常会承受敌人攻击的第1组一般战斗职业时最为有效,他们通常会死亡并需要在重生后迅速返回战斗。医生和工程师也可以相互有效地支援,并应在有机会时这样做。例如,携带超能冲锋的医生可以为在敌方重火力下给与超能冲锋与友方携带闪电战医疗枪的医生或工程师保命,而工程师可以互相修理、和升级其他队友工程师的建筑物。支援职业需要注意敌人第3组职业的攻击,即狙击手和间谍,因为他们通常是这些敌人的优先目标。受到第1组和第3组的帮助通常是生存所必需的。最后,支援职业可以通过一次精心策划的超能冲锋或一个放置得当的哨兵枪打破敌人团队的脊梁,或确保目标的成功防御。在团队组成方面,依赖大量支援职业几乎从来都不是一个好主意。虽然他们可以提供非常强大的支援能力,但医生和工程师本身并不擅长战斗,每个玩支援职业的玩家都没有玩能够击退敌人的职业,并且相应地增加了玩第1组或第3组职业的较少队友的负担。工程师或医生占大部分的团队组成对于敌人的狙击手和间谍来说也可能是梦寐以求的事情,他们的技能非常克制支援职业。支援职业的力量在于他们能够轻松地帮助大量队友,并且为了充分利用这一点,明智的做法是不要将太多的团队位置分配给支援职业。
Group 3 - Assassination
- Characteristics: While both possessing similarly low Health (70-125) and average movement speed, the most obvious similarity of these two classes is their shared ability to instantly kill any opponent with a single attack, largely regardless of target health. They both rely on good positioning, skillful aim, and patience to get their kills. While the success of the Group 3 classes is also to some extent measured by how many enemies they kill before they themselves die, unlike Group 1, who they kill is usually more important than how many. A Spy that reveals his position and sacrifices his life to stab an enemy Soldier is of questionable value – but taking out an enemy Medic with full Über can be game-changing and is well-worth dying for. Both the Sniper and Spy avoid the front lines due to their low health, and instead operate behind the lines – the Sniper behind his allies' lines, and the Spy behind his enemies'. Both classes are also better than any other class at picking off opponents who are trying to hide behind their allies, such as Medics.
- Team Role: Precision elimination of key enemy targets. These can be very talented enemy players that your team is having trouble with, or they can be resilient targets such as Heavies, or they can be high-value targets such as Medics and Engineers. The assassin classes are at their most valuable at countering the influence of the Group 2 support classes. Headshots and Backstabs can cut right through the healing and overhealing of Medics and eliminate Engineers hiding behind their Sentry Guns. The Spy in particular is designed with the ability to disable and destroy Engineers and their buildings. The support classes also try to stay alive at all costs so that they can build up their power and provide constant benefit to their team. Death is a much bigger setback to Engineers and Medics than it is for any other class, and the assassins from Group 3 are sometimes the only classes capable of killing them even when they are surrounded by formidable defenses. The Sniper and Spy also tend to end up locking horns with their counterparts from Group 3 due to where and how they fight. The ability to pick off key enemies can break stalemates, and the psychological effect of Snipers and Spies can split the concentration of enemies and make them reluctant to push forward. The ability of Spies in particular to attack enemies in areas where they expect to be secure can have a huge overall impact on enemy defenses. A team with very effective Snipers and Spies, if left unchecked, can easily run away with a game. However there are several reasons why having too many of Group 3 classes on a team is a very bad idea. Snipers and Spies operate "behind the lines" - or at arms' length - and rely on not being the immediate target of the enemy in order to kill distracted players who are not expecting them. However, not having enough general combat classes means the enemy team will be less occupied and much more able to focus on eliminating Snipers and Spies. Not only that, but having a lot of Spies quickly becomes counterproductive as the enemy team becomes aware of it. One Spy that still has the element of surprise is much more effective than several that are constantly getting discovered and killed. If you are playing as the Spy or Sniper and not having a very good day, it may not be your fault. It may be the fault of your team's composition.
Team tactics
These are strategies in Team Fortress 2 that most players should learn and understand to help their team achieve victory. Using these in combat will allow your team to possibly have an advantage in a match.
- Find alternate routes and use them to get behind the enemy or Capture points, but keep in mind how much extra time this will take. Do not take the same flanking route too often to avoid becoming predictable, as the enemy will quickly learn from their mistakes and anticipate your strategy.
- Wait around corners and surprise your enemy. Your team could wait around corners and ambush any enemies that walk by as a defensive or offensive tactic.
- Communicate with your Medic buddy. Try not to waste your ÜberCharge, but remember that it is better to spend your charge and survive than to die with a charge ready. Have a plan for what you will do when ÜberCharged.
The Barrage
- Overview: An advancing push involving heavy usage of explosives by Artillerymen to clear the way for the rest of the team.
- Details: Demomen and Soldiers will continually blast explosives into an area to make it a no man's land in order for the opposing team to lose ground. Normally, close combatants will follow the barrage by moving into the cleared area and holding it. The Demomen and Soldiers will continue to spread out across the intended area to ensure it is all cleared.
Über push
- Overview: A series of ÜberCharges which are used to clear an area.
- Details: Two or more Medics will build up separate ÜberCharges. The first Medic activates his charge and enters the area; after 9 seconds, the second Medic follows in suit. If the situation turns for the worst, the second Medic will follow immediately and take advantage of the distraction provided by the first ÜberCharged pair. The second Medic will proceed to move deeper into enemy territory before activating the second charge. Communicating who will ÜberCharge first is key.
- Overview: A series of stickybombs over an open area laid by Demomen.
- Details: Several Demomen will spread out a carpet of Stickybombs over an open area in sequence. When attackers push forward, they will detonate each set of Stickybombs at certain key points to kill multiple waves of attackers. It is important that the other Demomen wait for the previous set to be detonated before detonating the next set. Using the Scottish Resistance makes this strategy more efficient, easier to pull off, and somewhat lessens the need for multiple Demomen since a single Demoman can have up to 14 stickies and selectively detonate them. A counter-attack for this strategy is using a Pyro's compression blast or using sticky bombs to counter-detonate the enemy stickybombs.
Coordinated sap
- Overview: The sapping of Sentry Gun emplacements by Spies, to enable an attack by teammates.
- Details: Team of Spies will conjure together to sap Sentry Gun emplacements just before an offensive push which enables teammates to safely attack the disabled Sentry Guns and Engineers. The Spies will then communicate when they have sapped the Sentry Gun to enable the attack to commence immediately. They will continue to sap to enable the rest of their teammates to take out the Engineer first. Alternately, the Spies may take out the Engineers while they are being distracted by the attack.
Medic luring
- Overview: When a Spy, disguised as a Medic buddy, lures Medics into ambush points.
- Details: Instead of attempting to kill an enemy Medic, the Spy will disguise as an enemy assault class. He will attempt to lure an unaware Medic into an ambush. Thinking he is a member of his own team, the Medic may follow you into your team's base, allowing your team to ambush him with a Sentry Gun or a group of allies. Remember that Spies look less suspicious when they appear to be trying to help the team.
- Overview: All players select the same class to overwhelm the enemy.
- Details: All players choose only one class or a majority of one class. The class usually depends on the situation. For example, a Scout rush allows your team to reach and capture the first point very quickly, hopefully before the entire enemy team arrives. Classes such as Spies or Snipers are not recommended for rushes. The enemy team, with a team composition meant to meet the enemy team, will be unprepared for a swarm of Soldiers when they have only two or three to respond with.
Tactical direction
- Overview: In certain maps, your team will have to decide whether to go one path or another.
- Details: This decision usually comes into play in 3-CP maps such as Gravel Pit.
The Train
- Overview: A large amount of Heavies that will clear and defeat enemies due to their enormous amount of firepower and Health.
- Details: A "Heavy" train is useful in many game modes especially capture point modes because this allows them to capture points with ease and provide a barrage of fire power in order to protect their own capture points. This is also very useful in Payload, where the Heavies can stick close to the cart, or in some cases, let the cart move the by standing in front of the cart or on top, and because the cart comes with a Dispenser, it will make sure Heavy's ammo problem is minimized. This is useful in maps like Payload Frontier where the train has a big platform the Heavies can stand on. The Heavies can be interspersed with Medics for a greater effect. This strategy is not recommended on maps/gamemodes where speed is key, such as Capture the flag, Robot Destruction, or Special Delivery. Two Heavies working together when pushing the cart on Payload races can fight off anything that comes their way.
The only problem with this strategy is that the Heavies are completely helpless at long range. Enemy Snipers can easily pick off Heavies due to their large hitboxes and slow movement speed, but they are a problem that can be easily dealt with your own Snipers or Spies.
The Ninjaneer
- Overview: A party of players (usually a fast close combat class such as a Demoman, Scout, or Pyro) escorts a Engineer behind enemy lines, where he can build a teleporter for a surprise attack on the enemy.
- Details: Ninjaneers are useful during Payload and certain Capture the Flag and Control Point maps. Common examples are the opposing team's sewers at 2Fort, and the house at Red spawn in Badwater Basin, and at the last point in Payload Upward, before the enemy starts spawning there. It is often best that the teleporter is built in a closed location, so that the other team cannot find it as easily. It should be advisable to put at most a Level 2 Sentry along with it, as they are less noticeable and will protect your teleporter when your teammates are not defending it.
The French Connection
- Overview: Two Spies that walk together to minimize suspicion by the enemy team.
- Details: This is very useful for clearing a group of enemies pushing the cart on Payload, or taking out an advancing group assuming you are coming from the enemy's direction, or clearing out a sentry nest. Enemies will often mistake the two Spies for teammates, as they are walking together, and thus not bumping into each other (which, naturally, is a primary way to know if there is a disguised Spy about). With this, there is less chance that the enemy will shoot you to spycheck. If a Spy is spotted, and often after finding one, enemy players will suspect they've found the only Spy in the area and stop Spy-checking. However, if you stand too close to the other Spy, then you might get spotted as well. Consider bailing out on your teammate if he is getting attacked — after all, having one Spy down is better than both of them down.
- Overview: Three or four Engineers construct multiple Sentry nests in close proximity.
- Details: In game modes such as Payload, massive sentry nests can stall the opposing team for an entire game session. Remember to always be near the Sentry nest as large construction projects of this magnitude will always attract hordes of Spies trying to Sap your creations. Always have at least one Teleporter within a sentry nest, as powerful as a Level 3 Sentry Gun is, it can't move. Be careful to not place these right next to each other, as that will make it easy to blow them all up in one go.
Level 3 Sentry Guns have one weakness - their range. No matter how many are deployed in a sentry fort, all of them will be wiped out if you let them come into contact with Soldiers and Snipers. Use what is given to you to your advantage when defending - you cannot stress this enough, as 730 metal does not come out of nowhere, other than the Resupply Cabinet.
Scout Swarm
- Overview: Similar to a Scout rush, but when four or five Scouts all go for the same target, such as a powerful Heavy-Medic pair or a horde of Soldiers.
- Details This is when a group of Scouts work as a pack, following each other across the map and attacking anyone who gets close to them. This is brilliant when you want to launch an unexpected attack on a Control Point or Payload Cart, and leaves the enemy struggling to hit the Scouts racing past them. Working as a dog pack as a Scout requires serious coordination, which is not easily done. However, a successful Scout pack will be a serious problem for the enemy team, probably the only major threat is a Sentry Gun - avoid them at all costs.
See also